
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

Awkward encounters



I'm driving him wild but this show isn't for him. 

He's a completely different person today than he has been for the last week and I'm loving it. And the comment about eating? What the fuck was that and why did that turn me on so much? 

I spot Dani out of my peripheral vision every so often but I don't give her my full attention. I'm not sure what her end game is but I don't trust her, I just simply don't. 

"I'm gonna go get a drink, anyone need anything?" Dani asks as she gets up, revealing her toned body. She's wearing a small white bikini with dark denim shorts leaving the button open. The contrast of the white bikini against her long, straight black hair is extremely sexy but I'd never admit that out loud for obvious reasons. 

Julian and X request another beer and I shake my head no. 

In the meantime, slim and some other rowdy guys I don't know yet join us in the cabana. One stumbles against me on accident and X immediately sets me to the side of him and bolts up off the chair. X grips the poor guy's shirt in his fists, getting mere centimeters from his face. 

"Who the fuck do you think you are being a drunk asshole around my woman, you could've hurt her," X grits through his teeth, his whole demeanor going dark. 

"I-I'm sorry man," the drunk guy says, visibly gulping down his fear. 

"X," I say trying to get him to chill, it's so not a big deal it was an accident. 

He lifts his index finger to me but doesn't look my way, he's in his dark trance and from what I'm gathering, when he's in it, he's fully committed to it. 

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to my lady," X nearly growls out. 

Now I'm the one gulping from the uncomfortable confrontation. 

The drunk guy, still being gripped by X looks me in my eyes and says, "I'm sorry." 

"It's okay," I say in my mousy uncomfortable voice, I don't need to see myself to know my cheeks are bright red. 

"Now get the fuck out of here, if you get near my girl one my time acting a fool, I'll kill you," he says lowing his eerie voice for that last part. 

I want to run into traffic right now. Lord take me away from this encounter, take me home. 

The other guys are silent but Julian being Julian says, "hell yeah man, finally this party gets interesting." 

X sits back down next to me, "get back on my lap." 

I do as he says only because I'm trying to simmer the fire in him down and let's be real, I want to. 

Dani comes back with three drinks in her hands, handing one to X and one to Julian. She gets closer to me handing the fruity drink over to me, I'm about to decline but she says, "Stephanie told me to give this to you, don't worry it's a virgin," whispering that last bit so everyone else around doesn't hear. 

What the actual fucking fuck! He told her?! Oh, I'm so livid! How could he confide in her? I'm really starting to get heated now. 

"Fuck you," I whisper into X's ear cooly. 

"Mmm as you wish," he says but he's an idiot who's taking it the wrong way. 

"No, you told her?!" I ask pissed off. 

"I mainly told Julian and she just happened to be there," he says so nonchalantly. 

I want to punch him in the throat, I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy other than Steph and him. My group of girlfriends don't even know yet and Dani does. I get that Dani is his "friend" now but Jesus that was not cool. 

"And what was with you being a jerk to that guy? It was an innocent accident and you embarrassed me," I scold him as all the others are mingling amongst one another. 

"He could've hurt you and the baby," he says annoyed. 

"Well he didn't and besides the baby is so tiny it'd take more than a nudge to hurt it," I retort. 

Wow, he actually cares about the baby now? 

"But he could have," he snarls back. 

I'm done bickering about the theoretics it's useless and exhausting. I sip at my fruity drink wishing it was full of alcohol. 

"I'll catch you guys in a bit, there's something I need to do," Julian says standing up and walking away from the sucky group.