
4.246 Light Years

What do you imagine when you look up at the night sky? Have you ever thought that when you look at the beautiful shining stars you are looking back in time? Dara, a smart young girl has a deep memory as she looks up at the night sky. At a young age, Dara needed to face inner turmoil, failure, rejection, and mental problems that she was not aware of. She lost many things in her life, family, money, job and also friends. She was trying to get out of her problems and move towards her dreams. She wants to bring memories from her past to build her future. Memory about 4.246 that brought an impression on her life. Will she be able to overcome all the challenges in her life?

Yulian_Aska · Ciudad
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16 Chs

Chapter 8 : Speck of Thorn

Sofi returned to Durian village in Lintang Timur area, the village next to her cluster area, with mixed feelings. She had no idea that Dara was the daughter of Mr. Toni, the victim of an accident 2.5 years ago that shocked their entire cluster area. Almost everyone talks about the terrible tragedy that befell Mr. Toni's family. Many of them did not know Dara and Nemma, but they heard many stories about the two.

Sofi didn't really help Mr. Toni's family much when the incident happened, but she did attend their funeral. Sofi remembered Dara who she saw from a distance. Sofi couldn't see her face clearly. After all, Dara was barely recognizable at that time. Her eyes were swollen from constant crying.

Dara became famous in their cluster area since then. Dara is spoken of as a poor child who lost both her parents as well as her granfparents. The news about Dara losing them all before her graduation day also reached Sofi's ears. Mr. Toni, who often talked about his daughter, also made Dara familiar to his neighbors for a long time. Even though they never knew Dara and Dara's name they didn't really remember. Dara is known as Mr. Toni's daughter who is very smart, even though Dara has a weakness in getting along with people.

Arriving at Durian's village, Leo, Billy, and Tiara were already waiting for her. They were quite surprised and a little worried to see Sofi who looked different from usual. Sofi looks gloomy, her face is bent, the smile that used to decorate her face is no longer visible.

"Is Dara okay?" asked Billy. He could no longer hide his anxiety.

Sofi didn't answer right away. She took a deep breath before starting to tell her friends everything she had seen. They were all shocked, except for Billy who showed a different expression. Leo, who didn't hear much about Dara's family story, also seemed shaken like his friends.

"I feel really guilty," said Tiara. Her eyes are glassy. "There was Dean and I told Dara everything about him. I don't know if…" Tiara was unable to continue her words.

"It's not your fault," Billy said soothingly. But his gaze was still blank. "I know who she is."

"You know Dara?" Sofi asked curiously. "How do you know?"

Billy was a little embarrassed. He wanted to avoid his friends' questions. But he knows, until whenever this will continue to be discussed by his friends. So he had no choice but to choose an answer that was less difficult for him. "You know that my father helps her family a lot. So I know her too."

Actually Billy's friends were not satisfied with the answer. But they were wise enough not to push on.

"My house and Mr. Toni's house are only separated by 3 houses, but I hardly ever see her. Maybe I've seen a girl who went on a bicycle, but I didn't pay attention to her face," Leo explained.

"I'm curious, does Dara really don't know Dean?" asked Tiara looking confused.

"My father said Dara was quite traumatized when the accident happened. Dara doesn't take much care of her cases and leaves everything to my father."

"I'm not surprised by that. I can't imagine if I was in her position, "said Tiara again.

"Maybe Dara never saw Dean. But Dean looks different now. He's back showing his fangs of power. It's very different from when he was arrested," said Billy, looking annoyed.

"You know when he was arrested?" Sofi asked.

"I didn't see him, I knew from my father's story. Their families have harassed ours since we helped Dara's family," Billy replied.

"They are at fault, but they are angry. It's almost always like that," Leo said. His face looked irritated, but he refrained from explaining how he felt to his friends.

"Dean's family causes a lot of trouble in our cluster area," Tiara added.

"Also in this village. I don't know what they want," Billy added.

Billy was obviously very upset with the Deans, even though he never even met them. The disturbances received by his family are also relatively lighter than those received by Tiara's, Leo's, or Sofi's families. But his feelings have been hurt since the accident that happened to Dara's family. He remembers Dara since childhood. He knew who Dara was, even though Dara had never known him.

Billy remembers when Mr. Toni took his little daughter around their cluster area. Greet the residents including his father. Billy saw little Dara shyly following her father from behind. Billy never spoke directly to Dara. They were never even in the same school. Billy wants to go to the same college as Dara. He chose the same major as Dara. Even though he's one year older than Dara, Dara is going to college 1 year early, and even Billy just graduated this year, while Dara graduated 2.5 years ago.

Billy was very happy and surprised to see Dara again. She hardly ever dreamed of being able to talk to her. She went with his father to visit Dara in the hospital on the day of the accident, but Billy did not dare to approach her. When Sofi said there was an additional person to help them in this social activity, Billy didn't think that that person was Dara at all.

