
The Beginning

"So, what you are saying now is that I have to live in every chapter?" Erica asked the creature which happens to be a pixie while floating in pure darkness. This particular place or dimension defies the law of gravity in every way.

"Definitely! Well as the main character. You have to live every single chapter which has different stories but all are fantasies," the pixie replied, making her more confused, "Luckily, I'll be your guide through this journey".

"How long will it take before I finish this so-called journey?"

"Days.... Maybe weeks, or Months or Years....." it again replied.


"Sure, or maybe more" the last two words were muttered, "We need to leave now, time waits for no one. Only nine hundred days to complete all stories or else.....".

"Please could you elaborate on all these more?" Erica pleaded.

"During the journey, I will. Now let's get going, the first chapter is all about vampires, witches, magic and humans" using an invisible force, the pixie pushed both of them into a portal.

"I need more explanation about what is going on!!!" Erica screamed before entering the portal.

3 Days Ago........

The songs the birds sang over and over, continuously without stopping echoed through the quiet environment. The sun had risen from its rest hours ago and the weather seemed threatening, but still bright.

"Erica, could you please help me lift this box," a woman in her early twenties called towards her daughter, "your dad here says he is busy with other stuff, so he can't help me".

"Hey, I didn't say it like that!" The man who was her father debated as he carried some tools to the backyard.

"Sure, no problem" Erica gave her mother a helping hand and also watched her steps as they entered the house.

It was an old house and the walls were already cracked. Every step Erica took made a creak, of course the floorboards were also ancient and termites had made quite a meal from every edge.

"We need lots of renovation!" the woman said as her eyes roamed through the poor condition of the house, the appearance was way too bad and also looked unrepairable.

"I will suggest we all should thoroughly clean this place up, it might take days or weeks" Erica told her with a tired face.

"But it can only be a day or two if we start cleaning now".

"Okay Mom, if you say so" with that, Erica grabbed a broom and started sweeping out all the dirt from various rooms. Her mother also helped in removing the cobwebs and also vacuuming excess dust.

Hours later, the house was looking clean and more presentable.

"I thought cleaning up this house would be a hard nut to crack, but it was really not as expected" Erica smiled at her mother who was also smiling at their hard work paying off.

"I'm done repairing those burst pipes and also the chimneys," her father said coming inside "a really hard work if you ask me".

"Why did we leave the city in the first place?" Erica questioned her parents.

"because your mom here hates the crowded and rowdy environment. But you will be going to school there".

"Well thank goodness the city isn't far from this countryside, I can easily stroll to school and back" Erica said already with a prepared mind.

After that, renovations began. It wasn't really a big deal since the surroundings have been cleared and swept clean. The kitchen was properly arranged, with new utensils, equipment and also new decorations. Living room was no doubt the center of thorough cleaning and also arrangements.

Bedrooms, cleared from all dust bunnies, and bugs and any other creepy crawlies.

Within hours, the house was looking at the best standards, after the do ups. Like a newly bought house.

From the dirty unkempt ancient house, to a beautiful presentable environment.

The day was slowly ending and the last place not cleared was the basement. Not a surprise.

Nevertheless, that was placed aside till the morrow.

Evening approached with the best dinner ever made. Erica couldn't help but finish up the delicious dish of seasoned garnished barbecue chicken, It was as good as ever.

After the wonderful meal which might never be prepared again in a lifetime, Erica layed down on her bed. Thoughts of starting another day in a new school, clouded her mind.

"Starting high school all over again," she yawned slightly, "even if I just need to make a friend, it will be better. As the saying goes, half a loaf is better than none". Before Erica knew it, she fell into a deep sleep.


Minutes later after Erica had entered Dreamworld, the howling of the wind woke her up because it pushed the windows wide open, making a cold stinging breeze enter the room.

Not only that, but the loudest crash of thunder also made her flinch.

"What's with the weather," muttering away, she stood up to lock the window, "Talking about terrible storms coming".

Reaching for the window, her eyes caught something unusual and strange. It was an object but still she could not see it properly.

Squinting tightly, she gazed upon this object. Slowly moving forward through the window, the rain started slowly....





Before terribly pouring. Erica was about to get the full image of the object when....

Knock! Knock!

The sound of someone knocking made her heart skip a beat.

"Erica, are you okay in there?, hope your window is closed" it was her mother.

"Sure Mom I'm fine" she replied looking towards the door, "and also I will soon close my window".

"Good, remember to cover up okay"

"Wouldn't forget" after those assuring words, her mother left.

Erica quickly looked outside but this time, there was no object nor item.

"looks like it was a trick of the light," closing the window, she layed on the bed with a relaxed mind, "need to sleep now, tomorrow's classes duration would be long".

Within seconds, she again fell into a deep sweet dream.


Not far from her room's window, a purple light from an object was shining brightly before turning black.