
8 Hours With The Devil Incarnate

8 Hours With The Devil Incarnate is about a couple of kids who all gather in the same house coincidentally so to say. They all get locked in the house about to be Lab rats for an experiment. Unknowingly to them their parents are in on it but the parents had know idea there would be death casualties. A kid in the house represents one life for the parent, once your child is killed and does not survive, you get killed too. In order to stay alive you need to pray your child successful stays alive for the next 8 hours in this death house. Every life is a Prototype. The children are all locked in the house with no way to get out and no way to reach anyone in the outside world. The parent of the winner of the experiment is given a huge amount of money for having an exceptional kid. Many of the children die in the house so do their parent. Out of about 10 kids, only 4 survive. At the end it all seems like a dream, but is it?

PRINCESSA28 · Adolescente
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9 Chs

Chapter Eight


We have been here for hours now ...nobody came...i'm so dehydrated and tired

"can i ask a question?"i start off

"what"donald answer

"what did you mean by 'everybody knows leon's password is you'"i ask

"pfft"Donald scoffs "uhm...'cause you know he kinda likes you"he adds

"it is not surprising he has been very protective of you"federick says

"how come you all know this and i do not"i ask

"because you are dumb"federick says ...i hit him on the chest ...he catches my hand...it is so small compared to his

"ouch..besides you tend not to know the people who truly have feelings for you"...he lets go of my hand...and that was awkward...for a moment...it felt like he was not talking about leon and i

I shrug it off...the phone beeps..its a message..i open it

It says


That's all...seriously..i say it out loud

"we need to find that weak spot now...another hour in this house i might run mad"donald says

"but what weak spot is it the creature's weakness or the house...does a house even have any kind of soft spot..the entire house is made of concrete walls marbles...thick glass..where is the weak spot in that"i point out

"but the roof isn't"federick says and we all look up and smile

"the roof"donald says

"yes the roof is our way out"we jump up in excitement

"that's what I am talking about federick"donald gives federick a half hug

"yeah...how are we going to get up there...also...once we get up there...how are we going to get down"i say

"simple ..we jump"federick says..

"what!"donald and i screeched

"no way i'm definitely not jumping..."donald says

"fine then...babies..let's remove the curtains and tie them together"federick answers


"more nails mia"...she hands me another nail..i place it carefully.. hammered it down the plank...we are joining planks together..so we could get through to the other side..mia is helping while...jax is on the look out

We spent hours on it..i wanted it strong...so it could carry our weight without stress...we could move back and forth on it

"ouch"i hit my finger with the hammer ...i must have broken the bone there...it hurts a lot...

"mia get me a bandage in the first aid box over there"i say

"okay"she answers

She's struggling to get the box because of her height more so the box is on the top shelve

I stand up ...to help her...i grab the box ...place it down...as i remove the box i could see a dim light...apparently the box has been covering a small window

I move a small table ...and stand on it...the window is small but large enough to fit a human being

I stretched my hand ..unlocked the lock...and it opened...i can't believe it...we are free..

Now how am i going to get up there conveniently and squeeze myself through it


After we were done tying the curtains together...we carried a study table...right under the ceiling we wanted to pass through

Donald and i dragged chairs ...pI wI willows even the bed to securely lock the door in case the noise attracts them

Federick stands on the table...stretches his hands upwards ...his hands are nowhere reaching the ceiling ..that's how high this freaking house is ...

I pass him a chair....he starts to hit the hard wood to break through the ceiling....

it is cracking but we are making so much noise

We hear noises behind the door...the creatures are trying to break down the door...but the barrier behind it bought us more time

There is a hole in the ceiling now... Frederick was successful.....but the barrier won't buy us much time anymore

"Come on Clare... you're with the least weight"Frederick says

I nod ... stand on the table ... Federick carries me...I use my hands to knock off the second layer of steel...on top of the ceiling.... fresh air...I stand on the roof...the view is amazing....

"Come on guys"I shouted looking down through the hole

Federick ties the end of the curtains to the closet door...throws the next to me....I catch it

I hear a loud thud ...the house shooked to it is grounds...I almost fell off the roof...but I gained my balance and lost the grip to the other end of the curtains

I look down...the walls are closing up on each other.....the creatures found a way in....both Federick and Donald are in physical combat with the creatures

"Guys...I will look for help hang in there"I say

I stand up from my kneeling position

I run to the edge of the roof...oh God... there is no way I will jump and survive

I started shouting help "help help" I didn't know what to do oh God


I ran to the hole there was blood everywhere..dead creatures and... Donald

"What happened to Donald"tears well up in my eyes...oh Donald

"Come on Federick"I say


I open the window...

"Mia ... come on" ..I carried her.... I thought I was going to squeeze her through...she went freely

There are shrubs and bushes...she's out...she clears the way...the window is actually bigger than I thought

"Come on Jax"I say

Jax is kind of chubby

I carried him...mehn..this guy's got weight...we hear a loud thud ..the ground shook...and we fall

"Ouch..."we both groan

"Are you guys okay"Mia asks from outside

"Yeah...yeah...we 're fine"I answered

I positioned myself well on the table...

"Come on Jax" I carried him...his hands are nowhere reaching the window... even Mia stretched her hands to grab his...he ended up pulling Mia inside again

We all land on the floor

"What the hell have you been eating" Mia asks

"Stand up guys I have an idea"I say

I carried Mia ...put her through once more

The walls starts to close in

What the hell

I jumped as high as I could reach for the window...I got through

I stick my head in from outside... stretched my hands

"Come on Jax"