After small talk, the four friends finally went home. Billy and Leo went home in a pick-up truck. Since Tiara and Sofi didn't want to sit in the back, they decided to just walk. On the way Sofi and Tiara continued their conversation about Dara and Dean.

"You think Dean knows about Dara? I heard their family is quite resentful of Dara's family for putting their only child in prison," Tiara began.

"I'm worried about Dara. I don't know after the accident Dara was disturbed by their family or not."

"We can't even ask. We don't want to open Dara's wounds again."

Sophie nodded in agreement. "Dean's father pass away not too long ago right? Could Dara be safer?"

"Maybe Dean can be worse than his father."

"Is that true? He's worse than his father? Wasn't his father more cruel?"

"His father is indeed more cruel but sometimes still logical.I can still sometimes understand how his father thinks. But Dean, I find it hard to explain to you how absurd his behavior is."

"Their family didn't bother me and Papa anymore after Papa decided to stop working," said Sofi weakly. She seemed to be holding back from continuing her sentence.

But Tiara did, she continued Sofi's sentence. "Until our family falls apart," Tiara continued weakly.

"Yeah," said Sofi, nodding. Her face looks sad. Likewise with Tiara.


Dara woke up the next day with a slightly irritated face. She started having nightmares again. She remembers how traumatized she used to be. But she didn't want to think too much about it. As usual she prepared the ingredients before Nemma cooked. It was Nemma's weekend off and she was back to her usual coldness. The anomaly that happened yesterday still could not be explained. But Dara didn't think much of it either.

"I want to take my bicycle at Sofi's house," Dara said asking permission from Nemma in between their meals.

Nemma didn't answer right away. She put the last mouthful of food on her plate into her mouth before answering, making Dara wait a bit.

"Okay," she said briefly as she then left, leaving Dara alone at the dining table without another word.

Dara did not protest, she immediately got ready because she had made an appointment with Sofi at her house. Dara's legs are a bit stiff and a little sore after a long walk yesterday. But the pain didn't bother her. She stepped excitedly out of the house. Without realizing it, Dara began to get used to living more slowly. As time went on she became more and more aware that she needed to live a quieter life. Life is not rushed make her live a better.

Dara remembers what happened yesterday. Not about Dean, but how she was so happy to have friends. Dara also finds pleasure in helping others. She felt warmth in her heart. She begins to realize that when she focuses on giving instead of expecting something in return, her life becomes lighter. Dara felt she should not demand others to do good. But she must always remember too, even though she doesn't demand that people be kind to her, if someone hurts her, she doesn't have to force herself to endure the pain.

Dara arrived there after a long walk. Dara doesn't really like walking, plus her feet hurt a bit, so she walks a lot slower. Sofi didn't welcome her like yesterday. She was talking to a girl who seemed to be not far from their age as well. Dara was a little hesitant to approach them at first.

"Dara, why don't you come in?" asked Leo who was suddenly behind her. Dara was so focused on seeing Sofi and her friends, she didn't notice Leo's presence.

"Sofi is chatting with her friend," Dara answered honestly. She was hesitant to approach them.

"It's okay, it's Laura. They're on business," Leo said casually, signaling Dara to follow him.

"Eh, Dara has come," Sofi greeted warmly.

"She's been here a long time. It's just that you're so busy chatting," Leo helped answer. Even though Dara didn't want to say that to Sofi.

"No, not long ago," said Dara immediately chimed in.

"Sorry, I didn't see you coming," Sofi seemed to feel guilty making Dara also feel bad.

"It's fine, I really haven't been here for too long."

Dara saw that Leo looked unaffected seeing his two friends feeling bad for each other. Leo can seem heartless and flat at times. Even though Dara knows that basically Leo also cares about his friends.

"This is Laura. Laura, this is Dara." Sofi introduced the two of them.

"Hello, I'm Dara," said Dara, shaking Laura's hand.

"I'm Laura."

Dara felt a sense of maturity when Laura spoke. Much like when Leo talks, but sweeter and kinder. Dara got the impression of firmness from Laura's character even just from hearing 2 words from her mouth. Laura is taller than Dara. She was almost the same height as Leo. She looks like an athlete, her body is sturdy and stands proudly. Her face looks pretty and her clothes are pretty neat. Dara guessed that she was a little older than Dara. Laura looks quite mature.

"What are you doing here?" Laura asked Leo.

"I was asked to do some shopping by Grandma," Leo replied less firmly than usual. Dara just saw Leo slightly weakened his tone. He seemed consumed by Laura's authority. Dara slightly wanted to mock him, but of course Dara did not dare.

"I'm done, I'm going home. I still have a lot of work to do," Laura told them. Dara could see Leo was a bit disappointed to hear that.

"You don't want to come to our next event?" Leo asked immediately before Laura turned to leave.

