
Civil War!

It's been a couple weeks since the end of Clair and Brett's little RAMPAGE project. George, Ralph and the now named Lizzie have been trained to respond to commands from their respective partners. During that time however Things have been relatively peaceful.

Right now however Sarah, Batman, Captain America, Falcon, Black Widow and Rorke were in Lagos. Word from Credible sources have confirmed Terrorists were planning to hit a police station.

"Keep your eyes open kid. This is your real first mission out here." Rorke said.

"I've had real missions before." Sarah said rolling her Eyes as she sat at a table in front of the station.

"Nasty Norc and Ripto don't actually count as real threats. Those were all isolated incidents." Batman said.

"You guys are all buzz kills." Sarah said.

"Honey we're just trying to prepare you. Your brother said you and your sister's are ready for real life missions and we're just making sure you do all right." Black Widow said.

"I know." Sarah said before her eyes landed on a garbage truck that looked over full. "Falcon." Sarah said.

"Yeah whats up?" Falcon said on the roof of a building.

"Check out that garbage truck something seems off." Sarah said.

"Roger that." Falcon said deploying a small drone to look under the truck.

"What do you got?" Cap asked.

"That truck is loaded for Max weight. And the driver is armed." Falcon said.

"Oh boy." Sarah said.

"What?" Rorke asked.

"It's a battering ram." Black Widow said.

"Go now. They're not targeting the police station." Batman said as they rushed off.

Indeed this was true as the Garbage truck was heading straight for a facility for infectious diseases. The Driver jumped out and the truck rammed into the front gate destroying it. Suddenly two large trucks drove up to the facility and a large number of armed men came out of the trucks and started shooting the security guards.

After the guards were dead they shot gas canisters into the building through the windows knocking everyone out and entered the building

A few of the terrorists stayed outside to secure the perimeter before Batman flew down and kicked one of the terrorists into a vehicle knocking him out and Cap came in and threw his shield at two of them knocking them out just as the others arrived and took down the remaining Terrorists outside.

"Sarah just like we practiced." Cap said.

"What about the Gas?" Sarah asked.

"Get rid of it." Batman said as Sarah used the force to give Cap a jump into the building with Batman and both took down the armed Terrorists.

Outside Sarah was using her powers to send the gas into the air while Falcon used his wings as a shield to cover her. Rorke took out two hand guns and started firing on enemy with ease before jumping on the last one and snapped his neck.

"Front Entrance secure." Falcon said.

"Copy that." Cap said as they made it into the lab seeing a vile missing.

"The Terrorists have a biological weapon." Batman said before using his jets to fly off.

"I see AFV's leaving the building." Black Widow said.

"Follow them." Cap said.

"Hang on." Falcon said carrying Rorke and Sarah to the terrorists.

"I see them." Batman said flying above them seeing them crash into the market. "They're in the market area." Batman said.

"On it." Rorke said as Falcon dropped him and Sarah down.

"They're splitting up." Falcon said.

"We got the two on the right." Rorke said.

"I got the two on the left." Black Widow said.

"Theres a fifth member with an Exo Suit. Cap and I will take him down." Batman said drop kicking the more dangerous terrorist.

"Roger that." Rorke said before he and Sarah caught up to the other two before Sarah used her chain to wrap up their feet making them fall before Rorke shot them dead.

"I don't see the vile. We're empty here." Sarah said.

"I got it." Widow said holding the vile in hand after taking down the other two.

Cap and Batman were still fighting the Terrorist in the EXO suit before they both kicked him away.

The Terrorist growled before standing up and removed his EXO suit revealing he had high ranking explosives strapped on himself.

"Go to hell." The Terrorist said activating the explosives. Only for them to be contained in a ball of pink fire. Sarah was using her power to contain the blast and threw him in the air. Only before it could get high enough it exploded on a building destroying two floors.

"No." Sarah said in shock at what just happened.

"Wilson. We need fire and rescue on the south side of the building." Batman said as the others rushed in while Sarah was frozen in shock.


Turok was looking at what remained of his home town with Ralph at his side who made whining noises.

"I know boy. I don't like seeing it like this either." Turok said.

"Figured I'd find you here." Sean said walking up to him.

"Just needed to remind myself why I do this." Turok said.

"You know I could always have this place rebuilt. Start over." Sean said.

"Nah. It wouldn't be the same. Besides." Turok said placing his hand on Ralph's nose making him look at him. "I have some pieces of my family. And a new one. Thats all I need." Turok said making Sean smile placing his hand on his shoulder.

"Sean?" Lane said on the comms.

"Yeah go ahead Lane." Sean said.

"You need to get back here. The Lagos mission uh hit a snag." Lane said.

"What happened?" Sean asked in concern.

"It's better you hear it from the team." Lane said making him frown before Sean opened a portal and the three of them left.


Sarah was in her assigned room at HQ watching the news about the incident before Sean walked in and turned it off.

"It's not your fault sis." Sean said making her scoff.

"Turn it back on. They're being very specific." Sarah said.

"They're idiots doing anything to make themselves look good. It was an accident. Did you mean to get those people killed?" Sean asked.

"No." Sarah said.

"Then it was a freak accident. You're not the first to make a mistake out in the field. I've made plenty when I first started out." Sean said making her look at him with a raised eyebrow making him chuckle. "Don't act all shocked. No one is perfect. Not even me. Theres always going to be mistakes in our line of work. You just need to learn from it is all." Sean said making her smile before Vision Phased in through the wall.

"Vis. We talked about this." Sarah said since he was always doing that.

"Yes, but the door was open so I assumed that..." Vision tried to say.

"Dude just use the door. You gotta stop doing that. What is it anyway?" Sean asked making him look rather uncomfortable.

"I'm afraid that General Hager is here. Says theres something important to discuss." Vision said making Sean frown.

"Fine." Sean said standing up.

"And apparently he's brought an uninvited guest." Vision said.

"Who?" Sean asked.

