
Chapter 70

Thanks for power stones 😁

+1 bonus chapter


  Chapter 70 For Alliance

  Eagle Island, the lord's cabin.

  Samwell called a meeting immediately.

  But this time, everyone clearly felt the stagnation of the atmosphere.

  Samwell also didn't follow the procedure to ask everyone to report the work situation, but directly said straight to the point:

  "I have some bad news for you. The Dayne family in Starfall City is reorganizing their army , and it seems that they are going to start a war."

  Just after saying that , everyone's expressions changed in an instant.

  But silly question followed :

"My lord, who are the Dayne family planning to fight?"

  Samwell didn't even want to answer this stupid question.

  Fortunately, the man finally came to his senses after seeing the strange gazes from everyone: "The Dayne family is coming to attack us?"

"It should be."

  Samwell said with a serious face, "We are located near Starfall City, Knowing their hostily toward Reach , a conflict with them is bound to happen sooner or later , we must make sure we are ready for battle this battle ."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone had different expressions, some were afraid, some were nervous, and some were serious , and excitement... how come there are still people excited?

  Oh, it turned out to be the lunatic Cheman.

  That's fine.

  Samwell tapped the table with his fingers to attract everyone's attention, and said,

  "Don't be too panicky, I've already sent a letter to Highgarfen, and I believe the Duke Mace will send reinforcements soon. "

  Hearing this, everyone's complexion improved a lot.

  Only Todd Flower frowned.

  He wasn't like these savages, or Gavin who came from the bottom. Of course, he knew that under this circumstances, Duke mace might not necessarily send reinforcements over.

  After all, the castle has not yet been built. From a legal point of view, island is not considered the territory of the reach , but a disputed place.

  In this case, the Duke mace may not be willing to send troops.

  As for Lady Olenna... If Samwell had accepted the old lady's arrangement from the beginning, then she would definitely persuade the Duke to send troops, but now, it's hard to say.

  Moreover, even if the Duke did send troops, Eagle Island would have to hold out until the reinforcements arrived.

  Of course, no matter what he thinks in his heart, Todd will definitely not be so stupid as to say these words in public, otherwise it will ruin the lord's plan to calm people's hearts.

  At this time, Samwell had already begun to deploy preparation tasks.

  He first asked Gavin to evacuate the staff, and transferred all the old and weak women and children from the orphanage to the villages outside the valley for temporary resettlement, leaving only soldiers and young adults in Bleak Island to assist in the battle.

  Then, he ordered Vido to organize artisans and laborers to urgently build defense facilities. He plans to set up two lines of defense. The outer line of defense is composed of ditches and fences, including the small half of Eaagle Island, including the existing important buildings and the valley entrance. As for the second line of defense, it is not yet completed city wall.

  Although not yet finished, the city wall is nearly ten feet high and has a fairly good defense.

  In fact, Samwell really doesn't want to use this second line of defense, because it will not only mean that his hard work in the past six months will be trampled by the enemy and also giving up the only land passage to enemies.

  In this case, even if the Duke mace really sent reinforcements, he might be easily be blocked by the enemy army from entering the valley.

  So unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not give up the first line of defense.

  Afterwards, Samwell ordered Todd Flowers to urgently recruit 300 soldiers immediately.

  Half were chosen from the Wildlings, and half from the Outcasts of the Reach.

  In this way, the strength of Eagle Island will be close to 600.

Of course, the soldiers who can really be relied on are the first 200 soldiers. In addition, there are 100 soldiers who have received two or three months of training and can be used. As for the 300 people that Todd will urgently recruit , it is obvious that there is not much hope.

  As for weapons and food, Eagle Island has no shortage for the time being. Because Samwell had already replaced all the golden dragons he got from the Lannister family with weapons and equipment, as well as food supplies, in case of emergencies.

  Now he is very glad that he didn't spend all these golden dragons on improving his strength attribute.

  No matter how strong he is alone, it is impossible to defeat a hundred with one.

  What's more, he actually has a huge weakness - the agility attribute is too low.

  Until now, Samwell has not found any food or ore that can improve agility.

  So although his strength has far surpassed that of ordinary people, his weakness is still obvious.

  Moreover, no matter how strong he is, he is not invulnerable. If his body is cut by a sword, he will still be injured and bleed.

  Therefore, he had to find another way...

  After the task of preparing for the battle was completed, Samwell asked everyone to split up and prepare immediately.

  However, he asked Maester Qyburn to wait.

  "Qyburn, can you refine 'Wildfire'?"

  Samwell was shocked by the terrifying power of this magical alchemy product when he first watched the TV series.

  It was an extremely flammable liquid.

  Once ignited by wildfire, it cannot be extinguished until the objects contaminated by it are completely burned. Even wildfire can burn on water. In the famous battle of the Blackwater Bay that happened later, the "The Imp" Tyrion Lannisters destroyed Stannis' naval fleet with wildfire.

  With a faint smile on the corner of hi mouth, Qyburn nodded and said,

  "My lord, these alchemists' little tricks certainly won't stop me. However, if you plan to use it in the upcoming war, I'm afraid there will be some problems."

  Samwell hearing the first half of the sentence, was a little happy, but then he frowned again:

  "What's the problem?"

  "First of all, making wildfires requires a lot of expensive materials, most of which are not available here and need to be shipped from other places."

"I'm afraid it's too late..."

  "Yes , and even if there are materials, it will take a long time to make wildfires, If war breaks out in the soon, it will be useless ."

  Samwell was a little disappointed: "Okay, I understand. I ...."

  But before he finished his sentence , Qyburn said again:

  "My lord,but I can make flammable liquids for you..."

  "Oh?" Samwell immediately regained his spirits, "Is the effect similar to that of wildfire?"

  Qyburn shook his head: "Although it cannot be equated with the destructive power of wildfire, burning in water would still have a significant impact. It would be challenging to put out once it starts burning at a single point. Additionally, the main ingredients for this are present here, which is even more significant."

"What ingredients?"


"Brandy? "

  Samwell actually knew that the wine could indeed be ignited when it reached 40 to 50 degrees, but it was quite easy to extinguish, and it might be difficult to meet his requirements.

  And the distiller in his hand couldn't produce a higher concentration of alcohol.

  Seeming to see Samwell's suspicion, Qyburn explained:

  "Of course, it's not pure brandy. I will add a little stuff to it. In this way, its flammability will be greatly improved, and will not be easy to be extinguished."

  Samwell's eyes lit up, and he said,

  "Make a sample for me now!"

  "of course, my lord."


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