"I'm not a resident of this cluster."

"No problem. There are no rules," Leo said a little like a child.

"Yeah, sometime," Laura answered briefly, then hinted that she really had to go.

Dara and Sofi nodded simultaneously to Laura who also nodded briefly.

"Thanks Laura," said Sofi before Laura actually left.

"You're welcome," she said simply.

For a moment Leo, Dara, and Sofi saw Laura enter the box car that she was driving herself. Dara was amazed to see it. For Dara, just driving her father's old car sometimes makes it difficult for her when she has to park in a narrow space. Laura was so agile in driving, turning the car, even though the cluster road was not too wide.

"She's cool," said Sofi, who also thought the same as Dara.

"Absolutely," Dara agreed.

"Almost always," Leo said, his voice resolute again.

"What do you want to buy?" Sofi asked him.

Leo handed Sofi a long note. Sofi took a deep breath. "Why don't you go shopping once a week? Or at least once every 2 weeks, so that the list doesn't have to be this long."

"You're not grateful that there are still buyers," Leo protested. He didn't feel guilty at all. He sat himself in the chair there and signaled Sofi to get his groceries ready.

"Our employee don't come on Saturdays and Sundays. My father is fishing. So I have to take care of this alone."

"Want me to help?" asked Dara.

"Of course," said Sofi cheerfully.

Dara finally helps Sofi prepare Leo's groceries. Dara began to agree with Sofi, why Leo didn't shop in installments. Since Sofi's shop is not a supermarket, Dara and Sofi have to pick up and tidy up Leo's groceries at the same time.

"Laura doesn't live in this cluster?" Dara asked curiously.

"No, she lives downtown. She is the one who supplies the goods in our shop. Her family is wholesale anyway, I don't really understand. She also supplies necessities at Leo's workshop, oil, gasoline, and so on."

"I see. Leo is afraid of Laura?" said Dara, trying to lower her voice so Leo wouldn't hear.

"Yes, it is." Sofi seemed excited Dara raised the topic of Leo and Laura. "He's like a little kid when Laura is around."

Dara smiled in approval. "I've never seen Leo like that."

"They've known each other since they were kids. Leo's family and Laura's family have known each other for a long time. My father told the story."

"Really? Their families are close, aren't they?"

"Very close. Leo is 1 year younger than Laura. So, from a young age, Laura was a bit more dominant."

"Have you known them since childhood too?"

"Me, Leo, Tiara, and Billy have known each other since we were kids. But Laura, I've only ever seen her play with Leo. When we were kids we didn't really know each other."

Dara was a little jealous. Dara's childhood was mostly spent at home alone. She never dared to hang out together with the other friends in the cluste. Her father was quite busy since she was little. Since her grandfather stopped working, her father worked even harder. Meanwhile, her mother prefers Dara to stay at home rather than playing outside.

"Laura is also a former athlete, you know," said Sofi again, breaking Dara's brief daydream.

"It seems so. She is very strong."

"She's a former karate athlete. She has been in the sport since she was kid. But now She has quit and is helping her family run the business."

Dara nodded in understanding. So many entrepreneurs around her at this time. So she thought, whether she also need to start her own business.

"Laura's father is very kind. But unfortunately he is sick now. Laura's mother pass away when Laura was kid, so now Laura is quite busy taking care of her business as well as her family."

"Laura is really cool, looks independent and very authoritative. She can even drive a big box car."

"She's really cool. Leo is also less cool than her." Sofi also lowered her voice so Leo couldn't hear. Dara just smiled.

After a long time preparing and tidying up Leo's groceries, they were finally done. Leo came to them just in time. Leo paid immediately after seeing his note that was filled with price information and the total amount that Leo had to pay.

"Count again, I'm not Tiara," said Sofi to Leo.

"Yeah, if your count is wrong, I will text you." Sofi slightly snorted, but she didn't argue. "We have several agendas to help distribute aid from the government for the residents of our cluster. I just texted Mr. Dion."

"My father? He is fishing, how does he text you?" Sofi asked innocently. But Leo didn't seem interested in responding Sofi's innocent question too seriously.

"Yeah, your father just told me. Dara, do you want to help?"

"Of course. Just let me know when I'm needed," Dara said excitedly. She was happy to be involved.

"Okay, then Tiara can add you to our group chat."

"Why don't you ask me?" Sofi asked looking just as innocent. Leo didn't take it too seriously.

"You're already in the group chat. If there is an activity, it means you are also invited. I have to go home, my grandmother is waiting for me." Leo started to pack up his groceries to take to his pick-up truck. Sofi and Dara had packed it neatly in a cardboard box, which made Leo quite satisfied to see it.

"Do you want me to help carry your groceries?" asked Dara.

"No need, he's strong," Sofi answered immediately. Dara saw that she did look a little annoyed that Leo didn't really pay attention to her questions.

