

Welcome to 2 hearts~Be prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions lying ahead..

MariFOR1 · Adolescente
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30 Chs


What the actual fuck is going on.NO LIKE SERIOUSLY WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON NOW???Just when life was finally looking up a problem always has to storm in and ruin things for me.Imagine seeing one of your friends TIED UP with an APPLE SHOVED UP HIS MOUTH.Yes that's exactly what I witnessed.WITH MY OWN best friends doing this.First the party now this.Why do they love to ruin everything for me??While we were walking back I was apologizing to Ryuk about Norina and Jasmin I was SO pissed at them.Though Ryuk understood and said it was fine I couldn't help but feel guilty for him.He went through all of this mess because of me.While norina and Jasmin were laughing their heads off.when we got back to school I ignored Norina and Jasmin ,they were getting on my very last nerve.Going into class felt worse then usual as I realized I had forgotten my book. The only person close to me was Ryuk."Can we share books please kinda forgot mine" I whisper so people can't hear me.If the teacher finds out I will get 2 hours detention.I can't be bothered for that today."Yeah sure move ur table"he agrees.As we work together we ended getting all the work done and more.I thank him as I go to confront Jasmin and norina.

"Guys what the hell was that" I ask as I catch them in the canteen."Girll all we did was try to help you and Ryuk's relationship you should thank me." Jasmin says as she munches on crisps."Sorry if you felt upset about what we did"Norina sighs as she checks her snap.No way will I let them have their way again "GO APOLOGIZE TO HIM OR OUR FRIENDSHIP is OVER" I smile at them as I walk away.They better apologize for their bullshit.Man I need a break from all the chaos it's too much for me to grasp in one day