
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

Happy fuckin 4th



Happy fucking Fourth of July, okay not really, it's July 2nd but who wants to party on a Monday? So today we celebrate..which is the last fucking thing I want to do because I don't feel like being annoyed by a bunch of drunk assholes. 

I was going to forget the whole thing altogether but of course, Millie caught wind of it and wanted in on the party, I don't know why because she can't even drink which is worse than being drunk at these parties. There's no way in hell I'd let her be here at this or any party without me so naturally I'm sitting here sweating my balls off. 

Since I'm so patriotic I'm dressed in dark blue jeans, and a white shirt and I even changed my nose ring to a red one for the occasion, oh yeah and I'm also wearing a black hat with an American flag on it, backward may I add just for a certain someone. It's all a show, logically I had to since I guess I'm the host? Bad fucking idea with the jeans, it's hot as shit out today. I could easily go change out of them but I'm a lazy son of a bitch so there's that. 

I'm not much of a beer drinker but fuck it, 'Merica. I have an ice-cold Stella in hand, okay, so the beer is Belgian, who cares I can only be so patriotic..

The firecracker in the red dress catches my eye as she waltzes her way towards me weaving in and out of people, her face is as red as her dress, and she looks furious. Good thing I know how to de-escalate the fury. 

I whistle as she nears, "Baby, look at you," I say in a tone that makes me want to eat her right the fuck up. 

She can't help the smile that reaches her eyes. She comes right up to me whispers in my ear, "Not looking too bad yourself," and nibbles on my earlobe. 

Holy fuck, fuck this party I need me some of this pussy before I fuck her right here, right now if front of everyone, claiming what's mine to the world. Now that I think of it maybe I should. 

She makes herself comfortable on my lap, wiggling her tight ass up against my thighs. 

I hold her legs in place, "careful with those movements before I take what I want in front of all these people."

"Maybe that's what I want," she says leaning her back closer to my chest. 

Who is she tonight? 

But then I see her looking Dani's way, not looking, glaring. 

Ahh. I see what she's doing, she's the one claiming me. 

I love when she gets jealous but it's funny to watch it happen because it's Dani, I'm in no fucking way interested in her so Millie's wasting away the energy of her jealousy but I'll let it go on for a little while longer. 

"Have you eaten yet babe?" I ask into her ear. 

She shakes her head no. 

I interlock my fingers around her belly, "If we're doing this, don't neglect the baby I put inside of you, eat," I demand and I feel the rise of goosebumps forming on her arms. 

I'm still not jumping for joy over having a child but I'm done fighting it so why not just embrace it I guess? Careful what you wish for Millie, you thought I was possessive before? You got another thing coming. 

"Yes sir," she says and my dick instantly twitches. 

"Don't do that," I grit through my teeth. 

She discreetly grinds against my aching cock, "Do what?" She asks so innocently, fuck. 

"Get a room you two," Julian grunts, okay I guess we weren't all that discreet but whatever. 

"Millie? How about that room?" I ask looking at her with a mischievous smile. 

"Oh my god shut up," she says, her face turning crimson. 

"Actually Julian, I think you should probably be taking Steph to bed, she's practically dry-humping her chair over her new psychopath obsession," Millie says and I'm confused as fuck. 

Julian slides a hand over his face, "Ah god she's still talking about that shit? She wants me to start role-playing a psycho…"

I missed something here and frankly, I don't wanna know nor care about the kinky stuff Julian and Stephanie do. 

Millie giggles and the unintentional friction is driving me insane, it's been way too long since I've been inside of her and I intend to change that sooner rather than later. 

She's being unusually dominant and it's sexy as hell but I know she's putting on a show for Dani, she can fool her but she can't fool me.