"Luthor." Vision said making Sean frown more.

Soon Everyone was gathered in a meeting room where Luthor and Hager were in.

"Make this quick. I have no time for any of your useless bullshit." Sean said.

"Oh but I think you will. Since this concerns your little group of misfits." Luthor said before Sean got in his face with a glare making him back up a little.

"Talk or get out." Sean said making him smirk.

"As much as I'd rather not give you any credit since you don't deserve it I will say your group has done great work over the last four years. Protecting the world, fighting for the people, stopping wars, preventing people from destroying us. The world owes you a great debt of gratitude. However while many in the world see you as heroes. There are some who would prefer the term Vigilante." Hager said.

"Oh really? And whats does that make you other than a threat to the world since your ODIN project was used against the very country you swore to protect." Sean said making him frown.

"What word would you use?" Tom asked.

"How about dangerous? Ever since the Justice league was formed the number of enhanced individuals has grown and all under his control. Most of them are all US based people. Some from various other countries. Not to mention he continuously ignores sovereign boarders without authorization." Hager said.

"I don't ignore I have permission from the United nations to do whatever needs to be done. I don't see you doing anything that benefits the entire world or the universe for that matter." Sean said making him scoff.

"Really?" Hager said bringing up the screen. "Lets take a look at those benefits from past experience. New York." Hager said showing the video of the Invasion making Loki sigh at that. "Metropolis." Hager said showing the Carries Luthor made crashing down. "Seattle." Hager said showing video of Godzilla attacking the MOTO's 3 years ago. "Sokovia." Hager said showing the city in the air when Ultron attacked. "Chicago." Hager said showing the Terrorcon invasion. "Lagos." Hager said showing the recent event making Sarah sigh before Sean threw a chair at the screen shattering it making Hager and Lex jump back.

"Enough." Sean said having enough of this nonsense. "Get to the fucking point." Sean said.

"For the past four years, you've operated with unlimited power and no supervision. And I for one believe the world can no longer tolerate this." Lex said.

"Thats for them to decide not the likes of you or Hager here. Especially since he just got demoted because of ODIN." Sean said making him frown at that.

"Perhaps but I believe they will agree to this agreement." Lex said handing him a pamphlet. "The Sokovia accords. It states that this so called alliance will no longer be a private organization. Instead they'll operate under the supervision of a united nations panel. Only when and if that panel deems it necessary." Lex said.

"Fuck this." Sean said throwing it away.

"The alliance was formed to make the universe safe. I feel we've done that." Rogers said.

"Really? If that were true all these incidents never would have happened in the first place." Lex said smugly.

"Fuck you. There is no way the united nations would ever agree to this." Sean said.

"I wouldn't be so sure. Three days from now the united nations will meet in Vienna to discuss the Accords and I'm willing to bet everything they'll agree with the accords. You all might want to talk it over." Lex said as he and Hager were about to leave.

"And if somehow they do agree to this and we come to a decision you don't like?" Natasha asked.

"Well, then I suggest you retire for good." Lex said as they left.

"This is complete bullshit. We're not signing anything." Sean said.

"Now hold on." Rhodes said gaining his attention. "As much as I would want to say no to Luthor's plans he does have a point." Rhodes said.

"What?" Punisher said in disbelief.

"You can't be serious." Burt said.

"Look we've made some pretty bad decisions in the last four years." Rhodes said.

"Like what? Stopping world War three? Getting rid of all the nukes in the world since their all obsolete? Securing alliances with other worlds and universes? In what way are those bad decisions?" Sean asked.

"He's not wrong you know." Gail said.

"Oh for fucks sakes." Sean said.

"Sean." David said gaining his attention. "Maybe we should at least talk about this. Consider all our options." David said.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's Luthor! Our Luthor! I know he has a secret agenda behind all this crap! Do I need to remind everyone how he tried to Nuke New York four years ago when Loki attacked? Or when he stole the designs to our helicarriers and basically handed them over to HYDRA! Or when he busted out of Strikers Island with our Goddamn Uncle who tried to kill our sisters!" Sean said in disbelief that his own brother was going along with this.

"Truthfully we shouldn't even consider anything Luthor says." Loki said.

"Finally! The voice of reason." Sean said.

"Meaning what?" Hal Jordon asked.

"Look. When I kidnapped Luthor to fly me off that carrier four years ago. I looked right into those eyes. Theres a huge difference between me back then and him. I wanted to rule the world not destroy it or kill billions. Luthor however I saw nothing of the human soul. Not a shred of Humanity inside him. Thats the difference between us. And if we go along with these accords. It will destroy everything we've done over the last four years. Everything, all the good we've done. It'll be for nothing." Loki said.

"Bingo." Sean said.

"Don't you think you might be exaggerating? We haven't heard a peep out of him in at least 3 years. Maybe we should at least consider what these accords can do." Star Sapphire said.

"No. Look I'm not exaggerating about Lex. Superman help me out here." Sean said making him sigh.

"Look. Personally I would rather not side with anything Luthor makes. But..." Superman said gaining everyone's attention. "Our duty is to the people. And if these Accords will help People trust us..." Superman tried to say before Sean and others groaned in annoyance.

"You really can't see the evil in someone who's not Darkseid can't you?" Live Wire asked.

"Sean. You gave a lot of people in this room a second chance. Why shouldn't we do the same for Luthor?" Diggle asked.

"Cause I'm not a fucking moron thats why. I know Luthor. He always has a second agenda when it comes to shit like this." Sean said.

"I'm with that. We can't go with these accords." Wilson said.

"More importantly my concern is with the people in the UN." Sean said.

"What do you mean?" Julia asked.

"Look. If we're talking about people I know personally in the UN then I'd be all for it. But those I don't which is a lot. They might send us somewhere we shouldn't go. Or make us do something we shouldn't. People have secret agendas in the UN. Personal, Greedy or to gain power. If we let these people give us orders. We'll be forced to do things we shouldn't. And they might not let us go to places we need to go because of those hidden agendas." Sean said.

