

Lord Stark entered the Inn at the Crossroads and met with many pairs of staring eyes. Vera walked beside him, sniffing the air, her fur black like death itself.

The night was dark, the air tense, and the King wore his kingly face — stern and furrowing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Arya melted into her father's they embraced.

Lord Stark placed a loving hand on Arya's chin, "Are you hurt?"


Lord Stark hated to see Arya like this, whimpering and scared. She looked like a glass of wine, ready to shatter from a high-pitched sound.

"Oh, It's alright." Lord Stark said, hugging his daughter tightly.

With her safety confirmed, Lord Stark could now harden his heart, "What is the meaning of this? Why was my daughter not brought to me at once?"

Queen Cersei loved playing the political card whenever it served her. It always served her.. "How dare you speak to your king like that."

"Quiet women," commanded the King, "Sorry, Ned. I never meant to frighten the girl. But we need to get this business done quickly."

Queen Cersei disregarded her King's command, "Your girl and that butcher's boy attacked my son. That *animal* of hers nearly tore his arm off."

"That's not true!" Arya spurred, "She just bit him a little. He tried to kill me when my back was turned!"

"Joff told us what happened." Queen Cersei said, placing a hand on her son's forearm, "You and that boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him."

"That's not what happened!"

Prince Joffrey's bruised face was pathetic, the blood of his busted lip beginning to scab, "Yes, it is! They all attacked me and threw my sword down the river."

"Liar! You tried to kill me with your sword, and I beat you! And when I turned, you tried to stab me in the back!"

"Shut up!"

Lord Stark was appalled, "Kill?-"

King Robert groaned internally.., "Enough!" his resounding voice commanded, "He tells me one thing, she tells me another. Seven hells! What am I to make of this? Where's your other daughter, Ned?"

"In bed asleep."

If the Queen knew about chess, she would surely have thought 'checkmate.'

"She's not," Queen Cersei said, "Sansa, come here, darling."

The crowded room parted and murmured as Sansa entered the room. Her body language was tight as if she wanted to bundle into a ball and never be seen again — a little dove recovering from the mental shock of a cat almost killing it.

"Now, child…" King Robert tried to sound soft and sympathetic. "Tell me what happened. Tell it to all and tell it true. It's a great crime to lie to a king."

Everyone shuffled with unease.

Sansa wanted to die. Terrible butterflies swirled in her stomach. She looked to her father and Arya as she fiddled with her Weirwood medallion between her fingers.

Almost. She almost took her family's side. But when she saw how Prince Joffrey glared at her, her *prince*, all logic went out the window.

"I don't know. I don't remember. Everything happened so fast. I didn't see."

"Liar! How could you not see a little girl with a stick defeat an older boy with steel?!"

"I didn't see."

Arya lost all composure, "Liar! Liar! Liar!" she yelled, pulling at Sansa's hair and smacking her on the back of the head.

Poor Lord Stark… War was easier than daughters. "Hey, stop that! Stop it! That's enough of that!"

A demonic grin was on the Queen's face, that subtle grin she inherited from her father. As if she was the devil himself who has been hiding in society.

"She's as wild as that animal of hers. I want her punished."

It was hard to tell if King Robert didn't like the suggestion or whether he just hated anything his wife said, "What would you have me do, whip her through the streets?"

He sighed, "Damn it, children fight. It's over."

"Joffrey will bear these scars for the rest of his life."

'Good!' thought Arya.

Then King Robert looked to his son. It was doubtful he ever looked at his children with any love. "You let that little girl disarm you? Beat you with a stick?!?!"

"…" Prince Joffrey had not the words. His bruised face was an embarrassment to the King, who gained his renown as a great warrior.

King Robert tried to swallow his contempt towards his son, but it wasn't working. The only option was to stop looking at him and address Lord Stark.

"Ned, see to it that your daughter is disciplined. I'll do the same with my son."

"Gladly, Your Grace."

And with that, it seemed like business was over. But alas…

"And what of the direwolf?" Queen Cersei asked. "What of the beast that savaged your son?"

This caused Lord Stark and King Robert to gaze into each other's eyes. It was like they were trying to tap into some telepathic communication they gained from their years spent growing up in the keep of the late Jon Arryn.

Lord Stark was like a brother to him. For a moment, King Robert thought, 'to hells with it! I am the King!'..

But even after 17 years of neglecting politics, it didn't stop his common sense. There had to be action. A king rules by fear and fear alone, or so Robert thought.

"I'd forgot the damned wolf." The King said solemnly.

"We found no trace of the direwolf, Your Grace," a Westerland man-at-arms said.

This relieved the King, but he made damned sure not to show it. "No? So be it."

"We have another wolf."

Queen Cersei's words sealed the deal. "As you will." The King decreed before making for the exit.

Lord Stark couldn't believe how accommodating his long-time friend was being to the wife he hated, "You can't mean it."

"A direwolf's no pet. Get her a dog. She'll be happier for it."

*Grrrrrr… WOOF!*

Vera snarled, her white teeth sharp and dangerous. King Robert looked down at the oversized bloodhound, and Joe's face came to mind.

'Forgive me.' King Robert thought as he held back his morality and walked away.

"He doesn't mean Lady, does he?" said Sansa, before she went through the first stage of grief.., "No, no, not Lady! Lady didn't bite anyone! She's good!"

Arya concurred, "Lady wasn't there! You leave her alone!"

Sansa reached for her father, "Stop them. Don't let them do it."


She tried to work the crowd with sympathy. It turns out the little girl act doesn't work this far south and outside your father's keep, "Please, please, it wasn't Lady!"

"Is this your command.." The silence was chilling when Lord Stark said, "Your Grace?"


King Robert turned to look Lord Stark and Vera in the eyes. They deserved that much respect. But the time for words was done. He managed to stop himself from pouting his lips before exiting the building.

He was undoubtedly heading straight for a drink and a threesome with whores.

"Where is the beast?" Asked the Queen.

"Chained up outside, Your Grace."

"Ser Illyn, do me the honor."

Lord Stark would not have that "No." He said, "Jory, take the girls to their rooms."

Sansa knew that tonality all too well. It was how her father spoke when he had set his mind to do something unsettling. There was nothing she could do except sob and hope for a miracle.

Lord Stark approached the Queen, "If it must be done, then I'll do it myself."

"Is this some trick?" Queen Cersei asked.

"The wolf is of the north. She deserves better than a butcher.

With that, Lord Stark took his leave. His daughters stood with different thoughts.

Sansa was struck with grief. Arya burnt with hatred.

Lady was tied to a pole in chains. She smiled at the armoured man who approached.

He crouched, his gold armour gleaming with the torch light. Lady's breath warmed his fingers as he went to pat her head.

"Time to go." Ser Jaime said to her as he released Lady from her shackles.

