

Sarah, Loki, Turok and Hoskins were out in the jungle walking around.

"Remind me again why are we here? Don't we have more important things to do?" Loki asked.

"Oh relax. Everything has been rather peaceful the last few days." Turok said.

"True. But I still don't see why we're here." Loki said.

"We're here to observe them." Sarah said as they came out of the jungle which was not a real jungle onto an enclosure for gorillas.

"Heh." Turok said seeing the animals up close.

"One of your brother little projects?" Loki asked.

"No. This is a nature preserve for hunted animals because of Poachers. Well, Before Sean made a lot of defenses to stop that. Now Poaching is reduced to nearly 5%." Sarah said.

"Look at this." Hoskins said seeing a young male trying to establish his presence with the females only to get ignored which seemed to Agitate him.

"Paavo." Sarah said getting the named Paavo to look at her while the females walked away which seemed to anger him. "Easy now." Sarah said making signs for him to understand.

"Where the hell she learn to do that do fast?" Hoskins asked.

"Learn what?" Loki asked.

"Gorillas can communicate with humans by using hand signs. We use the same thing with people who can't talk well at least back in the day." Hoskins said.

"Good boy." Sarah said as Paavo calmed down. However suddenly Loki heard twigs snapping and turned around seeing a White haired Gorilla coming out.

"Uh. Sarah?" Loki said.

"What?" Sarah said before looking at the White Gorilla and Paavo didn't seem to like this as he started growling. "Everyone stay where you are. No one move." Sarah said.

"Are you crazy?" Hoskins said.

"If you move, we're gonna be in big trouble. Hoskins, do not move." Sarah said in seriousness.

"I'd do what she says." Turok said before Hoskins started to move back slowly.

"Hoskins! Do not move!" Sarah yelled before Paavo charged at Hoskins making him run.

"Damnit!" Turok said before Hoskins fell down with Paavo above him before the White Haired Gorilla rammed Paavo away and roared at him making him whimper.

"Hoskins!" Sarah said rushing to him while the White Haired Gorilla stood over them hitting his chest. "George!" Sarah said trying to calm him down till he started making laughing sounds making her sigh. "Yeah very funny." Sarah said.

"You all right old man?" Turok asked pulling him up.

"I am not old." Hoskins said. "Who is this?" Hoskins asked about George.

"Oh this is George he's been here since he was only two. My favorite Gorilla actually." Sarah said.

"Why does he have white hair instead of black?" Loki asked seeing the color difference.

"Oh that. He's Albino. Far as we know he's the only one of his kind." Sarah said before looking at George. "Listen I need you to be nice to Paavo. Poachers killed his family." Sarah said while using signs making George look at him. "Come on." Sarah said as he looked back to her seeing her fist out. He looked like he was about to do the same but gave her the middle finger making Turok burst out laughing along with Hoskins while Loki looked amused.

"Oh my god!" Turok said.

"Wow. I can't...I wish Sean never taught you that." Sarah said completely annoyed.


"I can't believe he actually did that to you." Turok said still laughing.

"Ugh. I can only imagine the things Sean taught him just to make me mad." Sarah said making him chuckle.

"Speaking of him where is he?" Turok asked.

"He said he'd be here by tomorrow to pay George a visit. Dawn is coming with him." Sarah said as they walked through the portal to head home.

During the night however three unknown objects entered Earth's atmosphere landing in three random locations and one of those locations was in the Gorilla enclosure.

Next morning

Sean and Dawn got out of the car just as Sarah and Turok arrived.

"What happened?" Sean asked Hoskins who said something happened to George.

"Uh I don't know." Hoskins said.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Sean asked as he was about to head into the Gorilla enclosure.

"Sean. He's in the Grizzly enclosure." Hoskins said.

"Wait what?" Sean asked.

They entered the Grizzly enclosure and found the Grizzly beer dead.

"What the?" Hoskins said before they heard George groaning seeing him in a small cave.

