
Death Demon Combat Style

Silence settled over the room, even the rattling of the skeleton skull pausing momentarily.

After a profound silence, the massive skeleton, locked in combat with the Corruption Giant, crumbled into a pile of bones.

The doppelganger glanced down at its chest, only to find... nothing. 

There was a hole in its chest marked where the heart should be, yet the rest of its body remained intact.


Letting out a low growl, the doppelganger, disguised as Shiva reverted back to its original form, and hit the ground with widened eyes.

<You have defeated the 8th wave of monsters>

<Your 8 strength stat has increased by>

<You have met the conditions to clear trial. Do you want end trial or proceed next round?>

Shiva remained silent, gazing at the fallen monster.

It was a peculiar sight - a white-bodied creature with an oval face devoid of features except for two visible eyes. Genderless, its arms and legs were pitch-black and stick-like, pieced together like a doll.

Despite its intimidating appearance, Shiva smiled warmly, after all this was the true form of the Vampire doppelganger, his second apostle.

"You'll awaken soon enough," Shiva murmured, as another set of messages appeared before him.

<You have learned a new Skill 'Death Demon Combat Style'>


<Death Demon Combat Style>

Rank - S

Proficiency - 12%

A combat style focused on lethality and killing, each move designed to maximize damage to opponents.

First move - Death Pierce -> Swirling energy envelops the user's weapon, twirling and piercing through enemies, penetrating all in its path.


Death Demon Sword Style.

A combat technique developed by Shiva's first apostle, the Knight of Death.

The Eternal Golem had imparted this style to Shiva in his past life. Originally a sword technique, Shiva adapted it for any weapon he wielded.

Its power had even earned a myth seat status among Shiva's summons.

With a brief grin, Shiva turned to the doppelganger's corpse.

"Keep it safe, Aghora."

Adding to the collection of corpses, alongside the eternal golem and the manticore, Shiva wondered if a wagon was needed to transport them all.

But the time limit for the next wave approached, so he accepted immediately.

"Move on to the next wave."

<Challenger has chosen to continue the trial>

<The next wave will start in one minute>

Ensuring the safety of the doppelganger's corpse, alongside the glass coffin and the manticore, Shiva prepared for the next challenge.

He was very curious to find out about who his next opponent would be.


A few hours had passed since Shiva had entered the trial, while the children gathered by Karna were all out on the hunt, trying to gain even just one more level before the end of 24 hours, which was the time limit to use the token of challenge.

Near a goblin settlement sprawling across a six-lane road, around thirty individuals lurked, concealing themselves expertly. Despite bearing bruises, torn clothes, and wounds, they remained hidden from the monsters' watchful eyes. Some nestled within the trees, others in the gutters, and a few behind abandoned vehicles.

They all waited with bated breath, anticipating the signal, and when it finally came, it was a call to action.


Emerging from the shadows, a figure bellowed a commanding order. Instantly, the hidden children surged forth, thrusting their weapons into the monsters. Throats were slit, hearts pierced, and heads severed in a flurry of lethal strikes.

Nearly thirty monsters fell within seconds under the coordinated assault.

The remaining goblins, thrown into disarray by the sudden onslaught, found themselves outnumbered.

"Finish them off," Karna commanded, leaping into the nearby shadow and reappearing beside another goblin, cleanly slicing off its head.

The group followed suit, executing Karna's orders with precision. Some shadowed his movements, striking from behind with stealthy ambushes, while others overwhelmed the goblins with sheer brute force..

"Good, I need to level up this skill fast."

Karna remarked, observing his comrades moving stealthily in the shadows. They were the chosen few to whom he had imparted his newfound skill.


Shadow Subordinates:

Rank - S

Level - 1

As the Lord of Shadows destined to traverse the realms of darkness, you possess the ability to bestow shadow abilities upon your followers. As the saying goes, "A tall tree cannot stand alone"; your shadow subordinates shall serve as your swords and shields.

Effect: Grants the 'Shadow Movement' skill to loyal subordinates.

Current Limit - 10 / 10


Although the granted skill was a degraded version of his own Shadow Movement skill, it was nonetheless very useful for scouting and stealth.

Karna had selectively endowed his most skilled fighters with this ability, intending to expand its reach in the future. For that reason, he needed to increase the level of his skill.

With this skill, he could have a cohesive group that could move covertly. There were endless possibilities he could think of once the members would get stronger.

midst these musings, thoughts of Shiva crossed his mind.

"Maybe he is bullying another strong monster as I speak."

Karna chuckled softly to himself. He had pledged to serve the eccentric individual and repay his debt, even if it seemed irrational to do so, Karna remained resolute in his commitment to assist his benefactor. But little did he know of the plans his benefactor had in store for him...


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