
5 Seconds of Heartache

How long would you let your heart suffer from pain?

Cold_Hime · Ciudad
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6 Chs

1 Second Left

Danielle's pov

The sky was already dark when I reached our house. I don't even have the slightest idea how I am able to find my way. My mind is distorted. What happened earlier hasn't really sunk in. But I have to set it aside. I need to face my parents. I breathe out and push the doorbell. The gate opened.

" Ma'am Danielle? " the security guard was surprised.

I smiled warily.

" Are they home? "

" Yes ma'am. There in the garden. Please come in, ma'am. " he smiles at me.

" Thank you. "

I walked towards the garden. It was located at the back of our house. It was actually a greenhouse because my Mom loves plants.

And then I saw them. They're sitting on the swing. Looking at the moon that shines so bright unknowingly.

" Mister Ben, who came? '' Mom called softly to our security guard.

" It's me..."

They quickly turn their heads when they hear me.

" Danielle? " Dad said and they stood up.

" Oh my dear... " Mom's eyes were glistening with tears.

I ran towards them and they welcomed me with their warmest hug.

" Mom, Dad. I'm sorry... I'm really sorry. " tears streaming down my face.

" Sshhh.. Don't say that, dear. We're the ones who should be sorry. We're sorry my dear. " Mom said while softly caressing my hair. How I love my mother's touch.

" You're Mom's right. We're the ones who're wrong. We really didn't think about what's best for you. We didn't know what would really make you happy. We're too selfish. I'm sorry. Can you forgive me? " Dad said with tears on his face.

" I already did. " and I hug them tight.

Finally, the weight on my chest has been lifted.

When I let go, they wipe the tears on my cheeks.

" Have you been well? " Dad asked. I nodded. Looking at my Dad, he seems aged that much. And Mom's a lot more skinnier. I felt sad. They must've been worried sick.

" I wanted to apologize. For everything."

Mom and Dad gave me a small smile.

" Let's forget about it, dear. What matters most is that you are here now."

They decided to go inside and prepare something. I told them that I'll stay in the garden until they call for me.

I exhaled. I'm happy. Really.

Because my parents and I are okay now.

I'm just regretting the fact that I wasted my time for the wrong person.

It wasn't worth it.

He doesn't deserve it. He's not good enough. I should've known better than to trust someone like him.

Who am I kidding?

I'm not okay at all. I'm freaking hurt. I'm so stupid. Why did I waste two years for that *sshole?

I didn't dare try to commit myself to anyone because of him. I thought that he might be actually looking for me and he's doing everything he can to find me. But he's not.

I even suppressed my own feelings for someone because I'm scared. Afraid that I might have just ended up hurting them both. That's why I chose to keep my distance from him. To keep those feelings hidden. Because if I come back to where I'm supposed to be, then I'll just be torn between them. I can feel that. And I don't want that to happen. I don't want him to get hurt.

But I guess things will never go back to the way it was. Not ever. For me. He broke my heart. No matter what I do or how hard I try, it won't change anything. Nothing's really changed except the fact that I'm back and I know now that I wasted my time for nothing.

It took me years to finally realize this.


Ervin's pov

It's dark. It's already dark outside.

I'm at our house with Mom. We're sitting in the living room. Mom's watching while I'm trying to read some documents. I can't help but check my phone from time to time. And I also can't stop myself from sighing endlessly.

" Can't you just go already? You're annoying me! "

I was dazed. And dumbfounded.

" Where am I supposed to go? " I said quietly.

Mom was staring at me with her dead serious look. She sighed deeply before opening her mouth.

" You know exactly what I'm talking about Ervin. Go and see her already! " she said firmly.

I looked away.

" She might be enjoying her time right now, mom! " I said in an annoyed tone. Thinking that she must be in that man's arms makes my chest hurt.

" Then just let her be. Just like you always did. Stop troubling yourself and just find another girl because she's already in love with someone else. "

I looked at her. Her expression was very calm. Like there's nothing wrong in her words. But I know she's just crestfallen as I am. She liked her that much. As much as I do.

" There's no point acting like that, son. "

I stand up and leave without saying anything else.

I can't take it anymore. All these years I tried so many times to keep my feelings locked away. I could barely handle them. Now I really can't hide it anymore. I don't want to hide it. I have no reason to. I don't care if she's with him now, if she's happy...