"Let me handle this." Sean said walking over to him. "George?" Sean said getting his attention. "It's ok buddy." Sean said though hand signs before George came out and shockingly he looked even bigger then last night.

"Whoa." Turok said.

"It's ok buddy. It's ok." Sean said before he went back inside his cave.

"Is it me or is he a lot bigger than last night?" Hoskins asked.

"No, he's defiantly bigger." Sean said before he left for the Gorilla enclosure to find out how this happened.

"I was just about to call." Loki said inspecting an object.

"This is a canister. From the looks of things this thing came from space." Sean said.

"From another world?" Loki asked.

"No. This metal is from Earth." Sean said before pulling out his phone. "Hey Lane? See if there was anything unusual in space for the last 24 hours?" Sean asked.

"Well, There was a space station by Energyne that blew up last night. Satellites confirm that at least three unknown objects survived re-entry." Lane said.

"I think I'm looking at one of them now. Something is happening to George and I think this canister is responsible." Sean said.

"I'll get some people down there to investigate." Lane said.

"What are you thinking?" Loki asked.

"Energyne is known for Genetic research. While not as advanced as mine they still do get noticed. It's one of the last few companies I haven't bought yet." Sean said. Over the last 2 years Sean has been buying companies around the globe. The more he controlled the more chance he had to give people good lives with fair jobs and pay rather than let greedy people stay in charge.

Meanwhile in Chicago

The Energyne CEO siblings known as Brett and Clair Wyden were discussing the fallout of their destroyed space station.

"We just lost billions of dollars Clair." Brett said.

"Tens of billions, actually. Plus the models you just destroyed. Our stock just got hammered. Down 20%" Clair said calmly.

"And you aren't upset, because?" Brett asked confused.

"Because Project Rampage works. You know what thats worth?" Clair asked.

"Zero because all of our research was on that station." Brett said

"True but apparently one of the crew members got three of the samples to the escape pod. Yes the pod exploded but the canisters were designed to withstand re-entry. And I already found one." Clair said.

"Great lets go get it. Somebody finds that sample, it leads straight back to us." Brett said.

"Stop overreacting." Clair said.

"I'm not overreacting Clair. Theres a reason we were conducting these experiments in space since Global Tech would never approve of this if they found out about it. And if they find one of the canisters we're done for." Brett said.

"Relax. You just handle the press and I'll send Roland to get the canister." Clair said.

"Who's Roland?" Brett asked.

"Roland is a hunter and a real good one. I just hired him last night to find that canister. He won't say a word." Clair said not knowing Roland was actually associated with Global Tech because of Turok.


Roland and a small group of soldiers were on a helicopter before they spotted the crash site.

"Down there." Roland said as they landed.

Inspecting the crash site Roland found the canister but it was pretty badly damaged.

"Is the canister ok?" Clair asked.

"No. It's pretty badly damaged. Whatever was in it is gone now." Roland said making her sigh. "Theres something else." Roland said gaining her attention before showing foot prints that seemed to get bigger with each step. "Whatever made these steps originated from the Canister. From the shape it looks like a wolf made them." Roland said.

"It's infected with the Pathogen. Roland I want that Wolf dead or alive." Clair said.

"Might I ask why?" Roland asked.

"Just do it and I'll double your pay." Clair said.

"Very well." Roland said before they go back on the chopper.

Back with George

"Man." Sean said seeing George was getting bigger by the hour.

"George's lab results are in. You're not gonna like this." Hoskins said handing him the results.

"This can't be right. His neuromuscular synapse activity is through the roof, his blood has lethal concentrations of growth hormone, he should be dead. Run it again." Sean said.

"I did. The damn results went up each time. Maybe we should bring him to HQ so we can isolate this." Hoskins said.

"I'm not so sure that's a good idea." Sean said before grabbing the canister and headed outside where the other scientists were. "All right listen up. I need someone who can tell me what the hell this thing is." Sean said.

