
In-Battle News and Forced Choices

_________ POV Narration_________

Enel continued blocking kick after kick from Kizaru with his staff, sometimes bending his body with Kami-e to avoid a stray bullet from Tokikake, but otherwise undisturbed by the hundreds of pacifists still waiting to lock onto him.

"... We need to deal with him quickly if we actually want this invasion to succeed..." Akainu said as he raised his arm, signalling all of the CP agents to advance.

The agents quickly also ordered the Pacifistas to do the same, realizing that the Marines would likely hold back the Sky King.

Enel noticed their movements though, his perception already spread out throughout the whole battlefield and his radar active at all times.

The Sky King raised both of his arms in the air, shocking Kizaru as he turned his staff into a pair of white gauntlets.

Kizaru took that opportunity, kicking toward Enel, only to then narrow his eyes as his haki clad, hit harmlessly passed through Enel's torso. Kizaru kept his leg there, preparing to explode it with light.

"Kaminari Nagashi!" (Lightning current!) Enel muttered as he brought his hands down rapidly, Kizaru's leg still kicking through his ephemeral torso.

Then Kizaru heard Akainu's voice.

"Kizaru! RETREAT!"

The Fleet Admiral's voice came in a bit too late though.

Kizaru's eyes widened, as he tried to turn into light, but just as he was about to do that, Enel grabbed onto his leg, and Kizaru could feel his power slipping away.

His body quickly released an ungodly amount of lightning, spreading in every direction all around him.

Kizaru took the brunt of the attack, the current didn't last long though, but two seconds were enough to burn Kizaru's leg and fill his body with burns.

The light admiral collapsed on the melting ice below, smoke rising from him as he passed out due to the shock. The agents that had been trying to pass by Enel fell along with him.

Their states were unknown, as they were far less durable than an admiral.

Aokiji quickly refroze the sea around Enel, and Tokikake managed to take that opportunity and grazed Enel's torso with one of his bullets.

"Ryusei Kazan!" (Meteoric Vulcano!)

"SHIT!" Akainu shouted as his countless Magma fists shot at the skies.

'This is so annoying! I can't even go all out here, since we're in the middle of the sea...' The Fleet Admiral thought to himself as he continued to try and suppress Enel with more and more attacks.

Even when predicting Enel's trajectory, his attacks were far too slow for them to catch Enel off guard.

"Ice Block: Pheasant Flock!" Aokiji quickly joined in dozens of flying large ice birds shooting up at the skies, cutting off more and more of Enel's paths.

Enel scoffed, as he realized that the marines were trying to corner him off.

He didn't want to let that happen, so he tapped his hands together as he bent his body around one of Aokiji's ice birds.

The ice constructs instantly turned to water as soon as they passed through Enel.

The Sky King then parted his hands, forming a thick line of electricity between his gloves. The gloves quickly changed their shape, leaving his palm empty as the stream of electricity became thicker and brighter.

"Gravito!" Enel felt the pressure upon him, much stronger this time, as Fujitora stood in front of him floating on a large piece of ice.

Enel hit the bed of ice below without making any sounds, cracking it once again underneath his feet as he shot back up almost instantly.

"I already got used to it!" Enel smiled at the bewildered blind admiral, as his attack was finally charged up enough.

"60 Billion Volt Jamboule!"(Thunder Dragon)

A large flying eastern dragon flowed out of the powerful stream that Enel had been charging.

It wiggled like a snake in the sky, its tail swatting away the incoming lasers as it coiled around Enel for a few seconds, batting away all projectiles, its body almost turning solid as the lightning concentrated more and more and formed its body.

The frozen seas around them quickly started steaming up, melting rapidly as the lightning dragon exuded more and more heat.

Fujitora sweated a bit as he flew above the dragon on his piece of ice, he took out his sword and slashed at it.

The dragon's body seemed to part slightly at that hit, looking like its skin was cut, but it quickly reformed.

'This is absurd... How would one go about defeating this thing?' Aokiji thought to himself as he saw the dragon burning anything it came in touch with to cinders.

The dragon then roamed free, part of its tail still covering Enel.

Tokikake attempted to shoot toward Enel, but the bullets seemed to melt into nothing the second they entered the dragon's tail, which was still shielding Enel.

The first one to act was Sengoku this time, taking his attention away from the clouds and sending a large shockwave at the dragon with his palm.

The shockwave managed to stop the dragon in its path, making Enel narrow his eyes a bit.

Then Fujitora acted once more, calling down a meteor. This time though, he didn't aim for Enel. No, instead he aimed for Baltigo directly.

'Shit... If that hits the island a lot of people will die!'

Enel scowled as the dragon he created quickly rushed towards that meteor.

The dragon coiled around in the air, stopping the Meteor with its body and creating an explosion large enough to cover the sky above Baltigo.