"Yeah, you don't have to. Let me just do it," Leo agreed, still ignoring the annoyed expression on Sofi's face.

After carrying all his shopping, Leo said goodbye to go home. Dara saw that Sofi was still upset. Even though Dara couldn't understand why Sofi could be so upset.

"Wanna talk for a minute?" Sofi asked a little whining.


Dara saw that Sofi started to cheer up again. Dara also smiled seeing Sofi's behavior, which was really like a child. She didn't remember ever having a friend like Sofi before.


Dara returns home feeling still in disbelief with her new activity. Dara was still trying to digest what was happening to her. She was happy to have her friends, started hanging out with them, and Dara was happy to feel the warmth in her heart.

When she got home she was still felt warm. Dara kinda forgot about her condition at home now. She kinda ran after parking her bike. In her head, just like that, she wanted to tell what happened to her grandfather. She didn't have much time to think and realize the reality she was going through when she opened the door and found that the living room her grandfather used to occupy was empty.

Dara's heart sank a little, but she didn't lament much. After a long time, she had accepted her family's are gone, this time she remembered them again. Dara finds her warm house is now lifeless. There was no warm welcome from her mother and grandmother. There is no longer a father figure that she looks forward to coming home every night. Dara doesn't deny it, she hasn't been able to forget them, maybe they shouldn't be forgotten. Dara just needs to live with the fact that they are no longer by her side. But that doesn't mean they can't be remembered.

Nemma had already prepared their dinner. This time Nemma's mood looked even worse. She started to look angry again. A little more upset than usual. Dara did not want to ask many questions. As usual she continued to eat in silence, until Nemma started to talk to her. Another anomaly occurred, but this time it was different. Dara has started to learn to accept Nemma's attitude which sometimes makes it difficult for her. After all, she didn't have much of a choice now. She didn't know how to talk to Nemma who still looked frustrated.

"You don't want to start work?" asked Nemma. Dara's tongue was bitten when she gasped at Nemma's sudden question. She couldn't answer right away. She didn't know what to say to Nemma. "You can work like me from home. You can work as a freelancer or whatever you can still do. There's a lot of job in this world. Try not to be just silent. Try moving. You are often too idealistic. You may be able to start working in an ordinary place, not always in a perfect place in your eyes. Just get the money first. If you keep following what you want, you will not progress."

Dara couldn't deny it even though Nemma's judgment hurt her so much. She wasn't what Nemma thought she was. Even though Nemma had some truth in it, she didn't think it was that bad. Dara can't defend herself. She only felt hurt because Nemma didn't understand her condition. How sad, how traumatized. How she also tried even though her efforts were lousy. Dara began to feel again the feelings she often felt before. The feeling that she had been trying to fight all this time, the feeling of feeling herself suck. Feeling guilty.

The lessons she had learned over the past few months, the contemplation she had done seemed useless in Nemma's eyes. She didn't expect Nemma's appreciation, but she couldn't deny that she felt misunderstood and it hurt. Dara didn't answer. Nemma looked annoyed that her words were not answered. The best Dara could do was learn to be quiet, trying not to say words that could hurt Nemma. Although she realized, there was a lot of insults she wanted to throw when she was getting tired of Nemma's behavior.

Dara knew Nemma had pain too. She also slumped after the accident that happened to their family 2.5 years ago. Even though she couldn't encourage Nemma, she thought she could still try not to add to the pain in Nemma's life. Even though what Nemma had done to her so far wasn't what she expected.

Nemma left Dara alone there before finishing her dinner. Dara did not move. She continued to finish her food. Het feelings were chaotic, but she realized, she needed to be grateful for the food that was served on her table. She did not want to waste what God had given her. Although her heart feels broken, and her appetite is gone.

Dara returned to her room after clearing the dining table. Dara doesn't want to think about it again and dissolves in her pain. Nemma is a test for her. Dara did not want to lose with the feeling of pain. She tried to fight the feeling of wanting to give up.

Dara looked at her empty account balance. She only pocketed money from Nemma yesterday. Dara made up her mind to start moving. She would drag her body to keep moving. Whatever she can do. She began to spend her time looking for work and businesses that she could do.

Dara listened to Nemma's advice, although she didn't want to admit that Nemma's advice was actually quite good even though it was delivered in a painful way. But because her heart was hurting, she needed a lot of effort to ignore her irritated feelings. Dara started trying to find a job outside her field of expertise. She's still burnt out to start coding again. She felt she still couldn't. Maybe she can start a business like her friends or work in one of the businesses owned by her friends. Dara thought of various options.

At first, Dara was afraid. Many fears filled het heart. She was afraid of failure, she was afraid of rejection. She felt that she still couldn't fight the bad feeling in her heart. But she tried to strengthen herself. Although she didn't know if she could handle disappointment well. She has not been able to face failure easily.