"Found her." Turok said walking towards her with a women who was Chinese American. Slight tan Skin with Amber Brown eyes burgundy-colored hair. Dressed in a black crop top with Denim shorts and had a tribunal Tattoo on her right arm. "Well, actually she found me." Turok said.

"And you would be?" Sean asked.

"Revy. Anyway you said you found a canister right?" Revy asked. (Revy from Black Lagoon here people! How can I not add her?)

"Yeah." Sean said showing her the canister. "Whatever was inside this thing is changing George and rapidly." Sean said.

"Like increased Growth and aggression?" Revy asked.

"Yes." Sean said leading her to George who was being looked after by Sarah.

"Wow." Revy said surprised.

"Now how do you know what's happening to him?" Sean asked.

"Well, I don't know specifics but your familiar with CRISPR right?" Revy asked.

"Oh course I am. Genetic Editing." Sean said.

"Well Imagine something that could alter everything in a single body like brute strength, speed and size. I knew someone who made all this possible back in Energyne. She created what she called a Pathogen that could rewrite any DNA it comes into contact with. Like your friend here." Revy said.

"Energyne. I knew I should have bought that stupid company. What were they planning?" Sean asked.

"I don't know. I used to work with them but not anymore." Revy said before George started beginning against his cage.

"Whoa! Easy George!" Sean yelled but he continued to hit the cage. "Revy! Get down!" Sean yelled as he pulled her away as George tore down the front door of his cage before running off. "Damnit! George!" Sean yelled.

Sean, Revy, Turok, Sarah and Dawn chased George outside.

"George!" Sarah yelled making him stop. "It's ok." Sarah said walking over to him and held his right hand making him calm down.

However out of nowhere a helicopter appeared and started firing Tranq darts at George.

"NO!" Sean yelled before George went down.

"George! George!" Sarah yelled.


Roland and his team continued to search for this grown Wolf.

"There he is." Roland said seeing him run through the trees.

"Sure thats a wolf? That thing is moving." One of the troops said.

"Not for long." Roland said taking out his riffle and aimed at the Wolf. However for some reason he couldn't pull the trigger.

"Whats the matter sir? Can't pull the trigger? Fine I will." One of the men said firing at the wolf making it howl in pain as it went down.

"Set us down." Roland said.

The group landed and went to the body only to find nothing.

"I shot it." The man who fired said in disbelief.

"Perhaps. But I don't think you actually wounded it." Roland said before a group of Deer ran past them.

"Whats their hurry?" One of the men said before suddenly and swiftly the Giant Wolf came from behind and grabbed him with its mouth and tore him to pieces.

"Fall back!" Roland yelled as they ran away but the Wolf was both to fast and bullet proof.

Soon only Roland was left and he was checking his surroundings before the Wolf approached him and sniffed him. However the helicopter fired at the wolf making it growl before chasing it.

"Incoming!" Roland yelled as the Wolf jumped high and took the Chopper down. "And I thought Grabbiods were tough." Roland said as the Wolf approached him again and sniffed him making him widen his eyes expecting the worst but instead of that the wolf just ran off making him sigh in relief.

"Roland what the hell was that?" Clair asked on the comms.

"I don't know. But I quit!" Roland said smashing his headset before pulling out his phone that could be used anywhere and dialed a number. "Ross. I need a pickup now. Track this phone." Roland said.

"Whoa. Easy whats going on?" Ross asked.

"I'll explain back at HQ but for now pick me up." Roland said.

"Roger that. Sending a Pelican out there now." Ross said.


Sean, Revy, Sarah, Dawn and Turok were being taken to a military base before they were taken to a plane.

"Whats going on?" Dawn asked.

"Relax." Sean said as a man approached them.

"Commander Kruger. I am agent Harvey Russell. Hell of a day, huh? Science experiments falling from the sky. Giant Gorilla on the loose. Just the kind of exciting shit we here at the government tend to notice." Russell said.

"Where's George? I need to see him." Sarah said. "And if you're thinking about putting him on that plane, It's gonna be a big mistake." Sarah said.

"I think we'll be all right." Russell said.