Lady sniffed at Ser Jaime's right hand as if to smell his intentions, and she could almost taste the whiff of Vera.

"Take her." Said Ser Jaime, handing the leash of Lady over to Mycah, the butcher's son, "I can buy you a few hours, maybe less. Head North, and never look back."

"B-b-but.. M'lord, I don't know if I can do this." The butcher's son said, tears swelling in his eyes.

Ser Jaime crouched to his level, "You have to. You and the wolf will die if you don't. Think of it as your first step toward becoming a knight. Now go!"


"What is it? We don't have time for this." Ser Jaime told him seriously.

Mycah's lips quivered, "Do you think I really can become a knight?"

Ser Jaime had to hold his tongue. They didn't have time for this stupid shit.., "Of course, you can."

"How do you know?"

That's when Ser Jaime gave Mycah a smile that boosted his morale, "Because Ser Joe believes in you."


No matter how many times Tyrion saw Joe fight, it never ceased to amaze him.

"Stop dragging your feet!"

Joe was training a group of recruits in the courtyard of Castle Black.

"Why are you bothering with these people?" his brother Jon asked.

"They are no different from you and me, brother. Just because we were lucky enough to grow up in a castle doesn't mean we're better than them."

And so it was. Jon felt foolish for thinking himself better than the riff-raff of thieves and murderers who made up most of the Night's Watch. He was warm and helpful to his fellow recruits and quickly became friends with the likes of Grenn and Pyp.

"Ned Stark's bastards are as impressive as the half hand." Said Commander Mormont, watching the training from above alongside Tyrion. Sensei was not nearly as interested.

"I'm not acquainted with this 'half hand'. Do you think he's better than my brother?" said the imp.

"The Kingslayer? Why's that?"

"Because Ser Joe defeated him in a way I never conceived possible."

Commander Mormont would have been more surprised if he hadn't spent his morning observing Joe's skills, "Ah, that reminds me," he said, rummaging through his pockets, "A raven came for Ned Stark's sons."

"Good news or bad?"


Tyrion came to the bastard twins once Joe finished with his seminar, "Your brother Bran," he said, handing the letter to Jon.

Joe widened his eyes, "Good news, I take it?"

Jon read the letter, "It says an assassin made an attempt on Brans life!"

"Yes," said Tyrion, "Peculiar. I found the boy to be rather charming. Strange that someone would want to kill him."

"…" Joe was puzzled. He had prepared Bran for such an occurrence, ensuring he stayed vigilant until his return. But even then, he thought the attempt on Bran's life to be unlikely.

Joe and Ser Jaime had an understanding to the point where comradeship was formed. Cersei was a cunt, yes, but she should have known better than to make her move while Lord Stark was still alive and while Joe held incriminating information. And the idea that Prince Joffrey would send a killer out of 'mercy' was just absurd, considering Bran wasn't a cripple.

"Shit.." Said Joe, accepting the circumstances, "Did they at least confiscate the dagger?"

"There was no mention of a dagger," replied Tyrion, giving Joe's face a thorough inspection, "What troubles you?"

Joe began to rant, his blood rushing to his head, "Fuck sake, Robb.. All you had to do was confiscate the dagger. You had one job!"

Jon was feeling anxious now, sensing his twin brother's mood, "Is something wrong?"

"I missed out on a fucking Valyrian steel dagger; that's what's wrong." Said Joe as he messaged the ridge of his nose, "Ugh.. Lady Catelyn is such a bitch. God bless her motherly soul."

That's when Sensei joined them, "I take it you have heard the news?"

"Yes," Joe replied, "Doesn't make sense."

Sensei sighed, "We're leaving then?"

"Yes. I must talk to the commander at once."

Inside Commander Mormont's solar, Joer Mormont sat at his desk, reading whatever documents.

*Knock, knock, knock.*

"Come in." The gruff veteran of the north beckoned.

In came Joe and Sensei, "Commander, my apologies. I'm afraid I must leave at once."

"Ah, yes. Your brother. That is a shame, Ser Joe. The Watch would have benefited greatly from your contributions."

"Joe! Joe! Joe!"

In the corner of the solar, a raven was perched near the window.

Joe approached and stared the raven in the eye, "Who is this?"

"My raven," said Commander Mormont, "He doesn't have a name. You can call him Corn, if you'd like."

"No," contested Joe, "This is definitely a person. You see it too, right Sensei?"

"Mmm." Sensei agreed.

"Bran! Bran! Bran!" the raven cried, "North! North! Nort-!"

Joe snatched the raven by the throat before it could finish, "You little shit!"

Commander Mormont stood hastily, "What's wrong?!"

"You have a spy in your midst," explained Joe, "This little fucker has been the eyes for someone else."

The raven struggled to speak, prompting Joe to loosen his grip, "Go! Go! Go!"

"North! North! North!"

"Blood! Blood! Blood!"

The realization hit Joe like a sobering bucket of ice, "You're the eyes for that tree guy?"

"Corn! Corn! Corn!"

"I'll take that as a yes." Said Joe, releasing the raven.

"What is the meaning of this?" asked Commander Mormont.

"It appears I've been summoned. Sensei and I will have to head north of the wall immediately. I trust this is not a problem?"

Commander Mormont was taken aback by how fast this turn of events had transpired, "No, but.. That still doesn't answer my question."

"Winter is coming, Mormont." Joe promptly reminded, "Does that answer your fucking question?"

A while before this, Commander Mormont had a meeting with Sensei, Joe, Uncle Benjen, and Will, where Joe insisted Will was telling the truth about seeing the White Walkers. It didn't take a maester to infer what might be going on.

Joe strode out without even a smudge of courtesy. It was not right for him to take out his anger on others, but the situation had just added more to his travel time.

Sensei sighed as he lingered in the room for a moment, "Great. Back to the shit."

Outside, Joe was preparing his and Sensei's horses.

"Let me come with you!" Jon insisted.

"No, Jon. Your place is here now." Replied Joe.

"I'm coming with you-."

But before Jon could finish the sentence, Uncle Benjen had put a hand on his shoulder, "Your place is here now. On the wall, a man gets what he earns when he earns it. You are no ranger, Jon."

"Neither is he!" Jon retorted, pointing at Joe.

"Yeah, but I'm a free man who can go where he pleases. One of the perks of not joining the Night's Watch *AHEM*.. Hint, hint…" Joe replied. "Tyrion, would you like to join us?"

Tyrion was quick to respond, "No, thank you. Pissing off the edge of the Wall is enough for me."

Jon didn't like the teasing brotherly tone that Joe was using. "You'd take a half man and not me?!" he said.

Sensei joined in on the roast, "Shut your whining, boy. You'd just slow us down anyway. Stay here and bum one of your soon-to-be-brothers. Better than getting yourself killed."

