
Chapter 40

The meeting began with Loki and Finn explaining how the stolen factory devices were used to make explosives.

Ottar also said the one who had attacked the factory was at least Level 6. Finally, Shakti told them about the woman we had encountered.

While everyone was talking about their experience with evilus, trying to guess what they might be planning. I looked at my goddess Bahamut and nodded.

I planned to tell them what I discovered during the evilus raid on the 18th floor and the mysterious cloaked figure that was with a god named Eren.

I knew saying the name Erebus would just be seen a baseless speculation. I told them about the whole incident making sure to tell them that the cloaked man was at least a level 6. I also called him a dragon kin instead of a fake because Bahamut said that the information was a secret.

At mention of my guess that the cloaked figure was a dragon kin although fake made all the gods in the room quiet. Their escorts seemed confused as to why, but no one questioned their god.

"Tsk, so that crazy bitch is also involved" Loki said in an annoyed tone, while looking at Bahamut.

Bahamut glared at Loki, making her go silent. It seemed that there was a secret that shouldn't be known to us.

Despite that nobody said anything and the room was left in awkward silence which was broken by Finn taking charge of the meeting once more. We talked about possible strategies and measures to deal with the evilus until Finn brought some important information.

"Thanks to the Hermes Familia, we have been able to discover that the Evilus have three new bases. I suggest that we attack them at the same time" Finn said, which got everyone thinking.

After sometime of silence the other familia's agreed to the plan.

"That's good. The Loki familia will take one of the bases and the Freya familia will take another". After hearing this, the Freya familia agreed with Finn.

"As for the last base, Ganesha, Astraea and the Bahamut Familia will handle it."

"That's fine" I said in agreement to which the Astraea and Ganesha familia's also agreed.

I could see that the meeting was about to end as we had already talked about everything important. I then remembered one important detail and asked.

"Are we the only ones aware of this plan?" I asked.

"Are you insinuating that there might be a spy amongst us" Finn replied. The atmosphere became a bit tense.

"I don't know just asking to make sure nothing gets leaked" I said. Finn had a contemplating look, soon he got my hint that there might be a spy from the guild.

The guild was the most likely organization to have been infiltrated by evilus. I had written a note earlier to tell Finn that if there was a spy, the bases may be used as a distraction to attack the city and he should take measures to prevent that.

I remembered that during the raid in the evilus base that they attacked the city while the Strong familia's were busy clearing the bases. I decided to hand the note to Finn.

After handing Finn the note. The meeting was dismissed but Royman felt pissed off that we were speaking in words that he did not understand. Everyone ignored the fat slob of course. After exiting the meeting room Freya walked towards me and Bahamut, so I decided to greet her.

"I am Draco Black of the Bahamut Familia. Nice to meet you goddess Freya. I believe this is our first meeting but I have heard a lot about the strength of the Freya familia" I said politely.

"Tsk" Bahamut didn't seem pleased at our meeting but how could I disrespect a familia with a potential Level 7 adventurer. I had enough ass whooping for the week.

"Fufufu, what a gentle man. Not only a rare dragon kin but smart too" Freya said. It seemed that she picked up on me and Finn's talk.

"You have pretty eyes". Freya then proceeded to touch my face. I looked directly into her eyes and replied.

"Thanks for the compliment". This startled and amused Freya as she just had a charming smile on her face.

"Aaah, makes me want you even more" she said making shivers run through my tail.

"Hey, what are you doing to my Draco" Bahamut said, feeling annoyed as she stepped in between us. I didn't want things to escalate, so I thought of an excuse to leave.

"It was nice meeting you Freya sama and you too Ottar. I have heard a lot of your strength and hope to challenge you once I am strong enough. Now if you will excuse us we have some preparations to do before the raid" I said as me an Bahamut left.

"Isn't he just interesting" Freya said to Ottar who had a barely noticeable smile on his face.

"Yes, Freya sama" Ottar replied. After which they left the guild.

Returning home immediately after the meeting with the other familia's at the guild. I called everyone to assemble and explained the details of the upcoming raid.

"So do we get to do anything" asked Vasileios.

"Yes, I want some of you to protect the manor and the rest to assist the civilians. The evilus will probably attack the city once we begin the raid. Since most of the strong people will be busy with the raid, so will the most powerful evilus too.

They need strong people to keep us occupied enough, please I don't need you to fight just escort the civilians to somewhere safe". Everyone had a serious expression while nodding their heads in agreement.

"Ok, Nikolaos, Eleni, Lili and Clair will watch the house while the rest of you will assist the city. Just don't stray too far from home". After saying that, I dismissed the meeting. Everyone went their separate ways to start preparing for their duties during the day of the raid.

After everyone left it was just me and Bahamut left in the lounge. The atmosphere was awkward after what happened with Freya.

"Ahem, so what was that with Freya. I thought she charmed you" Bahamut said breaking the silence.

"Sigh, did you forget that charms barely work on me" I replied.

"Hmmf, still why did you let her touch your face" Bahamut said while pouting. I wasn't sure how to deal with this.

"I didn't want to offend them, I mean they have someone that is almost level 7. There was no need to make them our enemies, don't you think so too". I said as an excuse.

Even I wasn't sure why I didn't stop her from touching my face or even if I could at the time.

"Hmmf, you sure that you didn't just want to add her to your harem" Bahamut replied while pouting.

Aah now I see, we didn't have much progress in our romance and she felt a bit insecure about it. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed her face with both hand and pulled her into a light kiss. We were lost in the moment for a while before separating.

"You are a dragon god and I am a dragon kin. The last thing we both need to worry about is time. We don't need to rush and take our time enjoying life. I may dream of a harem but it doesn't mean that I would care less about any of its member.

Besides I would need you and Hephi's approval for anyone that willingly joins so no need to feel like that. I love you ok my little dragon lady" I said to which she blushed heavily and fell silent.

After that we both went out separate ways. Me to my room and Bahamut to somewhere else.

"Aaaaaaaah, the cringe it killing me" I grabbed my chest while rolling on my bed. All the words that I said earlier were so embarrassing that the former me would probably die from it.

It took a while to calm my beating heart as that was my first kiss. I was happy that it was with Bahamut. I felt that we had taken an extra step in our relationship. Now I just needed to find how to progress with Hephaestus.

'Oh shit did I just trigger a death flag' were the thoughts I had before having a light nap. The meeting ended in the evening so I slept for 2 hours before waking up to have dinner.

Note: Thanks for reading. Feel free to check out my patreon to read ahead and donate. Have a great weekend and see ya all Monday.

Gimme them stones, like seriously. Feel free to read ahead on my patreon and donate.

HungryMushroomcreators' thoughts
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