
Chapter 54: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 4)

"Hey, viewers...Keiko here...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my attention back up again. To which I then proceed, to smile with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute manner*...Anyways viewers...we will now be pick up, where we had last left off in the last chapter. Well, however viewers...I do think, first things first, that a chapter recap is in order here, just like the last chapter...*I now proceed to say what I am going to say next, by proceeding to bring my face closer to the screen*...I mean honestly viewers...did any of you really genuinely think, that you were going to get out, of having to read the previous chapters of this fanfics thoroughly?...Well viewers....bad news I'm afraid...as I know fully well, that some...if not most of you viewers...will not be the least bit bothered...in wanting to thoroughly read the previous chapters...*I now proceed to say the next statement, while a small warm and comforting looking smile, winds up slowly making its way, onto my face*...I mean after all viewers, surely you all must have realized...that Shinko Hanasaki...or Angel Bluebell, as you all know her as...Wasn't the only version of myself, that was well aware...of some, or most of the viewers, that would wind up reading these fanfics...wouldn't wind up putting in the required amount of effort...I mean honestly viewers...If one Gordon Ramsay...can have high demands, as well as standards, regarding what food, that he wants to come out of the kitchens, of all of his successful restaurants...then surely viewers...I can have the exact same amount of high standards, with how I wind up going about, with how these fanfic stories are told...Oh, and speaking of those, who don't want to put in the necessary effort...Jake Paul...your paying off everyone, in order for you to win against Mike Tyson, by decision...is quite frankly the most cowardice of moves, that you could've made...Just know this much Jakey-Boy, that karma exists, and whether you like it or not...it's coming for you...*I proceed to say all of that, while giving the most warmest, and genuine of smiles*...and so viewers, with all of this, now very much fresh, on all of your minds, let us now, get on with the episode recap in question...okay?...*I say this, while smiling with both of my eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a very cute looking manner*"

And regarding the episode recap in question. Which was...well...

"Don't take advantage of the current situation, and don't call me childish either!" Misaka said, as I then felt a bit of wind, pick up through our dorm room, as Misaka discharged quite a lot of electricity onto Kuroko, who had decided just before this had happened, to attempt a perverted antic on her.

"So you're that as well?...I love just love...when either of you, choose to decide, when one needs to be punished," Kuroko had just finished saying, as she currently, lay face down on the floor, after having been hit full on by the electricity, that had been discharged by Misaka.

And quite honestly, I was going to shock her myself, right then and there. But, with me remembering back to the Tokiwadai School Rules, regarding it being forbidden, to use my Esper ability in the school dorms I instantly decided against doing it. However, that didn't mean, that I couldn't take a short moment, in order to sort of reminisce, about the current situation.

And now, with the chapter recap now out of the way. We will now proceed, to the next morning. And as of said instance, me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, were currently in one of the offices, of the 177th Judgment Branch offices. And as for the reason?


"The STUDY Corporation?" Misaka had just asked in response, in a current tone in her voice, that suggested that she wanted to know more about the aforementioned corporation name, that had just been said by Uiharu.

"Yes, Haruki Aritomi came as one of the companies lead directors," Uiharu said in response to what Misaka had just asked to her.

"Okay, so what kind of company is it?" Kuroko asked, now wanting to know more, not just about The STUDY Corporation, but also about the director, and what exactly it was, that The STUDY Corporation did.

"They seem to do a lot of things, but mainly it's pharmaceutical manufacturing and chemical engineering," Uiharu said in response, in order to answer both the questions, of Misaka, and Kuroko.

"Not to mention, that The STUDY Corporation, is also responsible, for the creation of Febrie. Which as I am sure you all know viewers...from a previous chapter...was one of several Chemicaloids, that were made by The STUDY Corporation...And also viewers...just to give you all just a smidge bit of foreshadowing...this very Corporation...is going to soon be, our next opponents...Well actually viewers, they were already sort of our opponents...You know, from back when me, Misaka, Kuroko, Uiharu, and Saten, had wound up going against, one of their giant green colored mechs?...Yes viewers, that giant green colored mech...which by the way viewers, as I am sure you all remember from the previous chapters, was un-piloted...And now viewers...I am sorry to say, that this, is going to wind up being the end, of the current chapter...I know viewers, I know...not the most ideal place to end this current chapter...But then again viewers...doesn't it does make all of you...enticed enough, to want to wait for, and to read the next chapter?...Anyway viewers, see all of you lot, in the next chapter," I thought to myself, all while I had slightly turned my eyesight, and my attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers, and with the warmest, and the most kind looking of smiles.

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