"You-!" Jon was about to start blasting with emotion, but one look from his twin brother pacified him. It was the same expression he had seen from Lord Stark many times. The one that told you to save your breath.

"Man the fort, brother." Said Joe, riding away on his horse Cookie, "We shall speak when I return. Farewell, Tyrion. With luck, I will catch up to you along the kingsroad."

With a "HYAH!", Joe spurred his horse. Sensei clumsily mounted and followed Joe through the tunnels that lead past the wall up north. Void stretched before following also.

Out they went.

Out to the cold unknown.


"Are you sure you know where we're going?"

Sensei and Joe had been traveling fast for a week, stopping only for brief sleep and eating.

"The raven said north, didn't it?"

"So that's a no, then?"

Joe rolled his eyes, "Relax, Sensei. The wind is leading us there, can't you feel it?. Just keep your eyes peeled and your ears open. The fact we haven't run into anyone has got me a little concerned."

Indeed, it had been tranquil on their journey north of the wall. Save for the lower temperature and fantastical forests there wasn't much different from any other typical northern wilderness. At the very least, Joe was expecting to come across a small party of Wildlings.

"Remind me where we're going again," Sensei asked. (More like demanded.)

They had been out of the woods for a while now. Joe and Sensei were thankful for picking up their horses from the northern steppes, as they were now traversing rocky mountainous landscapes.

"Oh, hush. As if I would ruin the surprise." Joe teased.

Darkness began to cover the sky, and the moon and stars shun on the snowy terrain.

"There it is," Joe said, halting at the edge of a cliff.

"What?" Sensei asked, as he rode beside him.

Then he saw it.

It was a grand and lonesome Weirwood tree, tall and extraordinary, with its many red leaves illuminated by the aurora above in a way that nearly resembled bioluminescence. The harsh wintery clouds in the background took little away from the tree's beauty.

"Huh…" Sensei uttered.

"Eh? Eh? What did I tell you? Bet you're glad I didn't ruin the surprise now, aren't you?"

"…" there was no way Sensei would confirm that and give Joe the satisfaction.

They climbed down the rocks to the small ravine before the great Weirwood.

"Stop," Joe said, getting off his horse. Void did as he said.

"Why?" asked Sensei, "It's not a small frozen pond, is it?"

"Just hold my horse real quick."

After handing Sensei the reins to Cookie, Joe drew his bastard sword.

Many in the realm wore their swords on the left. Joe liked to wear his sword on the right. He was martially ambidextrous, so it mattered not what side the sword rested. He preferred the right, as he could relax his dominant hand on it as he walked, he felt like it heightened his swaggery walk much better.

"You should have told me if you were expecting a fight," lectured Sensei as he scratched Void's head.


Joe crept forward, his every step methodical and careful. The scrunching snow beneath his feet and the light whirl of the wind were all that could be heard.

Joe was nearly at the end of the small clearing in front of the Weirwood when he turned back to Sensei, "Hmm, I guess I was worried about nothing?"

But at that moment, a skeletal hand burst from the snow and grabbed at Joe's leg.

"Woah shit!" Joe shouted, a squeak of child-like fear in his voice. He hacked down and cut off the arm that was holding him.

"..?" Sensei struggled to calm the horses as he and Void watched a dozen corpses emerge from the snow.

"We're in the fucking jungle now!" yelled Joe as he began cleaving away at the dead men trying to kill him.

The wights weren't as challenging as he thought they'd be. Joe imagined himself stupid for assuming otherwise. They were dead bodies, after all — long decayed. His sword carved through them like butter. He had to chuckle to himself. Why was this a surprise?

['What were you expecting, their bones hardened by the ice?']

Sensei watched as more and more carcasses rose from the dead, "Should I be helping or..?"

Joe had yet to break a sweat, "Don't bother yourself, old man! Just hold the horses!"

Chips of bone flew as the wights tried to gank Joe with their numbers. Each of Joe's strikes was too precise and quick for any to get close. It would have looked like a gory affair with much blood and scattered body parts if these were alive.

But as much as Joe looked to be efficiently handling the situation, more and more wights kept rising from the ground.

['This is way more than there should be!']

Joe was about to give Sensei that concerned glance that only Sensei and Jon knew all too well. Only it wasn't required.


Rapturous balls of flame began exploding around Joe, sizzling the mass of undead into ashes.

"Come with me, Joe Snow!" A childlike voice called.

At the base of the Weirwood was a little girl, her eyes evergreen like lilypads in the swamp.

['So adorable!'] thought Joe.

But now was not the time to get lost in cuteness, "Copy that!" said Joe, waving Sensei to hurry over with the horses.

They ran as fast as they could without bothering with the Wights. The child was doing a great job at covering them with her flame balls.

Void was the first to enter the cave beneath the Weirwood, followed by Sensei with the horses. Joe guarded the entrance until they were inside.

Then he leapt in, and the Wights that tried to pursue them combusted into fragments as if they had crossed some magical barrier.

"They cannot follow us." The little girl said, "The power that moves them is powerless here."

"Who are you?" asked Joe.

"The first men called us the children, but we were born long before them."

Sensei scoffed, "Thanks for the history lesson."

Joe chuckled, "Haha, yeah. We know that much. Not exactly telling us your name, is it?"

"Our names are impossible to translate to the common tongue." The little girl told them.

"Fine. We shall call you Leaf from now on."

Leaf didn't seem to object, "Come, he waits for you." She said, running away.

"He?" asked Sensei.

Joe didn't answer and tied the horses to the strong twining roots that walled the cave.

The air was cool and pleasant to breathe in the cave as if the roots of the Weirwood were pumping sweet oxygen into the underground atmosphere.

Joe and Void marched through the halls of the cave. Sensei kept his distance as he followed. His instincts were tingling, so he figured if anything went down, it would be better for Joe to die first. Sensei could worry about saving Void later.

Leaf would pop her head around the corner now and then, ensuring they didn't get lost.

"Dang. And I thought *your* tree house was cool." Joe quipped, his voice echoing in the expanse.

"Are you kidding? This is much too dreary."

It didn't take long for them to reach a large opening. The rays of the moonlight poured in through the various holes of the roof.

*CAW!* *CAW!*

A raven stood by a mass of twining roots in the middle of the opening. Judging by its thickness, Sensei and Joe could surmise that this must be directly under the tree.


The raven flew up to an old decrepit-looking man knotted among the roots. He had long white hair, but the top of his skull was bald. His moustache and beard were well groomed.

The man in the trees was so still that he almost looked dead. Joe ignored this and spoke.

"The three-eyed raven," he said, looking around at all the bones on the ground, "Thank you for the invitation. I love what you've done with the place."

The three-eyed raven spoke patiently, "I've been many things. Now I am what you see."

Joe could not resist being sarcastic, "Impressive. I don't suppose you have an easier name to say?"

