
Chapter 53: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 3)

"Okay, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again...To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Anyways viewers...so picking up, where we had last left off in the last chapter. Well, however viewers...I do think, first things first, that a chapter recap is in order here...and so viewers, with that intention in mind, let us get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

Which was pertaining to, well...

"Okay, so thinking back to what Therestina had said to me and Misaka...well to be honest, me and Misaka, were able to figure out, that STUDY, intends to do something, at the upcoming Reach Assembly...and, if me and Misaka's recent run-in, with one of their green colored mechs, has proven anything, then me, Misaka, Kuroko, and all of our other friends, had best be ready...to fight like hell," I thought to myself while in deep thought.

Which, while I was doing this, Kuroko, had once again attempted to try another of her perverted antic-induced advances on Misaka, only for Misaka to smack her in response. And to be honest, I would've been giving, as much of a less then pleased expression, then Misaka was giving to Kuroko right now. But, as aforementioned, I was deep in thought, when this had taken place.

And now, with the recap of the last chapter now done, and over with. Let us now continue on, with the current conversation, just after, I had cut the last chapter off, with my usual fourth wall break, which was currently...well...not exactly the same point, in which we had left off but it was still...well...

"Don't take advantage of the current situation, and don't call me childish either!" Misaka said, as I then felt a bit of wind, pick up through our dorm room, as Misaka discharged quite a lot of electricity onto Kuroko, who had decided just before this had happened, to attempt a perverted antic on her.

"So you're that as well?...I love just love it...when either of you, choose to decide, when one needs to be punished," Kuroko had just finished saying, as she currently, lay face down on the floor, after having been hit full on by the electricity, that had been discharged by Misaka.

And quite honestly, I was going to shock her myself, right then and there. But, with me remembering back to the Tokiwadai School Rules, regarding it being forbidden, to use my Esper ability in the school dorms I instantly decided against doing it. However, that didn't mean, that I couldn't take a short moment, in order to sort of reminisce, about the current situation.

"Hello viewers, Keiko here...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...So furthermore viewers, as for my Telepath ability. Though I am able to use it, even though the dorm rules, strictly forbid it...So viewers, let me just further explain this, for those who need a much further, and in depth explanation. So, this is due to the fact, that although most Esper abilities, were, and are mostly, easily detected. A Telepath Esper ability, is only detectable, by those, who also happen to have it, and, are of an equal Esper level to mine. And viewers...because I am a one of the higher ranked level 5 espers. And I am in fact third ranked...You know, for those of you viewers, who didn't already know, by choosing to try and skip ahead in this fanfic, and not bothering to read anything before this chapter...*I proceed, to bring my face very very close to the screen, as I said this part of my statement, with an extremely less then pleased looking expression, on my face. And while a tickmark, is now prominently present, on one side, of my face*...*My less then pleased looking expression, now fades away quickly, as I then clear my throat, and then continue to address the viewers*...Now then viewers...as the only other, technically speaking Telepath ability user, of Tokiwadai, is Misaki Shokuhou...And also viewers, when you factor in, that one Misaki Shokuhou...*I say this, while grimacing slightly, in a somewhat upset looking, and otherwise irritated looking manner, with a slight tickmark, now very much present, on one side, of my face. As I said Misaki Shokuhou's full name, both times. Before I then proceed to clear my throat, and then continue to address the viewers*...Anyway, since Shokuhou, usually has more important things on her mind...What with things regarding her clique, and other stuff...either related, or not related to any of that...Well...most of the time anyway...*I proceed to say this part, while smiling a sort of sheepish looking grin, with one of my hands, now behind my head, as I continue to display, a sot of sheepish looking expression. Before, I once again continue, to address, the viewers*...And, that Shokuhou, as explained back in chapter, 'Chapter 17: 90s Magical Girls And Level 5 Electromasters!: The Masters Of The Star Cards, The Sailor Senshi, And The Love Angels Appear!'...You know the chapter in question viewers...the one, in which me, Misaka, and one Shoukuhou...among some others, wind up locked, in a fight for our very lives?...However viewers, who ever said, that an incident...like our first run in, with the rest of The Four Aces Alliance, or those of the villains rouges gallery for that matter, was going to be a sort of one off type of incident, in this fanfic...Because if you did, by any chance, decide to wrongly assume this...Well then, that is your prerogative...*I say this, while now smiling quite broadly*...Anyway...*I now instantly start to realize, that my fourth wall break moment, has once again started to get drawn out, and is now, very lengthy. I then clearly my throat again, before once again, continuing, to address the viewers*...So viewers, with all of this, now being very much fresh, on all of your minds...I shall see all of you lot, in the next chapter...which will be the further continuation, of this current episode...okay?...*I say this, while doing my usual, end of chapter four wall break moment, which was me smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

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