
5 missing in Valhalla

Valhalla is a heaven that angles live but one day have 5 angles are missing in Valhalla. How this happen?

Darkknightks · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Makel returned to his original form. He had lost so much energy that even he could barely walk, but he had to keep walking in order to enter the abandoned factory in front of him. But then he was kicked hard by Fenrir's foot on his back. Makel crashes into the factory's large iron door. With Makel's force, the bar was gone and he immediately fell to the ground. Fenrir's lower half that had kicked him ran back towards the top half and the two parts merged again. Fenrir, who had finished gathering, slowly walked towards Makel.

The flames from the five mouths turned blue. All 5 are ready to go out of fire and put Makel on. But Fenrir suddenly was hit by a green beam gun shot at its body. It turned around and saw a fleet of 20 warships from the castle that were armed with warfare flying towards him. Fenrir didn't hold back, it disguised itself and immediately ran and jumped to attack one warship. But the warship turned its guns and fired at Fenrir, even though it was invisible. The wounded Fenrir seemed to start to lose his temper.

On one war ship.

Enorem: Keep your turrets in place. Hey Mr. Newcomer, give me a signal to Makel. When can you call me right away?

New Soldier: Yes sir.

Enorem walked over to look at the Fenrir display.

"What kind of this idiot, I've never seen anything like this in my entire life. A large five headed dog that survives fire and has a snake's tail. It's not a normal life, maybe it's about the case of the 5 missing people." As Enorem was talking to himself, he saw that a one ship had fallen. "Is this still able to destroy one ship? Listen to all ships, quickly launch the maximum attack in 2 minutes!!!!!" Enorem ordered with a tense expression on his face. "Sir Enorem. You can contact Makel, but he's out of consciousness to give him an energy recovery pill?" The new soldier asked Enorem. Green is a healing potion and fires at Makel. Makel who had been given the drug was revived and as soon as Makel recovered, Enorem immediately contacted him through the Nanobot.

Enorem: Hey buddy, Are you awake?

Makel: ....Why you come?....

Enorem: to save your life. Listen, in one minute we're going to attack with full force. Hurry up and hide inside that.

Makel, hearing that, had a shocked expression on his face, installed the Haruntool V2 and walked through the factory door.

Enorem: Whoa, how did you do that? (Excited sound)

Makel: It's Haruntool V2, Hey, Can you tell Mai's position?

Enorem: Wow, are you alright? Back to being a lover.(Sound of teasing)

Makel: Shut up and take a quick look!!! (red face)

Enorem: In the factory where you're at but be honest, I've been feeling really bad about this place since this dog came in. (serious tone)

Makel: Thanks, but be warned, the dog is definitely made, it's torn in half and can be reunited.

Enorem: .....So, find a place to hide quickly. A heavy attack will start and it might crash the Nanobot wave. We might lose contact. Good luck Makel, be careful. (serious voice)

Makel: You too, Enorem. Makle ending (Remove the Nanobot)

Enorem: Enorem ending.... The half torn body won't die, or is it a difficult job? But what to do, you have to put everything you already have. All ships launch heavy attacks now!!!!!!!!

At the sound of Enorem, all 19 warships launched huge beams of green light at Fenrir at the same time. The Makel inside was looking for a place to hide, but the tremors were made inside the factory, scattered and some of the ceilings fell. Makel transformed his wings into a large iron shield that covered his entire body. And when things calmed down, Makel didn't know what was going on outside, but he chose to walk into the factory. He hadn't explored much. "Take out the Nanobot." Makel, who read it, was perplexed as he thought it couldn't be a coincidence. So he chose to wear it and when he wore it, he saw that Mai had contacted him. But when he picked up the voice, it wasn't Mai.

???: I didn't think I would be able to escape from my pet, my luck is really strong.

Makel: I know you're in this factory, get out!!!!


Makel: What's so funny? Mai, where are you holding her?

???: I don't know, what do you think, but I'm at the Arena in Belkabane. If you want to see me, come

Makel: Don't copy me, I know you're in here. my friend checked

???: Wow, that's really bad. How did it know? Bad. (Pretend to sound shocked) Heh heh. Look at the right corner of the factory.

Makel flew up and told him to the right corner saw Mai's Nanobot and the one speaking at the Cuna puppet sitting furiously holding Mia Winton's head in his other hand.

???: I use this puppet as a speaker to speak. Am I smart? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Makel: (bits his lip) Shit!!!! How dare you deceive me!!!!!!!!

Mai: Makel, don't come here, don't come here @#%#$

Makel: Mai? What did you do to her!!!!!!!

???: I don't know. You have to come and see by yourself. At Belkabane district arena. In 30 minutes If you don't come, this lady is going to die. Goodbye. Mai, do you want to show off any blessings to your husband?

Mai: Makel, please listen to me. Don't come. I beg you. No one can fight she now. And her leader is.....(slap sound)

Makel: Mai!!!!!

???: Ok, it's considered saying goodbye. Hurry up. 30 minutes. You can do it. Pathetic one winged angel. Haha.

Makel: You!!!!! How dare you hurt Mai and talk to me like that, you must not die. Listen to me!!!!!!!!

Makel flew through the roof and hurriedly flew to Belkabane in anger. Outside Enorem saw the furious Makel fly away, tried to get the fleet to follow, but an unexpected turn of events occurred when the shattered Fenrir reunited.