"Sean, I think your being a little paranoid. Theres no way that could happen." Rhodes said.

"Really? It's happened before. My partner got killed because some jackass didn't want us finding out about some shit that he didn't want the public to know." Wilson said.

"Guys theres got to be at least a 117 countries that will want to sign this. And your just like nah we got this." Rhodes said.

"How long are you gonna play both sides till you see your wrong?" Burt asked.

"I have an equation." Vision said.

"Oh this will clear it up." Rick said.

"In the 4 years since the Justice League was formed. The number of known enhanced persons has grown exponentially. And during the same period as the other groups and people joined this alliance. The number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate." Vision said.

"You saying it's our fault?" Luke asked.

"I'm saying there may be a causality. Our very strength invites challenge. Challenge incites conflict. And conflict...Breeds catastrophe. Oversight...Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand." Vision said.

"Boom." Rhodes siad.

"Thats stupid." Raph said leaning against the wall. "I can't even believe were even considering this garbage." Raph said.

"Raph we have to take responsibility for our actions." Leo said.

"We do. But this just shifts the blame. I'm not going to sign some stupid piece of paper that Baldy made just to gain power. Forget it." Raph said.

"Exactly." Sean said.

"I don't know. If the UN does agree to this we don't have a choice." Donny said.

"We always have choice Donny. It's what we do with that Choice that matters." Sean said.

"Agreed." Shao Kahn said.

"But what if things go sideways? I don't want to be responsible of people get hurt." Mikey said.

"You accept what happens and make up for it. Simple as that." Sean said.

"It's never that simple." Oliver said.

"The hell it's not. Look A lot of us here have done things were not proud of. But we've made up for those mistakes by helping others. As long as we're able to help people that should be all that matters but these accords will get in the way of that. Plus we have no idea what Luthor is planning." Sean said.

"You really honestly think Luthor is up to something?" Chun Li asked.

"I know so. I've dealt with him for 10 years since my company was formed. Hell he even had the fucking nerve to threaten me at one point 7 years ago." Sean said.

"Is that where he got that black eye?" Powergirl asked remembering that.

"Yeah." Sean said making a few people laugh. "Like Loki said he's dangerous. And he is up to something. I can guarantee it." Sean said.

"You don't know that." Ryu said.

"Yes I do." Sean said.

"Tony." Natasha said gaining his attention. "You are being uncharacteristically non-hyberverbal." Natasha said.

"Cause he's already made up his damn mind." Sean said.

"Boy, you know me so well." Tony said standing up. "Actually, I'm nursing an electromagnetic headache. That's whats going on guys. It's just pain." Tony said.

"Bullshit." Sean said gaining his attention. "Why are you really agreeing to this? Just out and say it." Sean said making him sigh before showing an image of an African American man.

"That is Charles Spencer. Great kid real smart had his whole life planed out. But before he did that he wanted to put a few miles out on his soul. Care to guess how?" Tony said.

"Think we're about to find out." Roy said.

"He decided to spend time building sustainable housing for the poor and guess where Sokovia!" Tony said slamming an apple on the counter making it split. "He wanted to make a difference I suppose now we'll never know since we dropped a building on him while we were kicking ass." Tony said.

"Yeah well who's fault is that? Who created Ultron?" John Stewart asked making him sigh.

"Look theres no decision-making process here. We need to be put in check. Whatever form that takes, I'm game. If we can't accept limitations, we're boundary-less we're no better than the bad guys." Tony said.

"Oh please. Thats nothing but crap. We have operated perfectly fine over the last four years with very little casualties. We can't save everyone Tony. We're not perfect. And the safest hands are our own. We can't just give up." Sean said.

"Who said we were giving up." Tony said.

"We are if we're not taking responsibility for our actions and these accords just shift the blame." Sean said.

"Sorry, Sean but that is dangerously arrogant. This is the united nations were talking about. You take orders from them all the time." Rhodes said.

"Not always. Whenever I felt something was off I looked into their assignment and guess what I found?" Sean said.

"Lies?" Diana asked.

"Bingo. I got requested by a bunch of idiots to kill innocent people just so they could do things their way and in the process I got them kicked out of office. People will always have secret agendas or their agendas change. We can't trust these people." Sean said.

"If we don't do this now, it's gonna be done to us later. That's the fact. That won't be pretty." Tony said.

"You're saying they'll come for me." Sarah said.

"Let'm try. All theres gonna be is dead bodies the moment Hager or some idiot attempts that." Punisher said.

"And we would protect you." Vision said.

"Maybe Tony's right." Natasha said gaining everyone's attention. "If we have one hand on the wheel, we can still steer. If we take it off..." Natasha said.

"I thought you never trusted the governments after the harsh training you went through." Raiden said knowing her history.

"I'm just reading the terrain. We have made some very public mistakes. We need to win their trust back." Natasha said before Sean got a text.

"Focus up. I'm sorry. Did I just mishear you or did you agree with me?" Tony said being a jackass.

"I want to take it back now." Natasha said before Sean slammed his phone down and left.

"What the hell was that about?" Johnny Cage asked before Natasha picked up his phone.

"Died in his sleep." Natasha said reading the Text from Ann Possible.

"Who died?" Iron Fist asked making Frank sigh.


Sean was at the Graveyard looking down at one Grave in front of him that was recent.

"Billy Russo?" Natasha said reading the name as she walked next to him. "Frank told us the story. Kinda surprised you had that kind of brutality inside you even ten years ago." Natasha said making him chuckle.

"Yeah. We never know what we're capable of until we do it." Sean said before sighing. "He honestly shouldn't even be in the ground. I went to far that day. Got so lost in my anger that I didn't even know what happened till it was over. The Rider Spirit inside me just sent me into a rage. After that Raiden sent me to Kamar-Taj to heal and control my powers. It's where I met Strange and Constantine. Took me over a month but soon enough I got control of my anger and my powers." Sean said.

