
Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Possession


  Eagle Island, Natalie threw herself into her mother's arms like a baby swallow returning home, "Why were you away so long !"

  Nora caressed her daughter's cheek and long hair, Natalie smiled and said,

  "I've only been away for a month, was it long time?"

  "When I was away, were you doing okay?"

  "I was okay." Natalie took her mother's hand and walked towards city , "I also went to Starfall City with Lord Caesar!"

  " You went to Starfall City?" Nora's face changed slightly.

  "That's right." Natalie didn't notice her mother's abnormality, but complained a little wronged, "However, Lord Caesar didn't take me to the Dayne family's castle, but let me stroll around the market. "

  Nora breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time, an inexplicable look of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

  The two walked into the valley talking and laughing. Nora looked around and found that the place had changed a lot.

  "Huh? Why do there seem to be a lot of Reach people?"

  "Oh, those are the refugees gathered by Lord Caesar. They just arrived last week, and are a total of 3,000 people!"

  Nora nodded and continued to move forward. , She first went to the orphanage to visit the old people and children of the Raven tribe, and then went to meet Samwell, and traded the dozens of newly collected ghost grasses to him.

  "Lady Nora." Samwell accepted the ghost grass, and then asked tentatively, "How did the Wandering Crow Tribe find's the ghost grass? "

  " Sharper perception than ordinary people."

  Samwell heard the other party's ambiguity, so he asked: "Is Natalie also considered a person favored by the old gods?"

  Nora hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Yes."

  Samwell thought about it. He understood what the so-called "favor of the old gods" was all about, and seeing that Nora refused to say more, he didn't continue to ask.

  Considering that the silver leaf grass and the golden tail shrimp are actually gold and silver, so what is the real role in the ghost grass?

  Blessing of the old gods?

  Samwell suddenly felt that he could try chewing weirwood...

  Of course, this idea was very dangerous. Once discovered, it may attract a crazy siege from the believers of the old gods, so even if he want's to do it, he will have to do it very secretive.

  Samwell temporarily suppressed this thought in his heart. After sending Nora away, he went back to the hut alone and ate all the ghost grass he got this time.

  The spiritual attribute also increased smoothly to 2.07.

  After breaking through 2, Samwell clearly felt that the world in front of him seemed to have undergone a slight change.

  But he can't tell what the difference is.

  He laid down on the bed, relaxed his mind, and tried to find the feeling of possessing the bird in his dream that night.

  However, the more he tried to find it, the more he couldn't find it.

  The chaotic thoughts in his head always make him unable to concentrate.

  Samwell simply tried to go to sleep, but it was nearly dawn, so he couldn't sleep.

  While feeling anxious, Samwell suddenly remembered the weirwood tree he saw in his dream last time, especially the old face carved on the trunk.

  Lifelike, as if right in front of you.

  He concentrated all his energy on this face, and gradually calmed down.

  A small voice sounded in his ear, seeming to say something, but he couldn't hear anything.

  In a trance, Samwell's spirit seemed to become join a river, flowing along the unknown river to the distance...


  opening his eyes again, Samwell was surprised to find that he had already soared in the blue sky!

  White clouds and breeze surrounded him, and the vast blue sea passed quickly under him.

  Unlike the last time, Samwell clearly felt that everything in front of him was reality this time!

  Moreover, he finally knew that it turned out that what he possessed was actually an -


  It has sharp claws and beak, and its whole body was brown and black. Only the tail has white feathers. The wings were ten feet long. A pair of eagle eyes can even see the prey thousands of miles away.

  This is an artifact of detection!

  Samwell was ecstatic in his heart.

  Moreover, he found that this time he could manipulate the Falcon to act according to his will.

  Samwell seems to have discovered a fun game, manipulating the falcon to fly up and down, skim over the sea, dive between cliffs, and even catch an unlucky mountain mouse.

  While playing around, he found that he had unknowingly come to the other side of the bay, and he could already see the outline of Starfall City.

  Out of curiosity, he simply flew over, wanting to see the appearance of Starfall City from a high altitude.

  As he flew closer and closer, the tower majestically among the cliffs like a sharp sword rising from the ground.

  Looking at this spectacular scene, Samwell's heart was agitated, and he couldn't help thinking about the day when he would be able to build such a magnificent castle.

  But in the next second, his expression changed.

  Because he noticed that the atmosphere in Starfall City was not right!

  There are very few pedestrians on the street, and even if there are, they are in a hurry, and their faces are full of tension and worry.

  What happened?

  Samwell immediately flew to the Dayne family's castle, and found that it had turned into a huge military camp!

  Banners of different colors, soldiers lining up neatly, knights in bright armor... The Dayne family is clearly preparing for a war!

As for who is the target of the war...

  Samwell was terrified.

  Who else but yourself?

  He manipulated the falcon to circle back and forth over Starfall City, continued to observe the movement of the Dayen family, and at the same time thought about the reason why the other party suddenly decided to attack him.

  It doesn't make sense.

  He had clearly reached a brandy supply agreement with the acting city lord before, and this was like sending money to the other party.

  Could it be that the other party just pretended to agree to his conditions, and then turned around and secretly prepared to attack Eagle Island?

  Is this guy a war freak?

  Or does he want's to be famous ?

  Samwell couldn't figure out why Urik was so determined to fight himself desperately, let alone why the vassals and soldiers in Starfall City were willing to follow an illegitimate child to go crazy.

  Are they really so wary of the Reach people establishing a territory in Bleak Island?

  Samwell sighed, and knew that the matter has decided , and it was useless to think too much. All he could do now was to return to Eagle Island quickly and prepare for the war.

  You know, Starfall City is not too far from Eagle Island, and it can be reached in half a day by boat with a favorable wind.

  After conducting a rough estimate of the war preparations of the Dayne family's army, he concluded that it would take a minimum of three days, and possibly up to a week for them to be fully prepared

  Thinking of this, Samwell withdrew his consciousness and sat up suddenly from the bed.


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