
4 Agents

Baddie, Bull, Wheels and Try-hard are trying to avenge Alex Upton. Try-hard (Sophia) is Alex's daughter and captain of this team. Alex Younger the head of MI6 is their new handler for this mission. They go undercover to find Marco De Luca the son of Alessandro De Luca (The murderer of Alex Upton). But, what happens when family issues and secrets cause this mission to fail? In the POV of Try-hard (AKA: Sophia).

zamantwin1 · Adolescente
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17 Chs

The Calvary~ Stage 8

Wheels and Bull were just concerned for Baddie but she could handle herself.

"I know you're all worried and distressed, but we should get some sleep and devise a plan in the morning."

"I don't think I can sleep until I get these motherfuckers Cap."

"That is the adrenaline talking Bull. Please go to your men den and get some rest, Baddie is a big girl she can take care of herself."

They both turned around and walked away like lost dogs looking for their owners. I closed the window and saw a piece of fabric with a number 4 on it. A clue, this could be a way of finding where they are. I sat in my bed and called Pad.

"Hey, sorry for the late-night call. I need another favour."

I looked at the screen and saw Com instead,

"What do you need?"


"Well she has gone home so just tell me."

"I'm going to send you multiple photos of something I found, Baddie had just been kidnapped but don't say anything."

"Are you going tell Sir?"

"It's better we don't say anything, just let me handle this."

"You do know he is dirty."

"Wait, you know?"

"Well, I have access to anything I want here. That includes the phone calls and the secret meetings he has been having."

"Okay, update me when you get something."


Beep. He hung up without a second thought, he was weird but useful and smart. I knew I could trust him along with Pad because it's unlikely she didn't find anything as well. However, how did Sir know that I was going to be at the party? I tried to sleep but the thought of Baddie lingered in my mind along with Marcos' delusional personality. I went into the bathroom and had a cold shower, it woke me up with a shiver down my spine. I went to grab a towel to find Wheels at the door smiling.

"Don't worry, I can't and didn't see anything. Also, you're quite the hypocrite."

"Just close the door."

He stepped inside and closed the door.

"You know what I meant!"

He opened the door and stepped out, he closed it and leant against the door.

"I'm sorry, I know I overstepped our boundaries but you know I was kidding."

"You're lucky I know that your into men otherwise I would call Sir and say workplace misconduct happened."

"I do like dick."

"Shut up! I don't want to know stuff like that. But, how am I a hypocrite?"

"Telling us to sleep and not worry and here you are doing that exact thing."

"I'll admit that I should probably sleep, but that's nothing a good cup of coffee can't fix. Also, I'm not worrying I'm taking a shower."

"We've been friends for so long, I know how you cope with stress and this is one way."

"Okay what's the others?"

"Stress eating, stress coffee drinking and smoking."

"I don't smoke."

"You use to."

"Yeah when I was a rebellious teenager."

"And when your dad died. That hit you pretty hard."

"That's why I can't let Baddie die."

I had my hoodie and jeans on, I was going to find this man myself. I walked into the living and picked up my phone. There was a message from Com.

A warehouse by the docks, also Pad is dirty so call and text through this secure line.

I stared at the screen in shock, Pad was dirty. It all made sense, how Sir knew when and where we were. Out of all the people in the world Com was the only one I could trust. I trusted my team but they could easily be manipulated, so I had so be cautious. I looked at Wheels and gave him a weary smile.

"I'm going to go and get Baddie, just prepare the get away vehicle and fill up the tank."

"I'm sure Bull would want to go with you and so would I."

"I can't risk too many people in the building, as your Captain I'm telling you to stand down and do what I ask."

"Well, as your friend I'm telling you that you should go in with backup."

"Just do what I say, I can't afford any mistakes."

"We're a team Try-hard, we can't afford any mistakes either."


"Put your tracker in and we will be at an exit. Put your communication device in so I can contact you."