"Theres more to that story isn't there?" Natasha asked making him chuckle.

"A lot more. Actually during there I found the time stone. One of the six infinity stones." Sean said before sighing and looked at her. "How many?" Sean said.

"More than half the group. You can't blame them for their beliefs and principles." Natasha said.

"No. I can't." Sean said.

"You know everyone would side with you if something serious like the end of the world event occurred again. But this. Just because it's the path of least resistance doesn't mean it's the wrong path." Natasha said.

"I just have this really bad feeling Luthor is up to something. Hager doesn't concern me. He's ruined his reputation so bad that it will take years to repair it. He doesn't have the kind of pull he used to before ODIN." Sean said.

"Well, hopefully you can convince the UN to not agree with these accords." Natasha said.

Three days later

The UN was in Vienna to discuss the accords.

Also attending the Summit was the King of Wakanda. King T'Chaka and his son Prince T'Challa.

"Hello my old friend." T'Challa said to Sean making him chuckle before shaking his hand.

"Long time T'Challa. Surprised to see you here considering your dislike for Politics." Sean said making him chuckle.

"Truthfully I only partially agree with the Accords just not the politics involved in it. Two people in a room can get more done than a hundred." T'Challa said.

"Unless you need to move a piano." T'Chaka said making Sean and T'challa chuckle.

"True. Nice to see you again T'Chaka." Sean said.

"Like wise. I've spoken with many of the people here. More than Half are against it. And if my speech works. The Accords will be shut down." T'Chaka said.

"Good. I still have no idea what the hell Luthor is planning. Speaking of the bald Bastard where is he?" Sean asked not seeing him.

"I don't know. Perhaps he realized his plans would not work and left. He does face defeat well." T'chaka said.

"Hardly." Luthor said approaching them. "Just talking to the decent folks who understand logic." Luthor said.

"You mean people who only have one brain cell like you?" Sean asked making T'challa snicker in amusement while Luthor frowned.

"Laugh all you want but I'm sure people will agree with my Accords." Luthor said leaving.

"Dumbass." Sean said.

Soon everyone was seated while T'Chaka took the stand as Sean and T'challa stood by the window.

"Two years ago Vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon that nearly ended the Human race. Yet despite this our worlds most trustworthy heroes were able to prevent this catastrophe. If these accords are put into action I can guarantee everyone here that the world will not be a safer place. It will be set back greatly before the Alliance took place. We must not allow these accords to be set into motion. Not just for the world's sake but for other words and for our children to grow up in safety." T'Chaka said gaining the approval of almost everyone in this room.

"Looks like my father is gaining everyone's approval." T'challa said.

"Ay...What the?" Sean said looking out the window.

"What?" T'Challa said looking down seeing security down by a van before running away screaming. "Oh no. EVERYBODY GET DOWN!" T'challa yelled rushing to his father before a large explosion occurred outside that destroyed the room.

"Well, shit." Sean said before rushing over to T'Chaka and checked for a pulse before sighing in relief.

"Baba." T'Challa said in worry.

"It's ok he's alive. What the hell happened?" Sean asked.


After the Bombing attack security footage found Bucky Barnes on tape and immediately assumed he was responsible. Of Course Sean knew that was wrong since he had been keeping close tabs on Barnes for over 3 and a half years since HYDRA was exposed to the world.

T'Challa however said he would Find Barnes and kill him for what he had done.

"Steve." Sean said on the comms.

"I know. It's all over the news." Rogers said looking at the news footage. "Bucky didn't do this did he?" Steve asked.

"No. Besides something about this feels off. I know where he is. It won't take long for the UN to do the same. I would send in more than just you and Wilson but..." Sean tried to say.

"But what?" Steve asked making him sigh.

"This attack scared the hell out of everyone and now they approved of the accords." Sean said making him sigh.

"What do we do?" Steve asked.

"Right now I need you and Wilson to bring in Barnes. He might have an idea who's behind this." Sean said.

"Understood." Steve said.

"This doesn't make sense." Sean said to himself.

Later in Bucharest

Captain America was in a small apartment where Barnes lived. There was very little here before his eyes landed on a journal and inside was a picture of himself.

"Head's up, cap. German special forces, approaching from the south." Falcon said.

"Understood." Cap said before turning around and saw Bucky looking at him. "Do you know me?" Cap asked.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum." Bucky said.

"They've set the perimeter." Falcon said looking above them on a building.

"I know you're nervous, and you have plenty of reason to be. But you're lying." Cap said making him nod.

"I wasn't in Vienna. I don't do that anymore." Bucky said.

"They're entering the building." Falcon said.

"Well, the people who think you did are coming here now. And they're not planning on taking you alive." Cap said.

"That's smart. Good strategy." Bucky said before they heard footsteps.

"They're on the roof I'm compromised." Falcon said.

"This doesn't have to end in a fight, Bucky. It always ends in a fight." Bucky said before flash Grenades were thrown into the room. Cap of course used his shield to stop them before Troops burst in through the window. Bucky quickly threw a table at the front door preventing any troops from entering for a while. The Troops were quickly knocked out by the both of them.

"Bucky, stop! You're gonna kill someone." Cap said before Cap shoved him down and slammed his metal arm in the floor.

"I'm not gonna kill anyone." Bucky said grabbing a bag and threw it outside on the next building. More troops entered through the window but Bucky used his metal arm to block the bullets and knocked them out.

Bucky then kicked the door down along with several troops before taking them all down.

"Come on Buck." Cap said trying to keep up with him till he jumped down and got down a few floors before grabbing the railing and pulled himself up and ran and jumped to the next building and grabbed his bag and ran.

However before he could even get far someone jumped him from behind making him fall to the ground before looking up seeing someone in a black suit with the appearance of a panther.

"Who's this guy?" Falcon asked.

"Don't know. Bout to find out." Cap said taking a few steps back before running and took a big jump and landed on the building.

