
Outlaws Pt. 1

It has been about a month since you had started training with the Batfamily. Everyday it was something new, and painful. You told Bruce what you had learn, only to learn that no one knew any of it. So you were practically back to square one. Luckily it was all useful stuff that you wish you had learned earlier. Damien and Jason taught you more about fighting which was amazing since Damien still had his bloodlust and Jason had a whole different outlook than everyone else.

Tim taught you about the past's technology and how to hack it which was extremely helpful and easy with your future gear. Dick helped you become more agile and taught you a few new tricks the older him had left out since he was old and no longer able to ot himself. Stephanie was all about teaching you what you needed to know about the bad guys of this time along with how they worked as a unit. Cassandra was a bit, harder to train with. She taught you stealth and how to use the darkness as your own tool which you never had to do before. Usually invisibility worked just fine. When you remembered you had it.

In order to actually make sure you learn and improved, they took your suit away and gave you the worst gear ever. This forced you to really pay attention and use what they taught you to progress rather than you cheating your way through.

They also made you fight each of them. It was like a ranking system almost of progression. First it was Duke, then Tim, then Steph, then Azral, then Jason, then Cassandra, then Damien, then Dick, then Kate. That only left one more member before you were done.

Y/N: You and me Bruce! Right here, right now!

Bruce looked at you unamused. Moments later he was walking away without so much of a sweat while you were throughly beaten on the floor. For the next two weeks you were either training or challenging Bruce. No matter what you did, you couldn't beat him. You used everything you had from the makeshift batarangs to the sometimes working smoke pallets. You improvised time and time again while using what you were taught but everytime, you were beaten.

Y/N: Screw this!

You threw the ratty chest piece to the floor as you fell limp onto the mat house were currently training on. Dick laughed a bit while Booster rolled his eyes and Cassandra continued on her beat down of the punching bag. You were in the manor while everyone was out on business. Bruce insisted you not deal with "Bat" Business until you completed your training. Night had fallen a long time ago but you were still wide awake mentally, just not physically.

Booster: At least you're challenging Bruce. I haven't even gotten past Bat Knight or whatever his name is.

Dick: Azral. Don't beat yourselves over it. Y/N, you're progressing faster than any of us. It took me months to get where you're at. Hell, both of you have multiple teachers teaching you multiple things. Back when it was just me, I only had Bruce and Alfred. You should consider yourselves lucky.

You turned your head and narrowed your eyes at him.

Y/N: There's a trick, isn't there? To beating Bruce. Something I'm missing.

Dick shrugged and turned back to Booster.

Dick: Alright, break time is over. Back on the mat pony boy.

Booster groaned and made an offhanded comment about Dick being old to remember that movie.

Y/N: Love how no one calls him by his name.

Dick suddenly stopped and looked at you.

Dick: Booster isn't his name?

You shook your head but caught Booster staring you down.

Booster: Mouth, shut. No one in anytine knows my name. Keep it that way. I gotta keep the brand real.

You rolled your eyes and began to walk out.

Y/N: Ok,

You shook your head as you listened to the time traveler's body slam onto the mat after Dick used the distraction. As you walked down the hall you heard footsteps coming towards you. You stopped and turned around to find Cassandra walking up behind you. She gave a wave while keeping that same bored expression and joined you as you made your way to the kitchen.

In the month or so you've been here, you have made yourself at home. Sure some of your favorite snacks won't be made for a few years but you did help Alfred with the shopping. He also tagged along when you bought new clothes. Turns out he is quite the fashion expert. You have also gotten used to the house being empty when the shifts would change. Sometimes you were watching old 80's movies with Tim, sometimes you were playing video games with Dick, sometimes you were doing Stephanie's makeup.

What? You had a girlfriend who taught you stuff.

You would even spend time in the library when you were alone. You didn't hang around Damien or Duke that much. Damien was a bit of a weird kid and would often be away on "Titan" business. Dick had brought up the possibility of you joining them since you were still technically a teen but it wasn't brought up again. You weren't really amused by the idea anyway. Why spend a bunch of time around kids playing superhero.

....ok yeah you were a kid to but you were Batman!

You didn't talk to Duke much since he was always with Katie working with the Batman Inc thing. Batinc? Whatever it was called during this time. To be fair you didn't even know it existed. You also didn't talk to Azral simply because he creeped you out. He was weird in all the wrong ways. The voices and the fact that his sword caught on fire was enough to tell you to stay away. Damn good fighter though.

Bruce was always out as Batman but most of the interactions you had with him were him beating you in a fight or him checking in on you and Booster to make sure the two of you were doing good with adjusting to things. Yeah he was hard but he was still human. Even if he spent most of the night running around dressed as a bat. And never slept. And only drank things not eat them. Maybe he a vampire.

That just left Jason. He took the longest to warm up to you. After you beat him in a fight to move on though, he began to treat you like a little brother of shorts. Something about you and Tim being the cool ones in the family. He was around the least since he didn't really get along with Bruce like the others. He also had his own team to worry about and didn't feel the need to be involved with every bat related situation.

Which was why it was a surprise when you and Cassandra found him taking cookies from the top self. You cleared your throat and he turned to you two slowly, like a child getting caught doing something they shouldn't.

Y/N: Haven't seen you in a few days Jay. I'm guessing you didn't just come back for Alfred's cookies did you?

Jason smiled a bit with the cookie still in his mouth before straightening himself out. You noticed he was wearing his gear.

Y/N: You heading back out?

Jason swallowed the cookie and nodded.

Jason: Outlaw business. Kingpin causing problems. Usual stuff.

You nodded.

Y/N: Cool. Be safe and good luck. I'll just be here trying to find out how I can beat Bruce.

You began to look through the fridge with Cassandrea before Jason had an idea.

Jason: Sounds lame. Wanna come with me?

You popped your head up with excitement in your eyes.

Y/N: For real?!

Jason nodded.

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