The first thing Dara did was to do work that did not require money. She started writing blogs, articles, making youtube videos. She tried to build a social media with the name Light Evolution. She didn't know why she chose that name. She just thought, she didn't want to show herself to the world. At first she was pleased to see the welcome she received. Although not much. Not much at all. But there are those who see her work.

Dara continues to work on her youtube channel. She shared various tutorials, facts, and whatever information she knew. Sometimes she was quite frightened when she saw the analysis of the video. She was afraid of being disappointed, she didn't know what else she should do if this attempt failed. She has no money and she can't go back to work yet. In addition, Dara was still doing social activities with her friends. This is entertainment for her heavy life. She is grateful to have her friends now. She has started to get to know them, even Dara can argue with Leo who is known to be quite stubborn.

"We can't do this in one day," said Dara. "Maybe it's still possible if you force it, but we'll all be really exhausted tomorrow."

"If we hurry, we can finish packing before Asr (around 3 p.m.). Then we can start distributing this aid to residents until sunset. We won't be late." Leo was still adamant in his opinion.

"But there's still a lot of work to do. Are you sure you can finish at Asr?" Dara asked to provoke Leo to think like her.

"It's quite a lot. Maybe we'll finish at 4 o'clock at the latest."

"We pray Asr for about 30 minutes. And today's Asr at 3.15 p.m. We just started at 3:45 pm, we might still be able to finish packing today, but for the process of distribution, I think it's better tomorrow." Dara is quite steady with her argument.

Leo refused to agree, but he didn't argue. He looked at Billy, Tiara, and Sofi who looked exhausted. The three of them don't even have the energy to help Dara fight him or they really don't have an argument that can break Leo's ideas.

"Okay, we'll do the packing today and we'll distribute the help tomorrow," Leo said finally relenting.

Dara was happy. Although Leo looks dispirited because his plan can't be realized. Dara thinks Leo's spirit is really good. But he also needed to think about himself. Leo takes the most portions at work. Even so, his friends still feel tired even though their work portion was less.

Leo is indeed responsible and also very systematic at work. But sometimes he is reckless and too brave when making decisions. Leo was in a bit of a rush at work, similar to the old Dara. Dara could understand Leo's great spirit. Dara sometimes looks like she used to be. But now Dara has changed. She began to learn not to be consumed by her own ambitions.

Dara's idea is not bad. They finished packing a little more relaxed and not in a rush at 5.30 p.m. If they force themselves to distribute the goods today, besides they will be tired, they will also disturb the Muslim-majority residents to do the Maghrib prayer.

"Tomorrow we meet at 7 a.m.," Leo said to them. Obviously they were all a bit reluctant to start activities too early, buy they all didn't argue. They were already very grateful that Leo had relented to slow down their pace of work that afternoon. Even though their rhythm slowed down a bit, the five of them were still exhausted. Including Leo who worked harder than his four friends.

"I wait for my mother to come here. My mother brought a motorbike from the restaurant. I'm pretty tired to get home by walk," said Tiara with the last of her strength.

"I'm tired too, but my father won't pick me up," said Sofi who looked like she was about to faint. She looked disappointed but also very tired.

"Maybe my mom can take you home. Even though it's a bit difficult. Because hmm... you know," said Tiara wanted to give hope to Sofi, but indeed their family conditions are complicated. Sofi just snorted without answering.

Leo saw the condition of his friends. He couldn't deny that he felt guilty for making his friends work so hard all day.

"Are you walking home?" Sofi asked Billy who seemed busy with his cell phone and didn't pay attention to them.

"My father wants to pick me up here. My dad is picking up my mom first."

"Want to take me home? Our house is close," said Sofi a little pitifully to Billy. "So Mrs. Ussy doesn't have to come to my house. It seems Mrs. Ussy will not like it."

"Sure." Of course Billy couldn't refuse. Billy was about to ask how Dara was going home, but Leo preceded him.

"How about you? Want me to take you home? Our house is close. I brought my pickup truck."

"I brought my bicycle."

"Yes, she has a bicycle," Billy confirmed. Even though he didn't remember Dara taking the bike there either.

"But you're tired Dara. You should go home with Leo instead. The bike can be carried in the back of Leo's pickup." Sofi suggested.

"Yeah, I'll be the one to lift your bike into my pickup," Leo said flatly.

Dara didn't really need that explanation, because it was clear that she couldn't possibly lift her own bicycle into Leo's pickup truck.

"It's oke, I'm still not too tired. Besides, my aunt want me to buy medicine so I want to buy it first at the pharmacy."

"You can go to the pharmacy with Leo," Sofi said again. She did look worried about Dara's condition. Moreover, she felt guilty for forgetting about Dara and prioritizing saving herself.

"That's right. You can buy medicine with Leo so you won't be too tired," Tiara said as well. Only Billy disagreed with the idea.

"Yeah, you can go with me if you're tired," Leo said even though he looked a bit lazy.

