
Next issue

It didn't take long for Jean to open the door and when she did her face turned from pure innocent confusion to worry, fear and anger.

Yet before she could even talk Alexander smiled and chuckled "Haha..no worries, honey~♡ I'll be fine...and sorry I don't have time to explain, I'll do that as soon as I can but for now could you please find Calvin Rankin for me?♡"

She clearly and understandably was hesitant but once again due to hearing him refer to her in such a manner and feeling his emotions, despite never meeting, she decided to brush all that aside at least temporarily.

Thus she gently guided the half dead Alexander into her room while simultaneously looking for the known half villain.

Part of the reason why she was willing to immediately look for Mimic was that despite being the second in command of the X-Men "squad" both her and Xavier were aware that he wasn't exactly a hero.

The only reason he was even at the school or part of the X-Men was a combination of the fact that Xavier wants to help all and that Calvin had for the most part listened to and abided by their rules.

Which was what Alexander had in fact assumed as soon as he learned that Mimic existed in this world.

Why he was here now was mostly as a test. Partially to get a better understanding of the threat that Calvin presented, because unlike Rogue's powers that were more akin to temporarily copying or fully stealing powers, his was to copy people in his surroundings, which theoretically might not even work when it comes to Alexander's main power.

If Jean found him then he had already lost Alexander's powers and if that was the case reading his mind should be trivially easy for Jean.

Alexander didn't particularly want to ask her to read his mind before explaining things but he truly needed to know if Calvin was an immediate threat or not.

Much to his joy he didn't need to even ask her, as Jean immediately started to convay Calvin's thoughts to him without being asked "He's currently in his room. Plans to leave soon to again try to find his father's machine.."

It was rather obvious through her tone that Jean was extremely dissatisfied by Calvin being there and even more so by his obsession of having the ability to keep the powers he copies but despite that she didn't reveal the reason Calvin was going to look for the machine to Alexander.

However he already knew of it and even remembered that the machine was actually intended to get rid of Calvin's powers instead of helping him.

Thus Alexander was now certain that Mimic had forgotten, or rather that they had never even met from his perspective "Yeah in a pursuit to maybe be able to keep the powers he copies...are you sure that's why he's leaving?♡"

Regardless of the situation or her own opinions Jean checked again to make sure "Yes" before then moving onto a different subject as Alexander finally relaxed "Now...can you explain everything? Who are you?" 

"Haha first of all thank you~♡ I'm Alexander, have multiple abilities but my main one is traveling through time. I keep repeating the day because there are enemies here. The reason I appeared here like this is because Calvin suddenly appeared. Already knew about his powers and the fact that he's quite greedy, selfish, etcetera so had to hurry here...after all him having my abilities would have been a nightmare...." Alexander laid everything out as concisely as possible despite technically having no reason to.

He had already decided to kill himself which would make this conversation one that only he would know of, yet due to wanting to be honest with and the best partner for his lovers, at least the best that he could be, he decided to answer her questions "Oh by the way I know of your hideout~ Anything else?♡ Because if not I should probably go back already..." 

Being faced with such affection and honesty from the young man despite him seemingly being at deaths door Jean simply approached him and gave him a hug.

She didn't say anything despite his blood slowly starting to cover her more and more while he enjoyed her gentle warm embrace "You're getting covered in blood ya know...♡"

Something about the way he spoke those words despite his weakness helped Jean understand the situation even better, warming her heart.

"Yes but...you were going to go back in time again, right? So only you will remember any of this...♡" Her very logical and reasonable reaction to her white shirt getting ruined caused Alexander to become even more relaxed.

With that and his blood levels starting to reach dangerously low Alexander collapsed into her arms while inadvertently revealing information that Jean didn't know in this current time "I really should visit you three way more often...♡" thus shocking her.

Not in a particularly bad way because she could feel his emotions, even those that were directed at the two additional people that she didn't know of but it was a surprise nonetheless "Three? What kind of a playboy did a past me fall for...♡"

At that moment he couldn't directly see it but sensed her suddenly pinching the bridge of her nose while a small smile adorned her face.