Bucky quickly kicked this Panther person off him before rushing to the edge of the building and jumped down and ran for it. Cap and the unknown attack followed suit.

"Hang on a second I got a file on this guy." Falcon said accessing the archives in Global Tech.

"Who is he?" Cap asked as he continued the Chase.

"Most of the file is redacted but he's called the Black Panther. Thats all I can tell." Falcon said.

"Not very helpful Sam." Cap said before Bucky pulled a person off a bike and drove away. The Black Panther got on a vehicle following him while Cap got one of the Police cars and drove after them. Soon they reached the Edge of the tunnel and the black Panther jumped on Barnes making him crash before the Authorities arrived along with War Machine.

"Everyone stand down now." War Machine said as the Authorities cuffed Barnes and Cap along with Falcon who just landed. The Black Panther however took off his mask and reveled himself to be Prince T'challa. "Your highness." War Machine said surprised.


"You are unbelievable." Sean said to T'Challa after talking off his cuffs.

"Your one to talk my friend." T'challa said amused.

"Yeah very funny. I told you I would handle this. Barnes did not try to kill T'Chaka. I've had him under surveillance for three and a half years." Sean said making him raise an eyebrow.

"Really? And you did not think to share this information with me?" T'Challa said.

"You ran off before I even could." Sean said.

"Ah." T'Challa said before they entered the observation room.

"Well, nice going kid you really made a mess this time." Tony said.

"Aw hell. What now?" Sean asked.

"General Hager wants you prosecuted." Tony said.

"Tell him to piss off." Sean said walking away.

"Told you he wouldn't like it." Natasha said making him sigh.


Bucky was being evaluated by someone the UN approved of to know how sane Barnes was before taking him back state side.

Sean of course was observing this before looking at the Photo of Barnes and frowned.

"Something wrong?" Steve asked.

"Why the hell would the press release this to the public. It would cause mass panic if people found out who he really was." Sean said.

"Best way to find someone." Wilson said.

"I've kept tabs on Barnes for three and a half years." Sean said.

"But...What if someone was trying to locate Bucky and needed to flush him out?" Steve asked.

"Hmm." Sean said before suddenly the power went out. "Aw hell." Sean said before they rushed to Barnes.

"The hell is this?" Bucky asked.

"Why don't we discuss your home?" The doctor said before standing up and turned around and removed his...face. Turning around he revealed himself to be...

"Travis Ashburn." Bucky said recognizing Sean's uncle from the internet.

"Hmph. Now where were we?" Travis asked before pulling out a red book with a star in the middle making Bucky tense up as Travis approached him. "Longing." Travis said in Russian making Bucky tense up.

"No." Bucky said knowing what was about to happen.

"Rusted." Travis said.

"Stop." Bucky said wanting to avoid what was coming.

"Seventeen." Travis said making Bucky fist his metal hand.

"Stop." Bucky said warning him.

"Daybreak!" Travis said making Bucky yell out trying to free himself and got his arms freed. "Furnace." Travis said before Bucky started punching the glass. "Nine." Travis said before the glass started to break slowly. "Benigan, Homecoming, One." Travis said as the glass started to come apart. "Freight car." Travis said as Bucky freed himself but then did nothing making Travis smirk. "Soldier?" Travis said in Russian.

"Ready to comply." Bucky said in Russian making him smirk.

"Mission report. December 16, 1991." Travis said.

Sean, Steve and Wilson soon arrived and found Bucky was gone.

"Now where did he..." Sean tried to say before he nearly got punched by a metal arm making him jump back and widened his eyes seeing his uncle. "Travis?" Sean said in surprise.

"Long time no see shit stain." Travis said before he started attacking his nephew. Steve and Wilson were about to help but saw Bucky making an escape.

"Go after him! I'll hold him off!" Sean yelled slamming Travis into a wall before getting kicked back.

"Like the new arms and legs?" Travis said flexing his metal arms.

"Luthor right?" Sean asked.

"Always was the smartest." Travis said before grabbing a chair and tried to slam it on him but Sean kicked it back and used his chain to smack him in the face making him growl in annoyance.

"Smart and clever old man." Sean said making him growl in annoyance before charging at him and both went in the elevator and began to crash down but Sean grabbed a cable while Travis fell all the way down making him sigh. "Oh boy." Sean said before climbing up all the way.


Sean, Wilson and Steve had Bucky contained and knocked out before he started waking up.

"Guys." Wilson said getting their attention. Bucky groaned as he woke up seeing the three.

"Steve." Bucky said.

"Which Bucky am I talking to?" Steve asked.

"Your mom's name was Sarah. You used to wear newspapers in your shoes." Bucky said laughing.

"Can't read that in a museum." Steve said making Sean chuckle in amusement.

"What the fuck kind of thing was that back in the stone age?" Sean asked making Wilson chuckle.

"What did I do?" Bucky asked.

"Enough." Sean said making him sigh.

"Oh, god, I knew this would happen." Bucky said.

"Knew what would happen?" Wilson asked.

"HYDRA made him their slave back in the day. Even with three and a half years of freedom that programing is still in his head. Should have known." Sean said. "What did Travis want?" Sean asked making him think.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept." Bucky said.

"Why would he want to know about that place? Got to be abandoned by now. HYDRA abandoned everything when they joined my brother." Sean said.

"They left this place long before that for a reason." Bucky said.

"Why?" Steve asked making him sigh.

"In 1991 I was sent to retrieve samples for a new super Soldier program. Made by...Howard Stark." Bucky said.

"Figures. You kill him didn't you?" Sean asked making him sigh and nod.

"Him and his wife." Bucky said.

"I already told Tony about this since I didn't want him repeating my mistake. How many are there?" Sean asked.

"At least four. HYDRA's most elite death squad. Taken away during Childhood. Same Programing as me. They can blend in plain sight and speak 30 languages and could take down a whole country in just a day." Bucky said.

"We got to let the others know about this." Wilson said.