"Easy now." Sean said trying to calm his sister down.

"I said I want to see George." Sarah said.

"Well, Crap." Sean said knowing where this was going.

"Little girl, I'm gonna prance myself right out on a limb and guess that no one's ever accused you of being a people person." Russell said.

"Take these binds off and find out." Sarah said.

"Enough." Sean said.

"I'll see you on board little girl. Load them up with the ape." Russell said.

"Sarah." Sean said.

"What? I don't like him." Sarah said.

"Be that as it may." Sean said as they went in the plane and took a seat.

"Is it always like this?" Revy asked.

"She's usually well behaved." Sean said before Russell walked over to him.

"You know son you have probably the biggest file on you compared to everyone else in the world. Let's see here. Age ten killed a Great White Shark on Amity Island. Age eleven discovered the Graboid species with Major Talbot and his wife before they were married. Age 12 discovered a Hybrid that was killing the Locals by Sharks tooth island and found the cure to cancer." Russell said.

"Cut the bullshit please." Sean said.

"Oh but it gets better. At age 13 put together a special task for the former Head of Covert Operations in the CIA. Did a lot of hits back then." Russell said making him growl. "Oh but this one is probably my favorite. At age 16 you were assigned by General Samual Lane to hunt down a large Poaching operation in Africa and on the way home brought a two year old Albino Gorilla. I'll have you know I myself am an animal person." Russell said.

"Enough. Why are we in cuffs?" Sean asked.

"Just a precaution I assure you. None of you are in trouble." Russell said before Looking at Revy. "Except for her maybe. Rebecca Lee." Russell said making her eyes narrow.

"Rebecca? I thought you said your name was Revy?" Sean asked.

"I changed my name." Revy said.

"Is that all she told you? She's a hardened criminal believe it or not. She's a smuggler. Former Associates. Dutch, Benny and Rock. All Three have been deceased for well over 2 years now." Russell said making her growl.

"Energyne killed them thats why Asshole!" Revy yelled.

"Oh really? I'll have to look into that." Russell said walking away.

"So you lied to us." Sarah said not happy.

"I needed that Canister to prove what Energyne was up to. They killed the most important people in my life." Revy said before Sean placed his hands on hers making her blink before looking at him.

"We'll get back at them I promise." Sean said making her smile.

"Anything else on that file you didn't want us to hear?" Sarah asked her brother.

"You remember Uncle Billy? One of Dad's soldiers when you were babies?" Sean asked.

"Yeah I remember him. Haven't seen him since the incident. Why?" Sarah asked.

"The reason you haven't seen him is because he's in coma. I put him in that situation when I found out he was responsible for what happened to us. We fought in that old fair ground we were at before the incident. I messed him real good. And I regretted that action ever since." Sean said.

"What do you mean? What'd you do?" Turok asked.

"Well...To be blunt I brutalized him beyond measure. More than the Former head of the CIA covert OPS since he was responsible for what happened more than Makarov." Sean said.

"Brutalized him how?" Revy asked.

"I'll show you when we get this done." Sean said.

Hours later

The group was still on the plane heading to another base before George started to wake up which Sean noticed right away.

"George?" Sean said before he started to wake up and growled in anger. "Oh no not good." Sean said in alarm as George grabbed his cage and broke it apart.

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Revy said as George started attacking the troops along with Russell.

"Hold that thought." Sean said breaking his binds with pure strength before heading to one of the crates finding a dart gun before loading it. However once he loaded it he heard the fighting stop and looked to see George looking at him with Russell under his foot. "George." Sean said trying to calm him down which seemed to be working before the Co Pilot started firing at George and he grabbed him and swung him around while still firing.

This made Sean rush to Revy and used his body as a shield so she wouldn't get hit.

Turok then noticed a crate of explosives.

"Oh mother..." Turok tried to say before they exploded blowing a hole in the plane.

"Shit!" Revy yelled.

Sean quickly noticed a few parachutes and grabbed them.

