
You take my life, I fail to die

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Alexander after finally managing to die tries to overcome past scars and prevent new ones while exploring a new world. Now fully lacking the ability to die but given the ability to obtain great strength he does his best to move forward.

3 etiquetas
Chapter 1First steps

Suddenly waking up a young looking man burst into laughter "Hahahahahahaa!!" The laugh filled with annoyance and mockery echoed through the empty expanse that he found himself in until he finally noticed the note at his feet.

Leaning down and staring at the note with a titled head rather than picking it up may be unusual behavior but anyone who could have known him would chuck said behavior upto his rather limited sanity.

["Due to a mistake you were put into many unfortunate situations. This is the world where you should have gone to originally. Here your power is allowed to truly flourish and as an apology it has been connected to the omniverse. Best of luck Alexander El Fureth Please hang onto your will as you have done thus far"]

"Tch tch tch apology accepted!" He made a dramatic bow and immediately started walking while slowly trying to organize his mind.

Such outbursts had been more and more common due to all the guilt and pain but now, unless he was finally truly losing his mind, he had been given confirmation that 1. Magical bullshit existed and 2. The things of the past, at least some of them, truly weren't his fault.

'Survivors guilt is a bitch huh....' He thought absent-mindedly before finally realizing an issue. "WAIT A GODDAMN MOMENT!"

Rushing back and picking up the note he read it again and focused on two points "World where you should have gone originally" and "Here your power was allowed to flourish"

"Please don't tell me that my power is that I just can't die....an even stronger version of that would be a nightmare....please....don't..." Feeling despair Alexander pleaded for a moment before seemingly snapping.

A person going from shaking and begging to completely cold and uncaring in a split second would surely disturb most. Especially so when it was followed by said person suddenly grabbing a stick and immediately jabbing it into an artery.

He kept attacking himself always aiming for the weakest points while showing absolutely nothing outwardly except his growing weakness as the light slowly faded from his still cold open eyes.

However he woke back up, not where he died mind you. He woke up standing with a note at his feet. Seeing that the note was the same Alexander was about to finally truly lose his mind but just as his hatred was getting out of hand a screen popped up inside of his mind.


[ ] Indomitable

[ ] Sharingan

[ ] Jackal

[ ] Muramasa

"Ah?" Realizing that he should probably calm down Alexander took a moment to follow his routine from his last world, meditation.

It often made things worse for him but whenever the conditions were correct it helped a lot and this time it certainly helped.

'So....that's the omniverse connection I assume. ITS AWESOME!!! I won't have to just watch everyone die!' Alexander proceeded to think about the power he had obtained, it's strengths and weaknesses.

Dying leads him potentially back in time or to a specific location. After dying he gets choices from the omniverse. But what if he is put into a coma or sleep? What if he is crippled? Since magic is real can he be sealed, brainwashed, manipulated etc etc etc. How are the choices chosen? Can he simply keep killing himself to obtain more or does it eventually stop giving him things? Is there variety required for his dying? Is there a cool down on obtaining things? Is there a cool down on his revival?

All very important questions. Questions that he planned to answer as well as he could before going anywhere else. But first things first. A power that he had often wanted due to how close at heart it felt and how cool it seemed.


[ ] Indomitable

[x] Sharingan

[ ] Jackal

[ ] Muramasa

[Sharingan and Uchiha bloodline chosen]

"Huh." That was his last coherent sound as it suddenly felt like his blood was boiling. Especially so when it came to his eyes.

Said feeling soon transformed into the feeling of bugs chewing all of his cells while simultaneously trying to burn him alive. Thankfully it didn't last long.

Forcing himself back up Alexander looked at the sun and activated his sharingan before starting to workout in place.

After approximately 2 hours he looked at the sun again and tried figuring out the approximate time. 'So I woke up at around 12, now it's around 14 and north is in that direction.'

Getting up he gathered a bunch of rocks, returned back to where he woke up and made an arrow that points towards north before again starting to kill himself.

Right after his red one tomoe eyes lost their light Alexander again woke up right where he originally started with the sun perfectly above himself, the makeshift rock arrow missing but his eyes still red and his body in perfect condition.

After waking up and testing things he realized that there was no choice this time which worried him slightly.

He knew that it could have a cool down of some kind, it could depend on how he died or it could even depend on the general area of where he died. The thought of a cool down is how he managed to ignore the lack of new choices for now.

The power even if it was to never advance would already be amazing. Death simply taking him back in time but keeping the powers he obtained could lead to amazing things but was still also a curse. 