"Forget it. Hager won't let us go. He'll just send in his men and fuck up the whole situation." Sean said.

"And we only have less then half the group. We're out numbered." Steve said.

"Maybe not." Sean said gaining their attention. "I know a lot of people who would be willing to help us." Sean said. "Most of them you probably already heard of." Sean said.

"What about the others in the group?" Wilson asked.

"I'll handle that." Sean said.


"I don't suppose you have any idea where they are?" Hager asked Tony.

"We will. GSG 9's got the borders covered. Recon's flying 24/7 and Portals are guarded. They'll get a hit. We'll handle it." Tony said making him scoff.

"I don't think so. I'm sending in my men to handle this." Hager said.

"You mean kill him don't you?" Natasha said frowning.

"If they have to." Hager said though he would be lying if he said he didn't want him dead. Ever since he got him demoted he's been wanting to kill him as payback despite the fact is his demotion was his own fault.

"No. You won't." Tony said. "Your men will just get taken down or slaughtered like they were nothing. We have the best chance of brining him in and just maybe convince him that these accords are for the best. Once he follows so will everyone else." Tony said making him raise an eyebrow.

"You have 36 hours or I'm bringing in the big guns to put him down." Hager said leaving.

"Oh boy." Tony said sitting down. "That kid is digging himself a big hole." Tony said.

"He's sticking to his beliefs." Natasha said making him nod.

"I know. We need to bring him in now. We have to convince him the Accords will have to do for now till we find another way." Tony said. "The good news is we outnumber them." Tony said.

"I know someone who might be willing to help." Natasha said.

T'Challa was walking to his car with his people when Natasha got in the way.

"Something I can help you with Miss Romanoff?" T'Challa asked.

"I need your help. Sean is digging himself a hole he won't be able to come out of. I need you to help bring him in before General Hager sends his men to put him down." Natasha said making him sigh.

"Truthfully I think what he is doing is right. People should decide what they need not Politicians. But even I know he's in over his head. Where is he?" T'Challa asked.


Sean's group was assembled outside the airport.

"This is going to be difficult." Regina said loading her weapons up before a van parked right next to them. Opening the side doors revealed a few People. Casey Jones, Ant-man and The Wasp.

"Hey guys." Sean said.

"Should have called sooner man. We'd be here a lot faster." Casey said.

"Little hard to do when you're being hunted." Sean said before looking at Wasp. "Hello Janet." Sean said making her smile. (Picture her and Antman from the Earth's mightiest heroes series like Maria hill)

"Let's get this over with." Rorke said.

"Were still missing a few people." Hellboy said.

"They'll be here Red." Sean said.

"Let's hope so. We need all the help we can get." Elias said.

"Numbers do not win battles." Raiden said.

"No but they help." Shao Kahn said.

Sean started to rush outside in the open heading for a chopper when it was destroyed.

"Really?" Sean asked seeing Iron Man and War machine above him before they landed.

"Wow, It's so weird how you run into people at the Airport. Don't you think thats weird?" Iron man asked War Machine.

"Definitely weird." War machine said.

"Hey idiots." Sean said gaining their attention. "You need to get out of the way. That doctor who was with Barnes turned out to be my insane uncle with Cyber enhancements." Sean said before Black Panther jumped down next to him.

"Hello my friend." Black Panther said.

"T'Challa." Sean said.

"Anyway. Hager gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Care to help a brother out?" Tony asked.

"Did you not hear a single I just said. Travis is out there because of Luthor." Sean said.

"Your Judgment is Askew. Barnes killed innocent people yesterday." Iron man said.

"He was under the influence of HYDRA programing that Travis found. And there are four more super Soldiers worse then him out there! Which is worse!" Sean asked.

"Sean." Black Widow said behind him as the others surrounded him. "You know exactly whats about to happen." Black Widow said.

"Alright I've run out of patience." Iron man said firing a pair of cuffs at Sean which wrapped around his hands preventing him from going into the Rider State.

"You've been busy I see." Sean said.

"And you're being an idiot which is shocking even for me. Rescuing your Sister from a place she doesn't need rescuing from. I'm trying to keep...I'm trying to keep you from tearing this alliance apart. We need you kid. You led us for four years without any problems. Don't end it all now." Iron man said making him sigh.

"Found it." Falcon said on the comms. "Their Quinjet's in hanger five." Falcon said making Sean smirk before holding his hands in the air before a blast of lightning came and blew off the cuffs. Then next a few bolts of lightning came down and an African American Man in Black Armor with Lightning bolts on the Chest appeared.

"I believe many of you know Black Lightning here." Sean said before Black Lightning fired bolts of lightning at Stark's group. "What took you so long?" Sean asked making him chuckle.

"Portals were down. Took us longer." Black Lightning said.

"Us?" Iron man asked before avoiding more lighting blast from a kid at the age of sixteen. He was an African American flying on a disk. "Static?" Iron man said surprised.

"What can I say? I side with the real heroes." Static said blasting him again.

Soon gunfire was heard and the others took cover as a man in suit with White Skin brown hair and Brown eyes was seen.

"John Wick." Sean said as Wick started firing at Starks team.

"Ok how many people does he actually know?" Iron man asked in annoyance.

"Millions maybe more." Black Widow said before nearly avoiding getting sliced apart by someone who just dropped down. The person was a black man with Shades on.

"Blade." Sean said.

"Not vampires but I can still make this work." Blade said. (Hey I said I would add a lot of people here)

"Jesus how many people did he bring?" Dom asked before nearly getting hit with an ice beam and looked up seeing Captain Cold.

"Sorry looked like you people needed to cool down." Captain Cold down as Heatwave stepped beside him.

"Oh great." Green Arrow said before getting kicked back by someone and turned and widened his eyes seeing Deathstroke.

"Hey kid." Deathstroke said.

"Gave him a full Pardon months ago and has been living off the grid." Sean said.

"Oh come on!" David yelled before he opened up a portal bringing his own Partner a T Rex out who Roared into the air before David got in her back. "Don't make me do this Sean." David said as his Rex growled at Sean.