"Put these on now!" Sean yelled before opening the Cargo doors.

"You guys are insane you know that!" Revy yelled.

"Tell us something we don't know!" Sean yelled before she and the others flew out. Sean quickly rushed to Russell but his hand was caught in a net making him burn it off before they flew out.

Russell soon woke up seeing they were in the air.

"HOLY SHIT!" Russell yelled.

"Your welcome!" Sean yelled before deploying his chute making him yell out before Sean deployed his own. Sean looked down seeing the plane crash on the ground making him sigh. "Sorry George." Sean said.

Soon they landed and searched the wreckage.

"Wheres the body?" Revy asked before Sean found a path that was cleared out.

"There isn't one. George survived the crash. Wounded but still on the move." Sean said.

"I ain't got no signal out here." Russell said before Sean handed him his phone.

"Use that. That'll get you a decent signal to call in an evac." Sean said.

"Right." Russell said walking away. "Oh and Commander?" Russell said.

"Yeah?" Sean asked.

"Thanks for getting this old cowboy off that plane." Russell said making him smirk.

"Well, even assholes deserve a second chance." Sean said making everyone laugh.

Sean was in the fields looking at the damage.

"Can I ask you something?" Revy asked.

"Sure." Sean said.

"How did you even meet George in the first place?" Revy asked making him sigh.

"As Russell said Sam deployed me to Africa to eliminate a poaching operation. When we found them we saw they were killing George's mother and chopping off her hands for ash trays. There was nothing left of them when I was done. Then I found George when he was two years old under their truck. He never would have survived on his own so I took him home to the preserve and Sarah has taking a liking to him ever since." Sean said before rescue Pelicans arrived.

"Lets get this over with." Revy said.


Arriving at a military base Sean and his group entered the command center.

"Blake." Sean said gaining the attention of Colonel Blake.

"Sean? Surprised to see you here son." Blake said.

"Long story." Sean said before seeing Video surveillance of George with a large wolf.

"A wolf?" Revy asked.

"Roland told us about this one. Energyme hired him to secure a canister with some kind of Pathogen. Seems to be the same thing that made your Ape bigger." Blake said before noticing Turok was looking at the wolf. "Know something son?" Blake asked.

"That Wolf...theres something familiar about him." Turok said.

"Blake listen to me. Conventional weapons will not work against them. George survived a fucking plane crash and regular weapons." Sean said. "More importantly two animals like them would not be heading in a straight line. My guess is those two are being called." Sean said.

"Called for what? And by who?" Blake asked.

"Energyme." Revy said. "They built those Canisters. It only makes sense they would have a way to draw them to them." Revy said.

"She's right. You need to evacuate Chicago." Sean said.

"Evacuate? That would take hours. We don't have that kind of time." Blake said.

"We don't have a choice. The five of us will head to Energyme and secure an antidote. We may even be able to turn these three into Military assets." Sean said making him frown in thought before sighing.

"Ok. I'll try to use whatever I can to hold them back. Just hurry though." Blake said.

"Will do." Sean said as they headed for the Airfield.


Sean was flying a Pelican to Chicago seeing it in smoke.

"God this is just as Bad when Sentinal Prime launched an attack here months ago." Sean said.

"Revy? You said you worked for Energyme. Got any ideas?" Turok asked.

"Not really. My best guess is to look in the labs for an antidote." Revy said.

"Look out!" Sarah yelled as a car was thrown at them.

"Jesus!" Sean yelled as he barley avoided it.

Looking down they saw George and the Wolf attacking Blake's forces.

"Son my men are getting their asses handed to them. Where are you?" Blake asked on the comms.

"We're nearly there." Sean said before he noticed something in the river. "Blake do you have any subs in the river?" Sean asked.

"No, Why?" Blake asked before something came out of the water revealing itself to be a large mutated crocodile.

"It had to be a crocodile." Sean said remembering his Lake Placid incident.

"Where are these things coming from!" Blake yelled.

