
A Beastly Proposal

#Cupidquilljune2024 |Please support! |Cover image generated by me!| |Shout-out to Forteller for this amazing book cover!| [ WARNING: MATURE CONTENT, GORE] Bianca has spent her life trapped. Born into a wealthy family, she was treated more like an object than a daughter by her father. When she finally became aware of his betrayal, a fire ignited within her. Revenge became her sole purpose. For years, Bianca honed her skills, learning everything she could about the world beyond her gilded cage and cultivated a persona of elegant indifference. Finally, she felt prepared to strike. Her target: The Selvaggio Mafia family. More specifically, Achille Selvaggio, the ruthless underboss known as "The Beast in human flesh." Achille, a man as feared as he is respected, holds the key to Bianca's revenge. But getting close to him will be a dangerous gamble. Bianca hatches a daring plan. She will make Achille an offer he can't refuse - a proposal so shocking, so audacious, that it will force him to confront his own demons. A proposal that will change their lives forever.

EnHui · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs

Mysterious Masterpiece.

Few days later...

The late afternoon sun cast long shadows across Bella Notte's cobblestone streets as Lorenzo strode into Caffè Notturno. Dimly lit and shrouded in the warm glow of vintage chandeliers, the cafe offered a refuge from the city's bustle. Its worn leather armchairs and mahogany tables whispered of old-world secrets, a haven for those seeking privacy and discretion.

The air hung heavy with the rich aroma of freshly brewed espresso, mingling with the faint, lingering scent of expensive cigars. Lorenzo scanned the room, his keen golden eyes searching. In a corner booth, partially veiled by a heavy velvet curtain, sat Riccardo. A wiry man in his early twenties, Riccardo sported a thin mustache that did little to hide his perpetually nervous demeanor. His eyes darted towards Lorenzo as he approached, a silent nod acknowledging their meeting.

Lorenzo slid into the seat opposite Riccardo, adjusting the crisp lines of his bespoke suit. A waiter materialized from the shadows, placing a steaming cup of espresso before Lorenzo with a silent bow before disappearing just as swiftly.

"Riccardo," Lorenzo greeted, his voice a smooth baritone laced with an undercurrent of authority.

"Signor Lorenzo," Riccardo replied, his voice barely a rasp. "I have what you requested."

Lorenzo took a measured sip of his espresso, savoring the bitter perfection before gesturing for Riccardo to continue.

"Benito Raffaelle," Riccardo began, sliding a worn envelope across the polished marble table. "He acquires art through legitimate channels, but there's a clandestine source he frequents with peculiar regularity."

Lorenzo's fingers brushed the envelope, anticipation humming beneath his carefully composed facade. He unfolded the worn paper, revealing a few grainy photographs and a scrap with a handwritten address. He studied the images intently. "Where is this place?"

"A private gallery tucked away in a forgotten corner of the city," Riccardo explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "He goes there alone, and the transactions are shrouded in secrecy. Apparently, a woman named Silvana Favoloso runs the place."

Lorenzo's eyes narrowed, a flicker of intrigue crossing his features. "Silvana Favoloso, you say?"

"Indeed, Signor Lorenzo," Riccardo continued, leaning closer and darting a glance around the room. "And whispers claim she's kin to the late Isabella Favoloso. She frequents a certain cafe nearby. Might be a lead to uncovering the identity of this enigmatic artist."

Lorenzo leaned back, a thoughtful frown etching lines on his brow. "Good work, Riccardo. This information is valuable. Remember, discretion is paramount."

Riccardo nodded fervently. "Of course, Signor Lorenzo. Anything else I can assist you with?"

"For now, no," Lorenzo replied, sliding a discreet envelope filled with crisp valuta across the table. "Keep your ears to the ground and report any developments."

Relief washed over Riccardo's face as he pocketed the envelope. "Thank you, Signor Lorenzo. Consider it done."

Lorenzo finished his espresso, the wheels in his mind turning at a rapid pace. Achille would need to be informed of this lead, and their approach would require utmost caution. The anonymous artist was proving to be a more elusive and captivating enigma than he had initially anticipated.

With a final nod to Riccardo, Lorenzo exited the cafe. A sleek black car awaited him curbside. He climbed into the back seat, where Achille sat, impeccably dressed in a dark suit. His raven hair was slicked back, emphasizing his chiseled features. He sat with his eyes closed, arms crossed, and an air of nonchalant boredom.

"What did he find?" Achille murmured as Lorenzo settled in.

Lorenzo produced the envelope from Riccardo and offered a sly smile. "An intriguing lead, cugino."

Achille cracked open one eye, his gaze flitting between Lorenzo and the envelope. He accepted it gingerly, his movements deliberate and controlled.

"An art gallery owned by Silvana Favoloso and a cafe she frequents," Lorenzo explained, a satisfied glint in his eyes. "Two promising leads to unravel the mystery of the anonymous artist."

