
9th Master's Little Darling is Trolling Again!

After her rebirth, Qin Yiyi became the daughter of the Qin Family once again. It's just that her parents didn't love her. It's alright. I've always relied on myself. What? She had no education, no ability, no brain, and was not as smart and clever as Second Miss Qin? Qin Yiyi chuckled and turned to leave. Over the past year, she had gotten sick of being a top student at the piano and accidentally became an ancient cultural endorser while also somehow receiving a doctorate and accepted a professor as her disciple… A top-ranked medical professional said, "What, Master Qin isn't here? Sorry, we're leaving too." Ancient martial arts family had this to say, "Qin Yiyi is my little grandaunt. If you bully her, you're going against the ancient martial world!" 9th master chuckled. As he looked around, his thin lips curled up slightly. "Everyone, do you think I'm dead?"

Listening to the Cold Rain · Integral
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378 Chs

Yang Huaijun was sent by Qin Yiyi to Shanghai to handle some matters.

Before he left, he left a person behind to drive her to school. However, Qin Yiyi felt that it would be troublesome and wanted to refuse.

Fortunately, Shang Jingheng opened his mouth in the end. In addition, old man Fang also felt that it was convenient to have a car.

Qin Yiyi let him stay around. Of course, she also made an agreement with the person. It was just that he would pick her up sooner or later, so he didn't need to care about her at other times.

Xiao Huang, who was driving today, had just turned the car around when he received a call from Qin Yiyi.

"Miss Qin, did you forget something?"

He thought that Qin Yiyi had forgotten something or that he had something to do, so he was very happy.

Miss Qin was finally willing to let him help!

In the next moment, Qin Yiyi said calmly, "You haven't gone far, right? Come back and wait for me at the school gate."