"Sorry David. But I have my own beliefs." Sean said before whistling and his Indominus Rex burst out of the building before Sean jumped on him and used his Ghost Rider Power to start burning away the Skin of the I Rex and he was a white flaming skeleton who Roared at the T Rex.

"You brat!" David yelled as they charged at each other.

Sarah also appeared on George's back who quickly took on the Transformers while he roared at them.

Turok appeared on Ralph's back who pounced on his enemies howling at them.

And Lastly Dawn on Lizzie's back charged at her enemies who pulled back due to her enormous size.

"Ok anyone else have people they'd like to throw into the fold? Cause now we're even." Iron man said trying to blast Sean off the I Rex but couldn't. Then Suddenly Betty appeared and wrapped herself around Iron Man.

"Jesus!" Baird yelled before firing at her making her hiss in anger before letting him go and rushed to him.

"Look out!" Dom yelled as she charged right at them.

Sean's Indominus bites Down on David's Rex before throwing them into a building.

Cap and Bucky were going up against Black Panther and with their combined strength they were doing well.

Raph was going up against his brothers but due to them teaming up on him he was doing poorly.

Splinter was going up against Karia and they were evenly matched.

"Look out!" Demolisher yelled as Megatron fired rockets at them which destroyed a few plans.

Raiden was going up against Lui Kang and Kung Lao.

Hulk and She Hulk were going against each other and nearly were evenly matched in strength but with She Hulks size she had an edge.

Doctor Fate and Strange were fighting one another with their magic and proved to be evenly matched.

Suddenly out of nowhere an African American woman in a brown leotard appeared.

"Vixen?" Spartan said surprised.

"Sorry But I owe a favor to him." Vixen said before Charging at him with Cheetah speed.

Wasp and Ant-Man were going up against Yellow Jacket. (Picture him from the same series as these two)

"Sorry about this Hank." Wasp said kicking Yellow Jacket down before Ant-man punched him down.

"This is getting us nowhere!" Sarge yelled as he fired at his squad with Rex and Jango and his side before Riff fired a rocket at Thick and Hoover with the later screaming before running away.

"Incoming!" DeathStroke yelled as Ultra Magnus fired large concentrated blasts at them before Ben Tension turned into Four Arms and took him down.

Black Canary used her sonic wave to blow back the Arbiter and Tartarus before Atriox appeared and charged at them.

ShockWave fired blast after blast at his former Comrades before Jetfire flew down and kicked him on his back.

Regina and Rick were fighting against Gail who was having trouble against them both.

Korra was using her Avatar state against Naruko and Fu but thanks to their combined efforts they were able to push her back before Yugito charged at them.

Sean jumped off of his Partner and landed on Betty before she slithered towards Iron man and Sean jumped and tackled him to the ground.

"Still think I'm out matched!" Sean said punching him in the face a few times before throwing him into a building.

Spider Man was about to web Shot Sean but he using his Spider Senses avoided the same shots from Two People like him. Jessica Drew and Silk.

"Oh great." Spider Man said annoyed before avoiding them.

Green arrow was going up against Hawk Eye as both archers proved evenly matched.

Mileena was going up against Kitana and Jade and all three were evenly matched before Skarlet appeared and helped Mileena even the odds.

Hal Jordon was going against John Stewart but suddenly another Green Lantern light pushed him back. He looked up seeing a woman wiht Orange skin pointy ears and Black eyes.

"Katma?" Hal said in surprise.

"I thought you were better then this Jordon." Katma Tui said firing another Blast at him.

"This is getting us nowhere." Turok said as they nearly got hit from blaster fire.

"We all need to head to that Jet." Sean said.

"No not all of us." Batman said as he and Superman were fighting in the air.

"He's right. If we are to win some of us have to lose." ShockWave said.

"I agree. We'll hold them off. You just get to the Quinjet and stop Travis." Shao Kahn said fighting against Sonya and Jax making Sean sigh.

"I'm not exactly very good with the idea of leaving people behind." Sean said before he, Turok, Sarah, Dawn, Newt, Hellboy, Rogers and Bucky ran to the jet while Everyone else was distracted.

However once they got int he hanger they saw Black Widow aiming her armed hand at them.

"You're not gonna stop are you?" Black Widow asked.

"No. You know I can't." Sean said making her sigh.

"I'm gonna regret this." Black Widow said firing behind them revealing the Black Panther. "Go I got this." Black Widow said making Them rush into the Quinjet.

"Know how to fly this thing?" Bucky asked.

"I designed it." Sean said turning on the jet before it started to move.

"Uh guys." David said seeing the Jet moving.

"You gotta be...Stop them!" Iron man said before the Indominus jumped on him.

Sean activated the engines before they took off and activated cloaking to get away unseen.

"I can't see them. There must be lead on the outline." Superman said standing over his cousins who he took down.

"Always one step ahead of everyone." Iron man said.


Everyone was getting checked out for injuries. The only ones who escaped were all the transformers on Sean's side and Batman and Deathstroke.

Suddenly Tony got an alert from Friday showing a dead man in a bathtub.

"What am I looking at Friday?" Tony asked.

"Priority upload from Berlin police. The Task for called for a psychiatrist as soon as Barnes was captured. The UN dispatched doctor Theo Broussard from Geneva within the hour. However guess who intercepted him before he got there?" Friday said.

"Travis. Son of a bitch he was telling the truth. Send all this to Hager now." Tony said.

Soon Tony flew on a chopper to the facility known as the Raft where Sean's team was at along with the others who were getting their wounds checked. Once he landed he saw Hager at the landing port.

"Get the files I sent you?" Tony asked making him scoff.

"You really think I'm gonna listen to you after that stunt you two pulled?" Hager said leading them to the detention area where Tony narrowed his eyes seeing them all in cells. "I was hoping perhaps you would capture them all or at least him so I could keep him here for the rest of his life." Hager said.