'Hopefully the time and place change along with my actions....also hopefully I do get more choices later. A basic cool down would probably be best.'

Now calm Alexander again looked to north before turning towards east and starting to walk.

During the walk he of course trained with his sharingan constantly and as the next afternoon was approaching, he stopped and set up a spot where he stayed till it was past midday.

There he decided to kill himself only to wake up in perfect condition, with time ever so slightly turned back and with a choice in his head 'So the cool down is 24 hours or shorter. The location and time do change. Amazing!'


[ ] Eagle vision

[ ] 1911

[ ] 50 shades of grey

[ ] Lightsaber

'Ability? Gun? Book? Sword?' He thought about it hard. Obviously the book was out of the question gun would be kind of a waste but would make suicide easier and faster. Time didn't really matter when it came to that however and thus it was also ignored.

Any actual ability or personal strength would and should always be the most obvious choice so while killing the fanboy within himself Alexander made his choice.


[x] Eagle vision

[ ] 1911

[ ] 50 shades of grey

[ ] Lightsaber

He fully prepared for horrible pain but what he felt was akin to an epiphany. Sensing his surroundings Alexander suddenly found extremely neat cuts on trees but rather than there being animal tracks, he found signs of two people.

With further study Alexander discovered that both people produced said neat cuts but one of them seemed to cause only 2 marks per "attack" rather then 3 like the other person. 

'Do the people of this world have claws?' Rather than randomly walking east he decided to follow the tracks while constantly keeping the sharingan and eagle vision active.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Alexander had seen planes, helicopters and even a road but he still decided to follow the tracks he had found which is how he proceeded to spend even his night.

Seeing a bit of morning dew everywhere was extremely relaxing for him but also caused him to realize that he needed something.

He had become good at being alone through guilt and fear but because of how strong his emotions and desires had always been he really felt the need to have some kind of company. Or at the very least a bit of adult festivities, the bedroom kind obviously.

Laughing to himself Alexander stopped thinking about it and started to look around for something to end himself with. However despite using both the sharingan and the eagle vision he couldn't find anything that would make it easy.

Of course he could have walked further and even spent an entire day looking but that was all time that even if it technically wouldn't really exist he would still be forced to experience and remember it. That was something he didn't wish for.

'This is gonna suck but physical pain is far easier to deal with than the mental strain from constantly repeating hours. Especially so when everything that happened will be gone.' Those were his final thoughts as he bashed his own head in using a boulder that was laying around.

Surely could have gone horribly wrong causing him to waste days or even years because of a coma but Alexander wasn't thinking straight.

Of course you couldn't expect a barely sane traumatized person who suddenly turned literally immortal to think straight in the first place but even his logic was at risk of collapsing.

Thankfully for him it worked, he died rather swiftly but when he woke up he did realize what a huge blunder he made, proceeding to completely ignore the choice presented to him.


[ ] Reaper death seal

[ ] Impenetrable mind

[ ] Mechanic talent

[ ] Advanced programming knowledge

Instead he sat down and started looking into himself trying to carve it into his head heart and soul that even if he was now immortal he had no need to be careless and turn his life into an even worse hell accidentally.

With that done after 5 hours Alexander was ready to make his choice but first he had to experience his vision sifting wildly for a moment. He was confused of course but eventually he figured out that his eyes had progressed to two tomoe.

As for the choice? It seemed obvious at least to him


[ ] Reaper death seal

[x] Impenetrable mind

[ ] Mechanic talent

[ ] Advanced programming knowledge

Funnily enough as soon as he was done making his choice, which didn't make him feel any noticable change, he realized that he could have simply suffocated himself, which he then did.

With the sun back in the middle of the sky, indicating that it was again mid-day, Alexander smiled bitterly.

With such a power he could commit whatever abhorrent evil he wished and as long as he died fast enough there would be absolutely zero possible consequences.

That thought terrified him so he set a loose but strong ruleset on himself 'I will only kill myself to grow stronger, learn, or save others. Or for scouting' despite knowing full well that it was more like a wet napkin rather than the adamantium chains he wished for.

However it didn't truly matter at least for now and thus he again started tracking the people. Then before sun down he got to watch as a relatively futuristic ship swiftly landed which only further confused him when it came to where he was.

Walking in that direction he eventually saw quite the magnificent building. 'Is that a mansion...?' As his brain kept coming up with different potential explanations and so on but it was all shut off as he read ["Xavier's school for gifted youngsters"]

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