"Yes, I'm tired," said Dara starting to be realistic. "I have an idea. If that's the case, you just buy medicine at the pharmacy by car. I go home by bicycle. So we can save energy, right?" Dara suddenly felt that she had a brilliant idea.

Her four friends, including Billy, were happy with the idea, felt that there was something odd about Dara's idea. Even though they briefly thought that idea was reasonable and effective, it still felt odd. Seeing her friends who were silent in astonishment, Dara explained without guilt.

"You'll still be tired from taking me to the pharmacy. You're still going there even if I'm with you, right? You need to lift the bike into your pickup and of course you have to take it down later. If I don't go with you, you're really saving energy. When you go home you will pass my house."

Leo shook his head, but he didn't even have the energy to argue. "Okay, what should I buy?"

Sofi and Tiara chuckled slightly while Dara didn't notice anything was wrong. Only Billy seemed happy that Dara's idea had actually been realized. He seemed to be secretly hiding his satisfaction.

"You're still waiting for your parents, right?" Dara finally said after handing Leo the money and notes. "I'm going home first. See you tomorrow."

"See you," said Sofi weakly.

"See you tomorrow," Tiara added. Meanwhile, Billy just smiled. He still wasn't used to talking to Dara. Dara didn't realize that at all.

"Me too, I have to buy medicine first. After that, go to Dara's house," Leo said with emphasis in every words. But Dara didn't really care.

"Okay Mr. Leo," Tiara said with a chuckle.

"I think I can also ask you to buy something sometime," said Sofi teasingly. Leo didn't respond to them. He immediately went to follow Dara who had already walked towards the hall front door.

Leo parked his pickup near Dara's bicycle. As he was about to go up, he spoke to Dara again. "Are you sure you don't want to come?"

Dara thought for a moment digesting the meaning behind Leo's words. "Are you okay going alone?" Dara asked, starting to realize that maybe her request was too much. She was like telling her friend to do what she should be doing. Dara began to realize and feel bad.

"That's not it, I don't mind buying medicine for your aunt. But your calculations weren't quite right."

"What calculations?" Dara asked confused.

"If you go home alone, it means you're still tired of riding a bicycle. If you come with me, just sit down."

"Yes, but you are more tired if I go with you. It's okay, I'll just go home with my bike, " said Dara friendly.

"Well, take care then," Leo said firmly as usual. Even so, Dara is still grateful for being noticed. Not just by Leo, but by all her new friends.

"Okay, take care. Thank you very much," said Dara.

"Okay." Leo's heart was split in two. On the one hand, he feels that Dara cares for him, but on the other hand he still doesn't believe that he was ordered by Dara to buy her aunt's medicine.

Dara saw Leo driving his pickup. She also rode her bike. The distance from the hall to her house is quite far and Dara is a bit tired. But she really wanted to enjoy her trip home alone. She wanted to enjoy the sky starting to turn yellow and the sun starting to set. Even though at home she would be reminded again by the pressure given by Nemma, Dara didn't want to think about it for a while. Dara could enjoy it in Leo's truck too, but she didn't want to enjoy the beautiful evening sky with him. Dara chuckled thinking about it.


Dara arrived at her house. Dara began to realize that if she came in and didn't bring her medicine, Nemma would interrogate her. She didn't have a logical answer to explain Leo going to buy her medicine. She had just realized that her idea was indeed unusual and would get her into trouble. Dara's mind was racing. Finally Dara decided to wait for Leo in her front yard of her house.

While waiting, Dara saw the sky turning yellow. She smiled and got used to staring at her silently. She had started to get used to training herself to rest. Dara hadn't been there long enjoying the setting sun, then Leo's car came. Dara immediately stood up and approached him.

"This is your request," Leo said handing Nemma's medicine without getting out of his truck.

"Thanks a lot." Dara couldn't hide her joy.

"Would you like some cake?" Leo handed Dara a packet of cookies. The cake was still warm.

Dara accepted it a bit confused. "For me?"

"Yes, there was a mother selling this cakes while bringing her child. I bought quite a lot. There are 3 more packs. Do you still want it?" Leo asked.

Actually, Dara wanted to. She didn't have much food at home. But she was too shy to tell the truth.

"No thanks, it's enough for me. Thank you very much."

"Okay, you are welcome. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Dara entered her house. She didn't see Nemma. Dara then put the medicine on the dining table and went into her room to eat her cake alone. It wasn't that she didn't want to share it with Nemma, she didn't have an answer that would keep her safe if Nemma asked who gave her the cake. It seems like her mother used to say, Nemma is quite sensitive to people who are dating.

