

My life has always been far from ordinary, filled with daring twists and turns. I was born into a family deeply involved in organized crime, which gave me an air of confidence and fearlessness. Amidst the chaos of my world, there was Zion, a captivating heartthrob who had an unwavering affection for me. However, Zion was more than just a handsome face; he possessed a gentlemanly charm along with a hidden darkness that drew me in. But fate had other plans for me, as it often does. I found myself plunged into the depths of Davian's malevolence. Davian thrived on chaos and reveled in darkness, and in the blink of an eye, he tore me away from my beloved Zion. This moment marked a turning point for me, and I knew I could no longer remain passive. Davian's voice echoed in my mind, dripping with sinister intent as he set the stage for a twisted game. "You have 24 hours to decide your destiny," he intoned. Davian was determined to make me his pawn, playing by his own malevolent rules. "You can brandish that knife all you want, Verena, but you and I both know you've always craved the darkness I bring," he taunted. My resolve was firm, but my heart wavered as I locked eyes with him, torn between attraction and resentment. "You are playing with fire, Davian," I retorted, my voice filled with smoldering intensity. "But be warned, I've never been one to bow to anyone, no matter how tempting their darkness may be." In the shadowy world where Verena now found herself, she would need all her strength and wits to navigate the perilous path laid before her.

Afira_khalid · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs

CHAPTER 1:(●'◡'●)

  " In the world of shadows and secrets, their dangerous dance continued."


  "Are You Done With Trying To Seduce Me?" i question

  The memo around us is getting  hotter setting our frames on fire every passing second, however, with the addition of slow-beat music 'holly craps' I am sticking to the couch around the ballroom

  The Scotch had me on a high, making my senses tingle with a golden warmth. Yet, in this intoxication, there was someone in the room who held my attention like no other. 

  He sat there, an imposing figure, his shoulders commanding attention, his muscles carving a narrative of strength. The luxury couch beneath him seemed to cower in submission to his sheer presence. his three-time bigger thigh spread widely almost taking the whole couch under his mercy,

  My eyes went to his lower body taking in every future of God's creation and how ideally suited that tattoo on his left forearm was the masterpiece on a huge canvas, ….. would I be in heaven by placing my lips to his like I feel while staring at them? would I lost in his mysterious deep gray orbs for staring at them so long? Would he resist me for marking his neck? Would he allow my touch on his pale skin, igniting it like a passionate canvas?" my eyes remained locked on him, unable to break free from the magnetic pull.

  Suddenly, his raised brow brought me crashing back to reality, the world outside us unspoken desires.

  With a graceful gesture, I ran my hand down the back of my neck, smoothing my hair as I did. 

  "Does it work?" he questioned 

  Just a step away from striping you 

  "Not even in your dreams" I lied

  He threw his hand on the couch on either side just to make an admit 

  "Could have believed you" he paused his lips on you 

  As his intense stare dug into mine like he found a decad buried truth " If your body would take part in your lai" 

  "Calm your dick dude" I shot back 

  his deep chuckle just to get the shit out of me, I ain,t got no mood to imply over this shitty matter, I am in the air like 'Say good to me, get shit out of me'.

  Having enough of this nonsense I got up and asked in a strained voice 

  "Would you like to tell me what hour is going on now" Gulping a quick shot I hang my bag as he takes his time to examine me "My phone is dead" 

  Tracing his lower lip with his tongue he rasped in his deep voice " 04:40 a.m "

Wasting no time on his tempting existence I headed to exist after passing the huge hall of the first floor I entered in parking lot unlocked my car with keys and pulled the nob 

  By then the presence of a huge body right behind me dancing with my Harmons would be an object before the subject that I didn't hear the lather shoe melody behind me 

  Familiar collagen deep and seductive makes its way to my sharp nose as his viany hand Trace my hand just to fist his on mine pressing the door shut as his body to mine "It's pretty late to go all by yourself"

  whispered near my neck as he inhaled deeply the lusty accent of my perfume, a shiver ran down my spine having enough of this torture I turned to him and the look his dark gray orbs held, searching for something in my deep browns was like another whisky shot blurring my vision 

  I place my other hand on his chest making its way to his fabulous face and tracing my fingertip 

  On his every future stop to his lower lip rubbing it with my thumb 

He got cruise about my next move then I turned him down by pushing his face with my palm for god sake he gripped my hand bending behind me leaving not even an atom space between us as our heat collided setting me on high flame and burning the inside out of me 

  "One misstep and I can't even begin to describe the repercussions that would follow." 

  Am I just some ordinary girl he's toying with?

  "Two direct hits on college bullies stood alongside my grandpa in the last war against the Khasos gang, and countless others I've taken down. That's my track record'' must need a reminder 

  His breathy chuckle against my lips, as I inhaled in his alcoholic breath just then he pulled me along with him making his way to the black Benz S-class, In a gesture of old-world charm, he opened the car door, and I slid in gracefully. Our eyes remained locked in a magnetic hold, a silent promise passing between us.

  With the door securely closed, he settled into the driver's seat, and the night enveloped our souls in its mysterious embrace, as we embarked on a journey filled with secrets and desire.

  The ride was quiet, or so I pretended. I knew if words spilled from our lips, they'd be laced with a different kind of hunger.

The car glided through the darkened streets in eerie silence. my fingers tapped rhythmically on my thigh, a silent acknowledgment of the tension in the air. So I stole a sidelong glance at him, and just then our eyes briefly locked—a dangerous spark ignited.

  He watched me, and I could feel it. A dangerous game of desires left unspoken.