"Bloodraven will suffice," replied he, "I've been watching you. All of your lives. With 1,000 eyes and one."

"I know you have," said Joe, "Did you enjoy watching Meera and me in the Godswood, you sick fuck?"

"I have enjoyed a many great things I have seen. And many have made me wish to lose my vision entirely."

Sensei couldn't resist. He nudged Joe in the ribs, "And we all know what category you fall under."

"Haha!" laughed Joe, "Wow, Sensei. Why you gotta do me like that?"

Bloodraven continued, "Now you've come to me at last, Joe Snow. At an hour earlier than expected."

"This isn't our first time meeting," said Joe, inching closer to Bloodraven, "You've sent many envoys to try watch over me."

"And you've killed every one of them."

"Of course I did. I'd rather prevent being watched if I can help it."

Bloodraven slowly raised a brow, "But you know you can't completely help it, can you?"

Joe sighed, "Apparently not. At first, I thought this feeling was the Old Gods watching over me. Proving the existence of god is difficult where I come from, so when I felt something magical here in this world, I wanted to believe they were true with all my heart. But they aren't."

Bloodraven gave nothing away to confirm or deny Joe's theory, "And what brought you to that conclusion?"

"I realized it when I dreamed for the first time. I took the form of a White Raven, but for some reason, there seemed to be fragments of someone else's memory inside of it."

"Yes," agreed Bloodraven, "When one skinchanges into the body of another, pieces of their souls remain."

Joe snapped his fingers, "Exactly. But that didn't make sense to me. Inside the White Raven, I saw a reverie of someone's death. So I thought, 'how do I hear their voice in the raven if they're already dead?'.. Then it hit me: the Old Gods' religion is essentially a doctrine of oneness. We are all connected; energy is not destroyed or created, only changed."

"…" Bloodraven let Joe continue.

"So all these eyes that have been watching me are simply the eyes of the universe. Everyone that ever was or ever will be — watching and whispering to me via the wind."

Sensei gave an impressed nod, "Not bad."

"You are quite right," said Bloodraven, "In believing we are all connected."

"Mmm," hummed Joe, "But I couldn't stop your greenseeing ass from watching me through the trees. I sure as hell wasn't going to let you watch me by way of skinchanging. So yes, I killed all the animals you sent to me. I did what was in my power."

"Forgive me," said Bloodraven with a genuine tone, "It was not my intention to pry. You have to understand that you're an outlier — an anomaly."

"Pfft," scoffed Sensei, "How did you figure that?"

"Past and future I see all. What was then, what was now, and what will be. Until Joe Snow arrived."

Sensei and Joe exchanged a glance, "Oh?" they said in unison.

"Joe's birth was not foreseen in the annals of time. Nor are there any threads of the past which connect to him. His presence has created a void in my sight — a blankness of chaos. You don't exist in any visions of the past or future. The only place you exist is in the present."

"Ah," Joe said, sensing where this was going, "Interested in my past, eh? Are you such a control freak that you must constantly spy on people? You should have been a master of whisperers."

"You speak as if I'm the only one interested in your past," replied the half-man-half-tree, "Step forward and sit among the roots. Together, we can look into your history."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," warned Sensei, "I know you feel it too. There's something off about this man. About this place."

Joe addressed Bloodraven and Leaf, "He's right, you know. This place has some weird energy about it. Also, please help me understand something… Why is it children of the forest are said to have helped build the wall against the threat of the White Walkers, yet the only children that have been seen live north of the wall?"

Sensei's arrow fingers began to twitch, "Good question.."

"Revealed, it shall be. If you see through the eyes of the trees," explained Bloodraven.

Joe gave him a stank face, "I'm not too into the whole omnipotent thing. Part of life's charm is experiencing the light while mostly being left in the dark. I think so, anyway. But I will take you up on my offer to check into my back story. I want to know of my lineage."

"Very well," said Bloodraven, his eyes motioning Joe towards the roots.

"One condition, though. We see only what *I* want to see. This is for your own protection, Bloodraven. Pry too deeply without my consent, and I will kill you without hesitation."

Bloodraven was disappointed by this condition, but he would take what he could get. The grey area that was Joe's existence was much too intriguing, "Very well."

Joe nestled himself among the roots, sitting in the lotus position. He could feel the gravitational force of the Weirwood pulling his consciousness.

['So this is the Weirnet..']

He allowed himself to relax, and his eyes turned white.

The next thing Joe knew, he was in Winterfell. From the rafters above, he and Bloodraven watched two boys train in the courtyard.

"Keep your head up, or I'll ring your head like a bell."

This caused Joe to smile, "Hey! That's Jon's catchphrase! These two must be father and Uncle Benjen."

Bloodraven pointed to a young man overseeing the spar, "And Brandon, the eldest."

A horse whinnied, and a young maiden rider trotted in, her skin white as skim milk, her dark hair bouncing in the breeze.

Joe's heart began to ache. He clenched at his chest, "Is that.."

"Lyanna Stark." Said Bloodraven.

Joe watched Lyanna ride circles around her brothers, "I don't think I inherited her natural riding skills…"

Bloodraven raised a brow, "Inherited?"

"Don't be like that, Bloodraven. You know that I know Lyanna is my mother. Let's cut the bullshit, shall we?"

"As you wish."

Bloodraven snapped his fingers. This probably wasn't necessary, but Joe admired Bloodraven's affinity for dramatic effect.

They transported to a tower amid an arid landscape. The air was dry and the sun unrelenting. The red stones of the building were like a mirror to the barren soil below.

Six riders approached someone sharpening their sword near the steps leading up to the tower.

"Kingsguard?" asked Joe.

"Yes," said Bloodraven, "Though the armour is of a different king."

The six riders dismounted, and a familiar face was leading them.

"That's my father. Bahaha! Look at how baby his face is."

Bloodraven nodded, "And that man beside him is Howland Reed, Meera's father."

Two kingsguard approached Lord Stark's party.

"Ser Arthur Dayne?" Joe guessed.

"The sword of the morning," Bloodraven said.

"Father saw me fight many times, but he always said that *he* was the best swordsman he ever saw."

Bloodraven smiled, "We all tend toward rosy retrospection. It's only natural."

Ser Arthur Dayne twirled his sword before stabbing it into the crumbling ground, "Lord Stark."

Lord Stark nodded, "I looked for you on the Trident."

"We weren't there."

The kingsguard beside Ser Arthur Dayne piped up, "Your friend the usurper would lie beneath the ground if we had been."

"The Mad King is dead." Said Lord Stark, "Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your prince?"

"Our prince wanted us here." Ser Arthur Dayne said.

Joe nudged Bloodraven, "Is this going where I think it is?"

"…" Bloodraven continued to watch.

"Where's my sister?" Lord Stark demanded.

"I wish you good fortune in the wars to come," Said Ser Arthur Dayne, putting on his helmet, "And now it begins."


