
6 Times a Day

[AI Art for Most of the Main Cast will be Uploaded in P@treon and some Preview Pics in Webnovel.] (AI Art for Christine in Cover Picture.[My Creation]) ~~ 6 Times a Day (6TaD) is a story centers around a male high school student named Alan Plummer, who starts off as an awkward young man. Unbeknownst to him, his mother's best friend and neighbor lusts after him and concocts a phony medical diagnosis that requires him to have six orgasms a day, in order to seduce him. Things don't go quite as she plans and a chain of events and circumstances results in an increasing number of gorgeous women finding themselves 'helping' him with his "medical treatments." **Not my Own Novel, but found on SPACER X Website which is down nowadays.. thus i am re-editing and re-posting this novel which i have greatly enjoyed..If the Original Author wants to take down this publication, pls pm me at chufeng.a@gmail.com** Otherwise Have Fun Reading this Novel you Bit$$es. Since i am editing this you expect a good update speed.. ------------ TAGS: HAREM, INCEST, TEACHER, NURSE, SEDUCTION, NTR (The Old Novel had some but I am dedicated to REMOVE them, If you find some which I missed, please mention the CHAPTER NO), SlowBurn ------------ Edit: Small amount of netorare has been mentioned by the readers, which the team is looking into, we haven't crossed that threshold,IF THERE IS NETORARE, THEN Read at your own risk, as it mostly woman seducing her son[ Acording to the readers, and i am not pushing myself to read ahead as it time consuming and not worth it] . If you are not into this categories, THIS IS A FREE NOVEL I AM PUBLISHING DURING MY FREE TIME, NOBODY IS FUCKIN FORCING YOU TO READ THIS NOVEL, SO STOP FUCKING GIVING 1 STAR REVIEWS WHEN I HAVE CLEARLY MENTIONED THE TAGS AND STORYLINE YOU FUCKIN IDIOTS.. P.S Thanks for all the Loyal Readers who have followed this novel from the beginning........Much Love...!! **/////////////////////////////** Please consider Donating however much you can to support me to keep this novel going. Every Little Donation counts. Other Works: Detective Conan: Harem begins with Kisaki Eri One Piece: Conquest of Love and Power ----------------------------- patreon.com/SnakeEmpress paypal.me/SnakeEmpress buymeacoffee.com/snakeempress [Consider becoming a P@treon and enjoy a minimum of 100+ chapters ahead.] **/////////////////////////////**

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1237 Chs

Massage for Alan


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Suzanne took charge and switched to her more authoritative  "instructing the group" voice. "Okay. Good. Here's the plan. Since  Sweetie was enjoying the dancing, let's have him lay down on a sofa  that's pointed at the stripper's pole. We'll prop his head up with  pillows so he can have a good view. Then we'll implement my plan to make  him feel good in a whole new way."

Katherine suggested, "Wait. The arms at the ends of the sofa  are too much of a bother; let's lay him down on the long coffee table  instead. We can put the cushions from the sofa under him to make space  for his hands and the handcuffs."

"Make it so, number one fuck toy," Suzanne joked. But she was  also nervous and used the joke to defuse the tension. She knew that  Alan was very wary and Susan was watching both her and Xania like a  hawk. She was going to be in the doghouse if her plan didn't work out.

Xania, Suzanne, Akami, and Katherine all worked to move Alan  into position. With his hands still cuffed behind his back, he acted  like a potato sack, forcing them to lift him and move him. It was a mild  form of passive resistance, since he was extremely reluctant about the  whole thing, but he didn't resist more firmly since he was still  unwilling to break his promise to Suzanne.

Susan just watched with her arms folded and frowned in disapproval, since she didn't want any part this enterprise.

Seeing that Susan would need to be kept busy, Suzanne  suggested, "Susan, Sweetie's going to need some visual stimulation.  Akami didn't quite manage to coax that cum load out of him yet, and now  we're going to have to redouble our efforts to get him to squirt out all  that spermy goodness. Can you help? Maybe you can turn the music back  up, and then dress up so you can take it all off with a pole dance  striptease?"

Susan's eyes lit up at that.

But Alan said, "Aunt Suzy, why don't you dance? I've seen you  do a striptease, true, but I've never seen you really dance before."

"And you never will - not unless it's ballroom dancing."  Strangely, even though Suzanne was generally outgoing, she didn't like  to dance. She had trouble being completely uninhibited and that tendency  showed up in her dancing, which frustrated her. "Besides, I'm needed to  direct what's happening to you. You can do it, Susan."

