
Pizza Dinner, Grabbing Illyana for a quick meal

"Haha, well why don't i grab Illyana real quick and we can have a double date?"

"Hoh? Seems someone has gotten a 'little' bit closer..."

"I could say the same for you two."

I looked Pepper up and down before turning to Tony and smiling slightly. He smiled as i spoke his shamelessness showing in spades as he simply slither his right hand around the shoulders of Pepper, showing off. Pepper was as red as a chili pepper as he did this.

"He he, seems like were sort of similar Tony... Okay, give me a second."

I concentrated my mana into my body and surroundings as i reached outwards in space towards Illyana's location and once i found her, began to wrap my spatial teleportation magic to her surrounding space, 'dragging' her to my current location. In the space she was currently in I melded my power so that I left a spectral message in the air that would stay there until I dispelled it.

Instantly, from Tony and Pepper's perspective, Illyana appeared next to me as her blonde hair flowed softly over her beautifully muscular shoulders and down her back. Her greyish-blue eyes looked at me as she was mid way through brushing her hair.

"Couldn't you have just sent me a message and let me come on my own Emelia?"

She pouted slightly as she summoned up a plane of white light and stuck her brush into it, sending it back to her desk in Kamar-Taj. Her powers were found to be heavily connected to eldritch energies and were therefor uncovered fully when six months ago i brought her to Kamar-Taj, so that we could spend more time together, but Yao had other plans.

"I'm sorry, i just thought you'd like to reassure Pepper as quickly as possible, we kind of forgot to update them as things were happening."

"Yeah you don't fucking say..."

"Look i apologise okay? It's not like I've had a real break since i got here."

"Oh yeah, that's right, your an angel aren't you?"

"Mhm, oh yeah, i did tell you guys that... Illyana, why were you so surprised when i revealed it to the mutants?"

A blush slowly began to spread through her face as she started looking towards the floor. Tony smiled at the greatly changed Illyana who now looked a lot more comfortable. Pepper had a motherly smirk cross her face as she looked at Illyana.

"W-well, it was because, the first time you, revealed that you were an, angel, i was, kind of, sort of, distracted by your sexiness..."

The last part of her sentence broke down into small mumbles as she fidgeted with her hands whilst looking down at the floor, her face, if it was red before, would now be considered crimson.

Without hesitation i stepped up to her and gave her a kiss that lasted several seconds. Tony and Pepper looked at each other before returning to pouring wine, their movements awkward as me and Illyana kissed. I didn't care about them though, so i simply continued to kiss her until thirty seconds went by and Illyana began to push off of me.

"Emelia, we have company..."


"Hey! Don't 'tsk' us, you interrupted us first you know!?"

"Fine... Let's just drink, eat and update you on everything."

Like that our dinner arrive twenty minutes later, our conversation light and happy as we talked on magic and how me and Illyana's relationship started. All in all it was a normal gathering between friends, it got particularly spicy when Stark got a little drunk and Pepper had to grab ice and put his head in a bucket of it. After that he very easily sobered up and decided to put away the booze. As the dinner traversed later into the night the topics became more in relation to what has happened since we last saw them and even discussing the suited man we all met. When he was brought up i decided to share his name which caused Tony's face to scrunch up slightly. Several minutes of discussing his powers went by until we moved onto the mutants and the issue with Stryker and the government. Tony and Pepper were both stunned at the story as they hadn't really seen or talked to a mutant before, shocking them more was the fact that Illyana was technically one as well.

Soon our topics started to stray to magic and technology, Tony particularly becoming interested as i spoke on my experience with magic and what it could do. He began to explain the various features of his armour and what it was capable of and then started to try and bridge the two ideas. I was interested as well, especially because of my proficiency in rune making and magic, i felt i could make a cool new suit for him if i so wished. 

'I could also probably make some Vibranium or Adamantium for it as well, this could be interesting.'

[You wanna do it?]

'Mhm, why not, not much reason to refuse the idea.'

"Hey Tony, want to try and accomplish a new type of Iron Man suit, i have some time..."

"Haha! Great! It's what I've been trying to hint at."

Pepper simply shook her head as she ate a piece of Meat Lover's pizza, while Illyana simply smiled at the both of us and had a drink of her soda. Me and Tony were starting to arrange schedules when all of a sudden a massive blinding light shuddered onto the external balcony of Stark Tower, a rainbow coloured bridge of light touching down before disappearing not too long after.

'Seriously... As soon as i say i have some time?'

[Hehe, that was a red flag sis...]

'Ara, ara, aren't you overly energetic today...'

[P-please sis, i didn't mean it.]

'Silly, I'm not going to hurt you, how could I? You are soul bound to me, it would be like attacking myself.'

[Phew, i grew a bit concerned there.]


Author Alex here, hope you enjoy the chapter! 

Thanks to all the people donating power stones it really means a lot to me! Also thanks to all the people adding my fan fic to their collections and leaving comments/reviews! 

I got a 4.1 Stars on my fan fic, I'm happy!


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Special thanks to these lovely bastards for all the power stones!:

_Foxi_ ,

















Thanks to you all!

Alex_Simmondscreators' thoughts
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