
A pleasant and unpleasant surprise

I wiped my brow, cleaning away imaginary sweat. I was tired. Very tired.

It was Friday and the week had not been particularly stress-free.

We had to settle down for the start of the semester. The first week was always hectic.

I stood up from my seat. The last class of the day had just finished. I was looking forward to a week of rest.

My shift ends today before I start again on Monday. So I had the weekend free.

I was almost out the door when Mr Davis,the teacher of the just concluded lesson beckoned to me. I walked the short distance to his table and stopped in front of him.

"Before you leave, you've been summoned to the principal's office." He said, without looking up.

My eyes widened. The principal's office. What in he'll have I done? You don't get summoned by the principal unless you have done something bad. I racked my brain, trying to think of anything I could have done wrong but nothing was forthcoming. I never ran into trouble. Or when I did, it never involved the school authorities and I rarely ran into trouble.

With my heart pounding,I headed to my locker,since I'd pass by before going to the principal's office and I had to inform Sandy too.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Sandy called out, a few steps away from me. I hadn't even realized that I had gotten to the locker."you look pale."

" I was just told that I have been summoned to the principal's office" I whispered to her. She heard me despite the noise from students trying to leave the school premises as fast as they could.

"What did you do?" She whispered back after she got over her brief shock.

"I don't know."I told her, nibbling on my lower lips in worry.

"Well, we have to go find out," she said tugging me along.

That was Sandy for you. Always ready to support me no matter the situation.

We got to the principal's office and I before I could knock,she tugged me.

"I'll be here no matter what"she said, pinning with the look that made sure I understood she was serious.

I nooded my head, frowning slightly.

I knocked on the door and I heard a low "come in".

I took a deep breath before opening the door and stepping in.

The sight that greeted me had my breath hitching.

There he was in the principal's office.

The boy with the raven black hair and sea blue eyes.

The boy who I haven't seen since that first day.

The principal turned to me at that exact moment.

"Ha, welcome Miss Craig. Please,take a seat." The principal, Mr Jonathan,a not too short man with thick beards said to me.

I nodded,still wondering was was going on as I took the seat only vacant seat in the room. Directly beside Raven, Since I did not know his name.

" I'm sure you're wondering what you're doing here,"Mr Jonathan started" don't worry, you're not in trouble."

I visibly relaxed and he laughed.

"Actually,we need your help."

Wait. We as in the two of them? As in the principal and Raven??my eyes widened and I turned to find him staring at me with a little frown on his face. I wanted to kiss that frown away.

Wait what? What was I thinking about again?

I quickly turned back to the principal before I thought about inappropriate things again.

" The thing is, Mitchell here is not familiar with our ways," he started.

Oh, so Raven's real name was Mitchell.

"....and he needs a guide which will be you."

I realized that I had not been following what the principal was saying. I coughed a little, trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Can you come again, Sir?" I asked softly.

" I'm requesting you to tutor Mitchell" he said in simpler terms.

My head spinned.

No. I could not accept the offer. I looked at Mitchell and his bad boy features stared back at me. It was too much trouble. I won't do it.

As if the principal could sense my refusal,he added another thing.

"You'll be paid."

That had the words drying up in my throat. I swallowed. I looked at the principal. Damn him for using that against me. I needed cash. I still had to complete the money for my car. This job would come in handy. But was it worth the stress?

"How much?" I asked wearily.

"You name your price." The principal said, nailing the coffin in the head.

My eyes widened. This was an opportunity. I could just name my price. I looked at Mitchell then I remembered the bike I had seen him driving on Monday after school. He looked like he was from a well-to-do family.

"Well,"I started, biting my lips, an habit I needed to stop soon"I'll have to inform my mum..."

"There's no need for that," the principal said, cutting me off mid speech." I talked to you mum already and she said she's fine with any decision you make."

Well, the ball was in my court. I looked at Mitchell sitting beside me as if he didn't care whatever decision I made. That made me wonder if he really wanted tutoring or if he was forced to come. That made me want to know a lot about him.

I tempered the feeling and turned back to the principal.

"I don't even know who he is or where he stays. How will this work?"

"I'll have the lessons at your house" Mitchell said, startling me. He hadn't spoken since that I thought he was going dumb.

" My house?"I questioned.

He only nodded his head and I thought about it. It was more comfortable that way. I'd be in my own element too.

I nodded my head before the principal spoke

"That's settled then. The both of you can discuss the details between yourselves and come to an agreement on the best time. You're both dismissed."

We both stood up at once and headed to the door. However, like a gentleman,he held the door open for me. I flushed as I muttered a thanks before stepping outside.

Sandy was lounging against the wall. As I stepped out,she was about to ask what took me so long when she suddenly stopped talking, looking over my head.

I was about to turn around when his deep voice called my name;

"Danielle," I stiffened as a shiver ran through me. His accent made my name on his lips sound beyond ordinary.

I turned to him to see him holding his phone out to me. I probably looked confused because he spoke" your number?"

"Oh" was all I could mutter as I took the phone and punched my number in.

"I'll text you?" He said, sounding more like he was questioning me.

I nodded slowly and then he nodded back at both me and Sandy before he stalked off.

I turned around slowly, dreading what I'd find.

Sandy still had her mouth half parted in surprise before she frowned

"What the hell was that?"