The two kingsguard drew their swords.

"Oh shit, Ser Arthur Dayne is a duel wielder!" Joe cried.

"No," Lord Stark replied, "Now it ends."


"Oh shit! Father got them one liners!"

Lord Starks party drew swords of their own.

"Seriously?" Joe exclaimed, "That's it? I feel like there was wiggle room for more negotiation there."

The fighting began. Ser Arthur Dayne immediately dispatched Howland Reed with a slice, causing him to fall in pain and blood.

It was a terrible clamour of swords. Joe and Bloodraven could feel the emotions even through the greensight. It made Joe feel sick and violated, like a son watching their drunk dad pick a fight at a sports game.

"Arthur Dayne is good. I'll give him that," said Joe.

"Perhaps the best," said Bloodraven, "Think you could take him?"

"He seems like a reasonable man. I like to think it would never come to a fight."

Bloodraven smiled at that, "The stronger you are, the easier to avoid conflict."

Joe chuckled, "Quite the paradox, isn't it?"

The fight continued.

The other kingsguard got killed. Ser Arthur Dayne destroyed all of Lord Stark's party. Now it was just a 1v1.

But it was easy to see who the winner would be.

"This isn't good," observed Joe, "Ser Arthur is levels above my father. How the fuck did he even win?"

Bloodraven remained stoic as ever, "Did he?"

"He must have. Father's alive, and Ser Arthur's dead."

But just as Joe said this, Lord Stark had been disarmed by Ser Arthur Dayne.

Lord Stark's eyes widened in despair as he braced himself for death. Ser Arthur Dayne raised his meteor sword 'Dawn' for the final killing blow.

A blow that never came.


For Howland Reed stabbed Ser Arthur Dayne through the back of the neck.

"Oh snap!" Joe shouted, covering his mouth in surprise, "Howland coming in clutch!"

Lord Stark picked up Dawn and delivered the killing blow, putting Ser Arthur Dayne out of his misery.

Howland Reed and Lord Stark didn't even have time to wallow in silence.


Screams of laborious pain wailed from the tower above.

"Are we finally getting to the part I want to see?" Joe asked, looking up.

"That we are," Bloodraven said.

They followed Lord Stark up the tower into the master bed chamber.

"Ned?" Lyanna called out.

"Here we go. I remember hearing up to this point," explained Joe, "but some servant took me away, and I couldn't hear their secret exchange."

Joe crouched beside Lyanna and Ned, listening to their conversation.

"Their names are Aegon and Aemond Targaryen. You have to protect them. Promise me, Ned."

*Promise me.*

"!!! Lyanna and Rhaegar got married? But I thought Rhaegar was married to a Dornish princess?"

Bloodraven snapped his fingers, and they were transported to a lovely scene before a heart tree. Lyanna and Rhaegar looked lovingly into each other's eyes as they said their wedding vows, "It was annulled."

With another snap, they were back in the Tower of Joy. Lord Stark held the hand of his dead sister with tears streaming down his face.

The servant girls brought the Targaryen twins to Lord Stark, and he saw their faces. Their innocent faces gave Lord Stark a powerful resolve.

He was about to make preparations to leave when a servant girl spoke.



"The prince wanted them to have this."

The servant girl pointed to a chest in the corner of the chamber.

"What is it?" Lord Stark asked, handing the twins over to the servants.

Bloodraven and Joe looked over Lord Stark's shoulder as he opened the chest.


"Huff… huff… huff…"

Joe awoke to a concerned Sensei.

"You alright, lad?" he asked.

"We need to go," Joe said as he frantically got to his feet, "Now!"

Void woke from his slumber.

"What's the rush?" asked Sensei.

"I'll explain on the way!"

The trio made for the exit.

"Why don't you stay, Aemond Targaryen?" Bloodraven called, "I can teach you to be the eyes of the world."

"And be a tree weirdo like you? I'll pass. And don't you dare think about making Bran like you. He wants to be a knight. Use Jojen. I'm sure he will gladly take the mantle."

Bloodraven grumbled, "Jojen's powers aren't as strong as Bran's or yourself."

"Do I look like I give a fuck? Make it work. You're the three-eyed raven. Believe in yourself."

What Joe said was complete bullshit. He just didn't want Bran to end up like Bloodraven. Whether or not Jojen could succeed as the three-eyed raven was a question to be left to fate.

"Farewell, Bloodraven, Leaf." Said Joe, "And I thank you for showing me how greensight works. I think I can figure it out from here."

With a cheeky smile, Joe exited the cave. Sensei made sure to give Bloodraven and Leaf a nasty glare.

The kind that said:

'I know where you live!'


Lord Stark strode into the small council chambers with Vera at his side.

Vary's was the first to greet him, "Lord Stark," he said, extending his soft hands.

"Lord Varys." Said Lord Stark, shaking his hand.

"I was grievously sorry to hear about your trouble on the Kingsroad. We are all praying for Prince Joffrey's full recovery."

*Grrrr!* Vera gave Varys a light growl. However, she eased up after getting a closer sniff at the eunuch. She didn't know what to make of this strange odour, but she liked how unique it was.

"A shame you didn't spare a prayer for the butcher's son."

Lord Varys bowed indigently, "Yes, a shame. But have hope, my lord. The boy has yet to be confirmed dead."

Lord Stark approached Renly Baratheon, "Renly! You're looking well!" he said as they embraced.

*WOOF WOOF!* Vera wagged her tail and grinned at Renly.

Renly chuckled, "And you look tired from the road."

He then crouched down to Vera, "Hey little guy, well, aren't you cute?" he said as he scratched her head, "I told them this meeting could wait another day, but-"

"But we have a kingdom to run."

The man to say that was none other than Peter Baelish, more commonly known as Littlefinger.

"I've hoped to meet you, Lord Stark," said Peter Baelish with a thin smile, "No doubt Lady Catelyn has mentioned me."

"She has, Lord Baelish. I understand you knew my brother Brandon well."

Peter Baelish chuckled, "All too well. I still carry a token of his esteem from navel to collarbone."


Vera gnarled at Peter Baelish viciously, causing him to flinch.

"Fear not, my lord," said Lord Stark, "This here is Vera. It just so happens she is a great judge of character. I'd be careful if I were you."

Peter Baelish kept his poker face, but deep down, he felt unsafe in the presence of this massive bloodhound.

Varys and Renly peered at Peter Baelish with slanted eyes, 'how interesting..'

Lord Stark eased the awkwardness, "Perhaps you chose the wrong man to duel, Lord Baelish."

"It wasn't the *man* I chose, my lord. It was Catelyn Tully. A woman worth fighting for, I'm sure you'll agree."