Susan was torn. On the one hand, she was absolutely thrilled  by the idea of stripping for her son. But on the other hand, she didn't  want to be co-opted into assisting with any plan that put him in a  submissive position. So she wavered. "I don't know. Maybe Angel should  do it some more. She's obviously the best dancer here. Darling Angel of  mine, I must say I'm so proud of you. I had no idea you're such a  wonderfully talented dancer." She beamed to everyone, "Isn't she just  the best?"

Katherine replied while helping to drag Alan onto the table,  "Thanks, Mom. I don't really think I'm all that great, but it's nice to  hear you say that. If my dancing helps empty my Big Milk Bottle  Brother's heavy cum-filled balls any, that's the main thing though,  isn't it? Don't you agree that we all have to work as a team to keep  those dreadful blue balls at bay? Look at that huge erection standing  straight up, all swollen and throbbing, ready to burst with delicious  cum. Mom, don't you want to help see that potent, fertile sperm fly high  into the air?"

Susan rolled her eyes. "Well, not into the air. That would be  dangerously close to Onanism, unless it lands on a hot babe. But I can  see what you're doing, my daughter. You're trying to use some  psychological trick to get me to dance by speaking in my favorite kind  of language. Well, I hate to say it, but dammit... it's working."

Susan's eyes went to her son's exposed erection, and soon her  whole body was drawn to it like a magnet. "Those blue balls ARE  dreadful! Don't make light of his condition." Reaching out to his  bobbing stiffness, she took it in her hand. "Look. He's got such a bad  sperm overload that Alan Junior is hot and throbbing. So thick... and  hard... Mmmm..."

Seeing that Susan was weakening, Katherine tried a power  play. "Mom, just 'cos Brother's hands are tied up, that doesn't mean  anything. He's still our master, and The Pact still applies. It's still  your duty to do anything and everything you can to please him. So I'm  ordering you to dance. Now!"

"That is true," Susan pondered, as she stroked her son's  pole. "To be honest, I'm not a good dancer. But If you think that  shaking my booty a bit will help keep his mommy-splitter squirting out  more sperm, then that's what I'll have to do. But I want it to be noted  that I'm doing this under protest."

Suzanne grinned a bit as she replied, "Duly noted." Noting  how Susan was getting into sliding her hand up and down Alan's erection,  she said, "Time to dance. Leave a little bit of this for the rest of  us."


Susan wiped the pre-cum from the tip of her son's erection,  and then brought it to her mouth. As she sucked on it, she gave Suzanne  the biggest puppy dog pleading eyes she could manage, hoping that she  wouldn't have to let go.

But Suzanne reached down and rather forcibly removed Susan's  hand from Alan's hard-on. She pointed to the dancing pole, propelling  Susan to head in that direction.

Then she said, "Don't worry, I'm telling all of you that  Sweetie is going to love this. Who has the most sexual experience here?  Xania and I do. We know what we're doing. And Katherine, I don't want to  hear any more of your self-criticisms. You can literally dance circles  around everyone here. By the way Kat, why don't you go put on something  sexy? Remember my advice: it can be more arousing not to be all naked  all the time."

Katherine nodded her head and skipped off to the underwear cabinet.

Suzanne, still standing proudly in the nude despite her  advice to others, continued, "Susan, don't even try to compete with that  adorable vixen daughter of ours. I'm sure that none of us can hold a  candle to her dancing. Rather than all out dancing, just shimmy and sway  slowly like you did in some of your earlier stripteases, and I'm sure  Alan will love it. Right, Sweetie?"

Alan had been trying to keep a low profile and let the others  talk as if he wasn't in the room, as he sometimes liked to do. But  forced to reply, he said, "Right. Mom, don't worry. I'm sure Aunt Suzy  and Xania have cooked up something good and fun. They've never let me  down yet. I was just freaked out by the surprise of the handcuffs and  all."

Susan was frowning. "Well, to be honest, I really don't know  the first thing about dancing. I've led such a sheltered life. And after  Angel's beautiful display, I feel so..."

Katherine suggested, "Mom, just imagine that you're really in  a harem in the Middle East somewhere. You don't have to dance per se,  just move your body to the music in a way that'll arouse your Sultan.  You know how to do that really well."

Alan added, "Yeah, Mom. You're great at that. So let it all hang out."

