
Can you send me to Hell?

"So you're telling me you can transform into a dragon?"


"And a phoenix?"


"And you can control, wind, fire, lightning and light?" Nova asks once more.

"Yup" I replied to the umpteenth question.

"Seriously?" Maze asks, and I nodded. "Awesome" She said causing me to smile.

"WAIT, THE WINGS" Nova shouted, causing me to laugh. "Yes Nova, you saw correctly. I had wings and was just about to go somewhere before you barged into my room without knocking and uncovered a secret not even my family knew." My reply caused her to blush slightly out of embarrassment.

"What's this about wings I hear?"" Lucifer asked. We were still in the same positions as before, only now it is early hours in the morning. Lucifer was sat with both legs folded, holding onto his glass of whiskey and Maze was sat to his right. I was sat across from Lucifer and Nova was sat to my right staring at the wall in a daze.

"I don't have wings, I just condensed my elements into wings like this." I said before forming a pair of fire wings on my back, causing Lucifer's eyes to light up. He stood up before making his way beside me before reaching out and trying to grab them but his hand just went through.

"HAHA, they're still just flames you know." I said with a chuckle. "Then, how do they work?" he asked with amusment. "I dunno, I just condense them on my back and then I can use them. It may be related to my other abilities."

Aftet this we continued to talk until morning but I could see that Maze kept on looking at me with a complicated gaze... I wonder why? After we spoke for a few more hours. Lucifer offered us a guest room and we decided to sleep until morning. There was a slight... how do I say this?... Hiccup? accident? Incident?

One thing I probably never mentioned is that I sleep... naked. Commando. In my birthday suit. In the nude. Whatever else you may call it. This is also the first time I have ever stayed anywhere other than the queen mansion apart from the hotel that one night on my fifth birthday.

Another thing I should mention, is that whilst I may be 13, I look maybe 15. I have grown around 2" since my last birthday making me 5"5. Also, because of my little experiment when I was perfecting myself, I am quite curvy.

I am no where near the level of a model or anything, since that would look ridiculous for a 13 year old, but I do have a good figure. My hair reaches my waist and my facial features have a lot less baby fat than normal 13 year olds would. Overall, I am someone who is both cute and sexy at the same time.

Now back to what I was saying. I got up out of my bed, still half asleep since I was never a morning person, at around 1PM, completely forgetting this wasn't my house nor the fact that I wasn't wearing clothes. Usually, when I get out of bed, I go left and I arrive at the bathroom. Here however, the exit is on the left and the bathroom on the right...

So when I got up and opened the left door, I walked out into the living room where Nora, Lucifer and Maze where currently seated.... and Nova's jaw dropped when she looked in the direction of my now open door. Maze and Lucifer however seemed to be enjoying the view.

*whistle* "Damn she hot" I heard maze say, confusing me as to what brought this on.

"Yes, I can't help but agree." Lucifer said, and Nora finally snapped out of her trance.

"MISS, YOU CAN'T WALK AROUND NAKED." she screamed whilst blushing causing me to look down and finally notice my lack of clothes. "Oh" was the only thing I said since I didn't really care. It would be a different story if there was strangers here but firstly, My mind is a lot older than my body. Secondly, I just can't bring myself to care.

I don't know why but me being seen naked by the 3 in the room doesn't really bother me. Nora is my maid who has personally dressed me before. Maze is hot as hell as well as my type and I doubt Lucifer would be interested in a child.

Of course, this doesn't mean I am going to become exhibitionist. I am Just going to call it an acccident and move on with my day. I ain't gonna throw a tantrum and begin crying at how my innocence was ruined because, whilst my body is that of a virgin, my mind isn't. When I glanced at Maze though, I noticed a hint of lust in her eyes, causing a smirk to slowly make its way onto my face.

Lucifer had already gotten up to get another drink so we we're left with me, Maze and Nora. When me and Maze made eye contact I smirked knowingly and my eyes had a hint of amusement and it only caused the lust in her eyes to grow before she muttered something about 5 years and then slapped herself on the cheek causing me to laugh.

After turning around and waling back into my room, I made sure to glance over my shoulder since I could feel her gaze on my ass and then made sure to sway my hips as I walked. The last thing I heard as I closed the door was a groan along with a "MISS" causing me to laugh out loud.

Thus began a new day with an eventful morning.


After I had dressed myself in an oversized gray hoodie and a pair of black leather jeans that I borrowed from Maze since I didn't bring any clothes, I re-entered the living room. Why did she have my size? I have no idea. We are the same height yes, but her figure is a lot more explosive than mine so, I have no idea why she had them but she did so YOLO.

After making my way back onto the comfy black sofa seated next to Nova, she handed me a glass of orange juice and food delivered from the hotel. An english breakfast. Lucifer and Maze were already eating but Nova was waiting for me, I assume, causing me to sigh.

"Nova, I told you before you do not need to baby sit me. You are here to act as an adult so my life becomes easier, not a maid who cannot function without her masters orders."

"Yeah, loosen up a little. be yourself bitch, step your pussy up honey....get a job... own a business bitch, suck a dick." Maze said causing me to choke on my juice and Nova to go bright red.

"WHAT-How-how can you say t-that." She half stuttered half raged.

"Ohhh. I volunteer to be of assistance" Lucifer said with a smirk causing me to laugh even harder and anime steam to come out of Nova's ear's. She just sat down with a bright red face and decided to eat her food in silence.

