
5 missing in Valhalla

Valhalla is a heaven that angles live but one day have 5 angles are missing in Valhalla. How this happen?

Darkknightks · Fantasía
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25 Chs

To stop the evil

"I'm winner, you're dead. No one can fight with me. Haha. No matter what part of my body is lost, it will continue to grow again. You can't win, poor Makel. You can't tell your wife one last time, right? That's a pity." But Makel turned to Keana and said, "I can tell her, she my wife, You can regenerating? I sell, So let see how many times you can grow it." When Makel finished speaking, a sword sprouted from Makel and pierced through Keana's body. The rest of the sword slashed Keana to pieces and Makle continued to shoot lasers from his shoulder until the body was shattered, but Keana reunited and restored her original form, then she cast a summoning spell. A large purple magic ring surrounded her.

Enorem, who had lost more than 15 airship to fight Fenrir, had no way of winning. But Fenrir's body suddenly disappeared, leaving only a giant serpent's tail, but even a snake was not easy to deal with because it was very fast and lanky.

"What?!? That dog disappeared, leaving only a snake's tail. [I feeling not good.] Everyone continues to attack with all their might to kill that snake!!!!!!!! [On Makel side I guess he not different than our side. Please be safe.]" Enorem ordered his subordinates to continue attacking with full force.

Back to Makel

A purple ring around Keana appeared Fenrir, and even worse, Keana's legs fused to Fenrir's back. Fenrir howled loudly as his legs covered in black liquid and formed the muscles on its four legs, and the five heads emitted purple flames. "This feeling super good to me. HAHAHAHAHAH" Keana laugh with Fenrir satisfied with the 5 head to howl out simultaneously. [What the hell is this? Haruntool analyzed the light that Teaanne had given to the army. fast!!!!!!]

[Finished my list as urgent as possible. Damn it, we have to delay, and Code:83's energy is only 30 percent left, before it was 50 percent. Why do I have to forget the full power of the day that I need?] Makel, after thinking about it, begins to plan the battle, "You so damn good. (Slowly walks over to Makel.) BUT!!!!! you burnt my beautiful wings and you MUST PAY WITH YOUR DEATH!!!!!!!!!" said Keana, forcing Fenrir's body to run towards Makel and pat Makel with Fenrir's claws. But Makel turned his back, causing Fenrir's claws to hit Makel's cloak. When the cage hits the cloak instead of the Makel's cloak, it is torn back to being the side leg Fenrir uses to paw the torn Makel instead.

Keana, who saw that, began to cast a spell to create his subordinates. Of course, the six black liquid angels came out again and attacked Makel. Makel turns both arms into swords and slashes everything that comes into attack. But Makel was fine and his two shoulder guns were working again. The two guns fired purple flames back at Fenrir, causing Fenrir who had been in great pain to jump and wriggle in pain. As it hops around the arena, Makel takes full advantage of Keana's summoned minions and Makel attacks during Fenrir, but Keana casts a spell on Makel.

"Every magic attack will be countered through that gun, but this time it is a power reduction magic, Can you fire it back?" Keana finished chanting, suddenly a purple flame flashed up the Makel form, but it didn't. Made Makel a foot wound, but his body felt so exhausted that he could barely stand. Makel fell to the ground.

[Too bad, real real fucking bad, all my stamina is gone. Even worse, the reflection energy is only 20 percent, and the armor power is only 25 percent. Hurry up, what are you doing Haruntool, but now have to delay a little more, it should be almost finished. Anyway, I have to get up and kill her to stop her from doing such evil things and Mai please wait.]

Makel forcibly stood up and fired feathers from his wings at himself and exploded five times. and reflected back towards Fenrir, a powerful explosion that could cause Fenrir to stagger. But Fenrir settles and runs around Makel to make Keana shoot purple beams at Makel. Makel, without the strength to stand still, sits still and receives a beam of light that continues to come towards him and reflect back to Keana, but that leaves only 5 percent of its reflected energy. Makel became desperate to win, but then Haruntool informed him that Teanne's light analysis was successful and Makel ordered installation immediately. And Makel pretended to lie down, Fenrir saw that and walked up to Makel who was lying and Fenrir ate the Makel.

"Hahahaha, in the end, nothing can stop me. Ouch, why does my stomach OUCH!!!!!!!!! hurt like this? IT HURT AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Keana and Fenrir cried out in pain and then a white light of penetrating Fenrir's belly came out and Makel flew out and flew over Keana. "Haruntool keeps shooting the beam until running out of power." Makel commanded Haruntool, and both of his guns emitted a white beam of light, its power capable of melting Fenrir. The gun continuously emitted a beam of light and wiped out Fenrir until its body was completely destroyed. Keana without Fenrir gradually merged and was hit by a full beam of light. Her body was crumbling, but her body was gone. Makel ordered Haruntool to stop shooting and he looked around. And he found....