
The Beginning Of Singularity F

Entry 129:

Ritsuka Fujimaru POV:

"Kyu..Fou..Kyu" That sound is the white squirrel from before, and before I can open my eyes, I hear Mash say, " Senpai, please wake up. If you do not wake up, I will tell Ozias Senpai that you drool when you sleep while moving erotically."

"I'm awake! Don't tell Oz about that! I am already reeling from losing my first." Mash looked confused. "You're first what?" I look her in the eye and say, "My first damsel in distress moment. Oz's arms have sullied me, so now he has to take responsibility."

Mash looks at Fou and says, "Well, at least she is up, or else I would have threatened to kill her." Wait, what was that?!

"Fou, Kyu!" Don't agree with her, Fou! 

Mash then says, " Well, your delusions aside, I am glad you are safe, but I can't seem to find Ozias Senpai." Oh, right, Oz! We need to find him. But before I can say that, I hear a roar coming from hooded figures with glowing blue eyes.

"Gi-AHHHHHHHHH!" The monster yells as Mash stands in front of me and says, "It seems like linguistic speech is impossible, and as such, these beings have been deemed as hostile delusional master. Your orders, please, as I need your help with this. Let's find Ozias Senpai together!"

I pump my fists into the air as Mash pulls out a large cross-like table as a weapon and proceeds to rush the hooded figures that soon pull out rusted weapons that bounce off of Mash's shield.

"Haah! Mash yells as she bangs one with her shield on the head, breaking it apart while another attempts to sneak up on her. "Mash, look out six o clock, whatever behind you!"

Mash then uses the bottom part of the shield as a kick board flips over the strike and then slams the hooded figure into the ground. The others attempt to gang up on her as she swipes the shield in one hand, sending all of their legs to the sky as they fall to pieces.

After that only a few more remain and are swiftly taken out by Mash. Shield for the win!

I then rush at Mash and give her a hug "Great job you did it! And we still have all of our body parts." Mash then sighs and says " Delusional master my performance was merely adequate and we have other tasks to focus on such as finding any other Master candidates."

She loves me I can see it in her eyes. Is this what a real-life tsundere looks like?

Mash then adds, "Honestly, I had my worries but we made it somehow delusional master. Are you injured at all, or are you hurt in any way?" What is with that nickname? I am not delusional I am merely a master of hype and romance.

But I then ask, "Jokes aside, what were those things Mash as they did not seem like they belonged in this era as I did not know the early 2000s turned into a B-grade horror film?"

Mash seems troubled as she says, " That is the crux of the issue, my delusional Master as I myself do not know as beings like that should not exist in our era, let alone this one specifically. Perhaps the appearance of these monsters was the cause of the singularity or something of that nature."

Although before we could continue our discussion I hear a static noise before my Communicator began to light up with what sounded like static, and I heard a familiar doctor's voice.

" Did I finally get through? Hello? This is the Chaldea command room do you read me?"

Mash is the first to answer, "This is Mash Kyrielight, a member of the A-Team at this time; both I and the delusional Master designated Ritsuka Fujimaru have completed the shift into the singularity and based on our current status, both our minds and bodies are intact, but we have been unable to locate Linus Ozias."

Roman then adds, "But that makes no sense as Linus was able to ray shift as his body wasn't in the command center when it exploded, so I assume he made it into the singularity, but he landed in a different location. But another question, Mash, I'm glad you're safe, but what is up with that outfit you look like you're wearing an outfit to go to the beach. Shameless, I say!"

Mash is quick to answer him with a very small blush on her face " I transformed into this outfit as I could not protect the delusional Master without my current armor."

Romani continued, " What do you mean by transformed have you harmed your head Mash or was it-?" He was unable to finish his question as Mash interrupted him.

"Dr Roman please be silent and check on my vitals with your Machinery it will grant you all the answers you require." Roman then does so and yells out in surprise. "How is this possible? Your physical condition is astounding as your physical strength, magical circuits, and everything has been improved but you're not so much human but-"

Mash finishes the sentence almost regrettably, "Yes, I have become a servant but I do not remember how it happened, but it seems I have survived by fusing with a heroic spirit. This heroic Spirit may have been the servant of another master that was lost in the explosion but at the last second, I felt a contract being formed in my soul. All the contracts stated was to solve the singularity."

I have only been working for this organization for under a couple of hours, and I'm already confused. Where is Oz when you need him? Roman then adds almost regrettably as well "I see a demi servant then the sixth experiment has seemingly succeeded does the heroic spirit you fused with have a consciousness, Mash?"