"Hey Lucifer, can I ask a favor?" I asked after I stopped taking pleasure in Nova's embarrasment.

"If you want my to loosen up your maid, she only has to ask." He said with a chuckle and me and Maze began laughing again, whilst Nora groaned with frustration and embarrassment.

"Well, if that's what she wants then I am fine with it. She needs to have some fun herself does she not." I said with a chuckle. "But I wanted to ask if you can enter Hell freely?"

"Yes, I mean it would be pretty inconvenient if the devil could not return to hell at a moments notice woudn't it?" He said.

"I see." Was my reply as I contemplated what I was about to ask. "Can you send me to Hell?" I asked causing him to raise an eyebrow. Nora looked visibly worried and Maze just seemed interested in my reason. "Oh and why do you want to go to hell? Most people would try and do everything they can to stay out of hell." He asked with curiosity.

"To visit two people... hopefully." I said with a sad sigh. Nora looked at me sadly and Maze asked "Is it...from the news last year." causing me to nod.

"Wait miss, why do you assume your father and brother went hell and not heaven?" Nora asked causing me to chuckle sadly. "Well, Ollie did nothing but drink, party and cheat on his girlfriend." I said and mazed laughed before replying. "Sounds like lucifer" causing all of us to laugh.

"And father was a CEO. I don't believe he never did anything bad, not to mention that he probably cheated on mother since he sometimes stayed at the company for 'overtime'. Of course I could be mistaken but it does not hurt to check and I would like to meet him again if possible." I replied. As much as I love my family, they are far from perfect but if I can see them, I can atleast say goodbye.

"I see, well since you are some sort of demon, you can visit yes. I do not know if you will find them there, but if they are there you can see them. HOWEVER, you cannot help them in anyway, unfortunately. If they are in hell, then they have to leave on their own by forgiving them selves, that's just how hell works."

"Thats fine, thankyou." I replied, thankful for the chance to see them again. "No problem. We can leave whenever you are ready. Unfortunately though, Nova will have to wait here since a mortal cannot step foot in hell, lest they wish to remain there." Lucifer warned causing Nova to nod. She didn't really wish to step into hell in the firstplace. Not in this life atleast.

After I finished my food and prepared myself, I nodded towards Lucifer and the next time I blinked, I found I was no longer in Lux, but I was in hell. Or what I assume Hell is. The temperature rose considerably and the sky was a dark blue and covered with clouds. We were stood in some sort of alleyway and looking around I could see a lot of towers. Including an extremely tall one that towers over the rest.

"Welcome to hell. Congrats Thea, you are one of very few people who has been welcomed by the devil himself." Lucifer said before walking away. Meanwhile I leaned towards Maze and whsipered "who are the others." She turned to look at me before narrowing her eyes, smirking ever so slightly, and then leaning extremely close until she was basically breathing in my ear. "PeoPle wHO HAve amused HIm throughout History."

Everytime she spoke, she made sure to pronounce the words, so that she was practically exhaling in my ear, causing a shiver to run down my spine. After figuring out the little game she was playing, I gained a grin of my own, since she is obviously trying to get payback for this morning. Maze was just about to pull away, when I suddenly turned my head and our lips brushed against each other causing her to freeze and her eyes to widen.

It only lasted for a split second since she stopped walking but I continued, so my lips slid across hers before they disconnected as I walked past her. Whilst I was walking, I glanced over my shoulder to see her slowly reaching up to touch her lips. She then glanced at me and we made eye contact as I continued walking but, just to rile her up more, I slowly licked my lips and smirked before flashing and appearing beside Lucifer.

"Any idea where they are?" I asked with a nervous tone. "Well, Good news is I found your father." he said. "Is that good news or bad news since it means my father went to hell?" I asked with a chuckle. "Well, good news for us and bad for him. But anyway, I found your father...but not your brother." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"Then that means...?"

"Yes, it means one of two things. Number one is that he went to heaven or number two is that he is still alive." His reply caused my breath to hitch. Does that mean....Ollie survived. Or did he just go to heaven? Either way this is good right? Is it? If he is alive, where is he? Is he ok? Is he suffering?

My thoughts continued to run round in my head. Questions constantly being asked..yet no answers being given. Is it better for him to be at peace in heaven.... or be suffering somewhere alone. I was brought out of my internal dialogue by Lucifers anouncement. "We're here" He said, stopping in front of an ordinary looking stone door with no label or whatever else.

I assume having knowledge on the residents of hell is part of the job description. "Right, I have temporary stopped his punishment and changed the room to just an ordinary one with 2 sofa's. I also gave you a few bottles of whiskey since I have a feeling you're going to need them. Take your time." He said before walking towards Maze, who still looked a bit out of mind right now.

*Right then.* I thought before slapping both my cheeks to hype myself up. *Here we go*. As I thought this, I pushed the door open and entered the room. I glanced around and noticed it looked like your everyday room.

A grey carpet floor, blue walls, a white ceiling. The room was quite large at around 35 square metres and on the back wall was a glass bar filled with alchol. A light hanged from the ceiling, dangling just above two black sofa's facing each other and on one of said sofa's.... was my father Robert queen, who looked shocked to see me.

"Hel-Hello father." I stuttered with tears beginning to form at the corners of my eyes and they began to slide down my cheeks when he gave me a soft smile and said "Hello, speedy" before I threw myself into his arms and cried.

I truly did not understand how much I missed him until this moment.

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