
7 Deadly Sins : Goat Sin

"Loving yourself is the only way to be loved by the others" Hazel Everyone knows Garvi as a Goat Sins. One of 7 Deadly Sins. In His previous life, Garvi fallin love with the girl who has a beautifull smile and pretty eyesl. No. I mean. They fallin love to each other. But the univers doesnt like that fact. The fact thay Garvi and Hazel happy as a couple. God, the King, and everyoun around them try to make them apart. And in His life now. As a punishment for what Garvi did to find his lover. Garvi must find her again. With the face, smell and everything about her are different. Not just Hazel, but all his friend who has a tittle 7 Deadly Sins. They waiting for each other in this tangled desteny. The lost each other and endleslly without even realizing that they are desteny has reapets. "The God and Devil in my mind, are because of you" Garvi Thalasa

Rennol_Dwi_Renjani · Fantasía
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5 Chs

1. First of All


"Wake up woooyy… My mom said, don't fall asleep at dusk, it's not good"

"Oi Kylian, just leave it be. Don't bother him, Loretto didn't sleep last night because he was punished by the dorm master"

"Yes, Yes, Yes. But there's nothing wrong with reminding him, Big Brother."

"Stop calling me Chief Brother Kylian, my name is Ilias"

Kylian shrugged nonchalantly. It didn't matter, after all everyone in his class called him Big Brother, it was only natural that he followed suit. But why is the boy so sensitive when he calls him the chairman? Amazed.

"Maaa, looks like I'm going to the kitchen to help so we can quickly start dinner" Kylian walked away leaving Ilias who was still focused on the thick book.

"I want to eat meat. My muscles are screaming for more protein and nutrition!" Ilias shouted, exclaiming his desire.


"Kylian, you dropped your book"

Kylian who was focusing on practicing his sword technique with Ilias turned his head to see Loretto who was holding her book up high. Kylian snorted at him. He knew that his friend's intention was not good to return his book. But to bully him because of the difference in their height.


"First basic lesson, it is forbidden to divert focus from the opponent while in the middle of a fight. Moreover, if the opponent is me"

Ilias smiled sarcastically at Kylian who was slumped on the ground. Without any intention to help his friend who is still in the same position. Ilias walked away from Kylian and approached Loretto.

"Yo, Senior Brother" Loretto was having a good time with Ilias

"Eh?" Loretto glared at Ilias who suddenly stiffened in front of him.

In his place Kylian smiled triumphantly at the sight. He stood up and dusted the clothes off before finally approaching his two friends who lack morals.

Loreto glared at Kylian, who Kylian gave a cynical smile.

"Don't just use your power on your friends, stupid Kylian," said Kylian imitating Ilias' tone, he stood in front of his friend. He gently patted Ilias' shoulder and not long after that Ilias was able to move himself as usual.

"And one more thing, don't just read other people's minds. That's rude" Ilias glares at Kylian

"Maa, I don't care. And hey you, give me back my book, damn it" Ilias ignored what Ilias said, Kylian instead looked at Lorettoo full of challenges.

"Hoy, don't let you fight and freeze each other" Ilias interceded for the two. He took Kylian's book which was still in Loretto's hand and gave it to Kylian.

Kylian, who felt defended by Ilias, stuck his tongue out at Loretto and Loretto gave a wry smile. Ilias pushed Kylian away from Loretto and left the man alone with his face bent.



The man with the gray hair opened his eyes, the galaxy-themed ceiling of the room became the main sight when his eyes caught the object in front of him clearly. He smiled wryly when he realized that the same dream was repeating itself.

His strong hands moved to pick up the flat object that was on the nightstand beside the bed. He saw the reflection of his eyes through the screen of his cell phone which was still dark and not turned on. "Yeah, I'm crying again. Even though the dream wasn't very sad." He smiled sarcastically as he recalled the dream that had disturbed him, he roughly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Garvi, the man who owns the gray mane, looks at his cellphone which he has not turned on since yesterday. His sturdy hands raised and clenched in the air, he looked at it for a long time while thinking back to the dream that was quite disturbing to him.

"It's very strange, half of my heart says that I am part of them. But I've never been with them." Garvi sighed tiredly. It seems this is the effect of drink too much alcohol lasy night.

Driven by curiosity, Garvi turned on his cell phone. While waiting for his cell phone to really turn on, he hoped anxiously. His relationship with his lover is strained. Plus he is always bothered by the shadow of someone who haunts him through dreams.

I don't know where the intention came from, he opened the application of a million people, Instagram. Even though he had doubts, Garvi finally wrote a name that had always bothered him. Ilias.

In his dream, the man named Ilias looks dashing with his martial arts skills that are above average. Garvi can even clearly remember the color of his eyeballs, Mocca. His eyes are really calm and make anyone who sees him feel calm.

Moreover, his demeanor when facing someone named Kylian, is very elegant. Looks like Garvi has a new idol. After the first idol of his father who helped him live until now has his own Ramen shop, now there is the figure of Ilias.

A man full of mystery who can make him curious.

Garvi's eyeballs rolled along with the display of his cellphone screen. The aura around him seemed to have turned tense, even he was breaking out in cold sweat. For what reason, just out of curiosity about someone in a dream, Garvi came to this.

