
A Ballad of Absurdities

What if dreams were something much more mysterious than we imagined? The story follows Mary, a vivid dreamer in her attempts to escape from the bizarre tales of her dreams. What is reality and what is a dream? Carefully tread along the story that absorbs you into a rollercoaster of madness, where it seems the narrator of dreams does not wish to let the protagonist escape his amusement.

0MaryamS0 · Ciudad
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18 Chs

Lost Ballad- Underworld

"Hey, Yaya?" A young me asked.

"Yeah?" Yaya replied licking her melting popsicle.

"I saw you in a dream last night," I told her as I pushed the swing forward and let myself to glide.

"Oh really! What was I doing?" she asked curiously.

"Well, we were playing in school, and apparently, my whole family was already there."

"Oh, okay, so what about it?"

"I don't know, but for some reason,..."


"I've seen everyone I've known in my dreams, but,... I've never seen my brother in my dreams..."

"Never? All your life?"

"I'm not sure about when I was young, but as far as I can remember"

"Maybe he's hiding in your dreams!"

"Why would he do that though?"

"I dunno, maybe he wants to prank you there too!"

"Yeah! He even ate my pudding last night and told me to keep looking in the fridge!"

"Doesn't that mean you're just too gullible?"

"No! He does it to everyone, some days ago he said something to Grey and Grey turned so red like a tomato, he even threw Mom's vase in a tantrum. I've never seen Grey do that before."

"Didn't your Mom get mad?"

"She gave both of them an earful! It was hilarious! She would've kept on going if only Sara hadn't intervened"

"Why couldn't you have Sara's angelic demeanor..." she sighed.

"Oye! You should be glad you have me you stupid ungrateful person!"

"Hahaha! Okay, okay! Let's go back, math homework isn't going to do itself"

"Ugh, I wanna go back to Seventh grade"

"Last time you said you wanna hurry up and go to Ninth grade"

"Hmph" I said in my stubbornness and we both went home.


My eyes opened to the ceiling of my room. The ceiling fan provided a light breeze. It was dark and the only moonlight that entered was from the moon. I looked at my sister's side, she still wasn't there.

'Am I awake now?' I wondered.

I got up slowly and looked at my side table, my phone was now completely charged. I took it and checked the time, 3 am. There were a ton of messages and missed calls on my phone.

"Man, what a messed up dream that was. I hate it when they try to make sense when all of it is just nonsense. Trial? Narrator? Really?"

I got up and something pinched my foot. "Oww", I touched the walls to find the light switch and the lights turned on.

"What did I get under my foot?" It seemed like a piece of mirror. "Agh, where did this come from?"

I went to the toilet to wash my face. But as soon as I saw my reflection, I panicked.

There was blood spilled over me.

"What the hell? Am I bleeding from somewhere?!" I panicked.

I looked so disheveled and dirty, I checked to see if I was okay, and I wasn't hurt. 'Did I drop juice on me? It looks like blood though.'

I decided to take a shower and change into my comfy clothes. I got out of the shower and decided to check if everyone was still at the hospital.

I scrolled the messages and saw most of them were from Sara, and some from Yaya as well.

"Woah! I hope everything's okay".

'It feels like I just saw everyone, Man these dreams are getting out of control. And why did I dream of Grey? Am I lonely? But there was Henson too, hehe'.

It made me happy knowing I dreamed of him, but then recalling how messed up that dream was I decided to forget it.

I read some of the messages and all of them asked me to call them when I woke up.

I called Sara and the phone rang for a while, 'Maybe they're staying at the hospital? She's probably asleep.'

I texted her instead asking about the situation. The message was delivered but not read.

I texted Yaya as well, her messages concerned me. 'Did you really wanna ask me about Henson that badly? You meanie, after you ditched me and all.'

I got out of my room and the entire house was eerily dark. 'Woah, it's way too dark.'

I turned on the lights and turned on the kettle to make some tea to calm my nerves.

Just as I was about to turn on the lights in the doorway. I noticed Yaya's shoes were there.

'Huh? How did these get here?', they looked like someone threw them off in a hurry.

I noticed that there was a breeze coming inside as well.

The door was open.

The doorknob was smudged in blood.