
Chapter 69: Foreigners

Two week has passed since the military extortion. It was now the middle of December.

The town has grown to over an thousand people now as it continue to grow.

While Yezi was rescuing people in the city outskirt, he ran into a group of foreigner living in a hotel.

Yezi and most of the soldiers had no clue how to speak to them.

But fortunately Han Bang was with Yezi at the time and he could speak English to the foreigner.

After communicating with them, they were willingly came back with Yezi to the town.

"You tell me you rescued a bunch of foreigner, and one of them knows how to make guns?" Yuqi asked as Yezi and Han Bang stood in the office.

Xiaoyun looked out in the window, only to see the group of foreigners standing outside the office as the sun is setting down.

"Yes, but um... its hard to explain. Han Bang you explain to them." Yezi moved Han Bang up.

"Three of them are Russian, one of them is German, and one of them is American. The American is a translator for the five of them." Han Bang paused for a second.

"They saw us carrying M16 so they thought we were apart of the American embassy." Han Bang nervously replied.

"Wait what? The American embassy? Isn't that like deep inside the city center." Xiaoyun commented.

"Ignore him. Anyway, why are they here in the city?" Yuqi asked.

"Um, they are in the city because their plane was put on hold. They were planning to fly them from Russia to China, then to somewhere in Africa to help one of the warlords." Han Bang replied.

"Huh, really? Could of just have someone from the U.S to do that. What a weird combo to have Russian and German together..." Xiaoyun interrupted again.

"Shut up Xiaoyun, let him finish first." Yuqi stepped on Xiaoyun's foot under the table, as Xiaoyun closed his mouth in pain.

"Um, I told them I was an from a rescue team to save them and all of them looked relieved. I think they might of mistake us as Navy seal or something." Han Bang Apologized.

"Nah, its all go——"

"So who's the one that know how to make the guns?" Yuqi asked before Xiaoyun can finish.

"The three Russian are the former engineer at an Russian manufacturing plant that makes firearms. At least that what the American women said. The German I'm not sure." Han Bang replied.

"Okay, can you bring all of them up here? We want to talk to them." Yuqi asked.

"Yes ma'am." Han Bang and Yezi left the office.

"How are we going to explain that we aren't apart of the American government?" Yueyue finally spoke up.

"Well, they don't have a choice. We are the only one that can offer them safety." Yuqi mentioned.

"Also, the fact that nobody had came to get them means they are completely abandon there. Its has been almost five month since the outbreak." Xiaoyun added.


Three minute later, the five of them were inside the office.

"You're the American? What's your name?" Xiaoyun asked in English.

"Yes I'm the translator for them. My name is Katherine, but you can call me Kate." The redhead woman walked up and replied in English.

"Okay Kate, I'm here to tell you we aren't related to the American government in any way." Yuqi replied in perfect English.

"What? How's that possible? Everyone I see here is using M16." Kate looked confused.

"Well that the truth, I don't know what else to tell you. We are just a civilian town after the outbreak." Yuqi shrugged her shoulder as she didn't want to explain any further.

Kate took a while to accept the fact. Then turned around to speak Russian to the three Russian men, then to the blonde German woman.

The three men seem to had accepted the truth without any trouble, but the other seem to be extremely angry as she started yelling.

"Um, can I ask what is she saying?" Xiaoyun curiously asked.

"She's upset and that she wanted to go back to Germany." Kate explained.

"There's no way anyone can travel across the ocean or land all the way to Germany. Tell her that it is simply not possible." Yuqi mentions it.

After the Kate explained to the German women, she seem to had calm down as she realized her own situation.

Suddenly the three Russian man started talking to Kate in Russian.

"Um... the three wanted to know if they can live here, they are willing to work." Kate translated for them.

"Of course they can, we will offer them whatever they need as long as I can get it." Xiaoyun spoke first before Yuqi could.

Kate translated back as the three men smiled toward Xiaoyun.

"They want some food, a place to stay, and some vodka." The woman replied back.

"We can do that." Xiaoyun nodded.

"Tell them that we are currently building an arms factory, can they teach other how to make guns and ammo for it?" Yuqi finally asked the most important question everyone had been waiting for.

