
3 words to love

Maggie Yurim Song tied between liking someone ideal and the unexpected. Surely love don't grant us what we wanted, but it is more beautiful than the unexpected.

Maricaris · Adolescente
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9 Chs

Her father's love

"Keep it all together Maggie, you got to do this" Maggie consoling herself but why?

"Maggie!!!" Her dad shouted.

"Yes, alright alright!!" She shouted as well, her face really turned disgust and closed her eyes firmly, heaving a deep sigh.


"Oh brother, life is sure unpleasant." now wearing her mask to filter the malodorous smell.

Wondering if Boa really is a pig, well that was just a metaphor. Boa is her horse.

"Neigh!! Neigh!" Boa greeted Maggie whilst Maggie's face is so scorned. She was doing this for like her whole life, its her personal chore to always clean Boa's stand.

But the same chore is always disgusting, but her love for her horse is immeasurable.

"Hello my baby" she said brushing on her mane and kissed Boa on the side of her head.

And Boa purred like a sweet siamese cat. She was the sweetest horse you'll ever know.

"Your stand is so untidy huh" she sighed and held her horse's neck. "Let's bring you out here for awhile." and led the way towards the free open meadow in their backyard.

"Boa don't go far okay." And hugged her before going back to clean her stand.

It took her one good hour to scrub the whole stand squeaky clean. It is way past 6 pm and Maggie felt so exhausting. "That's it for today"

"Yes, oh God I'm so gonna eat dinner." Maggie replied to her nanny, Susan Ong. "Wait I have to get Boa inside her pen." and ran towards where she left Boa.

Boa wasn't there.

Maggie roamed her eyes and found Boa under their lamp stand, and fireflies flying. Boa was looking somewhere distant. Then Maggie approached.

"Let's go home now Boa?" She asked and Boa neighed. Like a little favor, Maggie understood that Boa wants Maggie to ride on her back.

Maggie ended riding her for how many rounds in their wide backyard and the evening breeze greeting them. Boa neighed and Maggie hugged her.

"Have a rest now. I love you Boa" as she tugged her leash inside the stand. And closed her door.


"How's your first day of school?" Her Dad asked. Finally she got to eat her dinner before her stomach could grumble.

"I don't see no difference in my last year's first day of school. It was quite well." She replied in between the rice and bacon on her mouth.

"Oh, that's good to hear." And her Dad proceeded eating. The tireness in his face differ from his voice, like he was immune to it.

He was looking even more old due to the exhausted work he have, must be tough for a middle-aged engineer huh. Eversince, her Mom passed away to the after life.

She never saw her Dad cry right before her eyes. She was worried to see the extent of his strength facade. Though she would listen her Dad cry at the most silence of nights.

That makes her happy heart to total gloom.

"How about you Dad? How's work?" Maggie asked looking on her plate before looking at her Dad. Her Dad lifted a smile and patted his daughter's head. She was the daughter he could always wish for. Thoughtful, considerate and witty.

"It was tiring but hearing you asking about that, My tireness wore off right in a flash." Her Dad smiled so brightly, he was indeed joyful.

"Take a rest after this, I'll take care of these." as she stood up to tidy their round table up. As she wiped the table, her Dad reached out his arms and hugged his precious daughter. She is the only daughter and the beloved one of their family.

"Dad? Are you okay?" Maggie asked. Very worried.

"Yes, everything's okay I just want to hug my daughter because I love her so much." Her Dad said. And Maggie felt so warm, making her miss her Mom so much. It was supposed to be just the three of them.

"I love you too Dad. I love you." Maggie said in whispers.

In the cold evening and eerie breeze, the only light and warm that flickers was their mourning love for their missing loved one.

But not always to who were gone will be forgotten. For they leave an imprint in our hearts that will last for a lifetime.

"Hmmm hmm hmm love takes time, to love you hm hmmm hmm cuz love take timee." Maggie hummed. Nothing beats studying with a little music.

Its way past 11 pm however Maggie never seem to be asleep yet let alone sleepy. What a strange habit of her to be studying at this moment of time.

"Calculus calculus where is that green book." She says looking under her books on the thought that it may have overlapped it. Still it wasn't there.

She stood up against her study table and started searching on her backpack. Pensive and worry was starting to arise.

'Shoot!! I couldn't have lost it do I? I need to cover it to be pass tomorrow.' Her innermost thoughts screamed.

Amidst her hectic tackle of finding that book, a flashback from earlier suddenly played in her mind.

Her eyes widened at the thought of realization, she was only bringing that book in her arms and to anyone she may have encountered-

She gasped unbelievably.


She bounces on her bed with embarrassment and edgy feeling. It's a between maybes whether Gulf has it with him ot not.

She should have never carried it. Maggie being an overthinker is squirming of all the possibilities she could decipher.

But then a light bulb lit up. Maggie looked at the clock peaking if its already time for everyone to fall asleep. 12:42 am.

She sighed feeling worn out and defeated. She was starting to contemplate whether to forthright wake Gulf up for finding her book or just leave it be till next morning.

It was that sense of rush and unsteady manner that she should never waste any moment now.

Then a decision was made.

She is going to find Gulf on Instagram and chat him promptly!!

As she picked her phone and started searching for him online.

While what lies on the other screen is a late night owl searching for her name too.