Lord Stark knew how Vera inherited her master's abrasion toward Lady Catelyn. He scratched her head to calm Vera down. But it was hard to tell if Vera was barking because she disliked Peter or if she was barking at the name of Lady Catelyn.

"I humbly beg your pardon, my Lord Stark." An old voice said.

"Grand Maester." Lord Stark acknowledged Grand Maester Pycelle with a nod.

"How many years has it been? You were a young man."

"And you served a different king."


Vera barked at Pycelle and showed her teeth. It looked like the only thing that stopped her from ripping his throat out was how terrible he was bound to taste.

Pycelle flinched as he watched Lord Stark pacify Vera, "Oh, how forgetful of me." Pycelle said, rummaging his pockets, "This belongs to you now."

Lord Stark took the Hand of the King's pin from Pycelle.

Once done, Pycelle got to business, "Shall we begin?"


A howling wind swept through a dark forest.

"Goo..goo.. Gah..gah…"

And the precious cooing of a baby could be heard.

A man carried the baby through the snow-clad wood with hasty steps.

It was hauntingly eerie as the moon struggled to let its light shine through the leaves.

Birds flapped their wings — the distant caws of ravens. And a scraping sound that resembled rubbing two chunks of ice together.

The man placed the baby by a tree and left it without remorse.

The baby cried in discomfort. The cold was too much for its little body.

A guttural clicking followed, as if shards of ice were snapping like bones.

A dark figure approached the baby. His skin was pale as morning dew on a cloudy day. His armour was so translucent that it was a struggle to make him out under cover of darkness.

But just as he was going to pick the baby up…

"Hello there!"

The figure turned jarringly to face the culprit.

It was Joe, holding his hands up diplomatically, "Peace. I come in peace. See? No weapons."

Indeed, Joe had nothing but the shield he wore on his back.

The figure stared at Joe, and Joe could make out deep blue eyes, so blue that they nearly glowed.

"I was hoping we could talk," said Joe, slowly approaching the White Walker, "Is it possible for us to communicate..?"

"…" The White Walker did not answer. Instead, he drew his blade of ice and came striding toward Joe.

"Woah Woah! I come in peace! No need for the aggression, amigo! Back up!"

The White Walker cared not for Joe's request. He moved quickly through the snow — quicker than any ordinary man. And quicker than most unordinary.

"I'm serious. I just want to talk!" Joe said as the White Walker was upon him.

Joe took the Weirwood shield from his back and braced for impact.

It was fast. Too fast. And with the elegance of any master swordsman.


The White Walker swung, his ice blade carving through the steel-plated Weirwood shield like it was caramel.

Joe tensed and held his shield as best he could. He could feel the ice blade slice at the flesh of his right arm, so cold that it was hot.

It would have been the end of him was he alone.


An arrow streaked through the trees.

It hit the White Walker in the neck, causing him to crumble into shards of ice and dust.

Sensei showed himself.

"Holy crap!" yelled Joe, "That was close!"

"I told you this was a stupid idea," scolded Sensei as he crouched to inspect the remains of the White Walker.

"Oh, so it's stupid to try to talk out our differences? That's really telling of the man you are, Sensei."

Joe felt the blood run down his right arm. A *SSSSS* tinged as droplets of his hot blood fell onto the snow.

"Still," Sensei said, "I'm impressed you prepared for this."

Joe took the compliment, "We're just lucky Lord Manderly was able to get his hands on some dragonglass. Otherwise, I'd be dead."

"You'd have been dead without me, more like."

Joe bent down and slowly reached for the ice sword left behind by the dead White Walker.

Fashioned like a bastard sword, it was. Only its hilt was nonexistent. It was like the blade was forged but never finished with a pummel. Unfinished. To be continued.

Joe hesitated for a moment as his hands hovered over the blade. Then, with a bit of courage and a lot of madness, he picked it up.

"Huh…" Joe said, his blood trickling all over the blade, "It's very light."

"What did you expect?" Sensei jabbed, "For ice to be heavy?"

"Ice can be pretty heavy, you know."

Joe's arm was pissing blood so much that the clear ice blade became more visible in the darkness.

He then held the blade up to the sky and inspected it, "I've taken quite a liking to it."

"You're going to keep it?" asked Sensei.

"Why not? It would be a waste otherwise. All it needs is some finishing touches."

Joe picked up the sheathe of the ice blade. It wasn't like a normal sheathe. Instead, it was tough rope intertwined enough to make a shape that the ice blade could slip into.

Joe equipped himself with the sheathe and put the sword away.


"Ah shit," Joe said, "The baby."

Void sniffed the baby's face, causing it to stop crying and giggle.

"What do we do with it?"

Joe began bandaging his arm to stop the bleeding, "We can't just leave it to die out here. Let's take it with us back to Castle Black. I'm sure the Watch won't mind raising the child."

"Very well," said Sensei, picking up the bundle of baby.

"Huh? I didn't take you for a baby person, Sensei."

Sensei scoffed, "I lived with you for four years, didn't I?"


Sensei mounted his horse, "Let's make haste."


Joe had to creep into Craster's Keep to steal some goat milk. Otherwise, the baby would have starved to death.

The late morning sun was beginning to warm as the Wall drew closer in the distance

"You've been awfully quiet since that encounter with the Others," said Sensei, "Anything you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know.." Sighed Joe, "I guess I'm a little shaken up about it."

"No shit. You and me both. But what's with the moping? It's not like you to sound dejected."

"Are you kidding?" retorted Joe, "You saw how that fucker moved. The dude was like the ultimate predator. Not even a faint willingness to hear me out."

"What did you expect? To sit down and share a mug of ale?"

"I just thought.. You know, that there would be some kind of acknowledgement. That he would see me, and I would see him. For him to understand, it doesn't have to be all about the dead against the living."

Sensei scoffed, "Pfft, yeah, right."

Joe rubbed his neck to pacify his anxiety, "We're so screwed if they get south of the Wall."

"Where is this defeated talk coming?" Sensei said, "I've watched you swing your sword nonstop for years. Where is that cocky little shit we all know and love?"

"He was fine until I saw what we were up against."

Joe looked up at the Wall, getting closer and closer, "Can I tell you a secret, Sensei?"


"All my life, I have felt like there's been a barrier between me and this world. A fourth wall, you could say. No matter how real this all seems, I still couldn't shake the feeling that I was on the outside looking in."

Sensei hummed, "Hmmm, I know how you feel."

"It's different, though," said Joe, "You don't understand. I'm not saying that I felt like an outcast from society or whatever. I'm saying that no matter how much I tried to immerse myself, this reality still felt fake."

Sensei didn't quite understand where this was going, "How does this relate to the Others?"

"That's the thing. Nothing felt real until the moment I met them. When I saw that indiscriminate malice coming at me, it was like being slapped in the face with a wake-up call. I fear that I have failed everyone. I could have done so much more other than focusing on myself. And even then.., would I really have been of any help?"

