
Like water and fire

Andrew was peeling an apple with a sincere expression and complete concentration. While Angelina was munching on her third apple, he was forcing her to eat as much as she could under the pretext of her malnourished body.

"I need your phone," Angelina stated that it had been three days since she awoke and requested to make a phone call.

Andrew pursed his lips; he didn't want to give her the phone because once she had it, she would only think about her work. What she needed right now was a lot of rest.

Angelina sighed at his adamant attitude. She knew he was worried about her, but his overbearing concern made her uncomfortable at times. After all, she had been subjected to people's ignorance since birth.

"I need to make an urgent call." This time she hardened her voice, refusing to accept no for an answer.

Andrew defeatedly handed her phone. He was aware of the rule that one shouldn't offend or make his girlfriend slash wife slash partner angry.