
Chance and subject

Next to a wide crater, a youth lay lifeless. No movement could be seen, except a golden orb shooting into him. The youth opened his eyes, though they weren't entirely his; a golden shine graced its depths. He was conscious, no doubt, as he was scratching his head and checking his body. Wonder plastered his face, as his skin was granted a sliver of colour. His cheeks were slightly filled and his arms gained life. His whole being seemingly pulled more towards humanity. A thick urge, stronger than his mightiest addiction, compelled him to jump. Doubts dispelled as his legs regained some long lost strength. Shrouded in a golden hue, the boy could not deny this miracle. He jumped. Trails of gold slithered behind him, as the boy leapt into the patch.

Darkness could not describe this scene. Nothingness is what is shown, in this wondrous realm. Some time away, there is a coil of blue. These ever-changing strands reach out, too, to greet its audience. At this strange dance, the boy froze up. His mouth agape and eyelids apart, his pupils flickered between gold and black. The urge struck again, this time to reach the coil. Fear and resistance flashed across his face, though hope and anticipation betrayed his means. Thus, he complied and took a step. More were not required, as the coil launched itself at its semi-willing subject. Not to him, but to his golden sheen was it attracted, wasting no time to merge with it.

In a different place, the chained man's face distorted. It kept changing; soothing, smiling, beaming. Then; seething, scowling, despondent. A myriad of emotions seemed to flash past. His speculations were unfortunately true. In this small moment, his control of the golden aura slipped. Immediately, the aura was ripped from the boy's body. It flowed out, dispersed and weak. In the next moment, the aura was controlled into a ball again, but the damage was done. The blue light blocked the golden aura's entry into his body. The boy, having already absorbed many blue strands, kept absorbing more, his pace quickening. The chained man only shook his head and the fire in his eyes became steadfast once more. Having lost this host, he could only obtain another. Thus, the aura exited the realm and sped towards the countless lights on the horizon