Kate translated to the three man, after a pause, the three man nodded their head toward the Yuqi as they said something in Russian.

"They said they can do that, but you will have to provide all the equipment and material." Kate translated.

"Don't worry, we had been getting machining tools from different hardware stores. We will provide the equipment and material."

As Kate translate to the three men, Yueyue suddenly chimed in.

"Can I ask what kind of gun can they make?"

Kate went back and asked the three men again.

"They only know how to make um, I think some sort of AK. I am not sure how to translate this sorry." Kate replied back.

"That's good enough." Xiaoyun immediately accepted it as he pulled out three bottle of vodka inside the drawer he just created.

"Here you go, as a gift." Xiaoyun handed them the bottle one by one.

Despite not being able to understand each other, the three men looked extremely happy at Xiaoyun as they saw the vodka.

"Thank you my friend!" The three Russian men spoke their only English word.

"No problem my friend." Xiaoyun shook their hand one by one as he gave the bottle of vodka.

"Okay, these three men are sorted... now this German lady." Xiaoyun and Yuqi turned their attention to the German woman.

"Can I ask what does she do? And what her name?" Yuqi asked.

"Her name is Anna, she's a gun designer." Kate replied without even needing to ask.

"What does Anna want for her to work for us?" Yuqi asked.

"She wants her own workshop and for you to provide material for her to gun design and a lab for the bullet's powders? Um, chemist experiment?" Kate paused for a second, then had a back and forth talk with Anna.

"Okay, so she wants her own space to herself and all the material as I mention earlier, and a car. Not just any car, but the car next to the wall." Kate replied.

"Wait isn't that car ours? Isn't taken to be apart of Yezi's rescue missions?" Yueyue realized which car she was talking about.

"Yeah it is, but sure we can do that. She can do all that as long as she can assist the three on designing how to make guns and bullets." Yuqi accepted her demand.

Kate translate it back to Anna as she looked excited.

"Okay, then we have a deal?" Yuqi stretch out her hand.

"Deal." Anna spoke in a single English word as walked up as she shook Yuqi's hand.

"Miss Kate, can I ask if you really are just a translator? Bringing these four to Africa to make a supply line for an African warlord doesn't seem to be just a normal job." Xiaoyun decided to speak out his mind.

"I can't tell you that." Kate refused to answer.

"Miss Kate,the American Government has already fallen just like every government in the world. There's no point of hiding it." Xiaoyun brought it up.

Kate hesitated for a moment, but finally folded.

"I'm working for the CIA. The president wanted to help one of the African warlord to boost American interest. But he knew congress would never allow it so he made the CIA to recruit foreigner to send to them in secret." Kate finally admits it.

"A redhead spy... doesn't that stand out a bit much?" Xiaoyun mumbled to himself.

"Miss Kate, can we hire you as a full time translator for these four people? We can give you whatever you need." Yuqi asked.

"No problem, I got nowhere else to go anyway." Kate accepted the offer.

"Yezi, can you help them find a place for them to live for the day? Also Kate can you tell them that the factory and workshop will be finish by the end of the month?"

"Sure no problem." Kate started talking to the four as Yezi and Han Bang left the office with the foreigners.


"Well we are done for the day. Finally we don't have to worry about weapon situation." Xiaoyun stretched his arm.

"Yeah." Yuqi stretched her arm out as well as she yawned.

"Anyway lets go home now." Yueyue looked at the clock only to see it already six o'clock.

Sorry for late upload today, have to go pick up my laptop (Which wasn't there because store error?!?!? Bruh, now I have to wait another three day.)

This chapter burned a lot of braincell as it has so much character and having to revise it multiple time to actually make some sense. You wouldn't want to see the first draft of this. This had to go through three different draft just to make it flow.

Wow a review asking for more chapter, what a coincident that literally what it does as well... I am gonna raise it twenty powerstone per bonus today, and raise it to every three review as well.

You guys got me, but I ain't giving up yet. (Oh for fuck sake, we reached over 60 now. I guess that another chapter. *Sigh*)

Bonus chapter count:12

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