
Meeting father.

After a few minutes of crying, I finally seperated from father and sat back on the sofa across from him. I was silent for a few moments before asking "How have you been?" I know it was a stupid question considering that he is literally in hell, but I don't really know what to ask.

"I am fine Thea, you have no need to worry, but how did you even come to....where ever this is." He asked whilst looking around. I'm sure he had an idea as to where he was, just not certain. "Hell...father. You are in hell." I replied softly. At my words he just gave a self-depreciating smile and said "I see, but how are you here. Are you in hell too?"

At his words I just shook my head. "No, I met someone who brought me here. But... why do you seem like you accepted the fact that you are in hell so easily. Like... you expected this." My words earned my a sad chuckle as he stood up and poured himself a glass of whiskey from the wall. I followed behind him and just grabbed a bottle before sitting back down.

He looked like he wanted to say something but since I looked different from my age and since time flowed differently in hell, he had no idea how long it has been nor what I had been through, so he just let it go. A look of sadness still flashed through his eyes though.

"I have done a lot of bad things in my life, speedy, dissapointed a lot of people and hurt a lot more. Hell was the only place I expected to go.... but enough about me. How have you been? How's Moira and Oliver? Did Oliver....?" He didn't finish his sentence but, I knew what he wanted to ask.

"Ollie isn't here you don't need to worry. We're all fine... well, we're trying to be. Mother is running the company until I grow up, Ollie is...drinking a lot more but is slowly recovering. He broke up with Laurel after what happened with Sarah. Sarah...didn't make it, so the Lance's were both extremely upset and mad, they blamed us for it. I threw myself into art and music to cope. My identity was revealed, so i became a sort of celebrity. Overall...it's hard but we're trying father. We really are."

I lied.... I had no choice. I couldn't tell him that Oliver is dead. Nor that I haven't spoken to mother in over a year because she is trying to forget us. He is already suffering so much and I don't want to add to that suffering. Knowing his only son is dead and that his family basically broke apart would hurt him too much.

"I see... I am glad" He looked down at his hands as he said this. I don't know whether he belived me or not. His eyes revealed nothing, so I tried something I never have before.

It's something I theorised before, after learning biology. Emotions are basically just chemicals in the brain, and each 'chemical' gives of a different colour when viewed under a certain light. Like a PH scale. So, if I was to control the light in my eyes, I could theoretically see these colours.

After condensing the light in my eyes in a certain way, my eyes began to glow slightly and the world around me seemed to change. Anything inanimate turned white, but father became a cluster of colours. Blue, red, black and grey. Blue meaning sadness, red meaning anger, grey meaning depression and black meaning mournfulness'.

He knew.

He knew I was lying.

Tears began to fall from my eyes at this revelation and I felt my throat contract as a whimper left my throat. "Y-You -You know -I-I'm lying r-r-right." I asked with a shaky voice as tears rolled down my cheeks. He looked up from his hands and smiled sadly. "You never were a good liar, speedy. I can always tell. Your my little girl after all." he said and I began to cry harder at these words.

He stood up and sat beside me before pulling me into a side hug. "I'm sor-sorry, Ollie is-Ollie is dead. He's gone. I won't ever see him a-again and mot-mother she basically abandoned me. I haven't spoken to her in over a y-year. She is always busy with the company and she didn't even celebrate my birthday with me."

It hurt so much. I had no idea it did until now. It felt like someone had my heart in a vice grip and having someone who can always see through me, someone I look up to and someone who has always been there for me just makes it so much harder.

He didn't speak or try to console me, instead he just rubbed my back as he hugged me tighter, trying to tell me that everything is going to be fine. Something I am thankful for since I doubt I could here him over my own sobs.

After it took me a few more minutes to calm down, He finally spoke. "It's not your fault Thea, it never has been nor will be. It was a mistake on my side and me and your brother paid the price. Besides, you said he wasn't here right? That means there is still a chance he lives, and I have hope he will. As for your mother, I am sure she is just grieving, the same as you. Give her time alright?

Listen Thea, remember that I love you. I always have and always will, no matter what. I know you are sad and I know you are grieving, but you must move on. Do not worry for your old man and live your life however you see fit. I would rather you be happy, than be sad so cheer up speedy."

At his words I tried my best to stop crying. 'Tried' being the key word. "You said you knew someone who brought you here?" He asked. I knew he was trying to change the subject and it's something I was thankful for.

"Ye-yes," I half stuttered half chuckled. "I met the devil in Los Angeles. It's quite a funny story actually." I then proceeded to tell him the circumstances of me meeting Lucifer, excluding my powers. "Remember the drawing of Yoda I did when I was 10" I asked whilst laughing. "You mean that little green creature with the chocolate milk carton?"

"Yeah that one, He actaully bought it HAHAHAHA, it's hung above his bed like some sort of prized possession." My words caused him to laugh and we continued to talk for what seemed like hours. I told him about Nova and about Maze, about my music and art, about all the money I made from my investments and stocks.

I was however, debating whether to tell him about myself. My powers and...demon bloodline. Telling him wouldn't mean anything anymore but I am scared of how he will react. Eventually, I decided to tell him since I don't want to keep secrets from him.

"Father I have something to tell you..." I said nervously. I was just about to begin my confession when I heard him chuckle slightly, prompting me to look at him confused. "Is this about those little powers of yours?" He said with a raised eyebrow and knowing eyes causing me to stare at him with wide eyes.. "You knew?"