Susan gave a naughty smile. "Let it all hang out, eh? What  would you define as 'it', my Sultan?" She was wearing nothing but high  heels, like all the other women in the room (except Katherine who'd shed  her heels while dancing). She picked up a throw pillow in each hand and  held them strategically over her chest and groin. She teased, "Would  you call my tits 'it'? No, that can't be right since there are two of  them." She briefly exposed her chest as she spoke. "How 'bout my ass? Is  that 'it'?"

She turned to the side and wiggled her rear at him before  covering it with the pillow she'd moved from her chest. "Would you like  to run your hands all over my ass and stick your fingers in my naughty  holes to confirm that's what you mean by 'it', my Sultan? Or were you  planning to 'get my attention' by slipping that thing so deep in my ass  that if would make a visible bulge in my tummy? Is that 'it'?"

Alan suddenly blurted out, "God DAMN! Mom, every inch of you is 'it'! You're too fucking sexy!"

Susan laughed with triumphant glee. Her teasing had been  interrupted before she could fully get into it, but she didn't mind too  much. Her mind was completely focused on the stripteasing idea now, and  she rushed off to the underwear cabinet near the front entrance to find  some items suitably sexy to put on and take off.


As Susan left, Katherine came back in. She was grinning  happily, proud to show off the leopard print strapless bikini she was  wearing. "Hey Brother, Big Electric Power Strip Brother. You like? You  Tarzan, Me Kat!"

He thought, Jesus Christ! She looks so fucking hot too.  Suzanne is so right that a little bit of clothes really adds spice,  especially seeing Kat in cat-themed stuff. It's like she's proud to be a  feline fuck toy. My feline uppity fuck toy. With all this visual  stimulation, if anyone else so much as breathes near my dick, I'm  totally gonna lose it!

In a rough and low "caveman" voice, he grunted, "Me like."

Katherine rushed up and hugged him, but luckily didn't touch  his over aroused crotch. "Oh, I'm so glad! Me like too! I'm gonna buy a  whole lot more patterned just like this, that's for sure."

With Alan lying down on the coffee table and his head propped  up towards the dancing pole, Suzanne and Xania took their places on  either side of him and began massaging.

Xania was a very expert masseuse, definitely the best in the  room, so she focused on his neck and shoulders. "My oh my. You're so  tense," she said as she began to knead the knots in his muscles away.

Suzanne gave Alan a head massage at the same time. She pressed her fingers firmly into his dark brown hair and rubbed.

Alan joked, "I've never had my head massaged before, at least not that one."

Suzanne chuckled, and then said, "Your other head certainly  gets enough daily workouts. I don't have the magic fingers like Xania  does, but I know enough to know that a good head massage can do wonders  for your whole body. Everything's connected to the head."

The massaging went on for a minute or two. Then Katherine,  speaking on behalf of herself and Akami, asked, "Hey. What should we  do?"

Xania suggested, "Akami, since your fucking was rudely  interrupted, why don't you take his dick and balls in your talented  hands? Just lift him up a bit to free them from under his weight, and  then flop them down between his thighs. Oh, and use this." She pointed  to one of the props she'd set aside.

Akami picked up a very long peacock feather. "Oooh. Nice."  She began very gently kneading Alan's balls with one hand while lightly  brushing the feather up and down his erection with the other.

Suzanne pointed out to Akami, "I can tell from the way he's  straining that he's close to blowing his load. He's been on the edge for  a while now. So please be very careful. We want to keep him there,  feeling that great and continuous erotic high, but not so much that he  has to strain or fight, or worse, shoot off a load uselessly onto the  table. Got it?"

Akami nodded knowingly, "Got it." She started to move the feather slower and with an ever lighter touch.

Xania nodded in Katherine's direction. "And you, Jungle Girl,  you know how to massage, don't you? Why don't you work on his ass and  legs with your hands? Really dig in deep. He's got a lot of (ahem!)...  tension" - she grinned lewdly - "that he needs to release."

So the four of them went at it for a while.

Alan immediately felt worlds better. What seems like weeks of  accumulated stress started flowing out of him. Soon he was breathing  and moaning with great satisfaction.

Susan was dressed and had been back in the room for a bit,  but she hadn't started her striptease yet, as she was waiting for him to  get settled in comfortably.

But right as she was about to begin, Alan said, "Wait, Mom.  Let's change the music. You know what I'd love to hear right now?  'Tomorrow Never Knows' by the Beatles. Let's put that on an endless  loop. It's really hypnotic, but still should have enough of a beat for  you to groove."

So that's what they did. John Lennon began to sing, "Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream", which was exactly how Alan was feeling.

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