That's when Sensei halted and turned his horse to face Joe.

"Lad, you know I think you're a pain in the arse. But since the day you came to my cabin spouting 'Winter is coming', I knew in my heart of hearts that you had an important role to play. You're the greatest warrior I have ever seen. If you falter in the face of death, how will the average man ever hope to find courage?"

"!!!" Joe felt goosebumps begin to rise.

"Look at the child," Sensei said, moving the fabric away from the baby's face in his arms, "*This* is why you cannot doubt yourself. You have been preparing your whole life for . . . what? To roll over after one little scare? 'Fourth wall' or no, I thought you were better than that. I believed in YOU."

A tear tried escaping as Joe looked at the baby, "Alright, alright! Jeez, Sensei. No need to get all Ted Talk on my ass."


"Never mind," Joe said as he confidently rode ahead.

"So I take it your plans haven't changed?" asked Sensei, happy to hear that usual vibrancy in Joe's voice.

"Of course not," said Joe, "They were never going to change regardless. I just ran into a hurdle and needed a moment to bitch. Let us never speak of this again."

"Heh heh.." Chuckled Sensei, "Speak of what?"

That made Joe smile his Joe smile, his amber eyes gleaming, "Well said!"


"Open the gate!"

When Jon heard that shout, he rushed out to the courtyard.

"Jon!" Joe called, dismounting.

"Joe!" replied Jon as the two brothers embraced, "How was it?"

"Cold," said Joe, "You're in better spirits… When I left, I thought you might have been depressed at how shitty the Night's Watch is."

"I thought about your offer a lot," said Jon, "And I've come to a decision."

"Oh? So you're coming with me?" asked Joe with hope.

"…No. I've decided to forge my own path here in the Watch. I want to be a ranger, Joe."

"I'm sure you'll be the best ranger that ever was," Joe said.

He did his best to hide the worry in his voice. Jon died at the end of season 5, and Joe had no chance to watch any further.

But that was in a reality where Jon didn't grow up with a twin that pushed him to improve each day.

Joe felt confident that Robb and Jon were leagues better at fighting than they were on the TV show. But would that stop them from making the stupid decisions that led to their deaths?

In any case, Joe had a strict policy of not meddling too much with events. George R.R. Martin wrote them for a reason. That, on top of Joe feeling like there was a fourth wall — never feeling truly a part of this world, led to his indifference.

"A new sword?" Jon asked, peeking his head around Joe.

"Ah! A new sword indeed!"

Joe unsheathed his new ice blade and held it to the sky.

The blood had mixed with the ice, giving it a light colour of red like a pale rose, "picked it up from a White Walker we killed."

"That *I* killed," corrected Sensei.

"The others?!" Jon huffed, "You've seen them? They're real?"

"Yes.." Joe said, "Which reminds me. I need to debrief Commander Mormont before we leave."

Jon gushed at his younger brother, and an immense pride swelled in his heart for being related to him, "That's incredible!" said Jon, "Does it have a name?"

"Hmmm…" Joe stroked his chin.

Holding the sword with his right hand, the sun beamed through the rosey ice.

He thought back to his pep talk with Sensei.

"Icebreaker. I think that's an apt name, don't you agree?"

"Here here," Agreed Sensei, happy to be off a horse and stretching.

"Anyway," transitioned Joe, "I'll talk with the Commander."

"I'll come with you," insisted Jon.

"Good," said Joe, "Rest up a bit, Sensei. We will as soon as possible."


Joe and Jon went to Commander Mormonts quarters. There, Joe explained everything that had happened since they left Castle Black. Bloodraven, the White Walker's, all of it.

"… This is deeply troubling," said Commander Mormont, "The Wall has barely 1000 men. We couldn't even hold against the Wildlings if they wised up about our condition. Let alone the Others…"

"…" Jon was troubled. He stared at the floor with clenched fists. He was now confident his decision to stay in the Night's Watch was correct.

Joe wore a confident smile, "Fear not, Mormont. We have time."

Joe said this, but he was shitting himself probably even more than anyone else. "Just do your best, and make sure to burn any dead. And try not to antagonize the Wildlings, if you can help it. I can't imagine how scared they must be, considering there is no barrier between them and the Others. Trust your judgment. I can't be fucked having to think about everything for everyone."

"What will you do?" asked the Commander.

"What I can," answered Joe, "Is the baby okay staying here?"

"Yes," said Commander Mormont, "We will see to it the child's properly looked after. It wouldn't be the first time the Watch raised a future brother."

"Good. Best of luck."

Joe made for the door.

"Where are you going?" asked Jon.

Joe answered simply.


At the gate of Castle Black, Sensei waited with the horses and Void.

"You ready?" asked Joe, mounting his horse Cookie.

"I've decided I'm not coming with you," said Sensei.

"Hmm? Why?"

Sensei clicked his tongue seriously, "I thought more about what we talked about, and it pains me that you feel this responsibility is yours to shoulder alone. I've decided to head north and do what I can."

Joe smiled, "So it's plan B, is it?"

"Yes," agreed Sensei, "You don't know this, but my people were shepherds once upon a time. What I must do is almost poetic."

"I couldn't have said it any better myself, though.., this is the first time you've ever hinted about your past," said Joe, "Best of luck, Sensei. I'm counting on you."

Joe reached down to fist bump Sensei.

"And I you, lad. And I you."

They fist-bumped.

"Joe!" shouted Jon from high outside Commander Mormont's chambers, "You aren't going to say goodbye?"

"When have you ever known me to leave with a warning, brother?" Joe replied, "We *will* meet again. I'm certain of that now. Good luck!"

Many of the recruits in the courtyard began to holler, "Farewell, Joe Nix!"

"Come again, Ser Nix!"

That's when the gate opened, and Joe reared his horse.


Everyone watching had to admit that Joe looked mighty impressive as his horse reared to the sky.

They all stood at the gate, watching until Joe disappeared over the horizon. A black Shadowcat skulking beside him.


Theon Greyjoy and Bran were practising archery when they heard a commotion.

"Open the gates!"

In came Joe. Void and Cookie looked exhausted from the forced march.

"Welcome home, brother," said Robb. His brief time spent as the Lord of Winterfell matured him significantly.

"Joe!" hugged Bran, "Did you hear?"

"I did," said Joe, scuffling Bran's hair, "Good job. It will take more than that to kill you!"

"Your companion isn't with you?" asked maester Luwin.

"He had errands to run," explained Joe, "Ah, maester Luwin. I trust you have made what I requested according to Tyrion's design?"

"I have, my lord.." Said maester Luwin, snapping his fingers at some stable boys, "Though I have to object to your familiarity with the imp."

"Tyrion is a kind soul, dear Luwin. Let's just see the saddle!"

