
The Saga Begins

Entry 128:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I carried the future master, I found that my memory of this universe was becoming more blurry as even now, the spotty details I remembered are simply becoming even more blurred.

I can remember the base details and enough about the Fate lore that I'm not a complete idiot, and with my memories serving as the last of house Ozias I understand the Magus community. Yet my instincts are yelling at me that something is fundamentally wrong with that man in the green suit.

As much I would like to scan him, that may put me in his tracks. For now, I'm going to carry my coworker, who is suffering from what looks like tiredness from the simulation, and as I arrive at the infirmary, I notice a man sleeping in a lab coat and green shirt.

As I looked closer, I saw that he was looking at his phone and viewing a magical girl with silver hair whom I swore looked familiar. But seeing as no other people were in the infirmary, I assumed he was the resident nurse or doctor.

So, after putting my coworker onto a bed, I walked up to the doctor and tapped him on the shoulder, which caused him to shoot awake as I almost used reinforcement Magecraft to defend myself.

The surprise soon wore off as the man returned to a somewhat tired state and said in a light tone, "Oh, hello, there are you two Master candidates because if you are, you're in the wrong room for the orientation." I shook my head and said, "I apologize, sir, but my fellow Master candidate has fallen a bit ill due to the simulations, and I brought her here."

The doctor then smiled and said, "Ah, it's nice to see someone helping out there for low man, and from the looks of it, the girl is simply tired and is suffering from the side effects of first-time simulation runs she will be all right she just needs some rest."

I then sit down on a chair as the man asks, "So, who are you?" I answer, "I am Linus Ozias, master candidate 49, with my fellow master candidate Ritsuka Fujimaru or number 48."

My name seems to surprise him as he begins to ask, "Ozias, huh? Now, that is a name I haven't heard for a long, long time. How is your house doing?" I simply say, "Sad to say we are in a bit of a decline, and I am the last remaining member of my house."

The doctor then sighs as he says, "Well, such is the nature of time, my friend. Everything rises, has its golden age, and then falls, but who knows, maybe there will be a return to form with this new project. But where are my manners? I am Dr Romani Archaman."

He offers his hand, and I take it, and as I take his hand, he mutters a few words so silent I almost did not hear them: "Just like him." The words confuse me, but I do not make much of it.

We then sit in comfortable silence as, after around 15 minutes, my fellow Master candidate begins to rouse from her slumber with me sitting next to her. After blinking a couple of times, she asks, "OZ, did we already have sex?"

Yeah, she's awake. I simply smile and say, "Fujimaru san, you're in the infirmary as you fell asleep during the director's speech again, and no, we did not."

I could see her face fall as I said the last part, and I wondered if this was going to be my life now.

The doctor then laughs as he says, "Well, based on your question, I can see you're about as right as rain and even a bit rushing if I can say so myself, but hey, if you two get together, I will support the marriage."

This doctor is acting like he's my father right now, which is both funny and somewhat embarrassing as Ritsuka and I just sit in silence with her, saying, "So who is Mister Green Shirt?"

He then snorts and says, "I'm head of Head of the Medical Department, Romani Archaman. For some reason, people just call me Dr Roman. I don't know why, but it's easier to pronounce, so go ahead and just call me Roman."

Ritsuka then looks at me and says, "Be careful of this one, Oz; he seems like the fluffy type, if you know what I mean."

The doctor's eye twitches as he says, "I can hear you miss, and I will let you know now that I am a perfectly healthy heterosexual male, but regardless, it's nice to meet you, and I look forward to getting to know you both."

He then did some basic medical procedures and checkups, and then I noticed the small white creature Fou appear again. And as the small creature locks eyes with me, it immediately runs up and puts itself on my shoulders. From what I can vaguely remember, this little creature is a beast-class being that is a servant of Gaia, so it explains why it likes me so much.

Romani says, baffled. "So this is a little creature that has been running around, and it seems to be taking a liking to you, Mr. Ozias." He then tried to shake its hand, but it only ignored him as I petted his head.

Romani, somewhat distraught, says, "But I wanted to teach him tricks. Anyway, I think it's time you both should be returning to the orientation room as I believe you missed a decent amount of the director's speech, and to be honest, the fact that you both are here means you must already be on the director's bad side which means all three of us are alike as she's not the biggest fan of me either."

He then mentions to the monitors showing the status of the various coffins used for, ray shifting into the past and even future. "In all honesty, since I've taken over for the Medical Department, I haven't had much to do as the machines here are perfectly capable of healing people and monitoring the health of the people in the coffins, but when I mentioned that to the director, all she yells is that when I'm here everyone slacks off can you believe it!"

