
Chapter 12

Sitting there with the petite girl curled comfortably in my lap I once again enhanced my others senses and kept an ear out for anyone hurt or suffering but the demon has been through.

The entire neighborhood had been decimated, I could still hear one or two cries of pain but it was far less than what I expected from the destruction around me.

Most residents had either managed to escape or been killed by the demon in its rampage with very few being left wounded.

From what I could hear none of them seemed to be in danger of dying at the moment.

Relaxing a little I decided to stay in place, I didn't want to leave the woman alone or, worse, have her wake up and start fighting me while I was helping someone.

The fact that she had clear demonic characteristics didn't escape me but she had been fighting the creature, perhaps she was some kind of half-breed and wanted to repel it.

Or just had a very inconvenient power, what with the demonic invasion that happened only a few years ago.

Half an hour later a car finally parked at the street.

Somehow Ha-Jin had earlier than even the police, stepping out of the car he briefly glanced around but didn't waste time asking what happened.

Opening the trunk he pulled out an actual military grade flamethrower and gas mask, casually putting the tank at his back he adjusted everything before finally coming over.

"Sorry for the long wait young master, I had some trouble finding someone capable of blessing the napalm"

"Wait, you actually brought napalm to burn the demon?"

"No, I brought holy napalm" he said with a straight face "it's like holy water but far more useful, you may want to cut off your sense of smell if you can young master, the smell of burning demon is quite unpleasant"

Ok then.

I shook my head at the situation "just don't burn the head will you, I want Bai Xiaochun to have a look at it"

"Of course young master"

Putting on his gas mask ha him approached the huge body of the demon and started firing away at the thing.

The headless body actually came alive and started squirming, hundreds of moths forming over its skin and releasing a high pitch scream that caused me to wince.

The smell was almost unbearable as the flames seemed to cling to its body unnaturally and almost dissolve its flesh.

Holy napalm huh.

My phone vibrated on my pocket and I pulled it out to check Osen's message.

"Mrs. Bullet captured, too late to interfere, currently following."

Damn it, I did choose the wrong target.

With a sight I looked at the emaciated form in my arms and couldn't bring myself to regret it, at least Osen would be able to track the bastards.

Some of father's goons had come over with a reinforced and blessed container for the creature's head and immediately sent it to the alchemist finally allowing us to leave.

Another hour later we arrived at the clinic, there were a lot of security walking around the building and some unmarked vans full of Sadaharu family minions armed to the teeth were parked all around the street but far enough it didn't bother any of the clinics clients.

Both Shizuka and Misaki received me with smiles in their faces but quickly became serious when they saw the state of the girl.

She still hasn't woken up despite all the noise and movement but didn't seem to be fading. Her heartbeat was slow but strong and her skin was slowly regaining its heat.

"Quickly let's take a look at her" Misaki said as I helped put her on a stretcher.

"Careful, she's far stronger than she looks and I'm not sure how she'll wake up*

"Don't worry; we have the training and equipment to handle resisting supers"

Injecting the demonic girl with some kind of drug Misaki waved me away and carried her inside the building leaving me alone with Shizuka.

"We really appreciate what you're doing you know?" Shizuka said as she laid a hand on my shoulder.

"I bet" I joked with a small smile on my face "Not only an I donating heavily I'm also bringing you clients every time we met"

"Saionji-sama you know that's not what I mean" she hit me in the arm "you're aware of our history, being able to help out others in a similar situation is all we all for."

I knew, in a world where super villains often ruined the lives and minds of people forever it was impressive how the two of them had recovered.

Then she gave me a wink while guiding me inside.

"But the money doesn't hurt"

I snorted and had to ask as she guided me through the entrance "do I have to fill in anything?"

"No, we can fill all the form ourselves since you don't really know her anyway" she told me but didn't stop walking "I just thought you'd like to see Yoshida-san since you're here"

"Is she awake yet?" I asked. I still felt kind of guilty for not helping Saki more.

"Not yet but she's mostly recovered from the worst of the drug, she's ready to receive visitors"

"Did her parents come?"