"There were at least three canisters that made impact. All three mutated three animals including George." Sean said.

"Get that antidote now." Blake said.

"Roger that." Sean said as they landed right next to Energyme. "Ok lets go." Sean said as they rushed through the building.

Heading into the lab Sean busted a door down till they looked around.

"What are we looking for?" Turok asked.

"Give me a second." Sean said searching the containers. "Found it." Sean said pulling up a container full of small objects. "This should cure them." Sean said.

"No, it won't." Clair said making them turn around and saw Clair and her brother with the later having a gun in hand. "Sean, It's been a long time." Clair said.

"Piss off. I hated you in college I still hate you now." Sean said making her sigh.

"I could have given you everything. Money, power...Love." Clair said making him scoff.

"Those things mean nothing to me when they come from someone who lacks a soul." Sean said.

"Fine whatever. Those won't cure them. Just stops the growth rate and aggression." Clair said.

"Good enough." Sean said before wrapping them up in his chain.

"What the!" Brett yelled before they both vanished.

"What just happened?" Revy asked.

"Don't worry those two are still alive. Just sent them to a pocket dimension." Sean said making her grin before the building shook as the three animals attacked the building.

"Lets go!" Turok yelled as they rushed to the top of the building.

Getting to the top They saw all three animals attacking the antenna.

"I got an Idea." Sean said using his magic on the cure before he threw it into the air which released it into a gas which all three of them breathed. However the Building began to tilt.

"HANG ON!" Revy yelled as they held onto the building as it fell down before crashing to the ground.

The building was completely destroyed before the rubble began to move and Sean and his group came out.

"You guys really live crazy." Revy said making Sean chuckle before placing his arm around her shoulder.

"Honey you have no idea." Sean said before George came out of the rubble.

"George?" Sarah said as he rubbed his face off of all the dirt and dust before looking at her and laughed making her smile before rushing to him. The Wolf soon emerged behind Turok making him jump before it approached him and sniffed him. Turok did the same before his eyes widened.

"Ralph!" Turok yelled in shock before the Wolf pushed him down and started licking him. "Ralph! Knock it off boy!" Turok yelled before Ralph got off him and started panting with a happy look on his face with his tongue hanging out of his mouth.

"Uh Turok? You mind filling us in?" Sean asked.

"This is my old pet Wolf! I thought I lost you boy!" Turok said rubbing his noise making him bark. "Aww. You've been searching for me?" Turok asked.

"Hehehe. Mans best friend indeed." Sean said before the Crocodile came out. "Oh boy." Sean said before Dawn jumped on its nose.

"You two get your partners now I chose mine." Dawn said as the Croc looked at her with soft eyes. "And she's a girl." Dawn said smiling making the croc purr.

"How do you know it's a girl?" Sean asked.

"I just know. And now I have my partner." Dawn said grinning like mad.

"Oh lord." Sean said.


Clair was all bruised up as Revy beat the living crap out of her.

"I've been waiting a full year to kick your ass." Revy said kicking her in the ribs making her cough up blood.

"You stupid bitch!" Clair said in rage. All her plans were ruined and Now Energyme was no longer hers as Sean bought the Company from her using her actions against her and now all her assets her power and money we're gone. The only company that was left was Luthor's.

"A bitch that's been given a full Pardon by my new man. A big ass house that I share with. And Unlike you I have a great life now. I honestly have to thank you for this." Revy said before continuing her assault on her.

"She seems happy." Lane said amused.

"Wouldn't you if you got payback on the person who screwed you over?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"So. Now we have three new assets in our arsenal. An Ape A Wolf and a Giant Crocodile All three controlled by your younger siblings." Lane said.

"Ay. The croc worries me though because of my Lake Placid experience." Sean said.

"I thought you were over that." Tom said walking in.

"Well, look who's back." Sean said.

"Finally decided to come back?" Lane asked.

"I got over my shock and decided to deal with Freddy as the Threat he is." Tom said in seriousness.

"So have I. We'll take him down no problem." Sean said.

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