Dara shuddered a little at the thought of it. Leo was just a friend, but Nemma might think differently. Meanwhile, Dara, who was already hungry, immediately devoured the cakes given by Leo. It was quite strange for her. It was the first time she had received food from a man. Dara slightly regretted why Leo had to be the first to do it. Dara didn't think much of it. She was too happy to be able to eat well. Over the past few months, she has often been confined to matters of food. Dara didn't dare to eat if she didn't ask permission from Nemma.


The following days there were no more social activities from the small team with her friends. After they distributed aid to the residents at 7 a.m. that day, Billy looks sleepy, he's not used to being active too early. Even though Dara's presence was not enough to make him more excited. Meanwhile, Tiara and Sofia were clearly complaining.

Dara, who was used to getting up early in the morning, didn't complain much. Even though she left before she had breakfast. After that Dara returned to the reality of her life. She was happy that her YouTube was starting to be seen by people. There were several hundred people who saw the short video. But the next day, no one saw the video. Dara was getting frustrated, especially since she didn't enjoy her job. Not only that, she applied freelance job, no one accepted it.

Dara felt continuous failure and rejection. Dara began to feel her steps not only slowed down, but she seemed to want to go backwards. On the one hand she wanted to prove Nemma wrong. She was not silent, but she also has limitations. There were many things she couldn't control. What's more, she felt lousy, useless. Coupled with the pressure from Nemma, it made her even more uncomfortable. Dara began to feel a black cloud began to cover her life again.

It was not easy to accept failure many times. Accepting rejection was also not fun. She started thinking about working in Leo's workshop, at Tiara's restaurant or even at Sofi's shop. But she realized, that was not her skill. She could argue all day with Leo because their way of working is different, especially Dara doesn't understand machines and she's also not good at taking care of administrative matters.

Dara can help pack goods at Sofi's shop, but Dara realizes she can't be patient with customers. She can't cook, obviously she can't be a chef at Tiara's restaurant. Being a waitress is also not her skill. She was clumsy to meet strangers. Dara is not a person who can serve people well. Even when helping local residents, Dara prefers to work behind the scenes. It takes time for her to get closer to new people. Unless that person gives her space, understands her, and also loves her, as Dara's four friends did to her.

Dara didn't know what to do but try not to give up. Finally Dara decided to take a short walk in her cluster. This day all her friends were busy. Sofi went to college, Tiara was always busy helping her mother, as well as Leo who was busy in his workshop, Billy also worked as a chef at Tiara's restaurant. Dara also thought, at times like this she prefers to be alone.

Finally Dara came out aimlessly on her bicycle. Along the way she felt the bitterness of failure that she felt. Dara barely noticed as she passed the path near the hall, someone was calling her. Leo was standing there with a grandmother who looked very old but still looked quite fit. Dara stopped her bike and approached them.

"Where are you going?" Leo asked lightly.

"I'm just taking a walk," Dara replied, smiling at Leo's grandmother who was watching her.

"This is my grandmother, just call her Grandma Nomi," said Leo introducing his grandmother.

"Good afternoon Grandma, I'm Dara."

"You are so beautiful, this is Dara, Mr. Toni's daughter, right?"

"Yes, Grandma." Dara looked at Leo who turned his face away. Dara knew for sure that Leo was talking about her to his grandmother.

"Okay, Grandma and I want to go home," Leo said finally breaking the silence between them.

"Oh okay, nice to meet you, Grandma," said Dara trying to be friendly.

"You too. Wanna come to our house? I made the same cake that Leo gave you that time," said Grandma Nomi warmly.

Dara slightly regreted why Leo talked a lot about her to his grandmother. She didn't know why she didn't like it. Dara is a little suspicious that he might also talk about he was asked by Dara to buy Nemma's medicine. But more than that, Dara noticed Leo's face slightly changed.

"Sometimes maybe, Grandma. Insha Allah, later I will come with our friends too, " said Dara. Even though she wanted the cake, Dara wouldn't be able to fight the awkwardness she felt when she accepted the invitation alone.

"Oh sure, invite Tiara, Sofi, and Billy too. And also Laura. Leo would be happy if Laura came. Leo never invites anyone into our house."

Grandma Nomi and Dara chuckled together as if they had the same thought. While Leo looked uncomfortable and awkward, he seemed unable to reply to his grandmother's words. Dara saw the look on Leo's face, but she found something strange. Leo didn't look like he was embarrassed, but he looked like he was worried.

"Yes, I'll invite you later. Let's go home now, Grandma," Leo said ending their conversation. The look on Leo's face was clearly devoid of energy.

Dara was surprised by Leo's attitude, but Dara was not too worried about it. After seeing Grandma Nomi and Leo walking away from her, her heart felt at ease again. The failure she felt had faded away and was replaced by a feeling that began to warm her heart at the memory of her friends. But it didn't last long when she saw someone she recognized getting out of the luxury car, Dean.