Shizuka's smile faded "we were able to contact them but they didn't seem to want anything to do with her"

Hmmm, I wonder if I shoulder kill the damn couple or just make sure the police takes care of them, one is an incestuous rapist while the other choose her husband instead of her underage daughter.

Something to think about later, I didn't want to hurt Saki even more by killing her parents despite how shitty they were.

Shizuka lead me into a hospital until I found a place where I could take a shower and get rid of the Demonic remains still in my clothes before showing me a room with a single patient.

Saki laid there on top of the bed connected to an IV, she was still sleeping but didn't have any machines monitoring her health so I took it as good sign.

Seeing the bare room I made a mental note to bring some flowers tomorrow and be here when she woke up.

I'm not sure she'd immediately appreciate the gesture but she'd probably remember it later when she was fully recovered.

"It will still take quite a while until the drugs are fully out of her system and she'll have to watch out so she doesn't backtrack but she should wake up tomorrow evening."

"I see, thanks Shizuka-san"

"If you'll excuse me I have to fill in the details about our new patient, if you need anything just press the button by her bedside Sayonji-sama"

Saying that, Shizuka left me alone with the young girl.

Saki looked much better, fully dressed and having taken a bath the girl looked really beautiful with her straight black hair and peaceful sleeping face.

Pulling a chair I sat beside her bed and called out "You can come out now Tsubame-chan"

For a few seconds nothing happened, then a little voice came from the ceiling "Awwww, how did you know?"

A square roughly one meter wide popped out of the ceiling and a little black haired head poked its way out of it.

Osen's daughter looked just like her mother, a thin build with huge bat ears and a cute face, she was currently pouting while hanging upside down right on top of Saki's bed.

"You're a hundred years too early to fool me little girl"

"Liar, mom said I'm already pretty good and in a year or two I can even match her!"

An impressive compliment if it was true, Osen was one of the only people I knew that could still escape my notice if I was paying attention.

Blowing a raspberry to me she let her body drop, grabbing the edge of the bed with her long fingers she twisted in mid air and fell gently into the ground with barely a sound.

"Soooooo, did you catch them?" she asked innocently while sitting at her own chair and starting to play with Saki's hair.

"Not yet, but your mom should have been able to track them to their hiding place without much problem"

"Yeah, mom is great" making sure to straighten Saki's hair back into place Tsubame said "I like this one, she's pretty, are you gonna keep her?"

"I'm gonna help her you brat, I don't 'keep' people, in fact I hate the practice"

"Hmmm, that must be why mom likes you so much" the bat clan girl nodded as if she had solved a great mystery "She was very happy when you didn't turn out to be like father you know, she likes being free"

"I think everyone likes being free, what about you, do you like it here?"

"It's kinda boring really, mom says I should be glad I can go to school and don't have to be trained like she did but nothing ever happens!"

Getting up from her chair Tsubame walked around the bed and crouched beside me trying to give me the puppy dog eyes.

I just lifted an eyebrow.

"Ne, ne, can I go with you the next time you're hunting the bad guys? I'm already trained in fighting and everything I can totally kill some of them!"

She put both hands on my lap and leaned over my face, her puppy dog eyes attack intensified to the point I couldn't bring myself to outright deny her.

Damn Osen what are you teaching your daughter! What a fearsome technique.

"I'll think about it, but you'll have to ask your mother first!"

"But you're her boss! Can't you order her to let me or something?"

"I'm her boss, not her owner Tsubame" I laughed, didn't we just talk about this and how I didn't force Osen to do things? "I'm afraid you're gonna have to convince her yourself if you want to come with me"

"Hrumph, you're useless" jumping away from me she saw how Saki seemed to stir in her rest and pointed "See, even Saki-chan thinks so!"

I'm sure, even if Osen did decide to let the girl follow me I could find some less dangerous but still necessary work for her to do.

I spent some more time talking with Tsubame or just speaking to Saki as she sleep but eventually had to leave.

"Get well soon Saki, I swear I'll help you get your life back in order" squeezing her hand for a moment I got up "I'll see you tomorrow with some flowers, hopefully you'll be awake by then"

Tsubame was already climbing back into the ceiling and waved a hand at me cheerfully "Don't worry, I'm gonna keep Saki-chan safe until she wakes up boss!"