Then I will just quietly walk away.

Just like I always do. Without even bothering her. If she's smiling and content, who am I to trouble her?

I arrived at their house a few minutes later. I was about to ring the bell when the gate suddenly opened. A man on his 50s showed up and we're both a bit surprised.

" Good evening, sir. " I said politely.

" Good evening, are you friends with Ma'am Danielle? " he asked with a smile. I smiled back and nodded.

" She's in the garden, at the back of their house. " and he let me in after knowing who I was.

I went to the garden with heavy but quiet steps. I can't believe that I'm actually here.

As I entered the garden, I saw a figure on the swing. I immediately recognize the silhouette. I slowly approached her . I stopped a few more steps  from her and just stared at her, still unnoticeable.

I can see her beautiful but sad face. And how clearly sad her eyes were. And a single tear managed to escape from her eyes. I froze.

1 2 3 4 5

5 mere seconds and I can't stop myself. I closed the distance between us. I reached for her hand and gently but swiftly pulled her up and locked her in my arms.

When she saw who it was, her face lit up.

" Ervin! " she said flustered.

Then, she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her tightly.

" I missed you, Danielle. " I whispered into her ears.

She tightened the hug even more and buried her face against my shoulder.

" Me too." she responded.

We stayed in that position for a while. I slowly pulled myself away from her.

She was trembling. I finally realized she was crying.

" Danielle... " I started.

" Yes? Oh why are you here? " she said sniffling.

" Because I wanted to see you. " I said and she blushed and smiled.

" Come on, please sit here. " she said, gesturing towards the swing. I followed and sat beside her.

" Are you alright?  " I asked her as she started playing with her fingers.

" I'm fine...Yeah... I guess. " she answered while nodding her head.

" You don't sound fine though... "

I turned my body a bit to face her and rested my arm on the swing's backrest. I carefully rest her head on my shoulder and  put my hand on top of her hand.

" Do you... want to talk about it? "

" Not really. Not now. "

" Okay... I won't ask you any more questions. But promise me one thing? "

" What is it? "

" Promise me that you'll talk to me if you ever need to tell me anything. Anything you feel troubled about." I said with sincerity.

" I...promise. I promise." she answered in a whisper and snuggled more closer to me.

We stay quiet for a while. She just continued playing with our hands and we both slowly pushed the swing. I just stared at her. At her beautiful features. Her long brown hair falling softly on her shoulder.  At her bright brown eyes. But I don't want to see her sad expression. I love her smile. So I look down. My breath hitched slightly when I saw her pink lips.Those lips that I've spent so many years dreaming about kissing.

My thoughts were broken when she spoke.

" Hey... Ervin?" she called out.

" Hmm? " I hummed in response.

" I'm sorry. "

I smiled sadly. The thought that she was sorry for me  makes my chest ache.

" Don't be. It's okay. " I said but I'm not. My heart is breaking into pieces.

" But it isn't... " she trailed.

" I turned you down a hundred times. I left you hanging. I let you wait for too long. You've tried to hide what you really feel and I know just how hard it was."

" I'm wishing. I'm hoping silently that your feelings for me were still there.That you still cared for me. That you still want me to be yours... That's nothing changed... That you still loved me... "

I was taken aback. Did I miss something? Is that the reason why she's feeling down right now? I'm thinking she's being like this because she knew that she hurt me, now that she's happy with someone else!

I smiled upon making sense out of everything.

" You only have 1 second left to shut up, Daine. Or I'll gladly do it my way. " I said seriously looking into her eyes now. She looked puzzled.

" What- "

And there. I sealed her lips with mine. The kiss was soft and gentle. Pure and sweet.

It was sincere.

It was my way of saying " I love you".

And I meant every word.

It lasted  for a minute. But it felt like an eternity. When I finally pulled away from her, she didn't say anything. She was just sitting there with her big brown eyes wide open. And her mouth slightly agape.

I laughed lightly.

" I can wait forever just for you because I love you "

She smiles and embrace me

" I love you, too. " she softly whispered in my ear and then she buried her face on my chest.

*** End ***

Author's note :

Thank you so much for taking your precious time reading this story. 💕

Cold Hime ❄️