This time Dara could clearly see his face. His body was sturdy and very tall. Dara guessed that his height could be 25-30 cm above Dara. His skin was pale. He was wearing a black t-shirt and long jeans. The anger in Dara's heart almost overtook her. She wanted to approach that person. Swearing at him, berating him, or kicking him in the face. Dara realized, she did not want to do that even though her anger wanted it.

Anger and resentment overwhelm Dara. She stood there watching Dean talking to someone she didn't recognize. She kept her eyes on him until Dean got into his car. Dara was still frozen. She refrained from doing anything. Until Dean finally left, she couldn't hold it in anymore. She followed Dean. She continued to follow with no clear purpose. She just wanted to keep following him.

Dean stopped his car at a his luxury villa. The only four-story house there. Not very well maintained but still looks clean. The villa overlooks a beautiful view, the rice fields belonging to residents in the Durian Village which is set against a beautiful mountain backdrop. The only remaining rice fields around cluster area. Dara saw him enter. Dara was angry, but she realized that she didn't want to let her heart hate the person who is responsible for the accident that befell her family.

Dara still froze. She didn't want to do anything. Her anger wanted to hurt Dean, but her conscience wanted the opposite. Unexpectedly, Dean soon came out of the courtyard of his villa. He noticed Dara's presence around there. He looked at Dara for a moment. Dean didn't recognize her. Then Dean turned his face away without caring about Dara's presence. He got back into his car and slid away from there leaving Dara who was still helpless.

The failure she felt or the warmth from Grandma Nomi she received, all gone. It was as if she didn't feel anything anymore. Those feelings were replaced with the chill that felt upon seeing that person again. Dara froze for a long time. She only realized when the rain started to fall as if to represent her feelings that were still having trouble crying.

Dara pedaled her bicycle in the rain that was getting heavier and heavier. Dara did not pay attention to her soaking wetness. She continued to pedal her bicycle towards her house. There was nowhere else she could go, even though she didn't want to go back to her home. When she arrived in front of her house. She saw Leo standing with an umbrella in his hand not far away. Leo looked confused by Dara's attitude which allowed herself to be rained on. But Dara did not have the energy to care about it. She entered her house without noticing Leo or even greeting him. Dara forgot her manners.

Leo who arrived in front of Dara's house was a little confused. He brought the cake that his grandmother made for Dara. He was ordered by his grandmother to send it to Dara even though it was raining heavily. He could tell that Dara was upset or that something was on her mind because Leo knows enough that Dara is a friendly and kind person to her friends.

Leo didn't want to disturb Dara. He felt he had no choice, because if his grandmother had asked for something, even if it didn't make sense at times, Leo needed to do it. Leo was still considering what he needed to do. Before long he thought, the car of someone he recognized stopped there. Billy got out of his car using an umbrella that was a bit small for his body so that the splashes of water were enough to wet his clothes.

"What are you doing?" Billy asked in a voice that was louder than usual, against the sound of the rain getting heavier and heavier.

Leo was starting to notice, he was also quite cold standing there for quite a while. "And you, what are you doing here?"

"I was told by my mom to deliver food to Dara's house," Billy replied.

"When it rains like this?"

"It didn't rain. My mom just got back from Yogya. She brought some foods from there. She asked to give some to Dara. After taking my mother to a friend's house, on the way home, it was raining really hard."

"Why did you just give it to Dara? Are we not given?" Leo asked trying to investigate.

Billy looked flustered, he had no answer that could save him that time. He pretended to mumble as if to speak. The sound of the rain getting heavier saved him.

"You didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?" Billy asked this time clearly and loudly enough.

"I was told by my grandmother to send a cake to Dara," Leo replied casually because he thought Billy did the same so he didn't have to hesitate to answer honestly.

However as if Billy had a chance to turn things around, Billy asked him the same thing, "When it rains like this? Your house is near, you should have known it was raining earlier. Why don't you wait for the rain to stop?"

This time it was Leo who had no answer. Even if that's not what he wanted. Grandma Nomi told him to and he couldn't refuse. But Leo couldn't easily explain it to Billy. Besides that, the two of them still didn't pay attention to the rain that was pouring down on them. Even though they were using umbrellas, the raindrops still wet their bodies.

"Alright, please give this cake to Dara. This is a cake from my grandmother." Leo handed the cake to Billy. "Thanks, I'll go first. Really cold."

Leo then left, leaving Billy alone. After all, Leo felt saved. He felt no need to disturb Dara and his grandmother's orders were also carried out. Besides, Leo was smart enough to guess that Billy had special feelings for Dara. Tiara and Sofia also started to notice it. Only Dara who was quite naive could not see that.

Meanwhile Billy started looking at the cake he was holding. He then went back into the car to bring the food from his mother. Billy told his parents a lot about Dara. They supported Billy, but Billy wasn't sure what to do.

Like this time. He hesitated to knock on Dara's house. Finally he just pensive and frozen in his car. Unbeknownst to him, Nemma had been watching the two of them from the inside for a long time.