Dang It. Garvi rechecked the string of names that displayed the word Ilias. Still not satisfied, he repeated it again and again. he couldn't stop confirming until he was absolutely sure.

Garvi was sure that the Ilias he saw now was the same Ilias that appeared in his dream. Only a slight difference, if Ilias in his dream has black hair, the Ilias on Instagram that Garvi sees has a different color.

But judging by the aura displayed on his Instagram, Garvi felt that they were the same person. The one who also gets terror in dreams, just like Garvi.

Bracing himself, Garvi clicked on the icon to send a message. Even though his hands were shaking slightly from his mixed feelings, Garvi still continued his determination.

@thalasagarv_i : Hi…

@iliashoration : sorry?

Garvi's eyes widened when he saw Ilias replying to his message. Garvi doesn't even have to wait for hours or days. Should he reply and say Garvi's intent and purpose of sending Ilias a message?

@thalasagarv_i : can I ask you something? I know its gonna be rude, but Im just try to make the puzzle done.

@iliashoration : Like what?

@thalasagarv_i : Dreams. Have you feel werido about your dream, for a day maybe…?

@iliashoration : Nope.

@thalasagarv_i : Ah, ok. I thought that we have the same dreams. Sorry for being rude.

@iliashoration : Ok.

Despite swallowing a bitter pill because the person he thought was the same Ilias. Garvi's hand was still acting by pressing the 'follow' icon on Ilias's account.



Loretto stared blankly at the spiky bamboo he was holding. His friends have caught fish, but he hasn't caught any. Even though the pink-haired boy who was really good at igniting his emotions had already caught three fish.

The owner of the pink mane stuck his tongue out at Loretto with the intention of mocking him, making Loretto even more irritated. Loretto pointed the pointed end of the bamboo at Kylian, warning his friend not to make fun of him all the time.

"Maa, the Prince apparently can't catch fish. Can the Prince only eat? Yes, try a little Prince. Catching fish is not difficult"

Loretto glared in disbelief as her body became immobile. In his heart he cursed Kylian who arbitrarily used his power to silence himself.

"You damn pink boy," Loretto grumbled in her heart.

"Kylian, Loretto, it's getting dark. Hurry back, I don't want to hear a lecture from Ilias"

Kylian turned to the source of the voice he smiled widely and waved his hand. Kylian's focus returned to Loretto, the man smiled meaningfully and approached his friend. Without further ado, he gently patted Loretto's shoulder making Loretto immediately breathe a sigh of relief.

"Don't just use your power dammit Kylian" protested Loretto to which Kylian only gave a small chuckle

"After all, if I don't use it, you will definitely stab me with that bamboo, right?" Kylian pointed at the tip of the bamboo that Loretto was still holding

Both of Loretto's eyes glared "you're crazy, I know you're annoying, but there's no way I stabbed my own friend just because of a trivial matter" answered Loretto throwing her bamboo carelessly

"Maa, the important thing now is that you can't eat because you don't get fish. I go first, excited to catch the fish, Prince" Kylian waved his hand and left Loretto who was still on the river bank.


Loretto could still hear Kylian's voice laughing at him. He sighed tiredly, it was almost night but he had not caught a single fish. How do you want to eat if this is the way.

Did he just give up and go back into the forest in search of fruit? But it was almost dark, if he got lost, his friends would be in trouble. Ah well, he just tried one more time to catch fish.

With the rest of his persistence Loretto peeked back at the fish from the riverbank. But nothing, it looks like the fish have started to return to their resting place. Loretto had waited long enough but the result was still zero.

okay, Loretto gave up. He returned to the place where his friends were waiting. From afar he could already see a bonfire that seemed to be used to burn the fish. Loretto swallowed hard. Damn, the smell of the fish made his stomach revolt asking to be filled.

"Sis E, come eat. Ziel got two fish, we split in half"

Loretto smiled at the youngest of them all. Ie stroked the brown mane fondly. Loretto then shook her head "Just eat everything, I know your energy must be drained from thinking about many plans" answered Loretto sitting next to him

"Maa, Jazziel. Don't worry about it. Prince must often eat meat"

A small grunt from Loretto made Kylian laugh again. It's nice to see Loretto upset like this "Just eat mine. I got a big one because" Kylian gave the fish that had been stabbed by bamboo that had been cut into small pieces to Loretto.

Loretto accepted it "ooh pink, I thought you were a cruel stepmother" naughty Loretto

"I take it as a thank you. So, you're welcome Loretto" said Kylian

This time it was Loretto who laughed because he saw Kylian's mistake. "Where are Ilias and Bradly?" asked Loretto when his two eyes couldn't find the whereabouts of his two friends

"That" Jazziel pointed at the two boys who were walking towards them

"Loretto, is your work done?"

Loretto looked up at Garvi who asked him without taking his focus off the food "Hmm, not bad. Thanks to Nelson's help, everything went more smoothly than I thought" Loretto replied making Garvi nod in understanding

"I told you, I'm a genius"

Kylian made a motion as if he was about to vomit when he heard a smug tone escape Nelson's mouth. "Prince and successor to the throne. It fits"

"Kylian, I told you not to bring up their titles. We are all the same now, a student"

"Wise Ilias"

Bradly didn't care about all that, he was sitting next to Jazziel. But the scene in front of him was now the one he liked the most. Times where his friends mocked each other. Sounds evil, but it's an interesting spectacle.