Waving back I left the room and saw Shizuka leaning against the wall and waiting for me, noticing the slight frown on her face I asked "Something wrong?"

I hadn't heard anything dangerous from the bedroom but I could only pay attention to so many things at the same time without going crazy.

"It's nothing, I had to do something slightly unpleasant but it was nothing serious" she said with a slightly embarrassed face, then she straightened her clothes and stood straighter "Ah, I think I just realized I'm not as young as I used to be"

"Nonsense" I said and looked her over, despite being over 15 years older than me she still looked very good.

Not as athletic as Osen or some of the other guards and supers in my employ but, instead, she had a softer look about her, she did have more curves in her body but they definitely weren't from being out of shape.

"Thanks" She smiled at the compliment "do you have a moment to spare Sadaharu-sama?"

"Sure" I said and tilted my head, did the clinic need more founding or something?

We walked into her office where Misaki was already dealing with some paperwork; the two of them traded glances and motioned for me to sit.

"First, about our new patient, were you aware she was a demon?"

"Well, with her looks it was pretty obvious she had some kind of demonic heritage but…" I trailed off waiting for an explanation; I knew the both of them wouldn't discriminate against someone's heritage so it must have been something else.

"No Sadaharu-sama, she's not some demihuman or infected with something, she's a pureblood demon, from our exams she probably came to this world on the great invasion even"

"I was not aware of that" I said and tapped a finger against the wood of the table "Does it change anything though? She was fighting some other demon so she's probably not allied with them"

"We really should have expected that" Misaki said and finally finished her papers "I guess the only change is that we don't have a lot of experience or information about how to deal with her kind"

"We'll just have to do our best them" Shizuka said and kissed her partner's cheek with love "We opened this clinic to help people in a similar situation to us, knowing demons and with her looks I can't think of someone who would need it more"

"Was that all? Do I have to sign anything for her?"

The two women traded another look, they were embarrassed but also eager.

I finally started to catch on. I had been helping the clinic for four years now and knew the both of them very well so I couldn't say I hadn't thought about it, I just considered the difference in our ages to be a deal breaker.

Then again, I wasn't a 12 years old kid anymore and my own power made sure I looked more mature than my actual age. Unable to help myself I smiled.

Shizuka walked around the table, I saw her walk towards the door but keep my eyes on Misaki until I heard the sound of the lock turning.

"We do have another subject to talk about Sadaharu-sama" Shizuka said from behind me.

"It's just that this one is a far more… private matter"

"You see Sadaharu-sama I didn't mean to but I caught you and Osen-san having a little fun. I had just wanted to update you about Saki's situation but you were so into things I couldn't bring myself to interrupt"

"So you watched us?" I questioned.

"Yes, yes I did"

Hearing the heat on her voice I finally turned around and saw Shizuka standing there, she had already thrown her laboratory coat aside and was just waiting for me to look before letting all of her clothes fall off her body in a pile around her feet revealing her mature body.

She wore very risky lingerie that hugged her shapely waist tightly and held her large breasts up making them look even fuller, her face was flushed and there was a drop of cold sweat running down her cheek but she let me take her in without moving.

"I couldn't get you out of my mind since them" she turned her eyes away from me and confessed.

"I thought you two were together and exclusive"

"Oh we're definitely together" Came Misaki's voice from behind the table filled with amusement "but we're not fully exclusive"

Glancing at the second woman I saw Misaki was still wearing clothes but she too had a glint on her eyes, getting up from the chair she walked towards her companion and traced a finger around her arms before sweeping Shizuka's hair back and laying a kiss on her neck.

"What do you think, beautiful isn't she?"

"Very" I nodded but didn't get up. I wanted to see what they'd do.

"You're right that we are together and, for the most part, we're exclusive" Misaki walked around her partner's back and massaged her shoulders before gently opening the bra's clasp but not taking it off fully "but every once in a while one of us gets a little urge so we compromise"

She finally allowed the bra to fall to the ground leaving Shizuka's large round breasts fully bare to my eyes, despite their size they didn't sag even a little, their small pink nipples still pointing slightly upwards and hard as diamonds.