Which caused him to chuckle again "Haha~♡" before then switching his tone to something quite smug and teasing "Eh~ To be fair I really wanted to stop after getting together with you and Anna...even that situation was quite messy because of time travel....BUT I'll have you know that it was you who pushed for me to also accept Laura~♡"

What he hadn't excepted was for Jean to, through his words, realize that said past/future version of herself had openly showed something she had hidden from everyone.

And thanks to that she decided to not hide it "Sounds like you should be thankful and reward me~♡" speaking in a voice that was suddenly oozing with love and mischievousness.

He wasn't bothered by the change but found it to be fascinating, alluring and adorable, which lead to him making a promise without much thought "Heh sure I'll reward you~♡" before then swiftly and mercilessly killing himself.

Waking up in the forest that had become all too familiar to him, Alexander simply collapsed onto the ground 'So in all likelihood he can't easily gain the time part of my abilities which makes him far less dangerous but I simply can't allow him to know of me'

He looked at the sky and tried to time when Mimic would likely leave while still thinking 'Just eagle vision is too useful for him because he could use it to find traces, secrets and even learn how others feel about him...' 

Again sighing Alexander came to the conclusion of 'He needs to die....' but for a substantial amount of time he couldn't reach a decision on when.

Reason being that if Calvin was leaving now, Alexander didn't necessarily need to worry about it today, in fact Calvin might never need to learn of him at all, simply dying to a bullet from a sniper rifle whenever it would be most convenient. 

Not just because he already had a lot on his plate but also because Alexander knew that it would be genuinely difficult to kill Mimic.

If he got close then they'd most likely immediately be stuck in a stand still and even if he got someone else to deal with Mimic there would need to he multiple people or they'd need a distance advantage and/or would need fantastic team work to overwhelm him.

On top of all that he would need to be dealt with outside of Xavier's range as well as outside of any technology courtesy of Dr. Henry Philip McCoy aka Hank McCoy aka Beast.

As far as Alexander was aware those two were the only ones truly keeping an eye on their surroundings but he was obviously also aware that a lot of things flew under their radar which left the possibility of blind spots that could be used.

Long story short with the information he had and from his perspective, while it wouldn't be a fools errand per say, it would certainly be too much trouble when he could simply find a solution tomorrow.

Was it risky? Of course. There is some level of risk to everything but he decided to avoid Calvin for now and instead focus on the threats that were practically guaranteed to be issues today.

Not just because all he needed to do was to wait but also because he might even get something to use against the Mimic tomorrow.

Thus he approached the mansion more carefully and even "wasted" time to be sure that he fully avoided Calvin.

Alexander then proceeded to go with his original plan of meeting with and fighting against Mister Sinister.

Which is in fact what he did over and over and over and over and over and over again.

After enough meetings Alexander stopped using illusions and started to instead use their meetings to not only get rid of the rust covering his skills but also to further sharpen himself with the abilities that he now had.

He spent quite a lot of time learning more about his eagle vision even learning how to use it, as he had seen it be used in Assassin's Creed, to be able to "see sounds" and "hear shapes" which he used to taunt Sinister.

Mainly by closing his eyes and tossing random trash at him from behind corners but most importantly by finally finding some of Mister Sinisters cameras and microphones.

Alexander also learned why they were so difficult to find before and it was because they had invisibility, the ability to move and even the ability to float 'Hhh the levels of tech in this universe are so chaotic...'

But what was even more important was the two times when he learned how to grant true death, first only to Sinister which was surprisingly simple.

All he needed to do for such a thing was to speak a truth that he couldn't truthfully deny and pierce him with his Susanoo's blade.

However unfortunately to kill Nathaniel through Mister Sinister not only would he need to sacrifice a limb but most frustratingly he would need the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan just to be able to "reach" him.

At the moment he didn't even know why that was the case which made him even more frustrated and angry.

Alexander didn't care about the fact that he needed to find and speak a truth that couldn't be denied, he obviously didn't even care about losing a limb regardless of could he get it back or not but to gain an Eternal Mangekyou he would need Rogue's eyes.

(Side note: At least two people have said that 3 is bare minimum for harem and to be fair I'm open to change, however 5 is the absolute max for this story. I did think of a way to add at least an additional person. That would work with both Maya Lopez and/or Cindy Moon for example. Wouldn't happen soon but yeah)