
An Old Sword

<The Ninth Wave of monsters has appeared>

<You 15 have minutes to defeat them all>

The ninth wave started, but no monster appeared as Shiva thought. Instead, something else materialized before him.

"Is this a joke?" 

Shiva failed to believe his eyes as he saw what the tower referred to as the 9th wave of 'monster'.

Hovering in mid-air in front of him was an old, rusty-looking sword. Shiva stared at it, perplexed.

It was a pitch-black sword, its blade so dark it seemed to absorb the very light around it. The crossguard was a twisted, jagged design, and the hilt was wrapped in worn, tattered leather. An aura of malevolence seemed to emanate from the weapon, sending a chill down Shiva's spine.

Suddenly, a voice spoke, sounding like a grumpy old man.

{Finally, after being locked away for too long, I am free!}

Shiva blinked, taken aback by the sudden voice. It was only when he saw the sword shaking and vibrating in mid-air that he realized that it was the voice of the sword that he had just heard.

The sword oblivious to Shiva's expression continued, {You there, boy! Yes, you with the strange and ugly summons. Are you the one who has released me?}

"Released? I didn't release you!"

Shiva spoke still not sure how to react to the talking sword.

{Of course you didn't! This damned tower has been imprisoning me for so long that even the brief movement of facing you as an opponent feels like tasting freedom again.}

The grumpy sword said while Shiva was still wondering how the sword was talking without a mouth and decided to ask a question by furrowing his brow. 

"What are you exactly? Some kind of sentient weapon?"

The sword scoffed. {Sentient weapon? Hah! I am far more than that, you insolent whelp. I am a legendary blade, imbued with the immense power of death. The power that was sealed away by the cowards of this tower.}

Shiva crossed his arms, an amused smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? And why would they seal away such a powerful weapon?"

"Because they feared my strength!" the sword snorted. {They knew I could not be controlled, that I would not bend to their petty rules and regulations.} The sword floated closer to Shiva, its tone turning almost conspiratorial. 

{[Many have tried to claim mastery over me, yet none have succeeded. Do you know why?} The sword whispered, its voice carrying a hint of arrogance. {Because they were unworthy to wield me, Ha!}

It darted around him, Shiva tracking its movements with his eyes. {Those cowards! They attempted to destroy me, but was it that simple? I shattered their minds, rendering them senile! But this cursed tower... It entrapped me, holding me captive for so long...}

The sword's tone dripped with anger, then suddenly shifted to one of joy. {But now, I am free! The cursed tower made a grave mistake in releasing me!}

Observing the rusty sword vibrating with joy, Shiva's memory sparked. 'Kurakaze?' he thought, his eyes widening momentarily before he concealed his surprise. Turning towards the hovering sword, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes, but he remained silent, allowing the sword to continue.

{Now that I am liberated, I propose a pact, young one. Forge a contract with me, and together, we shall wreak havoc upon this tower!}

Shiva raised an eyebrow, acting as if he was contemplating the sword's proposition. "You claim to have shattered minds and been imprisoned as a consequence. Do you believe I am foolish enough to contract with you?"

Shiva's tone conveyed disinterest in the sword's offer.

{That...! That was in the past! Trust me, boy!}

"Even if I were to trust you, What's in it for me?"

{What's in it for you?} The sword chuckled. {Why, the power to crush your enemies, of course! With my might combined with your... peculiar abilities, there is nothing we cannot achieve.}

The sword seemed to direct its attention towards Shiva's summons as it spoke.

Shiva hummed, appearing pensive. "That is indeed enticing, but wouldn't the tower prevent such a contract, considering you are a 'monster' I am meant to defeat?"

The sword snorted disdainfully. {The tower? Bah! I possess power enough to defy the tower's petty constraints. It was only due to my weakened state that I was sealed in the first place.}

Drawing closer to Shiva, the sword lowered its voice conspiratorially. {So, what do you say, boy? Shall we join forces and unveil to this tower the true meaning of power?}

Shiva's lips curled into a wicked grin as he realized the sword's intentions.

"Very well, old sword. Let us strike a deal."

Shiva reached out to seal the contract and the sword surged forward.

{Now, relax and allow me entry into your soul sea. I will establish the pact between us.}

Though the old sword appeared trustworthy and sincere, Shiva had already discerned its scheme.

'Trying to seize control of my body, are you? Do your worst, cursed sword.'

He simply nodded with a smile and permitted the sword to enter his soul sea.

With a triumphant roar, the sword plunged into his mind.

{Foolish child! You have erred greatly by granting me access to your soul sea, hahaha!}

However, its laughter soon dwindled.


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