"You really deserved to get demoted." Tony said making him frown.

"Excuse me?" Hager said.

"You lack any humanity in you. Thats why you lost your status as a four star General." Tony said going to the cells while Hager glared at him from behind.

Entering the room he was looking for Wilson and found him.

"The hell do you want?" Wilson asked.

"Listen I don't have a lot of time. Sean was telling the Truth about Travis." Tony said showing him an image of the doctor. "Police found the real doctor hours ago. Plus a few things that proves Barnes didn't actually kill anyone." Tony said.

"Gee Imagine that." Wilson said sarcastically.

"Listen. Tell me where he is so I can help him and get everyone out of these cells. And maybe shut down these accords cause non of it is worth losing everyone." Tony said making him sigh.

"Siberia." Wilson said.

Minutes later

"Give you anything useful?" Hager asked.

"Nope he just told me to piss off." Tony said getting in his chopper before leaving.

Once he was out of range Tony got back into his armor and flew to Siberia.

However what he did not know was that he was being followed by T'challa.

"Oh my friend. What have you gotten yourself into this time?" T'challa asked himself.


Sean landed the Quinjet right outside the compound.

"Ready?" Sean asked his sisters.

"Yeah." Sarah said.

Sean pulled the doors open before they went down in the elevator.

"Mind If I ask you two something?" Sean asked Steve and Bucky.

"What?" Steve asked.

"My grandfather. Before he became old. What was he like?" Sean asked making Steve chuckle.

"I couldn't hold a candle compared to him back then even with the Serum. Kinda was like you back in the day during the war. Had a way with words even with the enemy. He was the one who convinced me to go after Bucky when his unit was taken Hostage by HYDRA." Steve said making Sean smile.

"Yeah that sounds like him." Sean said before they reached the bottom floor. "Lets go." Sean said as they entered the hallway before going to the stairs only to hear noises behind them.

"Ah crap." Hellboy said aiming his gun at the door before it opened up revealing Tony who walked over to them.

"You seem a little defensive." Tony said.

"With the day we've had can you blame us?" Sean asked.

"No. You were right. Travis is out of prison." Tony said.

"Oh so now you believe me?" Sean asked amused.

"I just got the report on the real doctor who was supposed to see Barnes. Travis killed him and took his face." Tony said.

"Ugh." Sarah said in disgust at the very thought.

"Not like that." Sean said knowing what she was thinking. "Same tech I use for Mileena so she looks normal when being a civilian." Sean said.

"Oh." Sarah said.

"Look if we bring Travis in we might be able to end these accords. It's not worth all this fighting." Tony said.

"No shit." Sean said as they resumed their search not knowing T'challa was behind them.

Soon they entered the room where the Super Soldiers were kept.

"Wait something's not right." Bucky said seeing they were already gone. "He couldn't move them that fast." Bucky said.

"Wait a second." Sean said using the device on his wrest to scan the room. "Wait this doesn't make any sense." Sean said.

"What?" Steve asked.

"Accords to my scans these containers were emptied out months ago." Sean said.

"Wait hold on." Hellboy said. "If they were emptied out months ago why did Travis ask Bucky for this location?" Hellboy asked.

"Maybe HYDRA cleared them out." Tony said.

"No, they wouldn't risk it. These guys are extremely dangerous." Bucky said before Sean widened his eyes.

"Oh god." Sean said in shock.

"What?" Turok asked.

"We've been played. The Accords, Travis and the fight at the airport. All of them are connected." Sean said.

"Very true." Luthor said as a room lit up revealing Lex Luthor in a very secure room. "I must say I'm greatly impressed at how well you put it together my old friend." Lex said impressed.

"Wait whats going on?" Tony asked.

"He played us. Him, Hager and Travis. The bombing was to convince people to approve the accords out of fear. You knew we would try and save Bucky so Travis could make it look like he needed information. You knew we would fight. This wasn't about control. You just wanted an excuse to capture us." Sean said.

"And I have." Lex showing video surveillance on everyone from both teams captured on the Raft.

"You son of a bitch." Tony said in disbelief.

"And now the last loose end is just you." Lex said as Armed troops came out. "I'll break off all ties with every other word and then the entire Earth is mine to command. Your era is over my friend and mine is just beginning." Luthor said.

"I got an idea. But when I do it. You and your sisters need to run." Tony said.

"What are you talking about?" Sean asked.

"Only you can fix this. And you can't do that if your captured." Tony said before firing off a flare that blinded Luthor's men before he and Steve attacked them.

"GO NOW!" Steve yelled making Sean growl before he, The Twins, Newt, Turok, Hellboy and Bucky ran for it while they stayed behind to give them a chance.

Sean and his group ran into a group of knocked out troops before seeing T'challa over them.

"I believe theres a famous movie line. Come with me if you want to live." T'challa said amused making Sean smirk before they all ran off.

Days later

Bucky was in a lab getting ready to be frozen.

"Are you sure about this?" Sean asked.

"I can't trust my own mind. So until they find a way to get this stuff out of my head I think going back under is the best thing." Bucky said.

"They'll find a way." Sean said making him nod.

"Find Steve and the others and free them. They put all their trust in you kid." Bucky said making him nod.

"I intend to." Sean said before Bucky was put on ice.

Sean was looking out the window before T'challa walked over to him.

"I am truly sorry for what has happened my friend. I never once Imagined Luthor was capable of making such a flawless plan in his life." T'Challa said.

"Nor did I. I should have killed him years ago.

"And yet you didn't cause he was not worth the effort even now. Once he is defeated once more he will remain in the smallest cell possible with nothing but his own rage of his greatest failure." T'Challa said making Sean chuckle.

"Well, At least the good news is he won't be able to find me here. I just need to find out where he's keeping the others." Sean said.

"Indeed. For now the safest place for you, your friends and siblings is here." T'Challa said looking out the glass seeing a giant statue of a panther made out of Vibranium.

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