Unable to help herself Shizuka leaned back against her partner and released a small moan "God, you really are crazy for his attention aren't you"

Embracing the Shizuka Misaki squeezed a breast with her left hand while her right sneaked its way inside her panties and started playing with her pussy causing the woman to shiver.

Stepping away from her partner Misaki's eyes meet mine and she slowly licked her own fingers.

Shizuka seemed almost frozen in indecision, her face flushed with shame.

Grabbing Misaki's hand the woman turned away from me and whispered in her ear but my increased hearing allowed me to hear everything "But Misaki he's too young"

"He's almost 17 Shizuka and it's not like we haven't done worse while in the cult" Misaki whispered back "We talked about this honey, he clearly doesn't have a problem with older women, he's independent, mature and sane, he can make his own decisions"


"Enough, just enjoy this" Taking her partner by the hand she led her towards my chair.

When she was right in front of me Misaki forced Shizuka to kneel between my legs, looking down at her I could already see her panties becoming soaked with her own arousal.

Bending over me Misaki whispered, this time in my ear "If you don't want this or want to stop just say it and we'll stop right away"

Instead of answering I grabbed her shin and drew her in a long kiss, my tongue exploring her mouth with deliberate movements before finally separating "Don't worry, I'm far from unwilling"

Looking down at the woman kneeling between my legs I saw the shame slowly leave her eyes to be replaced with pure lust, with slow movements her hands grabbed at my belt and opened it.

Finally her shyness fled in the face of her lust and she hurried to pull the entire belt off before starting to fumble with the zipper, then she finally managed to free my cock and pulled back to appreciate the view.

I was still only half hard as she tried to take my shaft in hand with an entranced look on her face.

"No" I said grabbing her wrist in a gentle but firm hold, both women froze in place and Shizuka looked at my own eyes with both guilt and desperation, damn did she want this, smiling at her I ordered "Don't use your hands"

Shizuka nodded in obedience and laid both hands on the ground between her legs before trying to take my member in her mouth, adjusting my cock with her nose she started licking it until it was finally fully erect.

"Gods how I miss this" she breathed out as she started worshiping my cock, her soft breath tickling my glands as she kissed and licked it as if it was the most delicious thing she ever had.

Embracing me from behind Misaki slowly started opening the buttons on my shirt. Her hands roamed my chest and caressed my muscles for a few seconds before she finally took my shirt off and threw it aside, breathing in my ear she sighed "She was right, you're everything we could ever want"

Almost in a trance Shizuka finally swallowed the head of my fully erect dick and started sucking on it, her tongue playing with the opening. Sucking hard she stated making slurping noises and moaning.

"How is it Shizuka, do you like sucking on his cock like a little slut?" Misaki asked with quite a lot of eagerness in her voice "Is it everything you ever wanted?"

"Yes, slurp, I lovsh his dich" she said with my cock still in her mouth, then she finally pulled her mouth away with a pop and starred at the both of us "Gods I need you inside me, I need you to fuck me until I pass out"

"Then suck" I ordered content on enjoying the view I had. "If you do a good enough job I may even reward you"

She obeyed.

Stepping away from me Misaki made sure I was watching her as she slowly unbuttoned her own shirt.

Hitting the last button she didn't take her clothes off but left the front open revealing she wasn't wearing a bra, her full, pear shaped breasts only slightly smaller than Shizuka's.

"Here, let me help you" She said, then she gathered Shizuka's hair in her hand and pushed her head down on my shaft as far as it could go "That's it, suck that dick, take it all in like you wanted to!"

She started to fuck me using her partner's mouth, her hold on Shizuka's hair guiding her head up and down my shaft.

Grabbing the arms of my chair I tensed as the couple picked up speed, noticing this Misaki's grinned and pushed Shizuka's mouth down on my cock.

I felt the head of my dick hit the back of her mouth and continue on filling her throat until her nose hit my body and I was deep inside her.

"Swallow it all, every single drop, you're not getting a reward if it leaks" Misaki ordered and winked at me.

I came, Shizuka didn't even resist as I shot my seed directly into her belly, filling the back of her throat with the sticky liquid in copious amounts.

