
Comments of chapter undefined of Gravity Falls: The Artist

Gravity Falls: The Artist


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Honestly the first 2 chapters are not good the premise is a decent enough idea but everything else is bad or mediocre. The first person perspective with ur word choice and rambling combined with the MC for all his life till this point comes across pathetic for lack of a less venomous word. The situation u placed him in and the discovery of his power is frankly the most cliche choice u could have had and reeks of contrivance that he's not once been in danger or the positive emotions he feels have never been enough to bring a painting to life. (him painting 1 unicorn and never another creature again out of fear is really bad in every way) . U also don't tell us how old he is nor how he looks(could have used the reflection of the lake water or something.) Just loads wrong here in execution here.


Also, you do realize the main character has never been to the lake correct? Is your reading comprehension so bad that you can't even tell when someone says close to the water but in the forest, that you believe that to mean at the water? You stated that my main characters power is cliche, yet, after looking at your profile, I see no stories? How is it that someone who can come up with such innovative powers that they believe themselves to have the right to insult another persons ideas has no stories?

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This is really good so far, please keep up the good work. This really gives me Mario64 painting vibes.

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Thank you for the chapters they have a good hook and I can't wait for more

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is he a demi god?


🇧🇷 I really liked the story proposal. I hope you continue writing. There aren't many Gravity Falls stories and the ones that do exist have been taken down. As for the protagonist's lineage, I have no idea. The only thing I can think of are the muses from Greek mythology or Alone from The Los Canvas, because of the painting thing and everything.