
Nervous and Haste:

Annie tried to pacify her .She hugged her and said,"Just run away and hid in my secret place.... don't worry I'll take care of the rest!!!Just Run!!" saying she pushed her to run.Erica's mind was blank,she couldn't make a decision.So in her unconscious state she started to run while crying all the way...."While Erica was running she bumped into Kaio and Beast.They were shocked by her expression.😲😲😲😲😲She got more panicked when facing them ,she pushed them and ran away.Both of them were worried about her super odd behaviour.Erica hurriedly took her car and rushed out of the place.Both Kaio and Beast were trying to reach her phone,but it was switched off.After few minutes there were a bunch of policemen and ambulance landed there.Everyone in the camp were shocked.The head teacher asked the purpose of their arrival.Then a student dashed in to the crowd and said,"Sir.... it's an emergency...Erica pushed Rose down the cliff."On hearing this everyone was even more shocked.The head teacher and police hurried to the place Beast was so nervous and followed them behind.The girl pointed the exact location.Annie was squatting down and was crying as if it was end of the world.The police asked his subordinates to investigate the surrounding area,and he was enquiring Annie about the incident.Annie in and tearful and shaken voice said,"Sir,we were assigned to fetch water, suddenly Erica dragged Rose here and beat her for her love.I tried to stop them,but Erica went crazy and pushed me away.Then she threatened Rose in the name of Beast, because he is her "Sughar Daddy"but Rose still refused to give up Oliver as her backup,and finally Erica lost her temper and pushed her off the cliff!!!!"🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧On hearing this ,Kaio lost his temper and shouted,"No my sis will never do such disgraceful things!!!You must be lying..!!!"The police got annoyed and asked Kaio to shut up.Then the police asked where is Oliver.Oliver was to seem to be missing.Julia interrupted and said,"He went to collect firewoods,maybe he will be back on his way"Everyone started searching for Oliver.Beast was too panicked.After an hour ,Oliver came back carrying loads of firewoods on his hand and headphones on his ear.He was surprised to see everyone was worried and looking for something.Then Julia went near him and explained the situation .He got rage and started shouting like a mad man.None can control him.He jush pushed Kaio and started punching his face with a fierce tonne,"It's all because of your sis!!!"Beast tried to control him.He just slapped his hand and started fighting them both.Atlast the police and headmaster pacify them.Oliver shouted,"Don't let ur sis see me again!!! I will kill her!!!"One police batch stayed there to investigate the case, another batch went to find Erica's whereabouts. Julia came near Annie and said in a pissed tonne said,"YOU MUST BE A MULTI-TALENTED PERSON.YOU NOT ONLY MAKE ERICA AS VILLIAN,BUT MADE ROSE AS A SLUT AT THE SAMETIME!!!!!Don't u fear about Karma,??? BETTER PREPARE YOURSELF ...so don't blame me for not warning you!!!Whoever pisses Rose will suffer 10 fold times!!!Better watch ur way!!!!"