

*Last time on Abduction Ball Z*

The Giant hand now identified as RALNA appear to have taken the stolen property- (hold on I can't say Property any more .. ugh fine) *clears throat* appears to have taken the stolen *legally vague term* know as Nelson back to her abode and has not only assaulted him(physically not the other one you sicko) but also drugged them with a potentially magical narcotic as well as given them markings/tattoos only one at 18,000 years old should be legally allowed to get, oh the horror how will he ever mangage to live through this ,tune in later at 7pm @@$$#$@+_- time for more.

(Ugh I feel like I just wade through molasses and swallowed cement) (Dang I can't even open my eyes what did she do to me?) *Slam* aaha screamed Nelson as he jumped right up before turing his head and looking at RALNA who had two smoking fingers, " geez don't hit a man every time you need them up, dam" he said before RALNA replied annoyed said "First off I did not hit you this time round in fact you should be lucky I only slammed ,secondly you were taking too long to wake up,3 hours should have been enough time for it to set in but you still did not wake so I resorted to a forceful method". "Well thanks for not hitting me any where, especially below the belt" he said having that last part mostly to himself, "your welcome" RAlNA stated as if she had preformed a miracle of religious significance. It was then that Nelson realized something important as he stared at RALNA noticing he was eye to .. knuckle level with RALNA . (Wait I'm, .... taller) He said befor falling down due to inexperience with such height, "oh seems you noticed" said with a bit of smugness and pride.Nelson propped himself on his new arms noting (very long, bony and pale as sheep's wool exept for the the black markings, with did they just glow" he mentally stated as the marks glowed light gray to deep green. He then noticed a door tattoo on both my hands noting how similar it is to RALNA' S tattoo before he proceded to enter a sort of plank as he tilted looked down at the rest of his body.His eyes were met with a very tall gaunt practically skeletal body covered with the same markings except for the hand tattoo although he noticed it one when he moved his right foot slightly, before correctly guessing that there was probably a identical one on the other. But just after that thought a memory came crashing into him like the truck that send many a isekai protagonist elsewhere. Somwhere a truck felt as if had been needed elsewhere and would have rushed of to the scene, however it realized the location at which it's next vi- , necessary sacr- , unwilling recipient was the deciding to not go lest they be bisected and have there front end completely caved in like the last encounter with RALNA,it shuddered at the thought before going about its normal business.

*To be on honest I myself don't know wether to feel fear or relief for our protagonist*- narrator

(THIS BODY IT-IT COULDN'T BE, BUT THERE IS NO MISTAKING IT THE BONY PHYSIQUE, ABNORMALLY LONG ARMS, AND THE MOST DAMMING PIECE OF EVIDENCE THE LACK OF A * CENSORED* .. ok probably should have not fixated so much on that last part, BUT STILL THIS IS THE BODY OF -) "SCP -096" RALNA said correctly guessing Nelson's line of thought

"YEAH!!HOW!?! oop" Nelson yelled out quite loudly given the body he has been for realizing what he had done at the same time he realized his FACE was exposed and with a speed no arm should have cover himself and said "don't look/look away" not realizing that if RALNA had the body she would most likely have taken precautions beforehand and plus she had seen the face already. RALNA however seemed unaffected by the practical flash bang without a flash and Nelson's aparent albiet quite delayed worry. She chuckled at his antics before saying "It's nice to see you worry about me however that is unnecessary, as for how I got it I will say it was quite hard locate that specimen and the others that needed to fit the standards a necessary for your work and my standards especially , also you if you couldn't tell already won't have to worry about the RAGE this body could have so you can remove your hands ", Nelson felt red somehow and slowly lowered his his arms before a few of RALNA'S words rang through his head " wait a second ? Does that mean you have more SCPS or something", " well yes and much more than that however what you have should be enough for now". Nelson for his part stared star eyed at her, when she said on the trip here she would get him a body of another world suitable for hunting, he thought she would get like a body like wolverines or toji fushiguro , not a SC- "Hold on" he said while shakily getting , once up and standing full height he asked a admittedly important question "IS this the SCP 096 from the chinese or English branch he asked with a bit of trepidation know that one went absolutely bonkers in scaling compared to the other" .

"Composite" ... "what" he asked not know how to react he stated the obvious question "HOW?!", "Hmm I will admit I did have trouble finding them given my inexperience in that area especially one involving Composites so I encountered a decent amount of but I found him and subdued. "Wait you subdued a being like that Nelson said exasperated knowing the scaling of the SCP verse being broken especially the chinese branch." Yeah it was not too hard compared to the other nasty's there, hell I even broke two fingers against a these fellows I don't recall to well who they were but is Vail um veil emperor and scantlet or sorlet demon something as well as a author something ,hell he forced me to us some of my enchantments and blessings against him once he smeared my tattoo" she said pointing to the tattoo on her palm. I just stared at the hand in shock ... 0_0 .. Tha- but he was interrupted , " I remember caving in their skull when they did, that broke my miniscus really bad that one should not have punch without form,I was sore for days,oh sorry if started to rambling" It was at that moment Nelson stopped thinking.


also ngl I can't believe I pumped this and the other chapters out in technicaly the same day.

Ulises_Nunezcreators' thoughts