
Oh Sweet Lord noo-

*But no heard or more accurately cared*

Anyway, last time on Abduction Ball Z, we saw a giant Eldritch hand in need of skin care commit assault on a helpless cube while simultaneously performing a robbery from said cube at nail point before leaving the scene with the cubes rightfully property, Authorities have describe the hand as nailed and dangerous well have more details later tonight.

Oo-oof*Serious impact* ugh I think Im gonna hur-, "don't you dare do that on this carpet, besides souls can't vomit(mostly) plus I told on the way to hold on to me lest you reach terminal velocity" the giant hand said in a all knowing manner. The man proceeded to grimace before saying " yeah like I would ever touch that sandpaper you call skin again RALNA " , expectantly the now identified RALNA proceeded to flick there pointer finger hitting our protagonist square in the 🍑. !!? ... *YEEEOWWCCHH* the man screamed as he was launched 2ft in the air falling 🍑 up and face down on the carpet, "Nelson never say that again or it will be the front next time, ugh Its like your soul suddenly lost its survival instinct or something to say that to a lady". As the now identified Nelson lays there in pain doing nothing productive RALNA decided to head deeper inside said living quarters towards a very clean and shiny bookcase in the corner removing a Indigo colored book with blue pages and ever shifting runes on the cover, she then proceeded to go and retrieve a velvet box lined with topaz on a table under the "window " closest to the still writhing Nelson.

"Ugh I knew I should included no hitting me in the terms of the contract" grumble the now irrated and hurt man before a velvet box was set in front of him. "So is the essence in the box or in that book your holding" he said looking up at RALNA , its both actually but most is in the orb stored in the box but regardless you will actually absorb the essence of both, "wait I thought you said I only needed to absorb one item back there?" He asked quite confused , "Well you are right it's just that I need to be sure the book will stay with you, which is why I put a bit of the essence in it to make sure you can have it on you at all times". "Ok, so do I get in a certain stance, position orrr ?" he said trail of that last part, s "Yeah but first open the box and crush the orb or swallow it then need you to lie mostly flat on the ground" before laying one of her fingers on the floor, "rest your head on my nail and just wait alright". "Alright" was all Nelson said before following RALNAS instructions openings the velvet box and seeing a what looks to be a whit gumball with red dots on it, "say is this gonna be painful" he said as he held the orb in his hands , "hmm oh no either one is fine and will be painless but I recommend the swallowing method as it is faster" RALNA said while flipping through a few pages in the book with her door tattoo glowing along with the green on her hand, Nelson stared at the gumball for about 4 seconds give it take before making his choice "well bottoms up I guess" he said before swallowing the gumball in one move without resistance. "That was surprisingly smooth" ,suddenly Nelson felt a euphoria he could barely describe it's as if his joints could last forever, his muscles and skeleton feeling more efficient, everything thing feeling better as if his body was a pillow now fluffed,smooth and cool on both sides forever onwards. He remained still before suddenly remembering RALNA'S instructions and proceeded to lay down on the floor with his head on RALNA'S nail "Alright let us begin, now it may feel a bit tingly and probably painful but" she stopped looking down at Nelson's subdued but still euphoric expression "I don't think you will pay that any mind" she finished before closing the book and placing it up on Nelson's chest,then runes began floating from the book and in the air above nelson and the nail Nelson was on went from a large black nail to a ink like substance before it began snaking its way across Nelson's who paid it no mind still in his euphoric state and the book.Next once that was done the ink dried suddenly before one of RALNA's other nails glowed with the colors of her tattoo and it took turned into a ink like substance befor floating towards the runes,the ink proceded to merge with runes and then most of the substance floated down to both of Nelson's palms and soles of his feet and creating a smaller but similar door on each of them, the rest went to the dried ing before merging with it then there was the sound of rushing air as all light died withing the 'home ' and then silence.

*Trade offer*

I give you mysterious dr- I mean ORB as well as slather on you a *unidentified substance* and you get a $1.50 raise with 5 extra vacation days

Ulises_Nunezcreators' thoughts