
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

Night of nerves



Woo, okay, I look around and this place is looking a little better, a little more me.

I spent all morning and early afternoon decorating and cleaning this place.

I removed the dark maroon floor-length drapes from the living room window, so much brighter in here now. I set up the lamps, hung a couple of pictures, placed a few fake plants throughout the house, put the couch cover on, which was a son of a bitch to do, and put on the cute little throw pillows. It's much more homey now. It still needs a lot of sprucing up but in time, I'll get it all done.

I'm sweating bullets from scrubbing the hell out of the floors, walls, and honestly just everything in every corner. I'm a combination of gross and concoction of cleaning solutions embedded into my hands. I need a shower before going to X's.

I undress out of my shorts and tank top in the bathroom and step into the shower.

"Holy shit!" I scream out at the feel of ice-cold water.

Why in the hell is the cold and hot opposite?! Well, I'm wide awake now..

I should've just put my pride aside and had my boyfriend help me out with a new apartment.

I just don't have that in me though, everyone takes and takes from him and I want to be the one person that doesn't.

When I'm done with my semi-refreshing shower, I rummage through my still-unpacked bag of clothing and pick out a navy blue summer dress. I don't have the energy to actually do my hair right now so I pull it into a high ponytail and pull at the roots sporadically to give it a looser, textured appearance. The same goes with makeup, not doing full glam today, I swipe a few coats of mascara onto my lashes and put a little gloss on my lips.

Good enough..

I text X that I'm leaving now and head over to the house.

When I arrive, I park in my original spot and make my way up to the penthouse a little too quickly because I can't wait to see him.

I knock on the door feeling nervous for some reason, a good nervous, butterflies nervous.

He opens the door and yup, my gut never proves me wrong. He's in basketball shorts and no shirt on illuminating tanned skin, tattoos on full display, and boxers two inches above the waistline of the black shorts. He is hands-down the most tantalizing man I've ever laid eyes on. Is he doing this on purpose?! I want to jump his bones right this instant.

After eye fucking him up and down I meet his dark green eyes and he gives me a cocky smile. He's earned the right to be cocky, I don't care what anyone says.

I expect him to give me a full-on bear hug that I'm so desperately in need of but no, he gives me a one-armed hug like a friend would. He releases his soft-skinned muscular tattooed arm from me, I'm disappointed by the lack of touch but I just got here, I have all night to get what I want.

"How was decorating?" He asks with his back to me walking towards the black leather couch.

"It was..tiring, but good, looks a lot better," I say sitting next to him trying to get all cuddled up into him.

He takes a part of my ponytail between his fingers and twists it around playing with the strands, It's such a subtle loving gesture.

"Hey babe?" He asks not reaching my eye when he says his words.

"Yeah…?" I ask feeling a little off-put by what he's going to ask me because of the tone of the question.

"Do you wanna go down to the beach? I wanna talk to you about something." He says and it instantly makes my blood run cold.

I feel nervous all over again but in a bad way this time around.

What does he have to talk to me about? Does he not want this relationship as much as he thought he did? Did something happen? Did someone die?

"Babe, chill." He says with a chuckle.

He can tell I'm internally freaking but can you blame me?! Beach talk is usually not good.

"Okay, we'll let's go then," I say standing up from the couch and rubbing my hands over my arms for self-comfort.