
4 o'clock

CHARACTER INTRODUCTION AMY was your typical unpopular, plain looking, loner girl. Growing up chubby and polar opposites with her beautiful sister, she deliberately distanced herself from becoming friends with anyone and chose to be invisible to avoid being targeted by bullies. Her only comfort is visiting this place during the magical hour 4 o'clock and expressing her love for photography having the sky as her favorite subject.  EDMOND on the other hand is Mr. Popular. The university heartthrob and mischievous by nature. Intrigue over Amy's loner nature and constant disappearance every 4 o'clock, he wanted to know where and what so was special about that hour. KEVIN is the second most popular guy in school. Good looks, hero by heart. He is most often misunderstood by girls because of his caring nature. SOFIE is your all around Australian bombshell, carefree, attractive and on the wild side.  Amy grew up having a perfect family. Well loved. Strong bond and adhering to values while Sofie's family was the extreme reverse - broken, narcissist and revenge oriented. SYNOPSIS It started as a love-hate relationship between a bored, teenage heartthrob intrigue over where a chubby, loner disappear to every 4 o'clock. In the process of discovering her world, he ended up realizing that her lonesome, laidback nature is actually filled with fun and excitement that turned out to become amazement and affection for her. As the love story develops, personal circumstances caused them to be separated and after five years, reunited once again. This time as mature, young, successful adults. Mending their past and rekindling their complicated love story, they ended up passionately in love.... So what could go wrong? What do you think could possibly turn a bright, happy love story into dark, menacing situation by just a flick of a switch? This love story is not your typical daily dose of fairy tale. It started as a teen romance that transcends to a mature story. It contains twist and unexpected circumstances that draws all emotions from personal well being to state of mental health. Along the process, it gives away love lessons not only for lovers but everyone who appreciates the magical hour 4 o'clock.

emilymercado · Urbano
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141 Chs


After the class, Amy decided to head to her favorite place. It is nearing 4' o clock. She gathered her things from her locker and checked her phone. Almost running, she headed out of school. Edmond saw her running and decided to follow.

Walking along the road where the trees are beautifully lined up, she appreciated the beauty of nature this time and try to feel the warmth of the summer sky. She spread her hand wide eagled and tried to make a walking turn. Halfway through the turn, she was shocked of what she saw. Edmond was on the other side of the road walking and pretending not to see her. Confused of what was happening she started to speculate that the instances of him constantly appearing in front of her is not just coincidental but becoming intentional. What could be his motive and why does it have to her.

Hoping to outrun him, she slowed her pace and let Edmond walked a few meters further ahead than her. Noticing her moved, he decided to grant her wishes and made a right turn by the end of the road going opposite her direction. Seeing that he is not following her anymore, she glanced at her watch and ran. She might miss the train to her favorite spot. Reaching the station, she was happy to know that the train had not passed yet. Sitting by the waiting bench, she pulled out her phone and started to take photos of the sky. Feeling uncomfortable in the neck by just looking up, she lay down by the bench and clicked away. A face suddenly appeared covering half the frame of the camera as she was taking the photo. She was startled by what she saw and fell off the bench. Sitting at the floor, she was shock to see Edmond standing by the bench watching her. He extended his hand to help her stand up and said:

"Did I startle you? I'm sorry".

Amy cannot believe her luck. Annoyed, she asked him:

"Are you a stalker?"

"Are you following me?"


Edmond smiled and replied: "Stalker?"

Amy: "Yes stalker!"

Edmond (still smiling): "I'm just curious."

Amy (brows frowning): "Curious? About what?"

Edmond: "About what a girl like you seems to be doing all alone."

Amy: "Huh?"

Edmond (getting near her face as he speaks): "It's kind of...interesting."

Amy reacted by bending backwards her face and did not ask further. Somehow, she was satisfied by his answers.

She just said: "There is nothing interesting in me, believe it!"

Edmond just smiled at her comment.

The train came and dropped off some passengers. As the train was about to depart, Amy grabbed her things and jump aboard the last cart of the train. Edmond, unaware of her maneuver was outsmarted by Amy. The train started to move and Amy waved at Edmond while smiling. Edmond cannot believe that he was suddenly outsmarted. He looked at Amy and without thinking; he rushed through the slow moving train. She realized what he was trying to do and suddenly became scared. She whispered at the train to go faster. As Edmond came nearer, he tossed his bag to Amy and jumped on board. Amy was shocked at what just happened. Edmond clutching his chest as his heart was beating fast from excitement. Laughing aloud, he looked at Amy who was more shocked at what he just did.