At that point, the entire island of Baltigo shook, and the seas around them as well. The ice cracked once more, causing a few of the pacifistas to sink as Aokiji quickly acted to freeze the seas once more.

This time the terrain was a lot more uneven, as the shockwave of that explosion had created waves throughout the area.

But uneven terrain didn't matter much, as all of the people present could use Observation Haki to somewhat track Enel... The problem came with actually managing to land a hit on him.

Tokikake used that opportunity of the dragon leaving Enel's side to once again start shooting at the Lightning Emperor, and Gion also got a bit closer, cleaving her sword at him with a vengeance.

Enel decided to take down more of his opponents at that time.

'I feel bad for injuring them... But I can't afford to lose here.'

He appeared near Gion. at a strange angle, Tokikake in the distance tried to shoot at him, but he wasn't fast enough.

Gion quickly cut at him with her blackened blade, an attack he easily let pass through him.

At least he thought he did, but a second slash seemed to trail right behind it as an afterimage, leaving a bloody cut across his chest.

The Lightning Emperor didn't let that dissuade him though, merely grunting a bit and complaining inwardly about how odd and unpredictable Gion's swordsmanship was.

Enel moved his hands around Gion, one of his hands held above her head, the other in parallel, around one meter apart, somewhat near her knee, palm pointing up.

"Vari!"(Electrical Discharge!)

Enel acted as a makeshift taser, instantly electrocuting Gion. She managed to resist for a few seconds, allowing Aokiji to freeze Enel.

But she collapsed right after, smoke coming off of her body as her consciousness slipped, her mind filled with only indignation.

Enel easily broke out of the ice, his body exuding enough heat to turn the ice to steam instantly. He then smiled as he felt the first few blimps depart from Baltigo.

'I don't have to hold them back for long now...'

Enel then looked over at the remaining CP agents, they were still attempting to run past him.

He pointed his palm at them and released yet another series of lightning bolts, all aiming directly for them.

Aokiji and Aramaki put walls of Ice and Wood between the agents and Enel, but they were burnt through almost instantly.

Aokiji knew that he was a bad matchup for Enel, so he never bothered getting close to the sky king, but Aramaki was a bit less wise in that aspect. He continued trying to put more walls in between Enel and the agents, unsuccessfully.

But Aramaki had other plans...

The Wooden Admiral quickly extended his arm into countless wooden tendrils and tried to grab at Enel.

The Young Emperor simply turned into a bolt of lightning, easily escaping the wooden tendrils as they burned behind him.

He then appeared in front of Aramaki, his gauntlets turning back into a staff as he swung it at the admiral's head.

Aramaki quickly turned into wood completely, but he was still solid.

Enel's staff seemed to pass through his neck, leaving behind a tight and extremely thin collar.

The wooden admiral then felt all of his power drain, he quickly grasped at the collar around his neck desperately, but it was far too thin for him to grasp.

Enel simply whacked him over the head in the split second he tried to remove his collar, sending him flying and breaking the ice around him due to the shockwave.

The Lightning Emperor then appeared in front of the CP agents once more, dodging some lasers from the pacifistas remaining and some magma fists from Akainu in the process.

"... The fact that you've been ignoring me is quite hurtful..." Enel said as he pointed his palm towards them.

"Tsch..." A man wearing a white suit walked forward, Enel instantly recognized him as a higher ranking member in the CP 0.

Not because he had seen him before, but because it was rather clear that the ones wearing white suits were more important...

The agents behind him all prepared to fight Enel to the death... Well, at least die trying, but the high-ranking agent simply raised his hand.

The agents behind him all stopped in their tracks, and Enel raised an eyebrow at that.

Aokiji already took the opportunity to freeze his legs once again, but Enel didn't even react to that, as he knew it was of no consequence.

The high-ranking agent looked at Enel with a shady gaze.

"We have just received an interesting report..." The agent started speaking, much to Enel's surprise.

"Kaido's forces have started gathering in the skies, and a fight broke out, parting the clouds and uncovering a large island high up in the sky..."

Enel's eyes widened at that point, as some veins appeared on his forehead.

'So they discovered Skypea now... Shit!'

"We've already come to the conclusion that the sky island is your hidden base... Kaido's men are likely already stripping it and turning it into their own..."

The agent smiled as he continued speaking, looking at Enel's reactions with a sadistic gaze.

"So... Are you going to keep protecting this place... or are you going to save your own? You better choose soon, I doubt you have much time!"


Hope you liked the chapter!

And sry for yesterday, didn't have much inspiration, and didn't want to just write junk(basically stared at the screen for an hour and only got 50 words)

I feel this story has already suffered a bit from the fact that I sometimes force myself to write regardless of inspiration honestly...

Doesn't mean I'll stop the daily uploads tho, just that I might consider a different upload schedule for future works :)))

If u want to support me look up VeganMaster(Vegan Cult) on Patre_on, you'd also get 10 chapters in advance (or 5 depending on tier)

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