The grooms brought out the saddle — custom designed with places to hold his spear, shield, and other gear, and installed it onto Cookie.

"It's perfect!" Joe exclaimed, "And what of the dagger?"

Robb dreaded this question, "Mother took it with her down south. She went to warn father of Bran's assassination attempt."

"Tch! She could have at least left the dagger. I swear, your mother will do the opposite of anything I want."

Mikken came out to greet Joe, "Hello, m'lord."

"Mikken!" Joe said happily, "I trust you have prepared the shit I need?"

"It's ready," the blacksmith replied.

"Good. I shall need your help with making a hilt for my new sword. But before any of that, could I please borrow a hammer?"

"What for?" Mikken asked.

"You'll see," said Joe, "Come, everyone. With me to the crypts."

Down to the crypts, they went. Joe, Robb, Bran, maester Luwin, and Mikken, who was holding the sledgehammer.

They came before the statue of Lyanna.

Joe placed a hand at the heart of Lyanna, and he could feel warmth, "So it's true…"

"What is?" asked Robb.

"Hand me the hammer, Mikken." Said Joe.

Mikken did just that. Joe stretched his neck from side to side, preparing himself.

"Forgive me.." He said to the statue.

Then he took the hammer and swung it at the statue's heart.


The upper torso of Lyanna's statue cracked, allowing Joe to get his fingers in there and pull away the pieces of stone.

"What are you doing?!" Theon Grey Joy wondered.

"Father will be furious!" added Bran.

"Relax," said Joe, "I'm just claiming my birthright."

"Your birthright?" everyone said together.

Joe grabbed the pieces at Lyanna's chest, creating a hole.

But it was not more stone that Joe encountered.


At the heart of Lyanna's statue was something white as snow.

The colours of red and blue spiralled down it like a vortex of water you see when you unplug the bathtub.

Joe took out the oval-shaped object.

"Is that.." Robb was almost speechless.

"Yes, brother. A dragon egg."


Everyone marvelled at the egg in Joe's hands. Red and blue specked on its white like glitter.

"How..," maester Luwin said, "Why?"

"I always felt a pull toward Lyanna's statue," explained Joe, "But I never imagined such a secret to be hidden inside of it."

Joe began walking away.

"Wait, my lord!" maester Luwin said, "This is property of Winterfell. It must remain here!"

"Is it, now?" replied Joe, "Could you stop me if I took it?"

"…" that made maester Luwin shut up.

"Brother, can we slow down a bit?" said Robb as he tried to keep up with Joe's vigorous pace out of the crypts, "Tell us what's going on."

"Robb." Joe said thoughtfully, "Forgive me, but I honestly can't be fucked. I'll tell you later, in good time. I have to leave at once. How long ago was Tyrion here?"

"Oh," Robb said, disappointed, "Uh.. A fortnight, give or take?"

Joe sighed heavily, "Then I have a chance to catch him."

They were walking through the courtyard now.

"Wait!" shouted Bran, "Take me with you, Joe. I want to come!"

"You'll slow me down, Bran," said Joe, "Stay here and train a bit more, okay?"

Bran pouted his lips, "Okay…"

Joe marched to the smithing quarters, "Mikken!"

"Yes, m'lord."

"Let's see what you got for me."

Mikken unrolled a gear pack and held out a small push dagger. It looked like any other typical sword but much smaller. "Here you are. Perfect for close quarters."

"Thank you," said Joe, admiring its edge, "I think I'll name it Mikken."

"No, m'lord" said Mikken, warmed by Joe's kind gesture, "Allow me to name it."

"Okay, shoot."

That's when Mikken smiled as he thought back to all the time he and Joe spent together, "Cunty. Call it Cunty."

"Bahahahahah!" laughed Joe, "It appears you have picked up some of my immaturity along the way. Alright, Mikken. Cunty it is."

Joe then brought out Icebreaker from its woven sheathe, "Think you could fashion a pummel and hilt for this real quick? It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Just need the bottom bit to resemble an actual sword for OCD purposes."

"It just so happens I have a few spare. Allow me.."

Mikken went to take Icebreaker from Joe's hands, but as soon as he touched it, he recoiled.

"Ah!" shouted Mikken, "That's cold to the touch!"

"It is?" asked Joe. The blade was perfectly fine in his hands.

"Let me try.." said Robb, attempting to hold the blade, "Ah!" he shouted, dropping it, "That burns!"

"Are you serious?" asked Joe as he picked up Icebreaker, "You guys can't hold it?"

"No!" Mikken and Robb exclaimed.

Joe liked the sound of that, "Oooooo," he gushed, "I guess I'm more warm-blooded than I thought. No matter, Mikken. I'll install the hilt myself. Thank you."

Joe spent some time at the blacksmith. Robb, Bran, and Rickon stayed with him, taking advantage of the little time they had left with their brother.

When Joe finished, Icebreaker looked like any other bastard sword. A hilt, pummel, cross guard…

The only difference was that the blade was made of rose-colored enchanted ice instead of steel.

"Hmm," hummed Joe, swinging Icebreaker about, "I guess my bloodstain will take a while to get out?"

"This is unprecedented," said maester Luwin with an apologetic tone, "I'm afraid all my years of study have not taught me about such weaponry."

"It's proof the White Walkers exist, maester Luwin. You would do well to heed my warning. I've seen them."

This troubled Robb and maester Luwin, "I see.."

"No matter," sighed Joe. He strapped his Weirwood spear into the nook of his custom saddle that Tyrion had personally designed.

Joe had two Weirwood shields, so the one broken by the White Walker wasn't a problem.

['Still.. It's troubling. There's no point of a shield if their weapons can carve through them. Maybe if I plated with Valyrian steel..?']

"You can't stay for just one night?" pouted Bran.

"Yeah!" shouted Rickon, "At least cook us some burgers one last time!"

"I'm afraid not," said Joe with loving eyes as he mounted his horse, "To be honest, I just want to get the fuck out of here. I would die from anxiety if I had to stay in one place right now. Gotta get moving. The road will be nice."

"Fair enough, brother. I can tell you have a lot on your mind," said Robb. He looked so mature and stoic that Joe couldn't help but be proud. "We will talk later."

The gates of Winterfell opened.

Joe gave his apology, "Forgive me! I promise I'll-."

"Make it up to you…" Robb, Bran, and Rickon finished, rolling their eyes.

"Hahaha," laughed Joe, his cheeks flushing from embarrassment, "You know me too well."

He then reared his horse, *NEIGH!*

"Farewell, brothers! Whenever you're in doubt, just think of me!"

As Bran watched his brother fade to the south, he recalled Joe's duel against Ser Jaime.



["No matter how dark it gets, look to the sky. For that's where the sun shall be!"]



Looking up at the clear blue, Bran had to admit.

It was a beautiful day.

A cool wind rides south.

ssyffixcreators' thoughts
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