
Welcome to The Family Pt. 3

You and Booster landed on a nearby roof and spotted the smoke coming from a bank. You and Booster looked at each other and sighed.

Y/N: Cliche much?

You used the zoom feature on your helmet to check out the situation before you spotted two very recognizable red heads of hair. You turned to Booster who seemed just as surpised.

Booster: Correct me if I'm wrong, please tell me I'm wrong, but aren't those two...

Y/N: Dee Dee.

What the hell were they doing here? They were from the future just like you. These aren't even former Dee Dee. They were Dee Dee.

Y/N: What the ass?

Booster: How about we go and ask them?

You nodded and the two of you leaped into action. Dee Dee were currently casing havoc by destroying the surrounding police cars with their future tech. The whip that had caused you so many wrist problems and the taser that had caused you more than enough trouble. As you landed the Dee sisters looked at you and smiled widely.

Dee: And I thought this was going to be lame!

Dee: It's our batboy! Oh goody!

Booster landed next to you and their smiles were replaced with disgust.

Dee: Oh. And there's Booster.

Dee: Yay.

Booster seemed insulted but didn't have time to retort before he was greeted with a large piece of stone to the chest that sent him flying back. You turned your attention back only to see a large figure looming over the sisters who were back to smiling.

???: These boys bugging us Chicas?

Oh shit. Bane.

Bane: Batman? I like the new suit. It should be fun breaking it!

Bane began to charge at you but you quickly used your boots to launch yourself over him. You landed and quickly dodged the twin's attack when they tried to kick you. You finally rested for a brief moment before you turned back to the villians.

Bane: This is interesting. You aren't my batman are you?

Dee: Nope! He's ours!

Dee: Yeah so back off on this one! Go get golden boy instead and leave this rodent to us!

Bane huffed but turned back to where Booster was last seen. You took up a fighting stance toward the twins who had that disturbing look on their face they seemed to only have when they were fighting you. Bruce had once joked that they had a crush on you but honestly you think they just enjoyed the fight.

Y/N: So, what are you two doing here?

Dee: Robbing a bank.

Dee: Duh!

Of course. Why did you even ask? You stepped forward but the twins had already cartwheeled their way toward you and began their onslaught of kicks. You blocked all of them and managed to counter against one of them but your wrist was grabbed by that damn whip. Dee activated it and you felt the surge of electricity erupt through your body. You let out a short gasp before using the whip to your advantage. You wrapped it around your wrist some more before pulling it toward you forcing the Dee along with it. You delivered a swift kick to her chest that tossed her aside before the other one got you square in the face.

You stumbled back and the whip one sweep your feet causing you to fall. You always hated it when they would mess with you like this. They cartwheeled around before joining up. They held each other's hands and lifted them up like they had just won a wrestling match. They bowed in a dramatic fashion before pulling back out their weapons.

Y/N: Still pains in the ass. That hasn't changed.

Dee: So, what are you doing in here?

Y/N: Stopping you from robbing a bank.

You smirked under your helmet.

Dee: Not that silly! In the past!

Dee: We need up here about a week ago. Bane has been taking care of us since!

So they've been here for a while? How is that even possible? How did they even get here? The last time you saw them they were locked away in Arkham. Then again, since when does anyone stay in Arkham long?

Y/N: How did you get here?

Dee: Same as you I imagine!

Dee: Bright light and loud sounds!

They them began to reenact the events in a comical manner causing you to roll your eyes. You did always think their antics were cute in a way. They still acted like children even though they were...actually you didn't know how old they were.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the twins began to attack you once more. You hoped that Booster was holding him own against Bane. He has dealt with some big baddies in the past, present, future, whatever. You were sure he was fine.-------Booster: I'm fine.

Bane stood back up and activated the venom causing him to grow in size and double his strength.

Booster: I'm not fine.--------Yeah, he should be fine. You remind yourself of the fight you were in right now rather than your friend. The Dees continued their combo but you had already gotten used to it. Can't teach a old fog new tricks but you sure as hell can improvise. When they both tried to strike you on both sides, you simply grabbed their wrists and used their own momentum to cause them to instead hit each other with the electricity. The two were, shocked, to say the least. Ha! Batman made a joke.

Y/N: Now, you two gonna answer my questions or should I let you experience Arkham back in it's prime for a few days?

The twins both looked at each other in pain. They were no longer smiling.

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