Ritsuka and I nod our heads as Romani  sighs and says, "Well, regardless, since you both are here and have most likely missed her speech, why don't we spend some time and deepen our friendship."

I then proceed to take the orange-haired girl into my arms in a defensive manner, as that is the perfect phrase for a not-so-subtle man if you all catch my drift. "Mr. Romani, while I agree you are a friendly sort. I do not believe any of us are willing to go so far just yet."

The doctor, seemingly confused with what I said, he widens his eyes as he shakes his head violently. "Hey, I told you all before I am not into that. I just want friends, man."

Both Ritsuka and I pat the man on the back as she says, "Don't worry, doc, we'll be your friends." The doctor perks up at this comment as I smile at the two before Lev returns over the intercom.

"Romani, we're going to start the ray shift soon. Could you come here and help if there's an emergency? The A-Team is in perfect condition, but the B team is displaying some slight abnormalities, which may come from some first-timer anxiety."

Romani then answers, "Lev, Why do you not just give them some anesthesia to help with the anxiety?" Lev ignores this as he says, "Could you please hurry up, will you? If you're in the infirmary, then you can get here within under 2 minutes."

Romani sighs as he says, "For the guy who helped create SHEBA, he is still so impatient."

"SHEBA?" I ask as Romani explains, "Yes, that part of Chaldea is the telescope used to observe the pseudo planet we have as it not only serves as a means to monitor the planet but also the facility in its entirety and is the foundation for our ray shift technology."

The doctor then gathers his things as he says, "Honestly, with all these different talents being gathered to carry out this mission, it's almost pointless for an ordinary doctor like me to be there, but if I'm summoned, I must go. Thanks for chatting with me, both of you. When you get settled in, come by to my office, and next time, I'll treat you to both some yummy candy."

Excuse me, some yummy what!? Before I can say anything, the facility goes dark as I hear a loud explosion coming from what seems like the orientation room, and soon, the PA system states over the intercom. 

[Alert! Alert! A fire has occurred in the central power station, and the Central Command room in the central area's containment wall will activate in 90 seconds. All staff must evacuate from gate 2 at once. The containment wall will close in 40 seconds. Those that remain in the Central Area evacuate immediately.]

Romani finishes gathering his things quickly as he yells out in confusion, "Was that an explosion just now? What on Earth is happening? Monitor, show us the command room. Is everyone all right?!"

Ritsuka then says to me, "Oz, what about Mash?!" My eyes are wide as I remember the pink-haired girl is still in the orientation room, but before we are able to move out, the doctor states, "You both should evacuate now. I'm going to the command room, and the containment wall is about to close. Get yourselves out before it's too late!"

Fou wakes up as he looks around and jumps from my shoulder towards the burning center area. "Dammit Fou!" Before I start running, I can hear Dr Roman saying how there are no survivors and only the machinery is safe.

But before Roman is able to say anything, Ritsuka and I are already running towards the Chaldea lens as the PA comes over again [System switching to the final phase of the ray shift coordinates year 2004 January 30th, Fuyuki, Japan.]

"Well, that can't be good," I think, and as I force open the charred door to the Chaldea room, we see Mash crushed under some rubble that holds her bottom half down.

As both of us approached the crushed girl, I used my reinforcement magic to lift a large amount of debris off of her, which surprised both of them and as I tried to heal her injuries, the wounds were almost too severe for me to recover instantly at my current limited power.

"You both should leave. They are about to close off the facility." Ritsuka then says furiously, "Don't you dare say that we are not leaving you behind. We just need a couple more seconds for OZ to finish healing you."

The girl has the nerve to start smiling as I try to continue the healing process. I'm almost finished healing her busted legs, but as soon as I finish, all of the doors slam shut as walls form around us.

"Oh, it seems they shut off this area. Now we are stuck. Would you two mind doing me a favor? Can you two hold my hand."

I then say, "Don't worry, we're going to be all right. I'm almost done." But it is seemingly too late as the Chaldea lens glows a bright red color, and the announcements begin to count down to ray shift.

I then grab the girl's hand, and as we all glow in bright yellow particles, I can hear Mash say, "Thank you both for knowing my name."

The world then glows a bright yellow, and I find myself in a new location surrounded by fire.

(Well, ladies and gentlemen, it begins, and while this may seem a bit contrived from my main character to not be able to heal her instantly and break through the doors, he only has around 10% of his total power, and while that is a lot making him essentially City level at base and growing in power with at least 1% a day. I need to introduce him into the story somehow, so this is probably going to be one of the few contrivances I have to take.)

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