
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

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I tap my blue pen against my desk at work. I'm finding it to be a habit whenever something is weighing on my mind, which happens to be often lately. 

Last night I left right after X fell asleep, I found no use in being there in his presence. Yes, he revealed some truth about why he doesn't want a baby but I'm sure as hell he won't be giving that information out sober. I still don't know where we stand so I decide it's finally time we have a conversation about this. 

I text him. 

Me: hey can we talk tonight? 

X: ya 

Nice, he's being short with me..great start. 

Me: I'll come right after work if that's okay 

X: k 

What is his deal? 

When I finish up at work I drive to X's house feeling indifferent as I sit in traffic. By the time I get there, I'm nervous about how this talk will go, and if this motherfucker thinks I'm gonna just let the whole Dani being there thing go he's got another thing comin'. 

I knock at his door and within seconds he's opening it. Goddamn, my hormones must be peaking in the lower region because he looks fine as fuck. His hair is disheveled in a sexy way, he's shirtless and only in black basketball shorts. He must be doing this on purpose but sorry my friend, it's not going to work on me today. I push past him concealing my lust and walk to the leather couch. 

"Jeez no hi?" He asks lifting an eyebrow. 

"Hi," I put my head down so he doesn't pull me into his dark trance. 

Instead of sitting beside me, he sits in front of me on the coffee table, the woodsy scent of him invading my nostrils. 

"I know what you're doing?" I say rolling my eyes. 

"And what am I doing?" He asks as his eyes darken. 

My breathing hitches, "Stop." 

"C'mon baby, you know you love this, it doesn't have to end." He says smirking at me and squeezing my upper thigh. 

"Doesn't have to end?" I ask curiously. 

"A baby will ruin this," he says lighting dragging his fingertips to my inner thigh. 

I stand up and away from his touch. 

"You actually think that seducing me would make me get an abortion?" I have to laugh at how poorly that was thought out. 

"Can we get to real talking now?" I ask folding my arms across my chest annoyed. 

"Fine," he says moving from the coffee table to the couch. 

I sit back down on the couch but keep my distance. 

"So…" I begin.

He rolls his eyes with clear agitation, "You know how this will go Millie, you'll get your way with having the baby and I? I can't not be with you so it looks like we're going to be a happy little fucked up family." 

His words sting, "You know it doesn't have to be that way, X," I say but I know he'll never think of it any other way. 

"Yeah well it does," he crosses his arms over his muscular chest, resembling a pout..remind me who the child is in this equation? 

"Look, I wasn't planning for this just as much as you weren't but I'm dealing with the cards I've been given, yeah it's not ideal right now but at the same time I'm so excited for what's to come along the way," I try to tell him but I'm sure it's in one ear and out the other. 

I pull the ultrasound pictures from out of my purse and hand them over to him. It takes a minute to observe the images because he's fighting against the idea but he actually stares at it for a minute. 

"You don't need to be scared X, this isn't just any baby, it's our baby, me and you and our love is fierce, this baby will have two parents that love one another just the way we will love him or her. History doesn't have to repeat itself." I try to reason with him and I think I've finally gotten through because no, he's not jumping for joy but he just sighed like he's giving in to the idea. 

"Let's just hope this baby is more of you and less of me," he says glancing over. 

"Does that mean you're in?" I ask cautiously. 

"Yeah, I'm in," he says less than enthusiastic but he's still in. 

I know his feelings won't change overnight and I'm not expecting them to but at least we've made a step forward and for today, that's enough. 

I want to bring up the Dani situation but I decide against it given that we've hit a common ground on something very significant happening in our lives and bringing her into this today just doesn't feel right.