"Well when you were younger, I saw a few things that made my question my eyes. Like how I was stood in front of the fridge and then suddenly a full carton of chocolate milk was replaced with an empty one. Or how lightning would flicker around your eyes. I am pretty sure I once saw them turn into slits too but that may have been a mistake." He said causing me to just stare blankly for a few moments before sighing.

"No.... it wasn't a mistake. *sigh* If you knew, why not say anything. and why couldn't I sense you when I deployed a room?" I asked, though the last question was a whisper, I dont think he heard.

"Well, because I figured you would tell us on your own when you were ready. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by forcing you to reveal your secrets." He said, causing me to feel guilty since I never really planned on revealing my powers.

I then told him everything. Revealed my powers and told him that I think I am a demon of some sort. I didn't tell him of my meeting with the evil god, I just said that I had memories of my past life.

Surprisingly, he took it extremely well. He just nodded and asked a few questions here and there which slightly shocked me. I mean finding out that you raised a demon for 12 years is something most would pale at but he just smiled and said "it only makes you more special than your already are".

After we had spoken for a few hours, I noticed he looked like he wanted to say something but looked like he was contemplating on revealing it. Eventually he just sighed."I also...have something to confess, speedy." He said and I became extremely nervous in an instant. I knew what he was about to say was something I woudn't like so I started to shake my head. "Its fine. You don't need to."

He looked at me sadly before replying "You need to hear this speedy, even if you may not like it." he reached out and began to pat my head like when I was a child, causing tears to gather in my eyes at the memory. "You know I will always love you and I have always raised you with everything I have, even... even though I knew... we aren't related by blood."

His words caused my thought process to momentarily stop functioning and I began to tremble. "Wh-what did y-you just say? I think- I think I may have misheard." I said with a trembling voice.

Another sad sigh left his lips. "I said Thea, even though it pains me to admit it, you are not my child. Not by blood" As tears began to flow down my face once more for the umpteenth time today, I asked "W-Who?" and his reply caused me to shatter the cup I was holding.

"Malcolm Merlyn"

"You knew. You knew Moira cheated on you and yet you still stayed with her. why? I questioned heartbroken.

"Because..... I was the unfaithful one. I was the one who had affairs and I was the one who betrayed her, after a few years of disappointment, she became both angry and frustrated, which resulted in her having a night with malcolm and ending up with a child. I was the one her pushed her to the point of desperation, so much that she would seek comfort in another mans arms... I failed her."

At his words, I did not know how to react. Who should I blame? Who should I be angry at?

It took an entire bottle of whiskey for me to finally respond. "I see." and that was the best I could do. My head was currenlty spinning. A mix of emotions and alcohol, neither are a good mix.

"It doesn't matter." I said. "I still love you as my father, and I will never accept that man. I just can't believe how seemingly fucked up my family is." I confessed with a bitter chuckle. Afterwards we continued to talk, but our conversation was a lot more...awkward now. Like there was a bit of a distance between us. After a few hours, it was time for me to leave.

"It's time for me to go, father" I said as I stood up and he did the same before pulling me into a hug. "I see. Thankyou for visiting me Thea and remember to live happily. I love you now and forever" He said and I hugged him tighter. Just as I was about to leave, I turned around and looked at him once more.

"Father, if you wish to leave hell, you need to forgive yourself. I don't know what it is that you feel guilty for nor what you have done but if you cannot forgive yourself, you will never leave this place. Remember me and Ollie love you and would never blame you for anything. I will come and visit whenever I can, I love you" That was the last thing I said before I left, and when I did I saw Lucifer and Maze waiting for me.

"Finished?" He asked and instead of replying I just gave him a hug, shocking him slightly. "Oh my? Well, I am all for women hugging me but, unfortunetely for you, I have no interest in children." He said with a smirk causing me to laugh and release him. "Thank you Lucifer." I said with a smile and he smirked before saying "If you want to thank me you should send me that little maid of your's." Making me laugh start laughing again.

"Well, if you think you can break through that little air head of hers then, do your best." I said and he raised an eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"

"Good luck" was the only reply he got before he smirked, nodded and then asked "Ready to leave?" and I nodded before looking in Mazes direction.

When she looked at me and we made eye contact, I smirked and licked my lips. I don't know why but teasing Maze, knowing she cannot do anything about it, is something I find myself enjoying and it was even better when she looked at me frustrated before biting her lips.

Then I felt a familar pull and we were back in Lux. Though.... in a funny situation. Lucifer landed on Nora's lap and I on Maze's lap. To Nora, we were gone for a second before we reappeared and she found lucifer on her lap, causing her to let out a startled shout and blush bright red.

Meanwhile I was sat sideways on Mazes lap and smirked at the whole situation. I placed my head in the crook of her neck and whispered. "Ara~ someone's inpatient" before laughing when I felt he grip my waist rather tightly.

I deployed a 'room' spanning from here to my bedroom and then traded places with a pillow before lying face down on the bed and thinking about everything that has happened today. My father isn't my biological one and both the people who raised me were both unfaithful. My brother may still be alive or is in heaven and Tommy Merlyn, my brothers best friend, is my half brother.

*sigh* what a fucked up family I have. Though I woudn't trade it for the world.

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