"Indeed," Achille replied, a hint of intrigue flickering in his dark eyes.

"I'll take the first step and investigate the gallery," Lorenzo declared. "You, however, are needed at tonight's art auction."

"Of course," Achille replied smoothly, a hint of displeasure flickering in his dark eyes. A mental scoff escaped him. 'Another social obligation, I really don't want to attend,' he thought, straightening the lapels of his impeccably tailored suit.

Lorenzo saw Achille's expression and chuckled, a low rumble that sent a shiver down the driver's spine. "Consider it unavoidable, cugino." 

Lorenzo flashed a dazzling smile at the chauffeur. "Signore," he addressed the driver, his voice smooth as polished marble, " to the Moretti estate, with haste."

The chauffeur, a man weathered by years on the road, gave a curt nod and expertly drove the car through the bustling streets of Bella Notte. The twilight sky bled into a tapestry of inky blue, punctuated by the warm glow of gas lamps that cast long, dancing shadows on the cobblestones.

The car purred to a stop before the imposing Moretti estate. As Achille emerged, his golden eyes, sharp as a falcon's, swept across the grand facade. The cool evening air sent a shiver down his spine, a stark contrast to the warm light emanating from the grand entrance.

He cast a fleeting glance back at the departing car. Lorenzo, a mischievous glint in his eye, offered a final thumbs up before disappearing into the night.

A sardonic smile played on Achille's lips. 'How tedious,' he thought with a hint of amusement.

Adjusting his cufflinks, Achille strode towards the entrance, his finely crafted invitation, embossed with gold lettering, a mark of his VIP status, clutched in his hand. The grand doors swung open with a flourish, revealing a scene of opulent splendor. Crystal chandeliers bathed the room in a warm glow, illuminating the elegantly attired patrons gathered to vie for the Moretti family's prized collection.

"Good evening, Signor Selvaggio," greeted the doorman, bowing respectfully as he scanned the invitation. "Welcome to the Moretti Art Auction. May I escort you to the VIP section?"

Achille inclined his head in acknowledgment and followed the doorman through the grand foyer. Inside, the air crackled with anticipation and hushed conversations. The auction house was a captivating blend of opulence and sophistication. Achille's gaze darted across the room, catching the subtle nods of recognition from various guests, a testament to his own social standing.

He was ushered to the auction hall, a spacious room lined with plush seating facing a raised platform where the artworks awaited their reveal. The VIP section, cordoned off with plush velvet ropes, offered a prime view of the stage. Achille settled into his seat, his keen eyes fixed on the platform.

Soon the auction began with a series of impressive art pieces, each fetching a significant sum of Valori. 

The auctioneer, a charismatic figure with a commanding voice, welcomed the guests. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to tonight's auction hosted by the esteemed Moretti family. We have a collection of exceptional pieces for you, including works by renowned artists of Bella Note."

As the auction progressed, Achille remained patient, he didn't bid or move an inch until Finally, Signore Moretti himself took the podium, signaling the highlight of the evening. The room fell silent as he began to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he boomed, "tonight, we culminate the evening with a truly exceptional piece. A creation by my beautiful daughter Signorina Ariana Moretti!"

Achille's eyes narrowed at the announcement, a flicker of anticipation igniting within him. This was the moment he had been waiting for.

The auctioneer gestured dramatically, and a canvas was brought onto the stage. A collective gasp rippled through the room as the crowd erupted in applause. As Ariana, dressed in a stunning, flowing gown made of silk or chiffon, in a soft creamy white color, emerged beside the artwork.

As the spotlight illuminated the painting, a hush fell over the room. 

The veil covering the painting was removed and it sent a tremor through the room. Patrons, including Achille, found their expressions etched with a mix of shock and fascination. The painting revealed a woman, her form rendered in a style both ethereal and captivating. She twirled with a joyful smile, her long, chestnut hair cascading down her back like a waterfall. Her eyes, though lacking in detail, held a mesmerizing golden hue that seemed to radiate warmth. The image possessed a haunting beauty, an air of mystery clinging to it like a shroud.

A flicker of recognition, swiftly followed by a wave of raw fear, washed over Signore Moretti's face.

'What in the world?' He thought, his usual composed demeanor shattered, replaced by a stark paleness. His olive eyes, usually so steady, darted around the room with a hint of paranoia. In that single glance, he recognized the woman on the canvas – his deceased first wife, a secret buried deep within the Moretti family history. A secret no one else in the room seemed to comprehend.

'it is truly a fascinating painting.' Achille thought as his gaze fell on Signore Moretti.

Achille, his interest piqued by Moretti's sudden shift in demeanor, leaned forward in his seat. 

 'What secrets did this painting hold?' he thought, his brow furrowing in concentration. 'Why would this seemingly innocuous artwork evoke such an intense reaction from Moretti?'