  I shook my head subtly, almost as if to chase away the tantalizing thoughts. He let out a scoff, his eyes never leaving mine in the rearview mirror.

  "Verena," he murmured, his voice a velvet touch in the hushed ambiance. "Do I detect a hint of vexation in those captivating eyes of yours?"

  His intense gaze, that damn velvety voice, and my name on his lips—it was a potent mix that left me breathless

  —oh hell. I needed a moment to regain control.



  "Could you just focus on the road?" I spoke, trying desperately to quell the intoxicating sensation he stirred within me.

  I couldn't help but feel a hint of disappointment on his face as we sped down the darkened highway. The allure of his presence was intoxicating, threatening to pull me into a heady abyss.



  Verena's allure was undeniable, a magnetic force that seemed to ensnare every man around her. As she moved on her chair with a grace that defied description, it was as if even the devil himself would question his sins in the face of such beauty

  her black gown clung to her like a lover's embrace, every contour celebrated in its fabric. It was as though the dress had been blessed, its last wish fulfilled in adorning her.


  The way She raised her right leg, placing it delicately over the left, accentuating the curve of her hips. Her figure was nothing short of perfection, her tiny waist the epitome of grace.

  Verena was the woman of every man's dreams, a masterpiece of creation. Her wavy hair cascaded down, reaching just above her hips, a striking contrast of cream and black. Her lips, plush and inviting, seemed to beckon. her nose was sharp, as the way her eyes were a mesmerizing shade that could captivate even the most stoic of souls. She was a vision, a muse for any artist's wildest dreams.

  her question caught me off guard, and I stared at her, bewildered.

  "Huh?" I replied, completely in the dark about her earlier statement.

  Suspicion etched across her face as she peered at me, her eyes narrowing.

  "You just missed the turn that leads to my house," she remarked, her voice tinged with suspicion. "Are you planning to take me somewhere else?"

  In the dimly lit interior of the car, I cast a contemplative glance around, the realization of my inattention weighing heavily on me. The intoxicating aroma of food had briefly bewitched my senses, but I knew I couldn't afford to lose my composure, not yet.

My fingers brushed thoughtfully across my chin, a mask of casual indifference firmly in place. "I considered we might veer off onto a more scenic path," I replied with an unsettling smoothness.

  Verena arched an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by my explanation.

  "A scenic path, you say?"

  Internally, I winced, fully aware that my attempt at deception had fallen short. Her gentle poke at my cheek served as a playful but undeniable reminder of my folly.

  I expertly maneuvered my car away from the back door,

  coming to a halt

.  In an instant, her eyes locked onto mine, a smoldering intensity that sent vibrations through my heart. 

  My stares seemed to sear every inch of her body, as I felt an irresistible pull.

  she reached for the doorknob, fingers poised to open it. But just as she began to turn it, 

  my massive hand intercepted her, halting her every move.

  A frown creased her shining forehead as as questioned me.

  "What's the matter?"

  my gaze traveled from her face to the wrist I was gripping firmly. my words dripped with a 




  "Your wrist looks pretty small. I believe I could hold both wrists with a single palm."

she clenched her teeth in annoyance, patience wearing thin.

  "Take your hand off, you dickhead!" she shot back

  The tension between us crackled like a live wire, a dangerous game of dominance and desire.

  I moved closer to her, My gaze locked onto her black orbs, like twin pools of darkness

  "If I don't," 

  " fuck off" that was her words

  She pushed me away with her other hand and stepped out of the car, a wicked glint in her eyes.

  "After marriage, my greedy lady," she purred, her lips forming a mischievous smile, her gaze now fixed upon the night sky.

  I step out of the car, leaning casually against its roof. My chin rests in my hand, a smug grin on my face.

  Get the best of her

  "In your wet dream, Zion."

  She emphasizes my name with a hint of mischief. With a casual wave in her direction, she strides confidently towards the rear entrance.


  Istrolls toward the unassuming back entrance, the presence of my dad and grandma at the front entrance serving as my motivation for choosing the shadowy path.

  Suddenly, a sinister chill courses through my veins, halting me in my tracks. Slowly, like a black serpent slithering through the dark corners of my mind, an unsettling feeling of gnaws at me.

  I instinctively move towards the entrance, heart pounding, in concern for my family as my hand fumbles in my bag for the trusty gun. Panic washes over me as I realize I left it behind in my car.

  The thrill of uncertainty grips me, casting a dark, enigmatic aura over the night

  my eyes locked onto the lifeless guards before me. Their expertly-placed shots between the eyes speak of a professional. Their deaths were executed with chilling precision.

  The work of a true professional.

  A surge of frustration courses through me as I search for my gun in my bag, 

  "Fuck me "I roar 

  Careless would take me to death note

  With caution, I pick up a fallen guard's rifle, its metallic surface now stained with his crimson. 

  I take a determined step forward,

  senses on high alert.

  But from the shadows, an unexpected touch sends a shiver down my spine. Cold metal brushes against my neck, the looming presence of a formidable adversary behind me.

  cold touch grazing my nape. my heart races faster as the stranger's hand coils around my neck, and the icy barrel of a gun presses against me. His grip tightens,

  but I don't flinch.


  I meet danger head-on with an unyielding spirit.

  "At the back, bold lady." smoky voice 

  Shiver went to the spine 


"As the night swallowed Verean's world, they couldn't shake the feeling that they were no longer the hunter, but the prey, and the darkness hungered for their every step."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Afira_khalidcreators' thoughts