
4th Wall breaker

Every living being, even if it's a monster, demi-human or a supreme being are all equal in the face of death. "There's no such as good and evil, god and devil, people just invented that words to comfort themselves... but I do serve a god and a devil that's makes us different... I only follow them because they gave me power when I needed it... so scream for me" Ankh said while torturing Calfin and his whole guild... because of them, Ankh grandparents died in their hands. And this is a story about a boy name 'Ankh Adom' walking his own path, becoming a executioner to his master as well a being who broke the 4th wall. Welcome to 4th Wall breaker- ---------------------------------------------------- Hi I'm a new author that's why my grammar and story are messed up and I only know English language a little bit but still I hoped you like my nonsense novel

crazy_creator · Fantasía
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42 Chs

Castle dungeon

Castle dungeon, the most dangerous dungeon you could ever enter not even the first ranked intelligence being would mindlessly go there just to search for a dungeon treasures, even if they are prepared, they would still be heavily damage by the dungeon, the chances to escape from this place would be closed to none

but still, other people would still dare to challenge it concerning the treasures they would gather is enough to buy a whole city from a renowned country

some people manage to obtained a half-deified weapon, armor and booster, so this is how important an castle dungeon

while other people is escaping, some people is removing the rope that ties Ankh, before leaving Calfin still manage to mock Ankh then said "enjoy your time in hell Ankh HA! HA!"

after they escape, Ankh was able to stand up while his feet was shaking from the tortured he had experience, he slowly walk to his grand-dad, but the next two step his body fell to the bloody floor as he unconsciously said "please I need to save them, I don't care arghh! god! or a devil! just give me power to save them" as his consciousness left his body

on the other hand Calfin manage to escape as he thought "it should be fine, he already is incurred enough damaged just to walk for his old shity grandparents HA! HA! well I don't really care if he is dead or he managed to leave that place" as this happen he reported this to the trapper association so he could claim some rewards for the castle dungeon appearance

as he left the trapper association someone asked from behind "did you manage to kill them?"

"why bother asking, when you know that there's an a appearance of a castle dungeon so they would surely be a dead meat by the castle dungeon finished it's construction" Calfin said it to the mysterious man

"I'm just making it sure, if you really did your job" the mysterious man left Calfin leaving some money behind

the news about a castle dungeon appearance made the whole Camelot kingdom shocked as the News said that "Would the government needs the help of another countries? or would the government would solo this findings?"

the government started to despatch some top class trapper in the whole Camelot kingdom and some researcher to identify what ranked did it belonged as the researcher was identifying what ranked did it belonged the whole crew mouths was agape like there are no tomorrow future

the head researcher hastily went to the one leading the whole team then he knocked the door, someone said "it's opened"

"Mister. Douglas, I think there's a problem in our machinery" the researcher said

"what's the problem? is there some technical issues that should we fix or some issues about the castle dungeon?" Mister. Douglas said with a calm face

"I think the machine is broken, how should I put it. just please come with me Mister. Douglas cause it's hard to explain here in person until you see what the machine has shown in the screen" as the researcher lead the way, many people has come to see what the researcher has found

"please make a way, here Mister. Douglas see it for your selves just how absurdly difficult to believe it" the researcher said while making a way just to enter the facilities and let Mister. Douglas see it for himself

as Mister. Douglas makes his way, just to see it for himself what makes people go crazy in the researcher place. he finally saw what makes the people crazy, as he thought "what kind of castle dungeon is this, how could it makes the advance energy identifier makes this crazy number" as Mister. Douglas thought about this, the head researcher that brought him here said

"Mister. Douglas is this a broken machine? or is this thing just makes the correct number of what lvl is this castle dungeon, it seems unreal?" said the head researcher with an complicated face

" go get the extra 'Advance Energy identifier' so that we can confirm if this one has a problem or not" said Mister. Douglas excitedly

a while later the people who got the order hastily grab the extra 'Advance Energy identifier' so they can confirm it with accurate, as they test it again the same results shown again, they test it a few time but the results is the same as the past results, someone suddenly ask " can someone able to explain if I am dreaming or not" said one of the few researcher

" your not dreaming so stop talking crap about this, I'm sure other kingdom would want this castle dungeon for themselves" said with certainty as he was worried

"we must not let other people know about this over the top castle dungeon, go contact the king with urgency" said Mister. Douglas with an worried face

after the king heard about this, he greedily thought "if I'm able to sell this castle dungeon I could register as one of the Demi-god and I can still have a few money to buy house there"

after just a few days the news about a castle dungeon that exceed the 'SSS ranked dungeon' circulates all over the higher ranked intelligence being that they wanted to buy it for themselves and exploit some money just for there greater goods

as the whole kingdom of Camelot getting News about a castle dungeon that exceed the'SSS ranked dungeon', Ankh woke up from his slumber he was in a unfamiliar place as he remember what happens to his grandparents as he madly shouted "because of me grand-dad and grand-mother died in my hands be... be..cause of those bastard..I would kill those bastard, I would kill those bastard, I would kill those bastard, I would kill those bastard" as he repeatedly shout the words every time, one could tell that he was mentally breakdown that you would want to comfort him

(to be continued)