Mass shakes her head as she answers, "No, he gave me his combat abilities but then vanished, and he never even revealed his true name even when the contract was formed, so I don't even know what my Noble Phantasm is at this point I know just as much as the rest of you."

Dr Roman then sighs as he says " Well look on the bright side not every servant that gets summoned is as cooperative as you can be Mash and now that you are a servant this turns the tide in our favor. After all, you are completely trustworthy and Ritsuka it looks like you along with Oz are the only ones who managed to ray shift. I apologize for forcing this mission on both of you but I asked that you find him as well as any other survivors that I may have missed."

Mash blushes at the praise to which I add praise kink to my list of teasing possibilities for later "I don't know if I am the most powerful but I will make do."

I then ask the question that has been burning in my mind " Now this is fun and all being surrounded by endless fire and monsters but could someone please inform me what a master and  servants are?"

Romani says " Ah, you fell asleep for the speech, and we're barely untrained so it's understandable you may not understand, but to be frank, the current mission you have is two-sided as bo$%#@%@$@"

Mash then says "Roman, you're breaking up, and only 10 seconds remain until the connection is lost."

Roman then says, frustrated "It seems that SHEBA's output is unstable because we switched to the backup generator. Oh well, I'll brief both of you soon, but I would recommend both of you get to a strong leyline and not be reckless so that I have enough time to restabilize the connection. Find Oz, stick together, and please avoid the @#$$#$".

The line is then cut and both of us are left alone in this burning city. I look to Fou and Mash as we nod and begin moving to the coordinated leyline on our map.

"So Mash tell me was the outfit really forced on you or do you like being exposed? Not judging, of course." Mash proceeds to keep a straight face and walk a bit faster. Ah yes, the beginning of the bonding process.

Linus Ozias POV:

"ACHOO!" I have sneezed in an anime so that must mean one thing "Someone must be talking about me and it's most likely Ritsuka." I think to myself as I  walk toward the ley line I can sense from my magic sense.

I have met a couple of skeletons along the way but they are about as brittle as wet paper similar to beginner-grade enemies and it's only taken me a couple of holy power blasts to get rid of groups of them at once. Yet I still feel uneasy like I'm being watched and based on my senses there are still a couple of servants active but they just feel wrong.

It's like their whole spirit and body have been corrupted by something and it's not just the Grail mud it's a presence directing them even in their madness and despair. Luckily I have retained all of my skills even if they're not at full power, and all of my weapons are still accessible as I have been using my Crucible blade to cut a swath through all the skeletons and hooded wraiths.

But they are not the ones that worry me as I sense of presence approaching me even as it tries to hide its presence, and in all honesty, I think the fact that they are corrupted as their skills have atrophied as a result.

To put it simply, due to their innate corruption, all of their skills have leveled down other than the one presence that seems to be the source of the darkness.

As I stop I look in the direction of the presence and see who it was that being Hassan of the cursed arm I immediately use my aspect of control to grab him telekinetically lifting him up into the air and slicing him into pieces.

Luckily the crucible blade is essentially made to kill demonic or corrupted beings so it serves as a perfect weapon for my current use.

Even at only 10% of my overall strength assassins like Hassan are nothing especially when they have been so downgraded.

I mostly rushed Hassan because his Noble Phantasm is essentially a special move that allows him to grasp the heart of a being using that cursed arm of his. But for now, that's one servant down and all that remains is the lancer, berserker, saber, caster, rider, and archer.

The other servants I may actually have some trouble with, especially the Berserker if my spotty memory is correct, it's Heracles, and I'm not sure if he retains his Noble Phantasm of the god hand that allows him essentially 12 lives, each one representing one of his different labors.

But that mass of Darkness I can sense in the distance towards the mountain it's like a challenge being sent across the city but I ignore it as I need to find my kouhai and the orange-haired master. 

So I pick up the pace using reinforcement on my legs to increase my speed and after a couple of minutes, I am able to get closer to the ley line and find a group of skeletons that have taken up residence there along the path.

I pull out my crucible blade and begin hacking and slashing while clearing the area. But soon I heard a rather girlish scream.

"KYAHHHH!" It seems I found the director but her presence is odd as it hasn't been corrupted but it doesn't feel complete as if she's missing something and her soul seems fine based on my surface-level scans.

As I approach to intercept the skeletons chasing the director, I notice two other presences approaching and smile as I see my fellow coworkers rushing to save the director alongside me.

The phrase rip and tear has not applied so perfectly as I ready my blade.

(I hope I am doing these interactions decently enough.)

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