I nodded and put the communication device in my ear and a tracker in my shoe. I walked out into the cold morning air, I exhaled and a cloud of heat exited my mouth. I ran to the motorcycle sitting in the garage, I would probably be fired as this part of the mission was unauthorised and could mean that it blows our cover. We were suppose to have the element of surprise and let him believe that he was safe. However, he just risked his whole life by taking Baddie. He definitely wasn't safe from me. It took five minutes to get to the docks, I swung my legs over the motorcycle and grabbed some knives. A gun would be too risky and loud, but I was really good with knives. I never missed. I saw an old warehouse and climbed up to a broken window where I could crawl through. There was a dim light bulb on the ceiling, all I could see was cars and a few men. They were in for a surprise, I jumped down off the window ledge and into the warehouse. I crouched behind a car and listened to a conversation between two men.

"When will the boss be here?"

"In a few minutes, apparently he wants us to be prepared as a girl may come and kick our asses."

"As if!"

He scoffed at the thought and I crawled behind another car but an alarm went off. I panicked and jumped on top of the car, I then jumped off and kicked one of the men in the face. The other smiled and laughed.

"Oh, your the girl. He should've been prepared."

I walked over and grabbed his arm then I stabbed him in the stomach. I pulled the knife back out as I would need it for later and laughed.

"I think you should've been prepared."

He groaned and tried to grab a gun but I stood on his hand breaking it.

"Where are they keeping Baddie?"


"A girl, she has red hair and blue eyes. Where is she?"

"I don't know."

I held the knife against his neck and whispered with my breathing getting heavier.

"Don't lie to me, where is she?"

I shouted at him, he groaned in pain.

"He's bringing her here soon. In a minute he will arrive in a black van."

"See that wasn't too hard was it? You just needed a little persuasion."

I walked to the entrance of the warehouse and saw a black van. Marco walked out and grinned.

"I knew you were smarter than you let off. However, if you come any closer I will kill your friend here."

He turned around and went in the van and dragged Baddie out, she was severely beaten and was covered in bruises and cuts.

"She has a temper, and didn't make it easy. She really is a loyal friend but she fights like a tiger."

"You think she's bad, I trained her."

"Well, I was the one who beat her up unfortunately. She is a pretty girl."

"I don't think you understand how badly I want to kill you now."

Baddie groaned and whimpered.

"Just kill him. It doesn't matter."

I looked at her and then to Marco, he knew that I wouldn't let her die.

"What do you want Marco?"

"Your bracelet."


"My father said your father had a private safe. You hold half of the password."

"It doesn't, I can assure you. My father gave me it because he always had a saying."

"I don't care, I will give you this girl and then you can give me the bracelet."

"What's stopping me from not giving you the bracelet?"


"And what do you know about honour?"

"My mother had honour and the other half of the bracelet."

"Wait, my dad said my mother ha-"

"Wow, you didn't know."

He smiled and pushed Baddie towards me and walked up to her and she collapsed in my arms. I threw the bracelet because if there was anything important in there my father would've told me.

"It was good doing business with you Miss Upton."

"You cruel monster! How could you? She didn't do anything!"

He turned around and went to the van and entered it with a jump in his step. Baddie looked at me with tears in her eyes, she had suffered enough for my cause.

"Cap why didn't you take him down?"

"Because someone told me that a few more weeks of trying to take him down wouldn't hurt. Also, I have something to tell you all."

At that moment Wheels arrived in a car with Bull, he rolled down his window.

"The calvary has arrived guys. You coming in?"

"Here take Baddie and I'm going to take the motorcycle back to the villa and enjoy the scenic route."

Bull got out of the car and carried Baddie, he laid her down in the back seat and put on her seatbelt for her. I walked away with tears rolling down my face; I had failed them, everyone. I failed my dad, my country and my team. I should just quit now, I rang Sir.

"I failed, and I'm resigning."

"You can't just quit."

"I can and I will."

I hung up and took the motorbike to the nearest petrol station. I was refilling the tank and realised my dad had assets everywhere, including Italy. He had basically lived in Italy for a few years before I was born. I remembered a restaurant he told me about, when I was younger he told me all about his adventures. The restaurant was called Plin E Tajarin, it had the best ravioli according to my father. However it wasn't near the coast but closer to the city. I revved my motorcycle and drove away without paying, the police were probably looking for me because I needed to head home as I had no business here. This meant I was here illegally, my team were probably at the villa worrying and calling home. The Calvary~ Stage 8 was complete and everyone was safe except me.