Finally Misaki released her girlfriend and allowed her to pull back, my cock fell out of her mouth with a loud pop and fell straight down covered only by her spit, not a sign of cum in it.

Looking up Shizuka opened her mouth and made sure to show us it was completely empty.

Misaki kissed her in the mouth "Good job, are you ready to take him inside you now?"

I got up, I had been enjoying the attention but it was time to take an active role in our little exploration.

"Eeep" Misaki cried out with a cute voice as I gathered her in my arms and laid her on top of the table.

"Nope, it's your turn now" I said and spread her legs.

She swallowed hard while looking at me but Shizuka got up and held her hand above her head "It's not fair if I have all the fun, we always share"

Taking that as permission I put my hands under her skirt and found her panties pulling them down on her leg, taking her shoes off I finally got her soaked panties free and tossed them back.

Making her lay down, her back against the table I caught one of her nipples in my mouth while Shizuka bit down on the other, together we started teasing the woman, making her squirm under us.

My hand quickly found her pussy and started exploring her folds, caressing her labia to see she was already soaked.

Kissing her nipple again and teasing it with my mouth I pushed two fingers inside her and used my thumb to press down against her clit making her suck in a breath.

Before too long I felt her muscles tense under me as a small orgasm hit her.

Pulling my hand away I felt Shizuka grabbing it and starting to suck my fingers one by one, cleaning them of Misaki's juices with small moans.

I wasn't done, lifting Misaki's skirt up around her waist I finally saw her swollen pussy and it was shaved clean.

"Haa… you're better…. Haaa… better than I thought" she told me

"Glad you think so"

Before she could say anything else I put a hand under her legs and pushed them up and around my own waist, pulling her closer I laid my dick over her recovering sex, Misaki immediately started grinding against it.

Not wanting to be left out of it Shizuka climbed on top of the table and kneeled between her lover's head, lowering her core down she ordered "Lick me"

Shizuka started riding her lover's tongue at the same time as I grabbed my cock and guided its head inside her.

Misaki gave a little shudder as I penetrated her but her legs drew me closer so I just went with the movement until I bottomed out.

I stayed in place until I felt her walls start to relax around me then pulled back and truly started fucking her with long strokes, before long I grabbed her legs and put them against my shoulders.

"Hmmm, Harder" Shizuka told me, "really fuck her, make her scream under me"

Bending over Shizuka managed to kiss me as I fucked her girlfriend; she bit down on my lip for a few seconds stretching it out, then released it and started kissing my chest.

I decided to take her advice and stopped being gentle, my cock drove itself deeper and deeper inside Misaki until I started hitting her wall causing her to twitch with each hit, my balls slapped her ass in a steady rhythm.

Grabbing at her calf's my fingers dug into her skin and I pushed her legs down almost folding the woman in half under me.

Licking my chest Shizuka trailed her tongue down my body until she was laying fully on top of her lover, then she started playing with her clit, I felt Misaki's every muscle becoming tense, her pussy clenching my cock like a vice.

"Don't stop, don't fucking stop" Shizuka begged "Fuck her through her orgasm until she can't think anymore"

I did, releasing her shaking legs I grabbed the wooden table for better support and truly fucked the woman.

On her second orgasm Misaki exploded, with a muffled cry she convulsed and squirted all over my cock causing Shizuka to flinch back in surprise and overcoming my control.

I came, filling her pussy with my seed in large spurts until I felt my balls become empty.

Stepping back, my flaccid cock slipped out of her folds allowing my seed to slowly leak between her legs and start to pool around her.

Shizuka immediately started lapping everything, licking my cum out of her girlfriend and making her squirm.

Finally getting down from the table Shizuka bent down and gave a loving kiss on Misaki's forehead causing the woman to open her eyes and smile "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Go, it's your turn now"

A big shout to my first patron Xhaustedhero.

Next chapter is almost ready but I'm going to focus on 1 chapter of Dungeon Delving and 2 chapters of Supergirl so I'll only finish it near the end of next week.

Check out my other novels here or on any other site I'm posting and, if you feel like it, throw me a bone at Patr_eon

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